Monday, May 5, 2008

Bridge the Article Marketing Gap - Reconciling Two Theories of Article Marketing

Article marketing should be an energetic and highly utilized part of any web-business strategy. The two primary ideologies of article distribution - wide array mass-distribution versus focused, small-scale distribution - seem at first to be irreconcilable. However, bringing the two methods together can multiply web traffic by exploiting the best aspects of each, so you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Conservative Distribution Theory

Recently, the most widely accepted theory of article marketing has been to use a focused technique of distributing articles to a handful of quality article directories. The primary reason this method became popular was that search engines began downgrading or penalizing websites that consisted of duplicate content. The search engines had good reason for that. It is not fair to rank cut-and-paste content the same as content created by the hand and mind of dedicated, interested people. The down side of that change of policy is that those of us who wanted to spread our homemade articles out to numerous sources found that our hard work was suddenly viewed less positively. The result was that the good, ethical article marketers set to work writing more articles and distributing them to ten or fifteen highly ranked article directories, while the black-hat guys searched for new dastardly schemes.

The benefits of the new rules were twofold:

1) Instead of spreading a few articles over a very wide area, we were creating more articles on our topics, which helped to bolster our image as experts in our field. Even if we got a bit less traffic, the traffic we did get was of a much higher quality.
2) Submitting to fewer directories meant that we could focus on getting our articles into the proper categories on the higher tier article directories. Once again, this seemed to result in better traffic.

Liberal Distribution Theory

This technique evolved quite naturally from the early days of internet marketing. As soon as we were capable, of course we submitted our articles to as many directories as possible. The more links we had floating out there, the more traffic we received. Much of that traffic was of lower quality, but that was not as important. As long as our servers could take it, we wanted it.

The benefits of the old way were, coincidentally, also twofold:

1) We were able to cast a much wider net. We could throw out the garbage and the small fish, and we kept only the fish we wanted. (I know it is a hackneyed metaphor, but it is true.)
2) With the advent of automated mass-distribution technology, we could get our message and our links out there with one click of the mouse. Maybe our articles were not always placed in the best category, but there were so many instances of our work on the internet that it did not drastically affect our results.

Then, in a story that seems to keep repeating itself, the spammers ruined it for everyone. Of course, they only ruined the easiness of article marketing, not the effectiveness. I must reiterate that these conditions forced us to work harder, which led to our increased knowledge, which then led to our being even better in our niches. Take that, spammers.

The New, Centrist Distribution Theory

Very simply, this is a combination of the two previously described theories. This method was created because although search engines downgrade duplicate content, they do not discount it entirely. If an article marketer today were to use mass-distribution alone, his work would not draw traffic to the level it would have a few years ago. However, his net would still be cast wide, with little effort required after writing the article.

It is now becoming clear that these two techniques can coexist. The trick is to find the right blend.

Some very successful article marketers use mass-distribution services for ten to thirty percent of the articles they write. The rest are submitted by hand (though there are software programs that can simplify this process) to specific categories in article directories that publish high quality, original content. This gives them two nets - one wide net and one deep net. They get long-lasting backlinks that bring them targeted traffic from the manual submissions, and they get volume from the mass-distribution.

The last remaining task is one that never actually ends. Successful article marketers never stop experimenting with which articles to mass-distribute, and with how many to mass-distribute. Start your campaign today, and watch your traffic skyrocket in a few short months.

Article Ranger is a free submission article directory where authors may post articles about subjects of interest, and publishers may pick up articles for use in ezines, newsletters, etc. Michael Rasco is the Owner and Chief Editor of Article Ranger.

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 4 Efficient Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website promotion tactics to drive free, targeted traffic to your website. This works by writing and distributing articles to your target niche through various publishing sites. Every time your articles are picked up by webmasters for distribution, you make your website more popular and more relevant to the eyes of search engines.

Here are the 4 efficient steps to improve your article marketing:

1. The most important element in article marketing is the quality of the articles you write. Your articles must be well-written, focused on your target niche, and content-rich. In addition, they must also be useful and they must offer solutions to the problems that are being faced by your potential clients. When your articles contain the above mentioned elements, they have great chances of being widely distributed online.

2. To increase your clickthrough rate, you must know how to grab the attention of your readers. One of the best ways to do that is by using titles that your potential audience can relate to. Your headlines must be appealing and target the emotion or the curiosity of readers so they will be entice to open and read your content.

3. You should write your articles while keeping the publishing sites requirements in mind. Learn and understand the terms set forth by major publishing sites and abide by them at all cost to make sure that your articles will not be rejected.

4. Optimize your content. You should also consider the search engines and your target market's online behavior when writing. Strategically place major keywords throughout your content so search engines will effectively index your articles. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable and easier to find online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Mobile Computing - Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and AT&T Video Phone

For those who write online articles be advised that the way that humans communicate by computer is about to change forever. This means the way people get the articles that you write will also soon change. Consider if you will the competition between Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and the new AT&T Video Phones. Everyone is going to offer handheld mobile computing devices.

With the new technologies coming fast with Mobile Computing one has to wonder if online article submission websites should make their articles available to mobile users? Perhaps building mirrored sites especially for mobile users so they can surf the new articles available?

Should such services to web surfers be made feasible by having very simple low byte screens at the cell phone user level. They should be able to search categories and then articles by title and you should have listed the top articles and newest articles, with scaled down graphics for very fast loading. If the user can surf easily an online article submission site very fast, they will, wouldn't you?

Indeed article marketing on the go is just what mobile computing is ready for. Information, when you need it, when you want it and where ever you are. The World is changing and Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and AT&T Video Phone are all vying for the mobile computer user and that means lots of advertising, capital money flows and a massive number of mobile computing handsets will soon be out in public cruising around while surfing for information.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

What's Killing Your Traffic

The winning formula for writing targeted traffic producing articles can be broken down into a few steps. Keyword research is a very intricate and important part of writing and submitting articles. It is also probably the most ignored part of writing articles. Usage of popular keywords, (words that are often used for searches on the Internet) will bring more targeted traffic to your article and/or website. As you write your article remain conscious of the keywords. Theyll definitely bring you traffic.

The length of the article is another important decision. Remember, you are not writing a book or screenplay. Your objective is to generate traffic. Many article publishers, webmasters, and bloggers find an ideal word count to be 400 800 words. Avoid writing an article of more than 800 words. The logic being, online reading concentration time, tends to be a bit less than offline. You want to keep your reader focused on content and have her finish your article.

The title of the article should be enticing. The readers have many choices online. We want her to choose your article. There are a few types of titles, well touch on two briefly today. There are problem based titles, and solution based titles. An example of a solution based title would be Five Secrets to Increasing Traffic. A title like that may have been a winner a few years ago, but its allure ability has faded over time. A problem based title would be Whats killing Your Traffic Which of the titles have more allure? Most people feel the latter title does. Remember the keywords are to be included in your title to increase your search and ranking on the Internet.

Now lets discuss the body of your article which is the content portion. It should be concise and to the point. To be most effective, it should be written from your readers perspective. In other words, readers are looking for information that meets their needs. A quality article thats to the point with rich content, will definitely find its way to avid readers. Those avid readers will generate targeted traffic to your website, which is one of our key objectives.

It is extremely important that you include your website URL in the resource box / signature box. Also include a few lines about yourself. This helps to establish you as a professional and increases your credibility. Ultimately your articles generate targeted traffic, increase your exposure and help to build your expert status.

Last but certainly not least, the most effective method of distribution is to submit your articles to article directories either manually or with an article submission company. and are two of the highest ranked article submission sites. Submitting your articles to many of the top ranked article submission sites will help to ensure that your articles rank well in search engines. This in turn will generate additional targeted traffic for you.

I'm looking forward to reading your articles.

Rob L. Daniel is a United States Air Force veteran. For years he was a top-producing stockbroker, with the Investment banking firm of Lehman Brothers. He has had key sales and marketing positions in and outside of corporate America. He is a full time Internet marketer, with a fast track, global personal development company. He leads his team and helps others generate traffic and sales for their businesses. Currently he resides in Los Angeles, California.

TOPGUNS - Subscribe to our FREE Personal Development Ezine. We Interview Top Speakers, Top Trainers, & Top Authors, to Help You Become More Successful. Learn While You Earn.

You have permission to republish and use this article in your newsletter,website,or blog as long as you leave the article fully intact, and include this resource box at the end of the article.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - Compelling Ways to Advance with Article Marketing

Article marketing is currently the best way to drive quality traffic to your website. It is one of the few marketing tools that is easy to do and cost nothing yet delivers impressive results.

Here are the compelling ways to advance with article marketing:

1. Content. The idea behind article marketing is to have your articles picked up and republished by other online users so you can obtain more inbound links for your website. That can only happen if you consistently produce articles that are not only well-written but content-rich as well. Remember, the quality of your content is one of the crucial elements that can determine the success of your article marketing campaign.

2. Topics. You should write about topics that are highly related to your products and services so you can attract targeted traffic. For instance, if you are selling maternity dresses, you can write about pregnancy and wardrobe. These types of articles will surely drive pregnant women to your site who are more likely to become interested in buying maternity clothes from you.

3. Your articles must be highly informative. They must contain information needed by your target market. For instance, in the example topic cited above, you should give your readers information about types of maternity dresses, what kind of dress will fit their lifestyle, and when to buy them.

4. Proofread. Review your articles before you post them online. Make sure that your ideas are coherent and that the words that you have used are all spelled right. Eliminate grammar and factual errors.

5. Avoid advertising on your articles. Remember, you are not writing sales letters so, your main focus should be to inform your readers about issues they are most interested to learn about.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Uncover 4 No-Brainer Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

There are millions of people who are making huge money through article marketing. They use this off-page SEO solution to either generate massive traffic to their sites or promote affiliate products for commission. This is also the preferred method by marketers when building their email marketing lists and in showcasing their expertise on their chosen field.

1. Improve the quality of your articles. The idea in writing your articles is to have them picked up and republished by webmasters so you can easily multiply the number of inbound links for your website. If you are targeting massive distribution, your articles must be well-written, offers valuable information, and useful to your target niche.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. Just like quality, the quantity of your articles is one crucial element that can guarantee you success. Every time you submit an article, you obtain one quality inbound link for your website. The more links you generate, the more quality traffic you can attract to your website. The better the traffic, the more online revenue you can generate.

3. Learn the basic of SEO. Article marketing doesn't require you to learn complicated HTML codes or programming languages just to have a better page ranking. However, it is crucial that you know how to pick and position relevant keywords and key phrases on your articles so they can be easily indexed by search engines.

4. Choose the best article submissions sites. Not all publishing sites are created equal. Some of them are not even indexed by Google. Identify the sites that are highly visited and can give your articles greater chances of being massively distributed.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

5 Article Marketing Tips to Get Eye-Popping Attention For Your Articles

The worst thing to happen to your articles is when nothing happens. I have crafted this article to give you the 5 article marketing tips to avoid this from happening. Online authors like us write to get attention to our websites and to ourselves as the topic experts. When nothing happens meaning no one reads our articles, our efforts are washed down the drain. This happens to more than 90% of article writers most of the time. So let us get started on learning the article marketing tips to get some eye-popping attention to our articles.

1. A Good Title

The article title either works for you or kill your efforts. Period! So make sure you think of an appealing title. Since most people see your title first before your content, if they are not buying into your article title, then chances are they will click away so make sure it pulls their attention. See my article title as an example of such an effect.

In a few words, you must tell them what benefits they can get from reading your article so that they will read your entire article. People are always looking for tips like you are searching for article marketing tips now, answers and solutions, so make sure you craft the titles in such a manner. Examples are 10 ways to cure your baldness, How to attract her attention even if you are ugly, How to write a traffic-sucking article within 10 minutes flat. Create curiosity.

2. Paragraph your Content

People hate long and disorganized articles. Noticed that the first thing people does when they land on your article is to browse quickly. If they see super duper long paragraphs, they are going to get bored and skip your article all together. So be sure to organize your article into bite-size paragraphs ie 5 paragraphs and each containing 4 to 5 sentences ideally.

3. Number Your Key Points

Put in nice numbering. Number the points you are trying to get across. It makes the article highly readable. Our brains analyse writings in such a systematic manner. So condition your reader with a smooth flow of points presented in numbers. It has the effect of convincing them and giving them a great feeling about what they are reading.

4. Provide Catchy Sub-titles

Always give a sub-title or sub-header to give them a quick summary of what they are reading. I love this one as my favourite among all the article marketing tips. This is a short snappy summary just like what you often see in newspapers. At one glance, they can get a hint of what they are going to get when they read your content. This is also where you can have some teasers in the sub-titles.

5. Use Facts, Figures and Examples

People like facts, figures, examples and case studies so be sure to give them some. When delivering a point, give them a few of these to convince them of its factuality. This adds a sense of urgency and increase the trust they develop in your content and yourself.

You have it, all 5 of the most powerful article marketing tips to create traffic sucking articles that drives sales and subscribers.

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