Sunday, May 4, 2008

Article Marketing - Do You Have The Willpower To Make It?

There's a reason why the top income earners from article marketing are able to do what they do - they have the willpower. They have the motivation to write 5-10 articles a day and submit them diligently to article directories. They have a system that they use almost every day to build their business, whether they are promoting their blogs, their sales pages or their lead capture pages.

If you want to make it with articles, you have to got to have this willpower. Let's face it, many of us write a few articles and then we stop. The main reason is because we don't see any results from these few articles. Well I'm here to tell you that this form of marketing is a long-term strategy. But when this strategy is in place, boy will you receive tons of traffic!

Whenever you feel bored or disinterested in writing the articles (when you know you should be), motivate yourself. Do it with music, or think of your goals. Do you really want to quit the rat race? Do you want that car you are eying? Then take massive action. Now.

Go and write those articles because while you are waiting around doing nothing, others are churning out articles left, right and center and absolutely dominating their marketplace. They are making affiliate sales, capturing leads or selling their products in abundance. Simply because they possess that willpower.

If you want to make the money you know you should have, then stick with a strategy and work it for at least a few months. You know article marketing is a long-term strategy, so take long-term, consistent action.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Introducing A Killer Way Of Generating 100's Of Article Ideas In Just Minutes! (Part 1)

I was trying to come up with article ideas one rainy Sunday afternoon when I came up with an idea: I looked at salespages and their bullet points. These places are a goldmine of potential article topics!

Just by looking at one salespage, you can easily come up with dozens of article topics that you would not have thought of.

As an example, I was looking to write an article on acne and was getting short on ideas. I visited an acne solution salespage. How did I find it? Simple, I simply searched the Clickbank marketplace, where there are hundreds of direct marketing salespages for you to mine.

Direct marketing salespages are the best places to get ideas, simply they generate the best responses. Instead of concentrating on branding, their idea is to grab attention and sales.

So I found an acne site. And found a bullet that said something like this:

How To Eliminate Acne And Say Goodbye To Worthless Over The Counter Products Forever!

By reading that bullet point, it is easy to tell that the solution is a natural one, or something unorthodox. So I simply began to search for natural acne solutions on Google and read the articles that came up. I extracted the main points into Notepad and began writing my article. In less than 15 minutes, I had a brand new, unique article. Thats the power of bullets on salespages.

This tip alone can be worth hundreds of new articles, and more money in your bank account!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Lucrative Article Marketing - 6 Creative Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with 6 creative methods that have helped me maximized the benefits I was getting from my article marketing campaign. These are:

1. Use compelling titles. Too often, article writers are focusing their efforts in making each article unique, useful, and interesting that they forget that if their title is lousy, all their efforts will go down the drain. Never underestimate the power of compelling titles in making your article marketing a success. Make it a point that your titles are intriguing, keyword-rich, well-written, and communicate the benefits it can offer your readers.

2. Know how and where to use keywords on your articles. Optimizing your articles means knowing how to use relevant keywords, where to put them, and how much keywords you will use on each of your articles.

3. Pay attention to the quality of your articles. Your articles must we well-written and timely. They must appear like they were written by a professional writer so your readers will consider you as an expert on your field.

4. Make use of a killer resource box. Consider your resource box as your teaser in enticing your readers to visit your site. Make sure that your resource box is compelling and well-written.

5. Cross reference your articles. If you want to maximize the exposure of your articles in the World Wide Web, learn how to cross reference them by using anchor texts. Just make sure that your articles are relevant to each other and online users can use them for further reading.

6. Write consistently. Article marketing, just like any other traffic-generating tool may take sometime before it can increase the traffic on your site. Be patient and write as many articles as you can and you'll surely see the difference in a month or two.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing What You Know

If you want to be good at article marketing, you have to give quality content! And how do you give the best quality content? You have to talk about what you already know! This is the best way to really excel in article marketing. If you don't talk about what you already know about, your going to be left behind.

When you start article marketing, talk about something that your capable of talking about. Don't talk about fishing when you have no idea what kind of bait to use if you want to catch a certain fish! This is crazy! Talk about something that you really understand.

Usually people get into article marketing because of affiliate programs. Well there is a little something that you should know about affiliate programs. ONLY JOIN THE ONES THAT YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT! Don't join an affiliate program about video games if you've never played any. That is why so many beginning article marketers fail. They don't know what they're talking about, and so they give up. Start writing about something that your comfortable writing about. If you don't your going to lose!

You need to be an expert on whatever your writing your article about. You can't do this if you have no idea of what your writing about. How do you expect to write hundreds of articles about something you've never touched,or used? It's insane! Your just going to be wasting your time because no one is going to take you seriously.

Find a topic that you can talk about, and your article marketing success will skyrocket.


Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Should You Consider Article Marketing To Promote Your Online Business?

Article marketing is a really powerful and simple way to get more traffic to your websites, blog and other squidoo lenses. While it is true that content is king, this traffic generation method is very slow when you compare it to pay per click advertising for example.

The question that marketers ask is "Is this worth your time?".

My take on this is that whether or not you don't think it's worth your time, you should submit articles at least once a week. Sure, one article a week is not going to increase your traffic and profits anytime soon, but at least, you get your name out there.

This is one of the numerous advantages of writing and submitting articles. And if you have the budget, you can outsource this to a ghostwriter or virtual assistant. Plus you will get top rankings in the search engines if you add the right anchor text in your bio box. Keep in mind that article marketing is not a one time "set and forget" technique.

In fact, the more articles you write, the more effective the method. If you consider article marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing plan, you need to write at least one article a day.

Anyone really serious about his online business is involved in article marketing because of the instant credibility, instant traffic and instant sales.

Plus it is a good way to add new leads to your marketing funnel. Those leads are generally more targeted than those you can get in free giveaway events or other safelists and traffic exchanges.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing - Ideas For Using Article Marketing To Promote Your Website

This can be a very effective promotional method. The amount of traffic and backlinks that you can obtain from article marketing is only limited by your efforts. Here are some ideas.

Copy writing has the potential to increase your profits. Incorporating these four ideas into your promotional efforts is sure to inject your marketing plan with a new vitality and renewed success. If you do it correctly article marketing can become one of your most effective means of building page rank and direct traffic to your site.

You absolutely must have a detailed and in depth marketing plan for your articles. Your article marketing deserves as much attention as any other service or product being marketed anywhere. Not only must they be marketed, they must be sold. In order to accomplish this it is essential that you have and use a coordinated strategy. Just having the plan laid it is not good if it is not followed.

Now more than ever the field of copy writing and article marketing is a highly competitive. It is entirely appropriate to consult with and even obtain the services of a profession when creating your marketing plan. Professionals in this field have experience in helping create plans and keeping clients on track with their marketing efforts. A web site is one thing that every successful individual in article marketing agree upon. This is a definite must have as it allows you to showcase your articles and skills as a writer. This gives you a place to promote your skills and talent. Keep in mind that this web site must be appropriate to your work and goals as a writer.

Last but not least, you should consider forming strategic alliances with businesses and others. This can be online or off. Joining forces with others increases your exposure and expands your potential customer base. Work smarter not harder and watch your profits grow.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing