Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing Expensive Mistakes and How to Solve Them

You may be writing and submitting articles and not feeling it's successful. Take it from a pro who has walked this talk for six years successfully. When you look at simple mistakes you are making, you can also solve them with just a little tweaking. Remember, article marketing is still the best way to get a lot of targeted traffic to your web site, and increase clients and product sales to match.

Pay attention to these mistakes and their solutions.

1. You don't submit enough articles to get big profits..

Just one or two or 10 articles won't do the trick. Dabbling won't get the results you want. You need to market with articles consistently--one every week to many directories and top rated web sites. It takes only an hour to write a good article and two hours a week to submit them. My return on $200 monthly expenses is 8-20 times as much Online income.

2. You don't pay attention to Google and other internet changes.

At one time we submitted five articles at a time to all the article directories on the same day, thinking we were streamlining our submissions. But Internet rules and games change often and today search engines like the drip system of submitting articles instead of the mass approach. That means write one article a week and submit that one to the top rated web sites and about 70-100 others once a week. Six years ago we submitted to yahoo group ezines, but find the rules make it too much work to succeed, so we turned to hand-submitting only to high-traffic web sites and article directories who accepted all we gave them.

They even confirm your published article by email.

3. You don't know the value of article marketing.

You may have tried Search Engine Optimization (SEO). From my experience, the cost was high even with a techie friend's discount. And not one sale! Like me, you aren't a techie and you're not a key word specialist.That means stick to what you know--your subject!

Your service or books educate others on the value of a particular skill or tool or other needed information. It's easy to take what you already know and put it into shorter bites for your hungry Online audience that wants free information. Your free articles are the Law of Attraction in action. They attract the right audience to your web site where your sales letters do the job of selling you.

4. You resist article marketing because you don't think you can write well enough.

One stress management consultant client claimed she couldn't get 400-800 words written. "How about 100?" She replied, "OK." Her mind resisted, she took a nap and finally got an article out. Her thoughts could be yours. "I write much better than I thought." It was easy to write 400 words using a client's problem and my solution. I had it in my files already." "I leveraged the one audience of speakers to other businesses and got four articles from just one."

5. You believe you can't get enough ideas for articles.

Say you wrote six and wonder where more can come from.

Light up your muse with other peoples' articles. Copy and paste into your "articles to edit" folder with a date. Then take a few key words and use them to kick start your muse. It's far easier to start with some words on a page to add to than face a blank page. Another way to expand one article is to change your audience it's aimed at. Then, if it's seven points, make one article a # one tip, another, 3 points an another 5 or 10 how to's.

Visit your competitors' web site and get ideas from them.

6. You don't play all the opportunities.

Submit your article to other's ezine in your field. Keep some of your articles on your web site to attract new visitors. They love free content and do the search engines. Get a book author to include a few of your articles to further get the word out.

7. Your article quality is poor. Without a pro edit and information on the correct format and style, you articles won't be picked up by other web sites. Check for fluff. Don't' waste time redoing them; do them right the first time. Get a writing coach specializing in articles and hand submitting article marketing for feedback to make your skills grow.

8. Your article is commercial. The rule is no touting your book or your web site. Article directories want useful, original information, so save the pitch for your web site sales letters for each product or service.

9. Your resource box is too long. Know that most article directories want this under 300 characters. Once we changed the resource box to 300 characters, added a free gift for coming to the Web site, and put only one live link in it, our numbers of links back to our site exploded. This is one mistake often overlooked by new article marketers because they want to pitch all of their things. . 10. You get discouraged and quit. Like all good things, you need a bit of solid information first to get you there. Read short eBooks on advanced article marketing. Take a teleseminar from an experienced article marketer. It's not like the millionaire Internet marketing programs that give lots of general information, but not enough on articles. That's because they only want to sell, not educate.

You can now get your web site in the first 10 pages and get the web site sales you've dreamed of. Just take a little time, get educated, submit regularly, and let your articles show you off as the savvy expert in your field. Article marketing is still # 1 in internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins helps non-techies get big web traffic, expand your business clients, and sell your products. Check out her AdvancedArticleMarketing 3-Book Special with free reports at


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