Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tips to Get a Google AdSense Account

To whom it may not familiar with AdSense, It is a Google's marketing program which allows website/blog owners to generate income from displaying relevant Google ads on their websites. AdSense matches the content of the website to ads within their AdWords program and displays the relevant ads on the website. The website owners will get income from their website visitors clicking the ads. And there are some success stories from people who profiting and earning thousand dollars from Google AdSense.

So how you can get those kinds of ads displayed in your website? Basically you have to register you website/blog and get Google's approval. But unfortunately not every request will get approved. I have a tip for you based on my experience obtaining approval from Google in my first try, here are the steps:

1. Set up your blog with Blogspot is a Google own blogging service. Make a certain theme for your blog and make sure that the theme is a marketable theme.

2. Put several relevant contents to your blog. Google loves contents! If you choose "health" as your theme, then you can write anything about health. But let me remind you, you have to write them in English. If you think you can't write and not really confident with your English, don't worry about that. You can find relevant contents in free articles directory such and but don't delete the author names and their links (usually available at the bottom of the articles). Don't take credit on their works.

3. If you have put some relevant contents, wait about two or three days. When you edit the layout or format of your blog, it will appear an offer from Google to apply for Google AdSense account. If the offer does not appear, just visit and register there. Believe me, your AdSense account approval will send to your email address in several days that you start make money with Google AdSense.

Henri Suryanto works as an economist. He optimizes his spare time by working at home and earning from the internet. You may visit his sites for Simple and FREE Affiliate Program! or for more articles, visit his blog here --> Earning Online Resources.


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