Sunday, May 18, 2008

How Do I Make A Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a very important part of your marketing arsenal. Usually on a large content site where you have a subscription box or popup that cannot be blocked you will most likely not get more than a seven percent subscription rate. However by having a mini site with a squeeze page and a sales letter you can get up to a fifty percent subscription to your newsletter.

Let us look at what a squeeze page consists of. The main purpose will be to capture the name and email address of a visitor so that you can keep in contact with them. A prospect normally has to see your message at least seven times before they will buy from you. You do this by having a page with a heading and some bullet points offering a free report. This normally requires excellent sales copy to achieve this. Split test different headlines and bullet points to find the ones that convert the best.

In addition to this if you add audio and video with testimonials from customers you will significantly improve your conversion. When prospects see other people that have experienced success using your products they will be more inclined to get rid of any skepticism that exists. A good conversion will be between thirty and fifty percent.

You can design your squeeze page with a free html editor like NVU. Once you have completed it upload it to your web site using a ftp program and then integrate it with your autoresponder. When a person clicks on the subscribe button their information will automatically be passed onto the autoresponder.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


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