Friday, May 16, 2008

Why A Links Page Is Very Important for a Website?

Links are the life-blood of any website. It brings life to a website when search engines finds the website through these links. Search engines identify a Website with the help of these links. So, a page completely dedicated to host links from other Websites is an important advertising strategy you can make when you develop your website. Reciprocal links are those links which are placed to reciprocate a link which is placed in your website.

Following are some of the successful methods to build effective reciprocal links for your website.

  • Design a page dedicated for placing links of other interesting websites. This links page should be accessible from the homepage easily. This page should contain information such as how another Webmaster can request for a link placement in your site and your link description also. You can use a separate form to collect the information about other links. This form should contain following fields (1) Title (2) Description (3) URL of the website.

  • When building links the title should point to the URL of the website. The description can appear on the right side of the Title. You can use a form mail to get this information from this form to your email id. Basically Webmaster interaction happens from this page only. So you can assign email id of the Webmaster to get these information.

  • Place links under different categories. This will enable you to place links from any type of websites interested in placing links with your website.

  • Visit other websites link pages and provide your link information to them, so that they can place your links easily.

Visit Effective Link Building : Strategies for effective link building.

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