Search Engine Optimization
Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines:
While optimizing your blog, it should be realized that you don't want to optimized for all web search crawlers but you want to optimize your blog for Google. The question arises how to drive traffic. It is clear that all of us want targeted traffic, and it is natural, because without traffic our blog is worthless and we cannot earn. SEO depends on two things. 1) onpage search engine optimization. 2) Off page search engine Optimization.
Onpage optimization depends on 1) Blog Layout (URL, blog title, Blog description, Sidebar headers and other things added to blog lay out) 2) Post Layout - (Post Title, Post Header, Sub headers and content of post).
Off page one depends on these 1) Back Links (which comes from high Page Rank site, Relevant site, site having relevant keywords).
To explain all this let us pick one key word "Search Engine Optimization ". Blog Layout - Best URL for this keyword will be searchengineoptimization.(dot)com. If it is available other wise you should take use url containing your key word . Our blog title should be "our keyword". Our side bar should also have the same in its titles. The blog description should be filled with your keywords as you can see above in my page. Besides that we can create our sidebar titles and fit our other keywords there.
The Google bot crawls your page from top left, then left column, then second column and end up at lower right corner of your web page. It only wants to know only what your page is about. No where between your URL and your comments bot should run into any confusion, do not include any previous post link, any home page link, any thing that does not tell what your page is about. when search engine reaches your actual post, it would have read your keywords in your URL, your blog title and description, till than it would come to know what your blog is about. This is SEO.
Post Layout - The post is a bonus, because search engine has indexed you for your main keywords before reading your post. After reading the post bot will have added a good many long terms categorize your blog under as well. Write your posts in such a manner that it could cover maximum number of your keywords, do not forget to bold, italicized and underline the keywords. If you do not describe clearly, and post with lot of keywords in your posts, none of them is highlighted then bot would pickup unnecessary keywords which you do not require. Do not forget to write once again your main keyword at the end of post.
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