Sunday, April 27, 2008

Internet Marketing Tools - 2 Essential Tools To Run Your Online Business

How to make money on the Internet? This is a question that more and more people try to answer. Internet marketing will become a phenomenon in the next couple of years because everyone is jumping on this amazing and highly lucrative opportunity.

Let me give you an example. Almost all my offline friends ask me what I do for a living. I reply that I am an online marketer, and then I start explaining what I do to earn thousands of dollars every years from the comfort of my own home.

I make money at anytime of the day or the night even when I'm not in front of my laptop. this is what I tell them.

To make money online, you need the following ingredients.

1. Your own web site.

I explain that they could start with a free blog at , and then I show then the pro and cons of free web properties. I make them understand that they need to create their own website. It's not really difficult when you have the right tools. I recommend the design dashboard to my coaching students.

I explain that they need a domain name and that the domain is their address on the web. It's how people will find their products, services or affiliate links.

2. Your auto responder

You need a good autoresponder to communicate with your customers and subscribers without too much efforts. In fact, you can literally set up several years or messages in advance. Autoresponders are really powerful.

Once you have these two essentials, you just need a product and targeted traffic to your website. Internet marketing is not complicated when you think about it.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.

Article Marketing Tip - Announcing The Very Best Article Marketing Tip Ever

Okay, it's no secret that article marketing is one of the best way to get thousands of dollars in free advertising for your internet business. It's also know that article marketing is becoming more and more popular amongst internet marketers which means that the competition is at an all time high.

So how in the world can a newbie to article marketing get in on some the action and actually benefit from writing and submitting articles as a way of getting free traffic and advertising?

Well, here is the best article marketing tip ever given and if you use it, you are guaranteed to explode your traffic, sales, and efforts. The tip is this: Use each and every article that you write and submit as way to build your opt in list.

That's it. The best article marketing tip you will ever get. If you use your articles as a way to collect the name and email address of a percentage of the readers, you will be in control of your own financial future.

There are many other article marketers that would argue this tip, especially those who are using bum marketing to bring in sales for affiliate products. You know what bum marketing is don't you? That's where you write and submit a batch of articles centered around a particular product.

Then at the end of the article, you send them readers to the product web site. If they buy, you make money if they don't, you lose. This is where many people in my opinion are making the biggest mistake ever.

Why spend your time and energy on the hope of the one time sale when you drive that same reader to your simple opt in squeeze page, offer them a great free ebook or report, get their name and email address, then follow up with them forever.

If you use article marketing to build your build a large responsive opt in list, you will profit from it for as long as you want. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

Do you want to know how I build my internet business and make thousands of dollars per month from home?

===> Download my Free Report that'll show you:

"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Targeted Article Marketing - Create More Money In Article Marketing

Article marketing is the fuel for my system. Everyone has to have a fuel. Others have other fuels some of you have affiliate programs, some of you have ppc, some of you do crazy free traffic stuff that I dont understand. I have tried all of that stuff and none of it worked for me like all the crazy manuals tell me it would.

I bought special affiliate software and I spent money to do free traffic dont ask me how..but you probably already know! But them I stumbled on article marketing. I was trying to get high rankings for a niche web site and it worked. I was crazy with that I was writing one article per day and submitting it to like 80 article directories and then the next day I would write another article and submit it to like the same 80 it was crazy times.

Then I decided to start testing where the traffic was coming from and found that 95% of my traffic was coming from one group of five directories (I was not willing to set up tracking links for all 80, so I did it in groups).

Then I found that one directory was responsible for around 95% of that group and so now I dont submit to all of them that much, except when I have a new site and I need fast inbound links, so I can start ranking then it is really useful.

But now I write like 20 articles a day and that is the way I have gotten a lot of traffic with article marketing.

Some people will ask me how I do it how I have built a business on article marketing and then I tell them or they pay me to tell them and then they go out and write 10 articles look that wont work have you seen how many I write?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

The Truth About Co-Registration and How It Works

Popularized by the Pipeline Profits promotion, Co-Registration has captured a lot of attention recently. This article will give you the facts about Co-Registration.

Co-Registration is a way of buying targeted subscribers and leads to your newsletter/ezine from a 3rd party service in bulk.

The leads are gathered by websites who are offering something in return from people opting in to that website's newsletter.

It basically involves having your subscription offer listed alongside other publications' offer, so that when someone signs up to the other newsletters, he or she is given the option of signing up for yours as well without needing to re-enter his or her personal information.

Well known Internet Marketing Expert Dr Raplh Wilson has said that, "Co-Registration is a widely-used approach to increase the size of your e-mail lists. Co-Registration works this way: After completing a subscription form or upon leaving a website, visitors are invited to subscribe to one or more e-zines. If yours is listed among these and the site gets a substantial amount of traffic, you'll begin to receive a number of subscriptions. "

Let me give you an example: If you go to a website like, and register for a their free content, you will have to give up your information such as your name, email address, phone number etc.

Once you're registered, you will then be taken to a page that shows you some other offers and newsletter you can subscribe to as well. This is where your subscription offer is listed, and the chance for the surfers to subscribe to your list. The website will then send you the subscribers that have chosen to subscribe to your offer for you to add to your list.

Hotmail does something similar as well when you sign up for a free email account.

When you are buying Co-Registration leads, you are basically buying a ready made opt-in email list that belongs to you. You can make your Co-Registration leads into a regular list that knows you and buy from you.

Many people think that Co-Registration leads are some sort of SPAM, therefore do not use it. They are NOT SPAM. Co-Registration leads are 100% CANSPAM compliant and safe. They are made up of opt-in subscribers, not gathered by some sort of software that craw the web looking for email addresses.

The reason I highly recommend using Co-Registration to build your list is because it easy, quick and cost-effective. It is also highly targeted, because you are only paying when the person joins your list and having seen your offer and the value you're offering.

There are many Co-Registration services and lead suppliers on the web that you can buy Co-Registration leads from. Some of these services gather leads from those offer pages with other publications on websites such as NYTimes. Some of these Co-Registration services use their own offer page to collect leads.

Make sure that the subscribers you are receiving from your Co-Registration services are targeted, and are looking for what your list is offering. No matter how good the leads are, if they are not targeted, they will be useless.

Ensure that the lists they are providing are fresh. Ask them how old the leads are. If they are more than 30 days old, do not use them. You do not want to buy cold lists; you may run into trouble. Just like any regular lists, you want to mail to the freshest list you can get your hands on. Fresh lists are more responsive.Make sure you have permission to send emails to the Co-Registration leads. You do not want to be receiving nasty SPAM complaints. Some leads suppliers provide you leads that are being forced to join. These people are usually being paid by money to join, or somebody who wants to win the sweepstakes. Do not ask for leads from these services and suppliers.

Ask your lead supplier how many times the list of leads has been sold. Some services sell the list to 5 different people, causing the list to become less responsive. If the list has been sold more than 2 times, do not buy from them.

I highly recommend Co-Registration services and suppliers that are integrated with 3rd party autoresponders, as this allows the subscribers to subscribe DIRECTLY and INSTANTLY onto only your list, meaning you would not have to wait to be sent leads from the suppliers for you to upload into your autoresponder.

You should always make sure that you can get your email address as soon as possible (what else is better than instant?), as you want to start making money from them right away. The longer you wait, the more likely these addresses become outdated, the higher the chances of getting spam complaints.

I also recommend that you should use Co-Registration services and suppliers that use double opt-in to decrease the chance of spam complaints.

Another idea is to approach ezine publishers directly to see if they are interested in a Co-Registration agreement. You can arrange a deal with the publishers to put your newsletter offer on their registration "thank you page" and you put their offer on your thank you page. Just make sure that you are not in direct competition and only share a similar target market.

You can go to Google to find a list of newsletter/ezine directories.

No matter which method you choose, just ensure that you are getting quality email addresses, and ensure that your offer is placed next to publications that share similar target market with you. You don't want your offer being grouped with a bunch of newsletters offering free golf tips if your newsletter is about home business opportunities.Co-Registration leads usually cost anywhere between 15 cents and $1 per subscriber, depending on where your source is, your niche market, and whether it is double opt-in or single opt-in.

The subscribers can be worth far more than $1 if you calculate the value of these potential customers.

You will be able to get a feel on how much each subscriber is worth after sending out few promotions using this formula (it's only an estimate): For subscribers generated from Co-Registration only, you can usually get around $1-$1.5 per subscriber (varying from niche to niche), spending only around $0.3 - $0.4 per subscriber.

That's around $1 profit per subscriber. What if you can buy a co-registered list of 10,000 or even 100,000? That would be a profit of $100,000!

When used correctly Co-Registration leads are a great way to build your list fast!

Steve Renner, Best Selling Author, Internet Marketing Expert Get my free eBook "Million Dollar Secrets" Plus over $1,000 in Internet Marketing Training

Article Marketing - Write for Quality or Quantity?

This is a question that is floating around many article marketing and internet marketing forums and it is very hard to find a clear answer. Should you be writing articles for quality or concentrating on quantity? Read on to find out if article marketing is better with quality articles or the quantity of articles.

Let us look at the quality of articles first. Writing for quality will allow you to create unique content that readers will want to finish reading and will be helped by your article. When you write for quality content you are looking to help your reader, but you have to be careful to leave them wanting more or you will lose out on what you are really after, which is traffic to your website.

So, now that we have mentioned a little about traffic let us move on to writing a quantity of articles. When you write articles for quantity you are looking to drive traffic to your website. You are trying to drive as much traffic as possible to your websites and you are not as concerned with how good the articles are. This is a type of writing that allows you to pump out articles like a machine. They are usually very much structured around keywords and you are more concerned about your ranking on search engines than how good your writing is.

Which one is better, Quality or Quantity? The best answer to this question is that you should combine the two methods. Never write specifically for quantity because your readers will not want to read your articles, therefore, they probably will not finish them and click to your website. You do not want to get too caught up with the quality though because you don't want to spend hours upon hours on each article.

Make sure you write for your readers and give them something that they want. Answer a burning question, give them a handful of good tips, or define something that needs to be defined. If you don't give your readers anything they won't read the entire article and won't click through to your site. You also have to make sure you leave them wanting more so that they will click through to your website.

Writing for quality is a good way to create good articles, but you need to also write for quantity because it is a numbers game and the more quality articles you have out there the better chances you will have to create a ton of traffic. So combine quality and quantity writing in your article marketing and you will see better success than just writing a few articles that are very good or putting out a ton of junk articles.

Ready to learn how to write faster and still put out great content? Get more Article Marketing information here:

3 Tips To Rapidly Maximize Your Efforts From Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most reliable methods of traffic generation. The reason for this is that unlike search engine optimization you are not at the mercy of the latest algorithm changes. The more articles that you publish the more likelihood that your articles will be published on other websites increasing the amount of traffic sources for your business and ultimately your numbers for lead generation and sales.

In this article I would like to go over the three things that have helped me to significantly improve my efforts from article marketing.

1) Create a killer title for your article

When I first started doing article marketing I wrote very boring titles. When I started to write interesting titles I noticed that the results for my articles doubled or tripled. This will have a measurable impact on your article marketing efforts. If your title is boring nobody will actually read your article.

2) Send your traffic to a squeeze page

One of the biggest mistakes that most internet marketers make is that they send all their traffic to a sales page. Very few people will actually buy from a sales page page the very first time that they see it. The reason for this is that you need to first build trust and credibility with your visitors. They need to have at least seven email contacts with you before you can do a hard sell to a subscriber. So by sending all your traffic to a squeeze page it will help you to significantly improve your conversion and to also build a list of highly targeted prospects that you can convert to customers.

3) Offer a free ebook that your prospect can download

One of the steps that I noticed significantly improved my conversion of visitors to subscribers is that by offering an ebook it was seen as a lot more valuable than a free report.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - Getting Backlinks To Your Website

The whole reason for submitting articles Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story article directories is ?bum Marketing Or Article Marketing You Call It!&id=1120506 get "backlinks" to whatever site Article Submission want boosted up in Wordpress Plug Ins Ws Tools Bar search engine results. But you also get immediate traffic from folks following Article Marketing Domination backlinks directly to your website...Where they will arrive in ?list Building With Squeeze Pages Is A Continuing Business Source&id=1073370 perfect mindset to buy your product or Affiliant Marketing product (if you've done a little Article Marketing Directory research beforehand.)

But Article Submission Articles need to be crafted a Javascript:; way. So you need to get this right. They need to be Articles links," otherwise known as "anchor text." We'll cover exactly how to do this in a moment.

These backlinks are Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story links back to your site from your "author's Affiliant Marketing box," like ?build A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business Right In The Convenience Of Your Own Home&id=1106192 one at the Article Writing Tips Marketing this article. Your Article Marketing resource box is where you get to do some self-promotion. Usually, you're not allowed to promote your product or website in the main body of the article. After all, articles are supposed to be just that--articles; otherwise they'd be called advertisements!

Look at the author resource box at the bottom of this article. There's two important things you need to know about the first blue link in the author's resource box:

1. "article marketing" is a "text link," a.k.a. "anchor text" instead of Article On International Marketing (which is the actual link URL). The search engines, especially the biggest one--Google--reward you for text links and not URLs...

The resource box section of some article directories will "parse" the html Wp Login into normal, Article Tips text, making it look like the resource "box" you see at the end of this article.

(The html code you need to use to make a text link is covered in the Article Marketing Tutorial section of my website--click the text link in the resource "box" at the end of this article. Creating text links is only a matter of a couple clicks when using your html editor, however, you have to Articles code" the html into the author's resource box.)

2. "article marketing" is a researched keyword phrase and is the title of the webpage Article Writing it links to.

If you take a little time to research a keyword phrase to use as your link text, you will be rewarded with many Blogging visitors to your website than if you used anchor text that is not a searched-for keyword phrase.

Tired of writing articles that don't get visitors back to your site? Make sure you're doing the right things by reading the article marketing tutorial in the "How to Make Money 4uwebcash section of