Wednesday, June 25, 2008

FF6 - Low Level Natural Magic Finale - Final Kefka 1/2 convert youtube vids

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This is it, everyone. My Low Level Natural Magic game in FF6 is complete, with the Final Kefka defeated! Thanks for watching; I have had fun times playing this challenge and I hope you've enjoyed the videos.

I couldn't fit the final battles into one single video, even if I omitted the parts where I'm not inputting any actions, so I've split the recording into two parts. The first one shows the first tier and the beginning of the second one. The last video concludes the second tier, also contains the third tier and finishes the series with the grand finale in the battle against Kefka.

With the challenge complete, my levels are as follows, with Gau leapt on the Veldt not to influence the party average:

6 -- Terra, Celes, Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Relm, Shadow, Umaro.
7 -- Locke, Cyan.
8 -- Strago, Gogo.
11 -- Mog.

Party average: 6.84. To my knowledge, this is the lowest possible party average achievable with all characters present and Gau on the Veldt, though you're welcome to try improving the record, if you're aware of a way I'm not.

This is the average of my entire party, but the average of the party that beat Kefka is 7: Celes and Edgar at lv. 6 and Strago & Gogo at lv. 8. Why such a choice? I'll explain.

Celes(lv. 6). I've found her a vital member of the party thanks to her ability to Runic and access to the perfect MEvade setup without the need for the Merit Award relic. With the True Knight relic, she is able to protect the party from physical hits, as long as she is alive and not affected by any nasty status ailments. I also gave Celes my Paladin Shield, so that she absorbs all elements bosses have in their arsenal.

Gogo(lv. 8). Gogo is an amazing character in LLNMG. Unlike the hated Gogo in a regular game, this one doesn't suffer from the inability to learn magic and receive stat increases from Espers, as everyone in the same circumstances due to the Natural Magic rule. What makes Gogo rock is his access to any three commands at a time and the unique Mimic ability which allows him to copy previously used abilities that didn't make it to his menu. I opted for Rage, Tools (Lore could work too) and Item (in case of extreme conditions).

Strago (lv. 8). What makes Strago so useful? With his naturally powered up Step Mine, made of genuine epic win after hours of Rage farming on the Veldt, the old fart is a force to reckon with. He does need the Economizer relic, which reduces his MP cost to one, to pull those Step Mines off, however, the loss of a relic slot is worth it. On average, Strago deals slightly more damage than Gogo raging Io on a high-level foe debilitated to fire, though there is a reason why Gogo doesn't spam Step Mine as well.

Edgar (lv. 6). A surprising choice to some, Edgar is there to Air Anchor the left arm during the first tier and the tools part of the second tier, debilitate Sleep and Kefka to fire and jump during the finale to save his and his partymates' skin. Having Edgar take care of this business allows Gogo to rage Io much quicker than he would without the help of the Figaro king.

We begin by fighting the first tier of Kefka, consisting of the short arm (27 thousand HP), the long arm (33 thousand HP) and the face (30K HP). The best way to begin this part is by using Edgar's Air Anchor tool on the left part (the long arm), which happens to be vulnerable to death. This leaves us the face and the short arm. The face should be eliminated first, as doing it the other way around will provoke the Quake death counter. This unblockable spell will take out everyone but Celes (protected from the earth element thanks to her Paladin Shield), so it's obvious we destroy the short arm first. This part is quite easy, as the face does nothing dangerous, as long as you aren't crazy enough to leave it with below 10K HP and allow it to use one of its more dangerous techniques, Magnitude8, whereas the short arm relies solely on physicals which Celes protects the party from.

(continued in the description of the second video)

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FF6 - Low Level Natural Magic Finale - Final Kefka 1/2 Video

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