Monday, May 12, 2008

Article Marketing What You Know

If you want to be good at article marketing, you have to give quality content! And how do you give the best quality content? You have to talk about what you already know! This is the best way to really excel in article marketing. If you don't talk about what you already know about, your going to be left behind.

When you start article marketing, talk about something that your capable of talking about. Don't talk about fishing when you have no idea what kind of bait to use if you want to catch a certain fish! This is crazy! Talk about something that you really understand.

Usually people get into article marketing because of affiliate programs. Well there is a little something that you should know about affiliate programs. ONLY JOIN THE ONES THAT YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT! Don't join an affiliate program about video games if you've never played any. That is why so many beginning article marketers fail. They don't know what they're talking about, and so they give up. Start writing about something that your comfortable writing about. If you don't your going to lose!

You need to be an expert on whatever your writing your article about. You can't do this if you have no idea of what your writing about. How do you expect to write hundreds of articles about something you've never touched,or used? It's insane! Your just going to be wasting your time because no one is going to take you seriously.

Find a topic that you can talk about, and your article marketing success will skyrocket.


Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing What You Know

If you want to be good at article marketing, you have to give quality content! And how do you give the best quality content? You have to talk about what you already know! This is the best way to really excel in article marketing. If you don't talk about what you already know about, your going to be left behind.

When you start article marketing, talk about something that your capable of talking about. Don't talk about fishing when you have no idea what kind of bait to use if you want to catch a certain fish! This is crazy! Talk about something that you really understand.

Usually people get into article marketing because of affiliate programs. Well there is a little something that you should know about affiliate programs. ONLY JOIN THE ONES THAT YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT! Don't join an affiliate program about video games if you've never played any. That is why so many beginning article marketers fail. They don't know what they're talking about, and so they give up. Start writing about something that your comfortable writing about. If you don't your going to lose!

You need to be an expert on whatever your writing your article about. You can't do this if you have no idea of what your writing about. How do you expect to write hundreds of articles about something you've never touched,or used? It's insane! Your just going to be wasting your time because no one is going to take you seriously.

Find a topic that you can talk about, and your article marketing success will skyrocket.


Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - Can You Really Make Money in Article Marketing?

Are you just starting in online business and wonder if everything you heard about article marketing is true? If you are wondering if article marketing can make you generate huge revenue, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. Thousands, if not millions of web owners have discovered the way to millions and you need not to be a rocket scientist to learn this. Indeed, you can really make money in article marketing. How? Read on.

1. Article marketing is the most cost effective Internet marketing strategies these days. You don't need a capital or huge investment to start writing and submitting your articles to ezine sites. Yet, you can create quality links to your site to generate traffic. Huge traffic equates to huge money.

2. Article marketing drives quality traffic to your site. When it diverts enough traffic, you can use this to sell products or build mailing list of your prospective customers and earn using email marketing.

3. Article marketing can create a domino effect on your web site and on your sales. It drives traffic which is the most basic element in making money over the Internet. Once your web site becomes popular, you can sell web space to advertisers, charge other web owners when they link their sites to you, etc. The possibilities are endless!

As more and more people get rich through article marketing, it is not a bad idea to join the bandwagon. Start now and earn unlimited income.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Profitable Article Marketing - Can You Really Make Money in Article Marketing?

Are you just starting in online business and wonder if everything you heard about article marketing is true? If you are wondering if article marketing can make you generate huge revenue, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. Thousands, if not millions of web owners have discovered the way to millions and you need not to be a rocket scientist to learn this. Indeed, you can really make money in article marketing. How? Read on.

1. Article marketing is the most cost effective Internet marketing strategies these days. You don't need a capital or huge investment to start writing and submitting your articles to ezine sites. Yet, you can create quality links to your site to generate traffic. Huge traffic equates to huge money.

2. Article marketing drives quality traffic to your site. When it diverts enough traffic, you can use this to sell products or build mailing list of your prospective customers and earn using email marketing.

3. Article marketing can create a domino effect on your web site and on your sales. It drives traffic which is the most basic element in making money over the Internet. Once your web site becomes popular, you can sell web space to advertisers, charge other web owners when they link their sites to you, etc. The possibilities are endless!

As more and more people get rich through article marketing, it is not a bad idea to join the bandwagon. Start now and earn unlimited income.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Profitable Article Marketing - Can You Really Make Money in Article Marketing?

Are you just starting in online business and wonder if everything you heard about article marketing is true? If you are wondering if article marketing can make you generate huge revenue, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. Thousands, if not millions of web owners have discovered the way to millions and you need not to be a rocket scientist to learn this. Indeed, you can really make money in article marketing. How? Read on.

1. Article marketing is the most cost effective Internet marketing strategies these days. You don't need a capital or huge investment to start writing and submitting your articles to ezine sites. Yet, you can create quality links to your site to generate traffic. Huge traffic equates to huge money.

2. Article marketing drives quality traffic to your site. When it diverts enough traffic, you can use this to sell products or build mailing list of your prospective customers and earn using email marketing.

3. Article marketing can create a domino effect on your web site and on your sales. It drives traffic which is the most basic element in making money over the Internet. Once your web site becomes popular, you can sell web space to advertisers, charge other web owners when they link their sites to you, etc. The possibilities are endless!

As more and more people get rich through article marketing, it is not a bad idea to join the bandwagon. Start now and earn unlimited income.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Email Marketing Strategies - 3 Fast And Easy Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is a very powerful tool and when used properly, has the ability to bring in massive profits in a very short period of time.

The following email marketing strategies will help you boost your results and give you the maximum return with your campaigns.

Tip #1 - Keep your email message short and the point.

Don't use long boring copy in your email messages. Stay on target with your readers. Make sure that each email you send contains just enough information to make your readers take action.

Tip #2 - Make sure your content is relevant and contains useful and helpful information. Don't send offer after offer to your list members. Give them free reports and free ebook that will be of great help to them.

Try to make sure you use one or two emails per week for nothing but content. No sales pitches. No selling.

This keeps your list fresh and responsive and will allow you to get consistent results from your email marketing strategies.

Tip #3 - Be sure to personalize every email message you send. Your main goal is to create a sense of trust with your list members or subscribers.

Use their first name in the subject line of your emails and in the introduction of the actual message. Building a bind with your list is important.

People will buy from someone they know and trust and if you follow these email marketing strategies, you will be able to make the most out of all your efforts.

Do you want to know how I build my internet business and make thousands of dollars per month from home?

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"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Proven Testing Strategies for Better Direct Marketing Results

One of the central strengths of direct marketing is your ability to test, calculate the results, and make adjustments to boost profits and lower costs. And no matter how creative your company or ads might be, you must approach the testing process with logic and discipline.

Here are a few tips for getting the full value out of your tests in any medium, including direct mail, print, and broadcast:

  • Make knowledge your #1 goal. Yes, you want to boost response and increase net income now. However, building a body of knowledge about what people want and what they respond to is ultimately more important. Testing is about gaining knowledge. Profits come from the application of that knowledge. But don't just look for "what" works. Try to figure out "why" things work. This allows you to apply your knowledge intelligently.
  • Don't rely too heavily on what others are doing. You must always run your own tests because every company, market, product, and offer is in some way unique. Learn from others, but consider it a starting point, anecdotal information at best. Most people don't test as carefully as they should, so just because you frequently see a particular direct mail piece, ad, or broadcast spot doesn't mean you can count on it being a winner.
  • Establish a solid control first. This allows you to confidently test lists, media, offers, prices, product configurations, and other big issues. Then you move on to control testing to boost results. Usually this means you should stick to the basics at first and try more creative ideas only after you have some solid response data and a record of success.
  • Run statistically valid tests. A change in results and a statistically valid change in results are two different things. If you don't know the mathematics of testing, hire someone who does. When you do get a statistically valid difference (positive or negative), retest to confirm your results.
  • Have a goal for every test. What do you want to learn? Write down the questions you would like answered and run a test for each. Ideally, every test should answer one specific question.
  • Test one element at a time. Testing more than one element will make it impossible for you to know what makes a difference in results. If you're testing price, change only the price in your ad. Don't change anything else. If you constantly test elements to refine a control, you are taking what I call the "Evolutionary Approach," slowly and methodically growing a stronger and stronger control over time.
  • Test an all-new approach. This is good if you don't have the patience to test single elements or you want to try for a big boost in response all at once. The more different your approach, the better. Reworking the same approach may change results but won't give you the breakthrough you're looking for. This is what I call the "Revolutionary Approach," going for the big win all at once.
  • Track results meticulously. Keep detailed reports on the number of pieces mailed, number of responses you get, response source, conversion percentage, income those responses generate, average order, percentage response, income per thousand, cost per order or cost per response, net dollar return, returns, bad debt, and every other fact that you need to calculate specifically how your ad performs. Over time, this will be a gold mine of information.
  • Use your tests to determine strategy. Mathematical results are the best way to end debates on issues such as creative approaches, formats, and offers. (If you're afraid of results that don't match your ideas, then you should look for another line of work.) Never assume. Always test. No one knows better what will work than your own prospects and customers.
  • Keep using your control until you beat it. Never, ever shelve a control just because you're tired of it. If it's making money, keep using it. Your control isn't there to entertain you or win you awards. It's there to generate income. Until you have the figures in black and white that conclusively demonstrate you have a new control, keep that old one going.
  • Keep testing. Testing is a long-term commitment. It's not something you do once and forget. It's not something you do only when you have a little extra in your budget. Testing should be part of your routine, everyday business. You want to follow what I call the Testing Loop: 1. Run a test. 2. Analyze the results. 3. Act based on the results. 4. Repeat.

About the author:

Dean Rieck is a direct mail copywriter, designer, and consultant who has helped over 200 leading direct marketing companies increase sales, generate leads, and raise funds with winning direct mail, ads, e-mail, sales letters, brochures, postcards, radio spots, and more. Learn more about Dean's direct mail copywriting and design services and sign up for his free monthly newsletter at

Copyright Dean Rieck. You may reprint this article online provided that you keep the links live and keep all the content "as is," including title, author byline, article text, and "about the author" information.