Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Successful Women In Business Know What Marketing Strategies Work to Increase Sales

How will you get your message out to prospects as well as current clients so that you have Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) is a big concern for any woman in business. Given that most women in business have limited marketing budgets, each dollar must deliver as much bang for the buck and truly hit the target.

First, the most effective marketing strategy is Word of Mouth (WOM). This strategy creates a buzz because people are sharing their positive experience with other individuals. And who is someone more likely to trust, a friend or a Madison Avenue type?

Contrary to many women in business, another effective marketing strategy is direct mail. If you have a targeted list based upon your strategic plan, you may realize anywhere from a 25% to 75% response rate to your direct mail campaign. There are different types of direct mail from the oversize color postcards to a series of articles that have value for the recipient.

One of the most overlooked marketing strategies is to simply just ask for a referral. Research suggests that 80% of all new business comes from referral. Many business owners fail to ask existing clients or disqualified prospects for a referral. Again, people listen to those that they trust rather than complete strangers.

Other effective marketing strategies include:

  • Blending the Internet through auto responders
  • Personal phone calls
  • Lumpy mail (mail that has something in it)
  • Internet article writing
  • Writing a book
  • Speaking at national, state and regional events

Given that people need to be touched over 30 times for them to have TOMA regarding your business, your marketing plan should have several marketing strategies and then tactics (actions) to execute those strategies.

Remember, if you have an effective marketing strategy, then continue to execute that strategy. Do not stop doing something that is working. This is a mistake made by many women in business because they listen to someone else or try something new.

Effective marketing strategies should delivery a high number of leads and turn those leads into actual converted sales. You, as the woman business owner or woman executive, must take the time to determine what marketing strategies are delivering the most conversions and at the lowest cost. By taking this action, will eliminate this issue to allow you to focus on those other issues keeping you from your goal to increase sales.

Are you a business woman facing other issues? Maybe this FREE e book Up, Up and Away in 2008 may help you overcome some of those very issues. Learn more at

Do you want more sales? Then register for FREE professional sales skills assessment

Please feel free to contact me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Your Chief People Officer and Business Coach, who works with individuals and organizations that are tired of not being where they want to be and truly want more for their businesses and their selves. 219.508.2859


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