Friday, May 23, 2008

Internet Marketing and List Building - Squeezing Traffic

Do you have a great looking squeeze page? Is your headline killer? Do your bullet points rock? And what about that opt-in box? Did you spend some time giving it a custom facelift? Sounds pretty cool.

"But nobody's coming to see it," you say.

Well, I have a few easy solutions to make your squeeze page much more popular:

1. Ezine Advertising (Paid, not free): Find ezines in your Internet marketing niche by searching Google for a main keyword. See if the top listed sites have ezines, and place spot ads in them. You can also sign up for an ezine directory that gives you a lot of the information, like which ezines exist and an idea about their circulation. If they don't have thousands of readers, chances are you won't get much traffic.

2. Article Marketing: When you write an article that solves a problem for people in your niche, something they're eager to know, it will give you some great status. Because people found your information so exciting or helpful, they're more inclined to click on the link to your squeeze page, which you've put into your author's resource box.

3. Viral Video: Make a short video about your Internet marketing niche. If you give some great information or can be funny, you'll see people putting your videos all over the Web. Be sure to include the URL to your list building page in every frame so that people will type it into their browser windows to see more about you.

4. Pay-per-Click Ads: Google AdWords is the most popular pay-per-click service, mainly because Google gets the bulk of searches. But there are other services as well, such as Yahoo's Overture or AdBright. Come up with a great keyword-heavy spot ad and you'll see traffic.

5. Blogging: Write what you know about your niche. When you give great information, people will go to your squeeze page to learn more about you, if you display the link prominently. Plus, you can put an opt-in box at the top of your sidebar and have people joining your list from there, too.

Using these 5 ways of traffic generation will surely get the traffic you want coming to your squeeze page, but there are many other ways you can try, as well. The idea is that you have to get out there and do something. Traffic won't just come to you in the Internet marketing world. You have to go out and get it.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of Overcome Everything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman's new List Building Club will help you to get your own list started quickly and easily. Get your Free list building CD, a Free one-hour consultation with a list building expert, and a Free month's membership when you visit


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