Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Efficient Marketing Strategies with CRM

It is true that customer is king. If you want to make them feel that way, then you need to ensure that you have the right set of tools to make this possible. Implementing CRM software has become the core to the success of a business today.

Most CRM models today focus on marketing matrices. In CRM, the matrix is a sequential marketing plan that will help you to generate several new customers whilst focusing on retaining the old ones.

It lets you create annual strategies for your complete customer database by creating a matrix. The matrix only needs minimum adjustments each month.


In marketing matrices, the target segment is identified and plans are sketched out accordingly. Usually, it relates with creation of mailing lists, specifying the frequency of contact etc.

The target market is then approached with custom plans that suit them. Further classification of the target market according to demographics is also possible with a matrix.

Once a potential customer is turned into a customer, then the matrix automatically removes them from the list.

There is a separate set of strategies for existing customers who will be targeted with newer offers and plans. The proper design of the matrix is crucial for the success of the matrices.


There are several questions that you need to ask yourself before you plan, design and execute a matrix.

When you have the answers to these questions, the planning and implementation will become a lot easier.

  • What are the segments that I am looking to target?

  • What kind of products and services am I looking to market here?

  • What is my unique selling point that places me at an advantage over my competitors?

  • What is the frequency with which I wish to contact my potential customers?

  • Have I defined the separate set of strategies for customers who are at the fag end of the customer life cycle?

For more info visit : CRM and Marketing Strategies


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