Friday, May 16, 2008

List Building - 3 Proven Ways To Build A List Fast!

Dreaming of building a massive subscribers list that you can depend on? Here are 3 tried and tested and proven ways to really build a huge list fast!

1. Host Your Own Giveaway Event

A giveaway event involves a host gathering a group of like-minded marketers to give away products and build each other's subscriber lists. The host is usually the biggest winner, although he does most of the work! With many list owners sending traffic to your giveaway event, expect to build a big list in record time.

2. Go On An Ad Swap Charge

Approach other list owners in your niche and offer to do an ad swap. You should approach list owners with list sizes that are similar to yours, then as your list grows bigger, approach email marketers with bigger lists! Mail to each other's lists about your partner's free offer; that's one way to mutually benefit and grow your lists.

3. Go The Coregistration Route

A coregistration service or broker basically allows you to advertise your free offer on their highly trafficked pages or partner networks. Typically, your offer will be listed alongside other coregistration users. Usually, this is a great way to build a big list fast! But the subscribers might not be as responsive as from other sources, so you might want to warm them up with more free information in the beginning.

And there you have it, 3 proven ways to build a massive list really quickly. These methods are great for getting an instant boost in your opt-in list numbers, so do try them out.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Submission Is Not As Easy As They Would Like You To Believe

If anyone tells you that submitting articles over 500 words to numerous Article Directories/Ezines will instantly bring a flood of traffic to your website is spinning the truth.

Submitting Articles to multiple Ezines/Article directories sounds like it would be one of the easiest ways to draw traffic to your website (you write an article, submit the article and sit back while traffic rolls inNOT). The truth is that, article submission to directories is time consuming and like anything else can yield frustrating results if not done properly.

What could be so complex about writing an article and submitting it online?

If you start by writing an article willy-nilly, off the cuff, off the top of your head youve only done a fraction of the job and it still may be incorrect.

First, determine the overall use of the article. If it is to generate traffic, what do you want that traffic to do when it reaches your website? Then, tailor the willy-nilly articles youve written to attract the attention of your target. Or write a new articles.

Submit your articles to 400-500 article directories. It is a good practice to get people interested in what you're writing about, granted what youre writing about is directly relevant to your online business. Keyword and keyword phrase research will give you an idea of what to include in your articles.

Some article sites allow you to submit a link in your article that links back to the page in your website where the article is posted. Most article directories only allow you to link back to your home page in the resource box and allow no article links. Linking to your website is beneficial because of the number of quality backlinks it will generate.

Whatever the case you need to have your webpages fine tuned so that every visitor to your site takes full advantage of what you have to offer.

Lets talk about your website

It is sometimes best to start with a fresh website with no articles rather than one with tons of broad articles with no focus. But if you do have tons of articles you may only have to reword them so they motivate visitors to your service.

What is your Service?

If you have a solid product that people have a need for youre ahead of the game. if you are simply starting with pay per click ads your articles can motivate your visitors (targeted traffic) to do exactly what you want them to do. Or, if you do not have a product then you are still in good shape because there are thousands of affiliate products available. You can turn your Article marketing campaign into an email opt-in list campaign. Any traffic to your website should be offered free how-to information in exchange for their email address. This will allow you to build a relationship with your visitors.

Lets stay focused on Article Submission. How articles do you submit and when?

Ask fifteen Internet Marketers how many articles to submit in one week to article directories and you will get 20 different answers. Fact of the matter is that there is no penalty for mass submitting articles to directories. If an article site has a question about your submission frequency they will email you.

On the other hand, you only want to add n two articles per week to your website just to stay clear of any "auto generated website" alarms that may go off with search engines.

Auto generated websites tend to have a good but short lived run in search engine indexes before getting de-indexed. Its better to grow your website naturally. If youre a seasoned or slightly seasoned Internet Marketer youre probably wondering why you havent read anything in this article about Article Submission software.

Who uses Article Submission Software?

Everyone that doesnt have time or cant afford to hire a professional company to submit 4-5 articles a week to 400 plus different article directories should consider using article submission software. Article Post Robot is one such submission software that allows you to not only submit one article to over 500 directories it also has a feature allowing you to submit to over 50 mailing lists.


> Auto submit articles to over 500 directories with one click
> Manually submit articles one at a time if you choose
> Mail List submission option
> Regular updates of additional directories
> Auto rotation of word, paragraph text, and summary
> Backup and restore feature
> Project load and save feature
> The developer responds promptly to emails
> There are hundreds of directories in the list that do not need memberships
> The auto submitter can run in the background while you work on other projects on the same PC.


> It takes F O R E V E R to subscribe to the 300 plus directories that require a signup (this would be the same with any article submission software).
> You have to ad a pen name to the majority of the signup only directories before your article can be submitted by the A.P.R. submitter.
> You must have the highest quality anti-spyware and antivirus software installed and up-to-date on your computer (you should have this regardless).

Article Post Robot is the Article submission software I recommend for the novas to advanced Internet Marketer who values their time and money. You can draw a significant amount of traffic to your website with a targeted Article Marketing. strategy.

For the best Article Marketing strategies visit See my sitemap for online home based business tips.

Article Marketing - Article Marketing Tips for Newbies

Article marketing is one of the absolute basics of internet marketing. Having articles all over the internet is a marketing method which enables you to invest some time and effort right now and reap the benefits for years to come. This article will explore some of the advantages of article marketing and its subtleties in order to help internet marketers to use it to their best advantage.

Anyone who's been doing internet marketing for a while knows that writing articles is imperative to the success of one's online campaigns. Having articles in various article directories is a great way of providing links back to your site, thus building your site's popularity. When a page has many links back to it it helps to attain good positioning in the search engines. An article directory which has a high page rank is the best place to submit articles to as this helps to boost your page's rank.

Bear in mind that people take articles they enjoy and publish them in their ezines and on their websites, further providing you, the author, with more back links and publicity.

When you have articles of your own posted in article directories you can slowly establish your name as an expert in your niche. People will be more apt to trust your recommendations.

Although it may be tempting to write a bunch of articles in one day and submit them to a few directories, exercise caution with this. Why is that? Because Google is quite sensitive about a sudden surge in traffic to a link. Although we would all love a sudden surge in traffic, it may cause Google to de-index your site in order to look in to the reason for the sudden popularity of your site. It's better to submit articles every couple of days.

In the process of article marketing, don't submit an article that is already on your own website. It may be considered duplicate content and you don't want that! Google would consider the site which is higher ranking to be the originator of the article (the article directory) and your site's page rank may suffer.

Don't submit PLR articles without making changes!! There is so much PLR available today (free and otherwise) and it is very tempting to just grab it and use it. Don't do it. The purpose of these articles is to provide you with a basis for an article. Read it and rewrite it in your own words. Duplicate articles could be rejected by the article directories and the directories may just decide to ban your account.

Try to use good keywords in your article's title and also in the beginning of the first paragraph. Sprinkle your chosen keyword all over the article as well.

Most article directories allow you to use hyperlinks. For sophisticated and efficient article marketing try to use anchor text that relates to the keywords you are targeting. This will help you attain a better position in the SERP's (search engine result pages). If you are targeting the word "gardening tips" make sure to hyperlink to your website from each mention of the term in your article. This will help your gardening site be higher in the search results for the term "gardening tips".

Try to remember that people will be reading your article. Make it readable for them and don't just concentrate on the density of your keywords. If people don't enjoy reading the article, they won't bother reaching the end of it, which is where you will lead them to your site from the ever-important resource box!

In summary, article marketing is a very important, even critical, element of internet marketing. Every internet marketer should be making the effort to become proficient in article marketing and learning how to write decent quality articles in as little time as possible. It will bring in terrific long term results.

Happy writing!

Dena Gottlieb is an Internet Marketer who can help you get started on your affiliate marketing career. For more information about getting your internet business off the ground go to or

Internet Marketing - Oh So Attractive!

Internet marketing seems to be appealing to a good number of people as the first thing they think about when they hear "internet marketing" is... financial freedom, no boss, working from home, and having all the time in the world.

Now, let just say that is not always the case. First off, to achieve incredible success online, it will require an incredible amount of effort on your part. Success doesn't just happen to a few lucky people; They work for it. You see... the law of cause and effect is universal. You want to see extra ordinary results, you better prepare to back it with some extraordinary energy.

Look at internet marketing as you would at a lotion commercial. The model looks great, her skin is smooth and boy she's hot. Little do you know how many hours of photoshop work went in to that commercial. Every dimple and every not so smooth spot was worked over with a photoshop paint brush and it's hard to believe, but by the time you see it, not half of the actual image is left. Think about it...

Isn't that the same with internet marketing? You are shown this great picture of what money has done for other internet marketers, but little do you know that thousands upon thousands of hours of hard work went in to their great success. It did not just happen over night!

If you develop the right mindset towards internet marketing, and are ready to do what it takes to succeed on a grand scale, you will become unstoppable and are destined to incredible wealth and success. First the command, then the sacrifice, and then the glory!

Konrad Braun is a proud member of He has had great success with affiliate marketing and is now teaching others to follow his exact system. Feel free to distribute this article in any shape or form as long as you include this resource box.

Targeted List Building - 5 Revealed Secrets to a Better List Building

List building is probably the best source of potential clients that any ebusiness could ever rely on. The list of e- mail addresses basically show how great is your potential or capacity to generate leads in order to increase your sales potential and of course your profits. Also, the quality of this list of e-mail addresses tells a business the capacity to sustain its dominance in the business sector. This is the reason why building a list is essential and important. To make your mechanism work to your advantage, the following secrets are revealed to help you achieve good results in building your list:

1. Make sure that your invitation to sign up and register is spread visibly on every page of your site. This makes the subscription process more likely to be successful and positively driven.

2. Always make the sign up process simple and organized. You do not want to scare your potential registering members by presenting them lengthy, complex registration form. To augment the number of your registrants, just ask them for their e-mail address, as this is the only contact information you will ever need in sending them your email messages.

3. When you have the invitation to sign up, make sure that you also give them the chance to sign out from the list. The opt-out option is a good indication that you are not forcing anyone to subscribe and that the subscription is never locked out.

4. You can make an invitation by leveraging on the traditional means. You can make use of the print and ads media to make an invitation to sign up. This is another good form of widening your capacity to expand your list.

5. You can also make a promotion about your invitation on every e-mail message that you send out. This is a good way to maximize and fully use all possible means and methods in order to make sure that you are able to capture every form of potential subscription.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Productive Article Marketing Revealed - 4 Comprehensive Ways to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website SEO strategies that is designed to get free targeted traffic for your website. It works by writing original articles that are related to your target niche and submitting them to various article directories online. These articles are then posted by publishers so other webmasters and ezine publishers can use them for free as long as they keep the resource box that directs online users to your website.

1. The success in article marketing largely depends on the quality of articles your write. In order for your copies to be widely distributed, they must be easy to read, well-written and focused on your target niche. Focus on writing articles that offer solutions as these are the kinds of copies that are often search for by most online users.

2. Choose keyword-rich titles. People search the internet through the use of keywords. When you make your headlines keyword-rich, they will be most likely to be found by your potential readers. To further entice your readers to open your articles, make sure that your headlines are intriguing and attention-grabbing.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users today have shorter attention span and they prefer short articles that are direct to the point and meaty.

4. Multiple the number of your articles. While it it true that the quality of your articles is the number one element that dictates the success of your article marketing campaign, the quantity of your articles plays crucial part too. As each submission grants you one quality inbound link, the more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website that can result to increased traffic and of course, sales.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Write Articles for Cash - The Details

It seems like it would be a simple matter. Write an article of two and then sit back and wait for the cash to roll in. Like they say, LOL. In reality, there are a lot of details to take care of. And if you really want to be successful writing articles for income, you need to focus on these details.

1. First and foremost, you need to have a list of products that you like and can recommend. It doesnt matter if they are your own or affiliate items. For each of these products, you will need the web page where the item is available using plain text (http://blah blah blah) and the page listing in html using a href. I like to have both versions available so that I can quickly cut and paste the information when Im writing an article. If you are promoting eight items, you have sixteen listings to keep track of.

2. Are you using pre-sale pages? This is a soft sell page that lists a number of features and benefits of the product and provides a number of links to the item. If you are using pre-sale pages, you will need to list the web-address for each item. Again, you will need plain text and html versions.

3. For each item you are promoting, you need to know if they have free downloadable reports available. For each report, you will need 2 web addresses, one plain text and one html.

4. If you are using affiliate products, you will need to know the web-address, your username, and password for each product you promote.

5. I like to keep track of how my articles are performing. In order to do this, I have two excel spreadsheets that I update every morning. These spreadsheets tell me which article directories are sending me the most traffic, which articles are getting the most page views, which articles are being published the most, and where Im getting the most URL Clicks. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but it is worth it.

So, if we are selling eight products, according to my count, that is about 80 details that we have to keep track of. Wow! I use a word document called Product to keep track of all that information. I post each item separately and list all of the details previously mentioned just below it.

By using this method, I can quickly and easily reference an item and use either the plain text or html version (depending on which method the site requires) of the address that I want to use in my article. If you take care of the details, the details will take care of you.

Download our FREE REPORT and get access to tons of free articles, reports, and downloads relating to generating income by writing articles!

This Article Marketing Website Traffic Generation Formula Can Make You Rich

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website traffic generation strategy available today. The reason behind this is its capability to drive thousands of visitors to your website instantly as well as on a permanent basis.

It can do this all for free. Then why do people fail using this powerful traffic generation strategy. You can see people hunting for quick traffic generation softwares, instant traffic solutions and a number of ways that can get them instant traffic to their website.

Doing all this they are sure to fail. But why aren't they using this powerful article marketing strategy to its fullest extent? The reason is simple, they are not aware or frightened to perform the exact steps that is required to create and distribute traffic pulling articles.

In this article you will learn the exact steps to create a quality article and distribute it over the net to get permanent incoming links to your website and quality targeted traffic.

People are frightened of doing research. You need quality content to create an article. The first step to create a quality article is to do a thorough research on the topic of your website.

You can easily do this by visiting search engine like and article directories like

These sources have the power to give you hundreds if not thousands of pages of information on the topic of your website. Just read few articles out there, generate ideas and from these ideas create your own unique article of around 500 to 600 words.

Arrange your article in point format, create headline, header and footer and attention pulling resource box with a link to your website.

This will make sure to get you a unique piece of article created within an hour.

The next problem writers face is that it is extremely time-consuming to submit articles and spread them on hundreds of websites. The solution is simple.

If you have lots of time but no money then you can research around hundred article directories and submit your articles manually. Once you have researched these directories it should not take you more than a few hours to submit your articles to all these directories.

If you are lacking time but have some money to spend then you can use article submission service and they will make sure to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories on the net.

This will make sure that your article gets maximum exposure and gets you traffic beyond your wildest dreams. Write and submit around five to ten articles every day using the tactics I have shown you above.

If you do this on consistent basis, I am sure you will never ever worry about getting hundreds of targeted visitors to your website on a daily basis purchasing your products and services. Make sure you get started today. You can thank me later.

~FREE Video~ : How to Create Your First Money Making Website in 7 Days or Less? - Starting Today...


Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step FREE Article Marketing and Website Promotion Course.

Article Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Why Articles Get Rejected

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs embarking on a new article marketing campaign. Most of the time, I can only use a small fraction of the content I receive because people writing articles make one of the crucial article marketing mistakes listed below.

KEY POINT: When you submit articles to a newsletter/ezine publisher or a website owner as part of your article marketing campaign, you have to remember that they aren't going to publish YOUR article for THEIR customers and visitors unless it is high quality content that gives something of value.

If you're writing articles like crazy as part of your article marketing, but getting very few of them actually published, then you might want to re-evaluate your approach. Are you making one of these crucial article marketing mistakes?

1. Poor Subject Matter:

If you're going to bother writing articles, write about something that people are interested in reading about. In other words, address a problem and provide a solution within your content. This is your best bet when in comes to article marketing. Content pieces that approach an old problem in a new way or with a new twist work well too -- you don't have to necessarily discover a whole new problem that no one else has ever though of before (If you discover a whole new problem and have the solution you better be thinking of product creation not just an article marketing!).

2. Write With Personality:

No one likes to read text books. Put a little of your own personality into your article marketing and make your content engaging and entertaining as well as informative. If you have a sense of humor, use it.

3. Write For Your Audience:

Don't distribute content about the value of protein in the American diet to a Russian Political website or the publisher of a podiatry newsletter... They don't care.

4. Write A Decent Sized Article:

Most publishers would rather an article be a little bit too long than very short. Four hundred word articles just don't have enough meat in them. Don't ramble when you're writing articles, but you've got to provide some details if you want to be published.

5. Break Up Your Article: When writing articles, don't use three long paragraphs. Break it up into smaller paragraphs with a few single lines, bullets, etc. to make it easier and more enjoyable to read. Again -- no one likes to read text books.

6. Spell Check And Grammar:

If you're writing articles as part of a serious article marketing campaign, then you've got to spell check. No one will publish your content if it's full of spelling and grammar errors.

7. Don't Write A Sales Letter: No one will publish an article that reads like a sales letter... period. Article marketing isn't about selling, it's about pre-selling.

8. Forget About Affiliate Links:

Use your head... why would anyone use your content article if it's full of your own affiliate links? Ever hear of the "Golden Rule?" It applies to article marketing too. Would you publish another writer's article if it were full of his affiliate links? I doubt it.

9. Create A Reasonable Resource Box:

A resource box should tell me who you are, what you do, and how I can get in touch with you. It's not unlimited advertising space for you to describe every website you run and each product you sell. Article marketing is about providing content, not advertising. That "Golden Rule" thing applies to resource boxes too.

10. Only Write About What You Know:

Even if you're writing articles based on opinion, get your facts straight. Don't write content filled with advice that you have no business giving... it will hurt your article marketing campaign.

If you take nothing else away from this discussion, remember that a good article writing campaign always answers "What's in it for me?"

When you're writing articles to send to newsletter and website publishers, you have to answer that question on two fronts...

What's in it for the publisher? Why should they show your content to their customers and visitors? Does it give something of value?

-- AND --

What's in it for the people who will ultimately be reading your article when it's published?

After all, the idea behind article marketing is to provide some worthy content that compels readers to visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your product.

Article marketing can be extremely lucrative... but you've got to do it right.


Savvy internet marketers generate thousands of dollars from Article Marketing marketing each year. To get instant access To The Amazing Article Formula that gets articles distributed, Published, and read, Visit Now! Or Visit to submit your article.

Article Marketing 101 - Quick And Easy Steps To Promoting Your Business For Free

There are many different ways to promote your business on the internet. You can use PPC, ezine advertising and search engine optimization to name a few. Unfortunately for most people who are new to internet marketing these options can be very overwhelming. You need to have some money to invest to tweak your paid advertising so that you can actually get it right. Search engine optimization takes long and can be complicated and you may also not receive the conversions that you want.

The two things that I like very much about article marketing is that you get very good conversions which can be up to 10 times better than leads from other sources. So if you are new to internet marketing and trying to sell your new product it will be so much easier. Also it is completely free and only requires some time of your to write articles.

However, it can be really difficult to get started using this method of advertising your business. I remember when I first got started I really struggled to write articles. The main reason is that you need to train your brain to do this. The more practise you get the easier it will become. This is the formula that I use to write my articles. I will think of a specific area concerning my niche market and write focusing on this. I then come up with a killer title. I will write the introduction and conclusion next as these are the easiest to write first. Then I will focus on the meat of the article or the body.

I brainstorm various ideas and then think of bullet points that represent each idea. I will write one complete paragraph for each bullet point. I then proof read the article and submit it to the major article directories the following day.

Once you get going it will become easier to start writing consistently and consequently you will start getting highly qualified traffic to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing Success - What I Have Learned from a Million Page Views

Here I want to share with you, what I have learned after generating over a million hits to my articles and how anyone can get great targeted traffic and enjoy article marketing success...


If you are writing an article you need to have quality material that's interesting and informative. There are a lot of people who will write you an article for $5 - 10 and there of no use to you, as the reader will soon see the material is poor and never click through. Ideally, write the article yourself and if you want to use a professional writer, then make sure their experienced in your field of expertise.

2 x Versions

Create two versions of the same article, this won't take you much longer than doing one. You simply keep the same topic and edit a second article form the first and change the headline. I can write an article in about 30 - 45 minutes and edit the same one in about 15, so 2 x articles should take you no more than an hour to write.

The first article is the one you want the search engines to pick up and rate and choose the best article directory for the field that you are writing in. Different directories rate higher or lower on different subjects and don't always assume the bigger the directory the higher it rates. Submit the article and then point links at. The more high quality links you have pointing at the article the better, so bookmark it and blog it.

The second article can be used to get traffic from the rest of the directories.


When doing directory submissions forget about quantity, again go for quality.

You can submit to hundreds of directories - but it's simply not worth the time and effort, for the results you get back.

There are thousand of directories but only around 100 are worth bothering with.

I have spent considerable time building lists that only consist of about 30 directories - but I know they will pull significant traffic on my theme. For example, I have one directory with an Alexa ranking outside the top 100,000 yet it will give me as many hits, as directories in the top 5,000 on several subjects!

It's very much a question of trial and error, simply submit to a directory and see how it performs on your subject.


You Headline needs to be keyword rich at the start and punchy, to grab your readers attention. A long headline is better than a shorter one; it gives the search engine spider something to bite on and gives enough words for you to entice readers.


The longer an article is (and I often see articles of 1,000 words or more) the more chance the reader will be distracted, get bored and click way. The ideal length is around 550 words and no more than 750.

Keep your teaser text short and to the point. All it needs to do is to tell them why they should read your article - you don't need any of the article content in it.

When you write the article do NOT use long paragraphs - people find this intimidating and will click away. Keep paragraphs to six sentences or less and break up the article, with eye catching sub heads and bullet points.

You must make your article easy to read, as they have to get to the resource box!

When you come to the concluding paragraph, start to pre close them to your site. For example, you can tell them of other articles you have written on related subjects and they will assume they are on your site and click through.

Resource Box

Make sure you have a headline which has a benefit to the reader and use the text to tell them exactly what they are going to get at your site.

Article readers want information, so free Pdf's are always good. Your resource box is your advert, so use it wisely. Stress the benefits of what you do and always have a high perceived free offer they can take advantage of.

Click Through Rates

Many article directories tell you how many people have clicked through to your site from your article and as a general rule, you should be getting at least 10% and preferably a 20% click through.

Article marketing is one of the most effective ways of getting targeted traffic and I hope the enclosed tips help you achieve article marketing success.


For more on getting high quality targeted traffic and more on article marketing success visit our website at

Article Marketing - How To Write Conclusions And Resource Boxes That Pull In Clicks Like Crazy

Here's your chance to discover how to write hypnotizing conclusions and resource boxes for your articles that increase your clickthrough rates through the roof. In this article, we are going to look at these two important components of an Internet article and how to fully utilize them for maximum effectiveness.

Your conclusion can be comprised of one of two things: a summary of your article, or some additional insight that will end your article with a bang, so to speak. Your summary can simply be just a few sentences stating the important points of your main copy and what the reader should do next. Always provide a call-to-action at the end of your article by telling him to take action on the points you have discussed or by clicking through to your website to find out more. You should always get your reader to take action on the techniques discussed in your article. Otherwise the article is no good for anyone.

For your resource box, you want to do the same thing - get your readers to take action. Usually, this means clicking through to your website. You won't get many clickthroughs simply giving them a link to click on at the end of the article. You must get your readers to act by writing a compelling call-to-action.

For example, in the golf niche, I might write:

"Discover How A Golfing Newbie Embarrassed Experienced Pros In The Space Of A Year Using These Covert Golf Techniques!" Click Here To Receive Your Free Report In Your Email Inbox

You must write something out of the ordinary to get the interest and attention of your readers. However, don't lie about stuff. Keep it honest yet interesting and many people will click through to your link to see your offer.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 6 Creative Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is definitely here to stay as it provides online users what they truly need - information and provides online entrepreneurs what they need to make their ebusiness successful - online traffic.

Here are the 6 creative steps to grow your article marketing:

1. Limit your topics to issues that are closely related to your offerings. If you are selling diet pills, focus on writing articles about weight gain and effective solutions to combat it. By doing so, you will be able to attract those people who are most likely to become interested on what you are offering. This can tremendously increase your sales potential and your profits.

2. Publish your articles. To give your articles the exposure they need, submit them to all leading article submissions sites and directories that have great page ranking and steady traffic. By doing this, you can easily augment the number of your inbound links and increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished online.

3. Optimize your articles. You would want your articles to be highly searchable online so you can better connect with people who are needing your content. So, make it a habit to optimize your articles and sprinkle generous amount of keywords all throughout your content.

4. Know the elements that can set your articles apart from the rest. If you want to generate more interest online, you need to make your articles content-rich, informative, useful, well-written, direct to the point, accurate, and short. They must also have attention-grabbing titles and compelling first paragraphs to attract and hold the interest of your readers. If you can consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you can be assured that you will easily make a lasting mark online.

5. Use a powerful resources box. If you want to easily convert your readers to potential clients, don't just leave your website's URL on your resource box. Instead, fill with important information like your name, your expertise, and the problems that you solve. Also, incorporate an elevator pitch and a compelling call to action to move your readers to act on your favor.

6. Monitor your progress. Check the performance of your articles every once in a while. Identify which ones are not generating enough attention online and improve them to make them more enticing and impacting.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Latest Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is your ticket to online success. Whether you are running your own ebusiness or engaged in affiliate marketing, this amazing product and website promotional tool can help you reach your goals. All you need to do is write and distribute quality articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients and watch the traffic and online revenue going your way.

Here are the 3 latest secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Consider the publishing sites. As an article marketer, you will most likely to spend more time working with publishers in your attempt to convince them to publish your articles online. To minimize or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected, I suggest that you read and understand the terms of service of each article submission site. Though most of them have different rules and regulations, there are universal guidelines that they would like you to follow and these are: Your articles must run at least 300 words, they must be free from blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and too much keywords. In addition, they must also be well-written and content-rich.

2. Write more. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to augment your traffic and improve your search engine ranking, you must be willing to multiply the number of your output.

3. Use striking headlines. Increase your clickthrough rate by using attention-grabbing titles that can easily pique the curiosity of online users. Keep your titles short but intriguing. Direct to the point yet compelling. It would also help to make them keyword-rich so your articles will fare well on relevant searches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Marketing - On A Fast Track

While marketing has unlimited means of reaching its target audience, Internet marketing has grown to be the most popular marketing medium. Companies are aggressively using search engine optimization and other techniques to reach remote consumers. Businesses use constant emails and video advertisements on websites to woo customers. popular Internet marketing is emerging as the favorite marketing strategy of both small and large enterprises.

Online Shopping this Holiday Season

According to eCommerce research firm comScore, shopping by online customers grew significantly this holiday season. Spending grew to $28 billion, up 19% compared to last year. On December 26 (the day after Christmas), sales touched $545 million, a record 50% jump compared to the same day last year. December 10 was recorded as the heaviest individual spending day of the season. Online retail giant announced its "best holiday season ever."

However, with the sub-prime crisis hitting the U.S. markets and with talks of a jittery U.S. economy, it is not surprising that the growth in online shopping was not as robust as the 2006 holiday season.

Advertising on the Internet

A study by AT&T conducted by Western Wats revealed that approximately 65% of small enterprises advertise in the yellow pages directory. However, about 53.1% of the small business respondents said that in the next two years they expect to advertise through online videos. AT&T noted that although many consumers are still using the yellow pages for business information, they search on the Internet before actually buying a product.

With the Beijing Summer Olympics approaching, spending on advertisements in every sector is expected to accelerate. Multinational corporations are sure to make further inroads into China's fuming economy.

Studies reveal that in the coming years, more companies will resort to advertising with Internet videos. People now have less time to read through text-dominant advertisements; plus, videos have proved to be more appealing.

Though the U.S. economy is said to hit a recession track, online ad spending is expected to be resilient.

Marketing through Social Networking Websites

Sending bulk emails is a marketing stunt used to date. Many companies are now switching to social networking websites to market their products so these are known as marketing medium. MySpace and Facebook are expected to be major players in the online social networking space. These sites in the future would be top destinations for online shoppers through Internet marketing.

Online Customers Rank High with Retailers

The Customer Respect Group's "Customer Respect Index," has ranked retailers high in respect to handling their online customers. The study evaluated retail websites on three parameters - usability of sites, communication in respect to emails and online chats, and trustworthiness. In all three situations, retail websites such as Ralph Lauren, Gap, and Old Navy outperformed the industry average. v 2008 is predicted to be a good year for Internet marketing. Companies are gearing up not to miss a piece of the cake.


Article Marketing - What Will it Give You?

If you take a trip through the many Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) forums on the internet, you'll see countless people discussing article marketing, all trying to figure out whether it's a good or a bad thing to do and whether it's worth the effort.

To be able to figure out whether article marketing is right for you, you first need to understand what you will get from it. Article marketing, properly executed, will bring you three things: traffic, backlinks and a reputation.

Many webmasters make the mistake of believing that submitting articles to ezine websites or article directories for reprint will result in instant traffic. This is not true. Article marketing can take time to have a sustainable impact on your traffic. This is because the traffic will not come predominantly from the article directory site that you submitted the article to. It's far more likely that the traffic will come from the many other websites that have picked up your article either via syndication, RSS or simply through reprinting it with your author links. This takes time.

Given that your levels of traffic and the number of backlinks out there to your site are inextricably linked, the real benefit of article marketing is not in the direct traffic it generates but in the backlinks created to your website via the author links. Although you can't really control the quality of sites that reprint your article in this way, there is still no substitute for quantity. You can then work separately on ensuring a decent number of high quality links are also established. This boost in the number of general backlinks to your site will reflect well in the search engine result pages (SERPs), possibly moving you higher up the results and improving your pagerank in the long term. There is still some debate in the SEO forums over the importance of backlinks and pagerank in search engine positioning, but it is generally accepted that having large numbers of quality backlinks and a resulting high pagerank is desirable.

One of the keys to successful article marketing is to ensure you always write on a subject that you have a sound knowledge of. A high quality article will be picked up and reproduced much more quickly than one thrown together or poorly written. Take time to think about your subject matter, how popular it might be, what keywords people will use to find it and what angle you want to take on the subject.

Don't get caught in the 'quantity over quality' trap. Yes, you will need to be able to write lots of articles to get significant benefits, but they will also need to be high quality articles. Don't sacrifice quality - you'll benefit in the long term. This is how you build your reputation as a specialist in your subject area. With hard work, quality articles and a little time, your article marketing strategy can establish you as a specialist in your field that others will seek out for more information. The only way is up.

Do you want to get started as a writer? Do you want to improve the standard of your everyday writing? If so, visit for punctuation, language and grammar tips as well as articles on creative, non-fiction, article and even technical writing.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Rapid Techniques To Maximize Your Efforts

In this article I would like to share with you some secrets that have helped me to get better results with my article marketing. Initially when I first started I was not getting the results that I wanted. Hopefully these tips will help you too.

1) You need to write consistently

One of the most overlooked factors of article marketing is that you need to write consistently. A minimum of 3 articles a day to see any decent results. If you are not doing this then you are going to end up struggling. The higher the number of articles the more subscribers you will have and the greater the number of sales as well.

2) Work meticulously on your title and bio

One of the most significant factors that I have discovered that has increased my conversion of subscribers is having a killer title and a bio that people can't resist clicking on. If you offer a free ebook this will substantially improve your conversion relative to offering a free report.

3) Split test different headlines for your squeeze page

When I first started doing article marketing I was getting sufficient amounts of traffic to my squeeze page, but very few people actually ended up subscribing to my newsletter. I tested different headlines with different copy and was able to substantially improve my conversion rate.

4) Maximize your autoresponder sequence

At this stage you will start seeing traffic to your website and generating subscribers for your opt in list. Your list is only valuable if you are actually making money from it. I test all my emails and those that convert into sales I add to my message series in my autoresponder.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Intriguing Secrets to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing can easily give you great online revenue as it is proven to boost both your web traffic and your sales potential. The keys here are focusing on your content and being consistent in delivering excellent articles on a regular basis. These will help you create a strong online presence that can potentially lead to huge following and wider client base.

1. Limit your topics to the issues relevant to your target niche. If you are selling diet pills or promoting weight loss program, you should focus on writing about weight problems and tips on how to resolve them. By doing so, you will be able to attract people who would like to lose weight. These people are the best online visitors you can ever have as they are more likely to become interested on what you offer, thus increasing your sales potential. As this secret is truly impacting, let me say it again. Keep your content focused on your target niche so you will be able to drive qualified traffic to your website.

2. Submit your articles to publishing sites and article directories. Millions of people are accessing these sites on a regular basis when they are looking for specific information. These are the sites that can give your articles maximum exposure so they can reach your target market and hopefully, have them republished by other webmasters and bloggers.

3. Sprinkle keywords throughout your articles. With the popularity of search engines, online users today are searching for information with the help of keywords and key phrases. To make your articles easy to find online, make it a habit to incorporate highly searched keywords on your articles that are relevant to your target niche.

4. Consider keyword density. While it is important to make your articles keyword-rich, you must be careful not to stuff your content with too many keywords to avoid being penalized by search engines for keyword abuse.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: How to Make Sure You Get the Money You've Earned

In the past 10 years of coaching real estate agents to market themselves, Ive noticed a simple mistake that can cost you a transaction. Do you know which one Im talking about?

Imagine youre working with a prospective buyer? What is the first thing you make sure to do? This article reveals the secret steps that can save you thousands.

Step 1: Invite the prospective buyer into your office

Why is this important? You need to establish a working relationship with this buyer. They need to know how you work.

Step 2: Ask them detailed and specific questions about what they are looking for

Take notes and dont be afraid to delve. You need to know their specifics, their motivations and their time lines. Do active listening with them and repeat back some of their key phrases and words. It will inspire confidence in them when they feel heard.

Step 3: Tell them all the wonderful things you are going to do for them

For example, tell them that youll be previewing houses, youll be taking them out to look at houses, youll be advertising, youll be going to MLS meetings, etc.

Step 4: Tell them what you expect from them

A simple way to phrase this is after you have told them what youll be doing for them is, All I need from you is an agreement that well work exclusively together. They probably wont know what that means, so get specific. This means that you wont work with another agent, if you see a name and number on a For Sale sign, youll call me instead of the name on the sign and bottom line it means, Im the one who is handling the transaction and my name will be on the escrow with you.

Step 5: Clarify what you just said

They will probably have a questioning look on their face. Say, It looks like you might have a few questions about what I just said, what can I clarify for you? Keep pursuing and discussing it with them until you are sure they are in agreement with your policy . Their body language is probably the best way to tell if they really mean yes.

Step 6: Reassure them that they are not locked in

After all that, be sure to tell them they are not locked in. In other words, if they dont like working with you or you dont like working with them, then there needs to be a discussion. If the issues cant be resolved and youre not a good match, let them know they can be released from the agreement providing there is a discussion and mutual agreement.

If youve followed all the steps above, youll save yourself a lot of grief later. I cant tell you the number of agents Ive coached who have come to the session extremely angry because a client they were helping decided to go with another agent. Lets make sure that doesnt happen to you.


With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

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Why A Links Page Is Very Important for a Website?

Links are the life-blood of any website. It brings life to a website when search engines finds the website through these links. Search engines identify a Website with the help of these links. So, a page completely dedicated to host links from other Websites is an important advertising strategy you can make when you develop your website. Reciprocal links are those links which are placed to reciprocate a link which is placed in your website.

Following are some of the successful methods to build effective reciprocal links for your website.

  • Design a page dedicated for placing links of other interesting websites. This links page should be accessible from the homepage easily. This page should contain information such as how another Webmaster can request for a link placement in your site and your link description also. You can use a separate form to collect the information about other links. This form should contain following fields (1) Title (2) Description (3) URL of the website.

  • When building links the title should point to the URL of the website. The description can appear on the right side of the Title. You can use a form mail to get this information from this form to your email id. Basically Webmaster interaction happens from this page only. So you can assign email id of the Webmaster to get these information.

  • Place links under different categories. This will enable you to place links from any type of websites interested in placing links with your website.

  • Visit other websites link pages and provide your link information to them, so that they can place your links easily.

Visit Effective Link Building : Strategies for effective link building.

Gijo George Visit Kids Bedding : Unique Gifts from around the world

How to Make Money Writing Online Articles

If you've ever wondered how you can make money on the Internet, I'm going to show you a way not many people realize is making those inclined a very substantial living.

If you're a budding writer then hopefully this article will point you in the right direction with some ideas that may excite you into action!

Writing articles would have to be one of the easiest ways to earn a sizable amount of cash on autopilot. There are many ways you can be paid for doing this. The first way that comes to mind is free-lancing. The demand is high for good writers out there today and you can earn a lot by simply writing content for others.

Secondly, (and this is my favorite) is writing for yourself. You can promote almost anything! Your website, affiliate products, or a preference of mine opportunities. As soon as you have found something you are passionate about, you can use your writing skills to promote it. Just start writing short articles. Write reviews of your company's products, even product comparisons. Give helpful advice on using the products or supply information about the industry that is being targeted.

The idea is to target that market with your articles, all the while directing them to your website or through an affiliate link. So create the article content on something that you are passionate about! Submit those articles to popular article directories around the Net and you are good to go!

I hope this article has given you a game plan on how to write article and earn money. One of the easiest ways to generate an income is getting paid to write. You can do it from just about anywhere in the world.

All you need is a computer and motivation!

Discover how a lazy surf bum cracked the 50k a month code with the Reverse Funnel System today. Also, check out the Reverse Funnel System Blog

Article Marketing - How To Drive Super-Qualified Visitors To Your Site!

Would you like to know how to increase your results from niche marketing with articles? This article will let you in on a little marketing secret to achieve this.

Different markets require different 'voices'. The tone for the 'make money online' market will be different from a parenting market.

Markets on making money, Internet marketing, and stock trading require a little more use of 'power words', words that incite (I hate to say it) greed. We all buy Internet marketing products because we are greedy. Let's face it, our goal with Internet marketing is to make more money.

But for a parenting market or a market like let's say stamp collecting, a softer slant would be more suitable. Same goes for your website, your sales letter, your emails. All will have different 'voices' for different markets.

If you are outsourcing articles, you might want to check whether they are 100% original by using Copyscape. There are some article 'writers' that use content spinning software to do the work, rather than writing the articles themselves. The result is that the articles are not 100% original. It is advisable to use a premium account over at Copyscape. It does make checking the articles you have received from your freelancer really simple.

So always remember this when writing articles targeted at different niches: change the tone of your articles and even your resource boxes. In fact, alter the tone of every communication setting you have with your subscribers and your customers. It's one of the secrets to generating super qualified leads and customers.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Internet Marketing for Small Business

One of the coolest things about marketing in the 2000's is that even the tiniest of businesses can compete for business internationally.

A level playing field

The Internet has leveled the playing field in a manner of speaking. Because all businesses, regardless of their size or location, have the same opportunity to create a web presence and market online.

Easy on your budget

And, because it doesn't take a huge budget it's a great marketing strategy for small business owners and solo-professionals with very little to spend on marketing.

In fact, it's one of the most effective and economical marketing strategies you can use.

Are you making the most of the Internet to market your business?

Here are 10 easy ways to market your services online and generate tons of new clients for your business.

(1) Create a website

(2) Optimize that website for your keywords

(3) Publish an ezine or e-newsletter

(4) Write and post articles on article directories

(5) Use pay-per-click advertising, like Google Adwords

(6) Use autoresponders

(7) Publish an e-course or special report

(8) Create and sell information products

(9) Create a blog

(10) Start podcasting

You don't have to do all 10

If you can add even a couple of these strategies to your marketing plan you could immediately start generating more clients for your business, for a whole lot less than you might think.

Because Internet marketing is not only a very cost-effective way to market your business, it also yields immediate results. So you'll know right away if it's working or not. That alone can save you a bundle.

Low maintenance marketing

And the best part is, once you get things up and running, it takes very little maintenance and it begins to take on a life of its own. Pretty soon your little business has a great big web presence.

Perhaps you have a website but that's the extent of your presence online. If that's the case I encourage you to learn more about some of these other online marketing avenues and start using them to grow your business.

(C) Copyright 2006 Debbie LaChusa

Want to use this article in your ezine or web site? You can as long as you include the following copy with it: Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to make marketing your own business as simple as answering 10 questions. Learn more about this unique, step-by-step system and get a free 10-step Marketing E-Course when you subscribe to the free, weekly 10stepmarketing Ezine at

Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to make marketing your own business as simple as answering 10 questions. Learn more about this unique, step-by-step system and get a free 10-week Marketing E-Course when you subscribe to the free, weekly 10stepmarketing Ezine at

Today's SEO Services in India

With the advent of internet, e-commerce is at its boom. E-commerce makes you enable to your business products to demonstrate world-wide so that you can get benefited more and more with your business. To make your business laced with internet and modern technology you have to at first make website providing information about your business or your products. But how will you get generate more and more traffic to your website so that you can get more and more benefit with your website. This is the area where online marketing or SEO Services emerges. Today, SEO Services or online marketing has been the key to success of any e-commerce business. Without SEO work no one can think successful performance of any website.

At first, we discuss about "what is SEO?" SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizers. SEO is one of the most effective ways to make your website perform better and improve the volume and quality of traffic to a website form search engines for targeted keywords. It is a process to analyze a website and make it search engine friendly so that search engines can easily read and understand it. There are different stages of SEO process. Basically, SEO can be categorized into two parts - On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers keyword research, keyword enrich content writing, writing title tag, meta description tag, meta keyword tag, etc. Off-page optimization generally refers to link popularity, link exchange, directory submission, article submission, blog writing, etc.

Basically, search engine optimization needs 8 SEO services techniques i.e. title tag, alt tags, link popularity, keyword density, page size, rich content & theme, neat & nice website design, and in site cross linking. There are also many other works which a search engine optimizer have to do. A good search engine optimizer can make enable your website for better performance and generate more and more traffic towards your site so that you and your business can get more and more benefit. In India there are numerous SEO companies that offer their SEO services globally. Now-a-days, SEO services in India are quite popular and have globally identification in the field of e-commerce and online marketing.

There are several leading professional SEO companies in India catering ever growing market of search engine optimization and internet marketing. They also offer other services like website designing and pay per click for Google AdWords, yahoo search engine marketing, and MSN Adcenter to derive around competitive keywords. An SEO company India has been very popular among several business men around the world. Several companies or businessmen want to services of SEO in India because of its excellent services.

SEO in India is also globally popular for its expertise in link building. Link building is very essential for every SEO work. SEO services India can provide numerous links within a short span and boost your website to perform better. If you too are in search for a search engine optimization or internet marketing or website designing company, you can get assisted with an SEO company India. Surely SEO Services from India can boost your website and make you benefited more and more from your business.

Michael Braganza is an amateur writer focusing primarily on Web Promotion related topics. For more information on SEO Services and SEO services India to visit