Monday, May 26, 2008

Does Article Marketing Work?

Article marketing is a very popular method of advertising your online business. The idea is you write a bunch of informative articles on some aspect of your business and the distribute these articles on the internet.

A lot of internet marketers and affiliate marketers have dabbled in article marketing at some stage in there careers. A large proportion of these people have given up because they have not seen the results that they expected from article marketing.

So why are all these people failing? And why is there still a lot of enthusiasm for article marketing.

The simple answers is Article marketing works but only if done right.

And what is the right way to approach article marketing.

Article content The articles you write should be original and should contain interesting, useful information that will engage and intrigue your readers. Get into the mind of your prospective readers and hopefully future customers and try and see things from their perspective. Give them information that you know they want, rather than information you feel like giving them.

Make your article so full of great information that it becomes a reference for whatever it is you are writing about.

Rehashed content will only put people off. If your article is saying the same thing that hundreds of other articles have said, you appear stale and your readers may get the impression that your business is a 'me too' business.

No original ideas

Aim to keep your articles fresh and informative.

Article frequency:

Article marketing is only as effective as the reach of your articles.

If you post an article once a week and your article is taken up by 10 websites, at the end of a month you have 40 representations on the internet.

If however you post an article a day on the internet and the take up rate by other webmasters is still 10 per article, you suddenly have a web exposure of 300. The reach of 300 websites displaying an article of yours is by far greater than the reach of 40 websites. If you are considering article marketing, you need to be prepared to post at least one content rich, original article every single day.

Article Format:

Articles written for article marketing purposes must apply search engine optimization methods. This is important so that your articles rank high with the search engines.

Also you need to pay attention to the different parts of your articles. The headline must be a good attention grabbing headline, your body must be well thought out and your bio box must be carefully worded to increase your click through rate

More details will be provided in the next part of this series.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 4 Popular Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters and online entrepreneur prefer using article marketing as their primary product promotional and marketing tool because aside from the fact that is it cost-effective, it is also hassle-free to use and it never fails to deliver great results. Currently, it is considered as the best free internet tool not only in positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche but also in augmenting your websites traffic and improving your page ranking.

Here are the latest 4 popular secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Build rapport with your readers. As you know, one of you main objectives in writing and publishing your articles online is to build rapport with your readers so they will trust you and consider doing business with you. This can easily be done by writing in a conversational tone, connecting your readers to your content, and showing empathy whenever appropriate. It would also help to create a compelling author's bio to give your readers a chance to get to know you more on a personal level.

2. Boost the number of your inbound links. If you want to easily get ahead of the pack, you must devise a mechanism that will allow you to explode the number of your articles and submissions so you can gain more backlinks for your website. Some online entrepreneurs hire ghostwriters to do the task for them while others who do not have the budget spend more time writing short articles that are quicker and easier to write.

3. Maximize the use of your resource box. Did you know that most leading article submission sites will allow you to use up to three hyperlinks on your resource box? Take advantage of this so you can easily increase your conversion rate. To make this work for you, use at least two anchor texts using the most popular keywords in your niche and one absolute URL.

4. Strike out sales pitches from your articles. If you think that advertising your products on your articles is the easiest way to connect with your target market, then you are wrong. You have to understand that when people opened and read articles online, they expect to get answer to their questions or solutions to their problems. If you present them a sales letter-like article, they will surely close it and move to the next one that can offer them what they truly need.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Which of These 3 Article Marketing Mistakes Are You Making?

Article marketing is simply getting your information in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

Here are three common mistakes that article marketers make and what to do instead.

Which mistakes are you making?

1. Failure to go deep - Going deep means writing enough articles to make a difference. So many marketers write just a few articles and that's it. Then they say that article marketing does not work, when in fact it works great, some people just don't work it! Article marketing is a numbers game. The higher the number of articles you have, the higher all your other numbers are going to be. So choose one of the higher ranked article directories and go deep with lots of articles on that one directory.

2. Failure to go wide - At the same time, others will only submit to one article directory and no others. While you can get results and traffic from just one article directory, why would you wan to limit yourself to just one when you can get results from many article directories? Going wide with your article distribution allows you to reach readers that you would not be able to reach otherwise.

3. Failure to go long - I see so many people start out all gung ho in article marketing and then fade out, complaining that article marketing does not work. You need to be in it for the long haul. You want to think of this as a long term business. I get new visitors and new subscribers every day from articles that I wrote and submitted years ago.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Targeted Article Marketing - Latest 4 Exciting Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters are constantly looking for ways on how they can amplify their article marketing strategies. Why? They would like to advance in this technique as this is proven to be the best free marketing tool in the internet today. It cannot only drive quality traffic to your website but it can also help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so online users will trust you and eventually consider doing business with you.

Here are the latest 4 exciting methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be credible. Online users will gauge your expertise and your professionalism based on the quality of your content. If they found that your information are baseless and contain inaccuracies, you will lose their trust and business in an instant. Thus, strive to make your content truthful and back up your claims with reputable resources like studies, researches, and statistics.

2. Proofread. This is especially important if you are one of those marketers who are hiring ghostwriters. Make sure that all your articles are well-written, flow well, and free from any error that can be taken against your credibility and professionalism.

3. Make each word work for you. If your articles contain words that are not in any way helping you get your message across, they are considered filler. Strike them out to make your content brief and concise.

4. Write topics that are related to your products. If you are selling laptops and you are writing about mobile phones, you might be able to drive traffic to your website but will it be targeted? Chances are, you will have online visitors that are not interested on what you offer and cannot help you augment your revenue. That is why it is very recommended that you stick with topics that are relevant to your offerings to drive interested parties to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 No-Brainer Steps to Make Money With Article Marketing

Article marketing is popular among webmasters due to a couple of reasons. First, it is very effective in terms of traffic generation and second, it is a very uncomplicated process. Anyone can virtually do it and you don't need technical skills to survive.

Here are the 4 no-brainer steps to make money with article marketing:

1. Know what it takes to make your articles widely distributed. It is not enough that your articles are informative; they must also be well-written, brief, direct to the point, free from sales pitches, keyword-rich, and factual. In addition, they must also be free from any grammar and spelling errors. Remember, your readers will judge your professionalism and expertise based on how you write your articles, so making them flawless as much as possible.

2. Identify the things that you need to avoid. To prevent your articles from being rejected, you must make sure that they do not contain blatant advertisement, hyperlinks on the article body, inappropriate content, and duplicate content. They must also run at least 250 words and do not go beyond 1-3% on keyword density or you will be tagged as a keyword spammer.

3. Use your resource box effectively. Learn how to create a killer box and how to incorporate powerful call to action to better entice your readers to give your website a visit.

4. Identify the best publishing sites. Article submission sites are not created equal, some of them will give you the exposure you need, while others will let your articles sit in their review page for a while, making them stagnant and useless. To make sure that you'll get your articles up and running in as little as 2 days, submit them to reputable sites like

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Bold Article Marketing - Putting Your Best Articles On The Web

Im sure youve thought of all the reasons to keep your best articles back for your own use, and the reasons why you should save your best to put in an ebook, or special report, or even a short report, but Im going to explain why you should put your BEST Articles on the Web. The answer is easy, and I know youll understand in short order with these reasons Are you ready?

#1 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

When your readers see the very best of you, they know youve got more to offer and theyll come clicking through the web to read what you have to say. Content truly is king on the Internet, and if your King isnt the BEST someone elses King will get the attention.

#2 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

Information marketing shares information that may not have been available prior to your sharing and if you share that information in a sub-standard message, it wont matter if its new and wonderful, it may never be found or read. Article Marketing offers an opportunity to get information out in quality articles.

#3 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

High Quality articles result in High-Impact Beneficial Click Throughs that improve the marketability of your website. If your readers are clicking through to get more information and you provide it in a no-butts about it manner, then your website gains readers for the long term.

#4 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

Readers will come back frequently to read a high quality information product. If they get value from your articles, they know theres value in your ebook. A high quality article is their guarantee that your information products will provide value long after they purchase.

#5 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

When you sign your name to an article, it should be the very best you can write because it will be on the Internet so long as your article can live. Recently, I did a name search and found the first article I ever wrote for the Internet in 1996. Its located in at least 32 places on the Internet. How long will a BAD Article embarrass you? FOREVER! Make sure everything you put on the Internet is HIGH QUALITY the BEST you can do!

Jan Verhoeff shares the SECRET of PROSPERITY on the Internet with High Value Information Marketing. If youd like to learn more about Information marketing and how to write your own Information Product, visit for a FREE Ebook 5 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Ebook today.