Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Deep Linking Strategy That Works

Today's search engines crave content. The links from this content are given a higher value than your run of the mill link from a directory. Some people may disagree with what I am about to say, but the following deep link strategy works!

What is Deep Linking?

Deep linking is a link to a page other than your home page. In many cases, this is where the majority of your revenue is generated. If you are an affiliate marketer, deep linking will generally not apply to you. But you can still apply this strategy.

Here's how this deep linking strategy works.

First the Setup

  1. You need to have keyword rich articles.

    - Each article needs to focus on a particular keyword string you have given your website or affiliate site.
    - Keep these articles around 500 words so readers do not lose interest.
    - Place no more than 3 links (The anchor text needs to be your keyword string.) within this article toward the targeted page. This is a great opportunity for you to use deep linking.

  2. A place to post these articles.

    - There are many article directory sites that you can post your articles on.

  3. Create links pointing toward your articles.

    Not toward your target site! This will naturally happen from the viral linking effect from webmasters using your article as content.
    - There are many places this can be accomplished. Social Networking sites are a great place to get started. I dig all articles submitted to to This site is constantly being spidered and gets placed in search engine results in quick order.
    - I also use blogs as a deep linking tool. Finding a niche site that offers blogging for members will help your blog in search engine results.

I think this is a great place to reaffirm what we are trying to accomplish. We are pumping up the article's presence in searches and creating link power. By putting keyword links into the article site, it creates credibility. This credibility is then transferred to your outbound links within the article. Where do the outbound links and credibility from this article point to? Your target site!

This is a very powerful way to maximize the effectiveness of your article links and give your target page more relevance in the search engine ranking for the keyword string you are targeting.

Please note - I prefer to post my articles on article directories like at freefinancehub to ensure quick spidering by the search engines.

Greg Lewis is owner and webmaster of financial websites. He has been helping online marketers improve website performance and search engine ranking. Add your financial site to his newest Finance Directory.


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