Outdated Network Marketing Strategies - Can It Be Done Today?
For anyone who is involved in Network Marketing, you've probably noticed that promoting your business using the traditional methods that you're being taught presents quite a challenge in today's fast-paced world. Also, if you're not currently involved and you are under the assumption that the Network Marketing Industry is dead, you are sadly mistaken. With there being more direct selling opportunities and companies out there than ever before, there is big money to be made.
It is true: the Network Marketing Industry is very much alive and provides a huge advantage to anyone who is willing to learn and apply Web 2.0 marketing methods. The best methods can turn your opportunity into what it's supposed to be - an Online Home Based Business. However, that does not mean that it is easy money. You must constantly work to build your business and invest in yourself (staying on top of new marketing strategies) if you hope to stay competitive. With changes in technology being a constant, you must be ready to embrace new opportunities and methods/techniques as they come up. Gone are the days of leaving business cards behind at laundromats and cold-calling or in-home parties, or trying to get the person to let you do a telephone business presentation.
Internet technology makes it much easier to reach the masses. If you learn how to use the right marketing methods to reach people who already have their hands raised, because they are looking for solutions that could help fix their problems, you'll find that you don't have to deal with rejection at all, if ever. Unfortunately, 95% of people involved in the industry are not taking advantage of these powerful tools, because they are not being properly trained on how to utilize the benefits of the Internet. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the network marketing business is good business. They report that in 2003, sales produced by the direct selling industry totaled more than $29 billion! So, how do you get a piece of that pie? Not by using out-of-date network marketing methods, that's for sure. A good example of the way Internet technology can help in growing your network marketing business is social (Web 2.0) networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, and Squidoo. You can create a profile and let people know who you are and what you do. You can use these networking sites to post blogs about what you do and how you do it. What works, and what doesn't. Potential sales that you may have, new websites that you launch or opportunities for friends to join you in your business venture. As you post on your friends sites, their friends will see what you have to say; one can see how easy it is for word to spread like wildfire. When you started your network marketing business, you likely went to conferences and seminars or called into a weekly team building call and listen to people speak about how to grow your business. With the new and improved network marketing field, you are likely now listening and watching webinars for training purposes.
Now, take a minute and think about how many people, all over the world, are watching that very same webinar and can access it 24 / 7; you can use the same idea to build your sales and your team of business partners. If you continue to try to gather people at an informational meeting to let them know what you and your business are about, your business will come to a slow and grinding halt. Not because people don't want to listen, but because no one has time anymore to make it to a meeting. With a webinar, they can watch it on their own time. Are you still handing out brochures and sticking leaflets on car windows, telling people about your business? Now there's nothing "wrong" with that specifically, but there are some great "rejection free" methods, and if you'll ask, I'll give you just one of many that are currently working for me. Try educating people on how to be successful online by selling ebooks and give away a few extra for bonuses, there's nothing wrong with over delivering. Not only will people appreciate the terrific deal they just got and the effective training you provided them through the ebooks. They also learned how they can make extra money online the correct way; they'll be excited to tell their friends about it too. Nothing but a win - win for you and your business. Now you're building online relationships from helping people around the world, and creating extra streams of income with the ebooks, while you're recruiting new business partners to your online business. Much of our behavior is shaped by the need for instant gratification; by your business being able to have a high ranking through the use of social marketing sites you could increase visits to your website dramatically. Make your website friendly and pleasing to the eye; you will be surprised to find how many people spend some time checking out not just you, but the opportunity that your business presents. So what if there were a way that you could earn money while you learn the right marketing methods to effectively conduct business online? What if potential partners came to you because they were already interested in what you had to offer? Wouldn't that make doing business online less stressful and more enjoyable? I will say that the answer is a lot closer than you think.
It can be done, by you!
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About the Author; James Shaver is a professional Network Marketer who specializes in coaching others on how to be successful within the network marketing industry in this fast paced age in which we live.
J Michael is, James Shaver, I have been in and out of Network Marketing since the 80's, seen things come and go. Any way I can be helpful let me know. I am part of a great team of people helping other people become successful in this great business. Attraction Marketing is about people helping other people succeed! You can do it, we can help!
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