Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing Tips - What To Do If You Can't Write A Single Word Today

It's not always easy to come up with new and interesting ideas for your articles, especially when you write several articles every single day. If your content isn't good, your income will suffer. You absolutely need to find a way to get a constant stream of new ideas.

Many article marketers own several websites, blogs and other squidoo lenses. Updating all this little real estate empire can quickly become a really daunting task. What to do when you are in front of your computer and can't write a single word?

Sometimes, this happens. It's weird, but there is nothing you can do. Let me tell you what to do when you faced this problem.

1. Go away from your computer

Just do something else. Sometimes, you don't realize it, but you are exhausted and your body need to rest. You may just sleep and take a day off as well. This helps a lot. When you come back, you will find out that you are way more productive.

2. Browse a forum

If you are not in the state above and you are completely relaxed, this is only a sign of the common writers block. To get some ideas and get started, you can browse a forum about the topic and I'm almost sure you will quickly get some ideas.

3. Read a book

If you can go to your local book store and read a book on the subject, this will help you a lot.

4. Search engines

You can also perform a search on Google and see what people are talking about on the top 10 websites in your niche. Do any of these, and you should quickly get new ideas that will help you take your article marketing efforts to the next level.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


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