Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Internet Marketing - Is There Life Beyond AdSense?

Google is very strict with AdSense and adheres closely to the terms of service, because the sister program, AdWords, is its highest revenue source. If Google even suspects you're doing something against their rules, your account can be shutdown forever. If that's already happened to you, let me give you some alternatives for monetizing your Internet marketing website.

1) Get an account with another contextual advertiser.

AdSense isn't the only company producing contextual ads, though it's certainly the biggest. Yet, companies like Bidvertiser and OpenTracker offer the same type deal. You publish ads related to your site, and they give you money each time someone clicks on an ad.

2) Sign up with an image ads company

Image ads are just as easy to use as contextual ads. Chitika is probably the biggest company, but you can try other services, like Affiliate Power Ads or Auction Ads. They're supposed to follow the theme of your site, but you have to be careful. If you're in the Internet marketing niche, and writing about list building, be sure the service isn't putting building supplies on your website. But here's the catch with these: You only get paid when someone actually buys a product, not when someone clicks on an ad.

3) Use affiliate advertising materials

If you use a web service that you like, or maybe software you'd recommend, see if they have an affiliate program. Then, see if the company has any advertising materials available. It's easy to throw a button or a banner up on your site. It's always best when advertisers house the images on their sites. It saves you disk space and trouble. If they don't, you'll have to upload the image to your own and probably do your own HTML linking. If you're unfamiliar with that, just make sure the advertiser just gives you a snip of code and you're on your way.

4) PPA could be the answer

PPA or pay-per-action is another form of advertising that pays you when someone takes action on an offer. For example, you sign up with Hydra Network, and there is a list of campaigns that you can choose from. You grab a banner or button, and providing it's allowed (because some campaigns are email only), put it up on your website. When someone clicks on that ad and takes action, as in filling out a survey, applying for a credit card, or accepting a free offer, you are paid.

5) Write reviews

Why not write reviews of products you've used and would be happy to recommend to others? Word of mouth is very powerful advertising. Perhaps you like your web host or maybe you read a really great ebook and want to share it. Write a review and put it on your blog. Or, write an article that reviews the product or service, and in your resource box, give people your affiliate link. Check out the websites of products and services you're considering reviewing and see if they have affiliate programs, first.

These are just a few suggestions. There are many ways to monetize your website or blog in the Internet marketing space. You just have to test offers from different places to see what works best for you.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building and Internet marketing ninja. Become a member of his list building club, free for 30 days, get a great list building CD delivered to your front door, and a one-hour consultation with an Overcome Everything list building expert--all free, when you visit http://listbuildingpower.net

Targeted Article Marketing - Discover 5 Interesting Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a "magic pill" for smart internet marketers. When used appropriately, it can be your best tool in driving potential clients to your website, improving your search engine ranking, and dramatically increasing your sales potential.

1. Know your potential audience. In order to make your content and writing format targeted, you need to identify first who you are writing for. When you know the needs and demands of your potential audience, you can be more effective in picking the most appropriate information for your content.

2. Be an expert on your field. Don't stop learning. Always keep yourself abreast with information that may directly or indirectly affect your target niche. Make it a habit to read articles, ebooks, or even news articles to keep yourself updated. When you are equipped with the latest information, you can be a great source of fresh content for your readers.

3. Know the basic of article marketing. If you want to be successful in this field, you need to know the elements that will make you stand out from the rest. Some of the considerations you need to keep in mind are the following: Produce quality, content-rich articles, write and submit articles regularly, create killer resource box, and increase your click through rates by giving your articles compelling, attention-grabbing titles.

4. Hone your writing skills. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of articles you produce. Enhance and eventually perfect your writing skills through constant practice and reading effective articles and ebooks online.

5. Solicit feedback. Suggestions, comments, and feedback can greatly help you identify the weak points of your articles so you can immediately improve on them. This can result to better articles every time you write.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Web Marketing Made Easy With Ghostwriters

As an online businessperson, if you've never heard of ghostwriters, you surely don't know what you're missing. A ghostwriter can help you make tons of money with your business and you get all the credit! That's what a ghostwriter does. You pay one simple fee and they write articles, press releases, blog posts, and even sales letters for you. The trick is that they don't get the credit. It is work for hire, and you retain all copyrights, so you are able to place your name on the article or other piece and claim it as your own.

The Benefits of Ghostwriters

There are scads of benefits that you gain when you hire a ghostwriter to help you with your articles or other writing needs. One of the most important is that you are able to claim the article as your own. As a matter of fact, many ghostwriters are proficient at mimicking styles, so if you're a writer but just don't have the time to work, you can show them a piece that you have done in the past. They should then be able to craft a new article or other piece and have it match your writing style and tone. Because they are accustomed to article marketing tactics and such, you are able to put the work into their hands and focus on other important aspects of your business.

Should you need a press release to get the word out about your site or blog, a ghostwriter is the perfect person to handle something like this. Ghostwriters are becoming so huge that some of the most popular marketers and even celebrities utilize them. While you may not need anything this complicated, the truth is that you can gain huge success in the online marketing business.

What Can They Do For You?

With web marketing, business people can utilize articles for many different reasons. Articles for your website are very important as they help you with your placement in the search engines as long as they are optimized correctly, which any good ghostwriter can ensure. When you are in web marketing, article marketing campaigns are great, and a ghostwriter can help you craft quality articles to submit to article marketing directories, as well as even submitting them for you. Many business people who have niche websites value ghostwriters very much because of their ability to create quick, great content for these websites.

Ghostwriters are a wonderful resource to marketers or other business people. Should you decide to hire a ghostwriter for your article needs, remember to give them details and outlines of what you want, as well as resource links and even sample articles that you would like to serve as inspiration for your project. These tips and the ones above will really help you get a great ghostwriter and improve your business through the use of one. Good luck with all of your online business ventures!

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Web Marketing Made Easy With Ghostwriters

As an online businessperson, if you've never heard of ghostwriters, you surely don't know what you're missing. A ghostwriter can help you make tons of money with your business and you get all the credit! That's what a ghostwriter does. You pay one simple fee and they write articles, press releases, blog posts, and even sales letters for you. The trick is that they don't get the credit. It is work for hire, and you retain all copyrights, so you are able to place your name on the article or other piece and claim it as your own.

The Benefits of Ghostwriters

There are scads of benefits that you gain when you hire a ghostwriter to help you with your articles or other writing needs. One of the most important is that you are able to claim the article as your own. As a matter of fact, many ghostwriters are proficient at mimicking styles, so if you're a writer but just don't have the time to work, you can show them a piece that you have done in the past. They should then be able to craft a new article or other piece and have it match your writing style and tone. Because they are accustomed to article marketing tactics and such, you are able to put the work into their hands and focus on other important aspects of your business.

Should you need a press release to get the word out about your site or blog, a ghostwriter is the perfect person to handle something like this. Ghostwriters are becoming so huge that some of the most popular marketers and even celebrities utilize them. While you may not need anything this complicated, the truth is that you can gain huge success in the online marketing business.

What Can They Do For You?

With web marketing, business people can utilize articles for many different reasons. Articles for your website are very important as they help you with your placement in the search engines as long as they are optimized correctly, which any good ghostwriter can ensure. When you are in web marketing, article marketing campaigns are great, and a ghostwriter can help you craft quality articles to submit to article marketing directories, as well as even submitting them for you. Many business people who have niche websites value ghostwriters very much because of their ability to create quick, great content for these websites.

Ghostwriters are a wonderful resource to marketers or other business people. Should you decide to hire a ghostwriter for your article needs, remember to give them details and outlines of what you want, as well as resource links and even sample articles that you would like to serve as inspiration for your project. These tips and the ones above will really help you get a great ghostwriter and improve your business through the use of one. Good luck with all of your online business ventures!

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 3 Intermediate Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Most webmasters are using it not just because its free but more importantly, because it delivers great results. From increased page views to improved page ranking, to increased sales potential to improved revenue and more.

Here are the 3 intermediate secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Build up your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to pitch in your products in your articles, you can still create a need for them in a subtle way. How? If you are selling educational plans, you can write about "Education - the best gift you can give to your children", "How to secure a bright future for your children", "Educational plans - what they can do for you and your loved ones", etc. These topics will give more value to your offerings and make your readers realize that your product is a must-have.

2. Write for your readers. One of your goals in writing and distributing your articles online is to convince your readers to trust you and consider doing business with you. That can only happen if you are able to offer them information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Strive to provide answer to the questions that bother your readers, offer sound solutions to their pressing issues, and provide information that will help them better understand their current situation. When you do, they will treat you as someone who is genuinely interested in helping them and not just a random marketer who is just after their money.

3. Write for search engines. You would want your readers to easily find you content online, correct? Thus, you must know how to properly optimize your articles by using relevant keywords all through out your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 3 Intermediate Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Most webmasters are using it not just because its free but more importantly, because it delivers great results. From increased page views to improved page ranking, to increased sales potential to improved revenue and more.

Here are the 3 intermediate secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Build up your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to pitch in your products in your articles, you can still create a need for them in a subtle way. How? If you are selling educational plans, you can write about "Education - the best gift you can give to your children", "How to secure a bright future for your children", "Educational plans - what they can do for you and your loved ones", etc. These topics will give more value to your offerings and make your readers realize that your product is a must-have.

2. Write for your readers. One of your goals in writing and distributing your articles online is to convince your readers to trust you and consider doing business with you. That can only happen if you are able to offer them information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Strive to provide answer to the questions that bother your readers, offer sound solutions to their pressing issues, and provide information that will help them better understand their current situation. When you do, they will treat you as someone who is genuinely interested in helping them and not just a random marketer who is just after their money.

3. Write for search engines. You would want your readers to easily find you content online, correct? Thus, you must know how to properly optimize your articles by using relevant keywords all through out your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online Marketing - Waiting To Be Explored

Powered by the web, marketing has taken a sudden turn and is heading at fast pace towards the digitization of all processes. There are numerous reports and findings that prove the growing dependence of marketers on web tools and carriers. The usage of these tools has made marketing strategies easier to be implemented and executed.

Starting from electronic correspondence or e-mails, the business has gone much further and today relies completely on digital tools and techniques. Whether it is spreading the awareness about a brand or provision of after sales service, web has contributed in a big way.

In the last few decades consumer behaviour has also changed for good. With secure connections and credibility maintained by large Internet companies, people have started to trust the medium and the deals online. Shopping online is no more a distant dream and the information on the Internet is more meaningful than on other media.

According to McKinsey Global Survey, the report being released on July 2007, "In 2010 just over half of all respondents expect their companies to be getting 10 per cent or more of their sales from online channels - twice as many companies as have hit that mark today. And 11 per cent expect to be spending a majority of their advertising budgets online by then."

The report further reveals the emerging vehicles, which have been put to practice by e-marketers or online marketers. Some popular ones are retail web sites, portals, blogs, wikis, podcasts, widgets, social networks, etc. With these tools and vehicles we have a whole new virtual marketplace before us waiting to be explored.

As service industry, online marketing provides an absolute package of web solutions. The various services covered in the umbrella term include search engine marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, etc. The service components keep on updating with the invention of new tools and techniques.

Once online marketing takes an upper hand, there would be heavy cuts in pricing. The marketing and advertising campaigns take a good share of the money. With low cost vehicles and platforms for marketing, the business might reconsider the pricing and lower it to benefit the audiences.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, web design services and search engine marketing over the globe.

Online Marketing - Waiting To Be Explored

Powered by the web, marketing has taken a sudden turn and is heading at fast pace towards the digitization of all processes. There are numerous reports and findings that prove the growing dependence of marketers on web tools and carriers. The usage of these tools has made marketing strategies easier to be implemented and executed.

Starting from electronic correspondence or e-mails, the business has gone much further and today relies completely on digital tools and techniques. Whether it is spreading the awareness about a brand or provision of after sales service, web has contributed in a big way.

In the last few decades consumer behaviour has also changed for good. With secure connections and credibility maintained by large Internet companies, people have started to trust the medium and the deals online. Shopping online is no more a distant dream and the information on the Internet is more meaningful than on other media.

According to McKinsey Global Survey, the report being released on July 2007, "In 2010 just over half of all respondents expect their companies to be getting 10 per cent or more of their sales from online channels - twice as many companies as have hit that mark today. And 11 per cent expect to be spending a majority of their advertising budgets online by then."

The report further reveals the emerging vehicles, which have been put to practice by e-marketers or online marketers. Some popular ones are retail web sites, portals, blogs, wikis, podcasts, widgets, social networks, etc. With these tools and vehicles we have a whole new virtual marketplace before us waiting to be explored.

As service industry, online marketing provides an absolute package of web solutions. The various services covered in the umbrella term include search engine marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, etc. The service components keep on updating with the invention of new tools and techniques.

Once online marketing takes an upper hand, there would be heavy cuts in pricing. The marketing and advertising campaigns take a good share of the money. With low cost vehicles and platforms for marketing, the business might reconsider the pricing and lower it to benefit the audiences.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, web design services and search engine marketing over the globe.

Article Marketing Is It a Fad?

Article marketing is such a strong force online today, and yet my research shows that only about 100 people in the English speaking world make even nearly a full time income writing and submitting articles.

Obviously, there are some faddish aspects to article marketing, especially the recent craze of building article directories in hopes of making millions. I think only about 5 article directories actually have enough traffic to create a fulltime income.

Article marketing is one of the latest rages in online fads, and yet it really seems to have some staying power. Sure, it is not as easy to get increased page rank from it as it used to be, and because there are so many new authors, there is some level of diminished impact.

Why does it have staying power? I think it does because to write articles and get them read, they pretty much have to be human-written it cannot really be automated.

And yet, it is one of my primary forms of promotion. I use it nearly exclusively to send visitors to my high-converting niche web sites.


Article marketing is extremely useful in that it does two things very well:

1) Article marketing prescreens visitors to your web site so that only people interested in your niche topic (so long as the topic of your article is the same as the topic of your web site) will click through to your website.

2) Article marketing drives niche-oriented visitors to your web site and leaves the looky-loos behind. This allows me to focus my marketing and list building efforts on genuine buyers, not having to talk people into buying my books.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Is It a Fad?

Article marketing is such a strong force online today, and yet my research shows that only about 100 people in the English speaking world make even nearly a full time income writing and submitting articles.

Obviously, there are some faddish aspects to article marketing, especially the recent craze of building article directories in hopes of making millions. I think only about 5 article directories actually have enough traffic to create a fulltime income.

Article marketing is one of the latest rages in online fads, and yet it really seems to have some staying power. Sure, it is not as easy to get increased page rank from it as it used to be, and because there are so many new authors, there is some level of diminished impact.

Why does it have staying power? I think it does because to write articles and get them read, they pretty much have to be human-written it cannot really be automated.

And yet, it is one of my primary forms of promotion. I use it nearly exclusively to send visitors to my high-converting niche web sites.


Article marketing is extremely useful in that it does two things very well:

1) Article marketing prescreens visitors to your web site so that only people interested in your niche topic (so long as the topic of your article is the same as the topic of your web site) will click through to your website.

2) Article marketing drives niche-oriented visitors to your web site and leaves the looky-loos behind. This allows me to focus my marketing and list building efforts on genuine buyers, not having to talk people into buying my books.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article-Marketing @ Ezinearticles: Are You Optimizing Your Links In The Author's Resource Box?

Article marketing is a fascinating field due to the many unique ways that well written articles can help promote your website. One of those ways is the viral nature of article marketing...essentially your material can end up on an unlimited number of websites.

Here is where it can get real exciting, lets suppose that those websites that are publishing your articles are well ranked themselves in the search engines. We know that well ranked sites will enjoy a steady flow of visitors so your article is now being seen by human eyes that may want to click on your links to get more information from you.

This would be what is called direct referrals and in this case the link's text and format does not really matter. The visitor will simply click on the link and be taken to your site.

Now, when referring to the link's text and format what exactly am I talking about? I referring to what is called the anchor text. Without going into an in depth Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) lesson, let's just think of anchor text as being the actual text that you click--in other words it is the text that makes up the link.

Why is the actual text that we click in the link important? Remember when we talked about the human visitors to all the websites that have our article? We failed to mention the other "visitors" that will be frequenting those sites...Yes, that is right, the search engine spiders will be visiting those sites as well.

Their mission of course will be to gather and index all your article's content-to include your author resource links. If everything is formatted corrected, then these spiders will follow your links back to your website.

Unlike humans, the search engine spiders do care what text is used to make up the link. This is the concept that will allow you to optimize your website. How is this done? let's take a look at the examples below.

Example link format 1:

http://www.ezinearticles.com/ ---This is how you will see most links formatted here. This is just the website's address and by default the EzineArticles website automatically adds the necessary code to display this as a link ( This is done behind the scenes and you do not have to do anything to get the link built.)

Example link format 2: Article Submissions

Run your mouse over the link above and you will see that it still points to the same website, but there is one very important difference here--the link text--in this case the words "Article Submissions" are now pointing to the website.

Basically what I have done is to use the keyword phrase "Article Submissions" as the anchor text for the link. Search engines will treat anchor text as being more important or more relevant within the site, and if you manage to get your article published on a well ranked site, then you will see a boost in your ranking for the keywords you have chose to use in the link text.

As you can see, choosing the right link text for your site can add a considerable boost to your search engine rankings. Always remember that anytime you are placing a link to your site anywhere and you have the option to use relevant keywords in the link text then be sure you do so.

Want to learn more about linking? Please subscribe to my free SEO Tips,Tactics, and Tools Newsletter

Article-Marketing @ Ezinearticles: Are You Optimizing Your Links In The Author's Resource Box?

Article marketing is a fascinating field due to the many unique ways that well written articles can help promote your website. One of those ways is the viral nature of article marketing...essentially your material can end up on an unlimited number of websites.

Here is where it can get real exciting, lets suppose that those websites that are publishing your articles are well ranked themselves in the search engines. We know that well ranked sites will enjoy a steady flow of visitors so your article is now being seen by human eyes that may want to click on your links to get more information from you.

This would be what is called direct referrals and in this case the link's text and format does not really matter. The visitor will simply click on the link and be taken to your site.

Now, when referring to the link's text and format what exactly am I talking about? I referring to what is called the anchor text. Without going into an in depth Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) lesson, let's just think of anchor text as being the actual text that you click--in other words it is the text that makes up the link.

Why is the actual text that we click in the link important? Remember when we talked about the human visitors to all the websites that have our article? We failed to mention the other "visitors" that will be frequenting those sites...Yes, that is right, the search engine spiders will be visiting those sites as well.

Their mission of course will be to gather and index all your article's content-to include your author resource links. If everything is formatted corrected, then these spiders will follow your links back to your website.

Unlike humans, the search engine spiders do care what text is used to make up the link. This is the concept that will allow you to optimize your website. How is this done? let's take a look at the examples below.

Example link format 1:

http://www.ezinearticles.com/ ---This is how you will see most links formatted here. This is just the website's address and by default the EzineArticles website automatically adds the necessary code to display this as a link ( This is done behind the scenes and you do not have to do anything to get the link built.)

Example link format 2: Article Submissions

Run your mouse over the link above and you will see that it still points to the same website, but there is one very important difference here--the link text--in this case the words "Article Submissions" are now pointing to the website.

Basically what I have done is to use the keyword phrase "Article Submissions" as the anchor text for the link. Search engines will treat anchor text as being more important or more relevant within the site, and if you manage to get your article published on a well ranked site, then you will see a boost in your ranking for the keywords you have chose to use in the link text.

As you can see, choosing the right link text for your site can add a considerable boost to your search engine rankings. Always remember that anytime you are placing a link to your site anywhere and you have the option to use relevant keywords in the link text then be sure you do so.

Want to learn more about linking? Please subscribe to my free SEO Tips,Tactics, and Tools Newsletter