Friday, May 23, 2008

The Different Keyword Search Results Between Overture and Wordtracker

Keyword Selection is fundamental to Search Engine marketing. Get the wrong keywords your online business is doomed to fail. Find the right keywords and you will drive masses of targeted traffic to your website via the Search Engines.

There have been discussions in webmasters forums why are the search query results of Overture so much different than those of Wordtracker? For example at the time of this writing a search query for the key phrase internet marketing yielded 342, 848 searches for the last 60 days by Overture, and 2, 356 by Wordtracker. Now, which is more accurate?


It is a Pay Per Click Search Engine. According to Overture, its statistics of searches in previous months are compiled from its partners, which include AltaVista, Yahoo, MSN Search, HotBot and All the Web. So the statistics from Overture are broad based because it has a larger network.

Its data, though, has some drawbacks.

1. There's no distinction between...

a. Singular and plural terms.

You have to figure if surfers are searching for the singular or plural form of the keyword.

b. Upper and lower case.

c. Human queries and automated queries.

Queries by automated bid optimizers, position and ranking monitors, link popularity analyzers are registered as hits.

2. Duplicate Searches

For example a person doing a search for a particular key phrase in Yahoo, and then in MSN would be registered as 2 hits.


It is a keyword generator and analyzer, and it does not have direct access to the major Search Engines' databases. Wordtracker gets a lot of its analyzer data from Meta-crawler and Dogpile, which are meta search engines. Metacrawler and Dogpile search the major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves, and retrieve the best results.

The data of Wordtracker, mostly gathered from Metacrawler and Dogpile, represents only a small percentage of total searches on the Internet.

Wordtracker has about 350 million searches over an 8-week rolling cycle (Source: Search Engine Workshops Weblog, June 30, 2005). Now for some Maths. 350 million searches over 56 days would give an average of 6.25 million searches per day. Google with a share of 36 per cent of Internet traffic (Source: comScore qSearch, July 2005), registers about 112 million of searches per day (Source: Top Ten list, Wordtracker). So in comparison to total searches on the Internet, Wordtracker represents only 2 per cent.

When Wordtracker returns zero query for a particular search phrase, it does not mean that no one searches for it on the Internet.

However, with Wordtracker, automated queries are not added to searches, and duplicate searches are eliminated. Singular and plural, upper case and lower case search terms are distinguished except for keywords where singular, plural, lower or upper case, are similiar in meanings eg.'keyword' and 'keywords'.

Overture or Wordtracker?

For Overture the figures are inflated, whilst for Wordtracker they are under reported. Nonetheless, these are helpful tools for keyword research and selection. Use these figures as guides, and not absolutes to make comparisons in your choice of key words.

For example if keyword phrase 1 has 10,000 searches in Overture, and keyword phrase 2 has 2000 searches, then it is obvious that key phrase 1 would bring in more traffic if your web page is properly optimized. But don't expect 10,000 visitors with key phrase 1.

I have read on Webmasters' forums of people who had selected keywords based on the promising number of searches on Overture, optimized their web page, and achieved within the top 10 positions of major Search Engines, yet saw very little traffic.

In my opinion, if you are comparing popularity between keywords or key phrases, Overture will do the job. If you are selecting keywords or keyword phrases to start an online business, or advertising on Pay Per Click engines, conventional wisdom would tell you Wordtracker is a better bet. It is better to set lower expectations based on lower figures, and be pleasantly surprised when things turned out otherwise.

Gerrick W

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Building a Big Network Marketing Business Today and Beyond

Network marketing books provide an insight view to the network marketing business. They aim to provide you with sufficient knowledge and ideas so that you can either start your own network marketing business or improvise your existing network marketing business prospects. Network marketing books are easily available online and in stores. Network marketing books may be in the form of an e-book or the conventional print format books.

The network marketing books provide tips and suggestions to companies so that they give more commissions to sales employees who target their work to increase volume. The network marketing books tell the contemporary business owners and entrepreneurs to convert their business styles with the help of these software's and strategies. Most network marketing companies offer products and services which the average customer will use on regular basis.

However with the emerging changes in approaches to marketing strategies the books encourage the companies to try out new ventures and avenues in the range of products. For example services like communication tools, Internet Access, products related to health and nutrition's, programs for weight loss and gain, financial and legal suggestions, etc. These all form a huge part of the new approach to network marketing strategies.

The books provide an in-depth analysis to this new approach of the new network marketing strategies and businesses. These books are guidelines for those who are investing in this new venture but also for those who are stuck up with conventional strategies. The network marketing books provide pros and con's of not only strategies but also why companies fail and reasons they do so.

Often people join network marketing programs but are totally unprepared and unaware of how they will market the program. The network marketing books are the solution this problem. They give you a layout on the approaches you can make like a list of products which can be marketed to a larger and accessible market. The books improvise your business prospects.

Various books have different approaches and suggestions. There is a huge range of proven techniques for improvisation of your business which have been taken from many network marketing winners in the industry. Even though these books present a range of different perspectives and tactic ultimately they should be easy to follow. There should be practical and have content which is not misguiding or misleading.

It should have be a comprehensive guide that gives suggestions for new comers on how to begin their network marketing business. It should also provide the veterans innovative information and strategies to grow their business. Most e-books have their own set of software's and tools which can be used for your network marketing business.

These books have emerged as a powerful information tool for many companies as network marketing has emerged as a lucrative business. In the coming years this prospect is going to expand more and extend to avenues and products which would have been impossible to even think of till a few years back.

You can read our Unbiased, expert review of articles like Detech from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at

The Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) Explained

Last week I was conversing with a client over the phone and she mentioned that she wanted her new website to be on the top of the SERP's page. When I started to explain to her the logistics of being listed at the top for her search terms she was fascinated. She is a very intelligent woman with several websites already, and it got me to thinking that I should probably do a post for people who don't quite understand it all.

So, with that in mind - let me just explain (gently) what you're looking at:

Whenever you go to a search engine such as Google and you type in a keyword or phrase (the words you are using to search for something), after you hit "Search", the items that come up are broken down as follows:

The very top one or two "Sponsored Links" paid results. To get in that position, you have to be engaged in a PPC (Pay Per Click) or (Adwords) campaign with Google and you have to be the top bidder for the keyword phrase that was searched on.

Over on the right side are more "Sponsored Links". These are also paid or "sponsored" results from a PPC campaign. The results on the side are not the top dollar advertising. The person in charge of the campaign has a choice of what keywords to bid on, how much they want to spend per word or phrase and what position they want to be in.

The results underneath the top ones and to the left or in the middle are the natural search results. Meaning, the results that are showing up here are based on SEO (search engine optimization) and not a paid advertising campaign. There are many factors that the search engine algorithms use in order to determine what you as the end user will see. The results page does emphasize how important search engine optimization can be to your marketing budget.

You can either pay a professional for your SEO or work on it yourself. It requires a good investment of your time, however the results are worth it. You can find good SEO advice by doing a Google search on "SEO tips" and now you'll know what you are looking at when the results page comes up.

Joanne Pele is the Vice President of Operations at Complete Business Systems. Complete Business Systems provides a ready-to-go branding package for your company, including website, logo, business cards and letterhead. Additional services include postcard design, databases, press release and web content writing. For more information, visit Complete Business Systems or call 800-479-9186.

Five Magical Words On Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the best source of marketing. If you are interested in becoming an internet marketer, you need to be an expert in this field to succeed. You should consider certain rules and trends prevalent in this field.

Here are five basic words that you should be aware of to have a successful online business. Almost all successful internet marketers put these words in to play to promote their products and services.

a) Target:

You cannot win in any field without a target. Internet marketing is no exception you should have a target to succeed in the world of internet marketing. Try to have an aim wherein you would be targeting your market. Study your prospects well. Try to know what is their life standard. This is the best way to give them what they want in terms of products and services. It would be wise to create a profile of who your target market is and then advertise to the. Believe it. This is the best strategy. Try to target forums or ezines that get traffic from your target market.

b) Traffic:

Are you expecting to be successful without generating potential traffic to your website? You would require waiting for ages in this regard. Online business success depends on traffic and you should focus on getting potential and a lot of traffic to enhance the chances of sales. Study on different ways to increase traffic.

c) Conversion:

Once you are successful in drawing traffic to your website, you should concentrate on converting them to your client. For this, you require a good sales page. In case, you have a high amount of traffic without sales, then you should consider reviewing your sales copy. Try to change it as soon as possible. Consider hiring a good copy writer if budget is not your concern. You can also copywrite it on your own.

d) Backend:

Backend is responsible in delivering you repeat sales. You should capture your customer's email address and stay in touch with them. Send them emails that consist of useful tips and information associated to your products. Remember, repeat customers are result of a good product and adept customer and after sales services.

e) Repeat:

Here you need to repeat the whole process for each website or product you develop. The above-mentioned five most powerful words in the internet marketing will let you succeed in this field within a short period of time.

Amber is a quick learner of marketing strategies and practicing SEO and Website Promotion techniques at SEO Notes If you like to learn more about new SEO & marketing strategies in 2008, please visit Seocontest2008 blog now, where you will find exclusive resources on search engine optimization & website marketing strategies.

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 6 Outstanding Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered one of the best, if not the best, website promotion strategy today. When you write articles with useful content, search engines will be able to provide you with the best traffic when your target market searches for your articles.

Here are the latest steps to improve your article marketing campaign:

1. Write for your readers. Article marketing can definitely augment your website traffic, it can also increase your sales while you establish your expertise on your chosen field. However, these can only happen when you are able to provide online users with information they need through your articles. To make sure that your articles are targeted, ask your potential readers what they need and what they want and supply the answers in the form of articles.

2. Make sure that all your articles are original. To excel in article marketing, you must not copy somebody else's work. This will not only hurt your credibility online but you can also be penalized by major search engines.

3. Distribute your articles. Aside from major publishing sites, you can also post your articles on your blogs, websites, or ezines. You can also allow other webmasters to use your articles as long as they include the link of your webpage. To make sure that your articles will be highly distributed by both webmasters and online users, make sure your content is fresh, useful, interesting, engaging, and well-written.

4. Strive for excellence. Continuously improve the quality of your articles and never get tired of submitting them on websites that can give you quality, organic traffic. Do not stop learning the process of article marketing by constantly reading eBooks, tutorials, articles, and marketing guides. By doing so, you will not miss the latest tricks and techniques that are constantly being introduced by the experts.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Controversial Article Marketing Secrets That Will Clobber Your Competition

I am sure that if you are reading that headline then it may have caught your attention. In fact what I am about to say may offend a lot of people, but this is the brutal truth.

Article marketing is a long term strategy. You will not get results overnight. Many people attempt this expecting to get rich the following month. It is very important to understand that to build a successful long term internet business that this takes time. Using articles to build your brand name up so that you can sell more products is a time intensive strategy. However, once people start seeing your name they will start thinking of you as an expert in that specific market. When the time comes to buy a product they will think of you first.

If you are thinking of getting rich overnight with article marketing I seriously suggest that you look for another method of promotion. There will be a point in your business you may be doing everything right, but not achieving any success. This is the normal process. First start driving traffic to your squeeze pages and then you need to make sure that your sales funnel converts visitors into paid customers.

Basically, article marketing is a numbers game. The more articles that you have out there the higher the number of subscribers and volume of sales. You need at least hundreds and even thousands of articles to be successful. If you were thinking that you only need to write 20 articles and then you are going to be rich I am very sorry to disappoint you.

Finally, you can generate a lot of quality targeted traffic to your website. However, it will take a lot of work on your side as this is no magic bullet.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Writing - Quantity or Quality?

Article Marketing can be a great way to gain exposure for yourself and your business. In its basic form, it is simply a process of writing an article and getting it distributed to as many places as possible. If done properly, submitting your articles to various Article Directories will allow you to use the power of Viral Marketing to spread your article across the Internet as Website owners, Newsletter publishers, and others perform the work of spreading your articles near and far.

When it comes to writing and distributing articles there are two basic schools of thought. One says that you should get as many articles out there as possible, employing various tactics such as paying 'ghost writers' a small fee to write articles for you. While you don't actually write the articles yourself, you receive credit as the author of the article.

If you visit some of the Article Directories, you'll notice that some writers have thousands of articles listed. While some may indeed be as prolific a writer as Isaac Asimov, many are employing others to write articles for them. Using an 'Article Ghostwriting' service allows a person to quickly get tons of articles out there, but has some drawbacks as well. The method I prefer consists of writing your own unique articles.

Writing is a very personal experience. You start with an idea and watch it take on a life of its own until it becomes a completed work. No matter how humble it may be, most writers take a bit of pride in composing something that is hopefully entertaining, informative or provides useful information in some shape or form.

Writing your own articles also allows you to control the writing process, enjoy the creative experience, and in the end place your name upon something that is uniquely a reflection of your own thoughts and knowledge.

When using someone else to write an article for you, you're giving up creative control and signing your name to someone else's thoughts. If your goal is simply to churn out articles and get them distributed, then this will be of little consequence to you.

However, if it matters more to you that your writings are truly a reflection of you and your unique personality, then in all likelihood you should chose to write your own articles. You should also recognize that you will most likely have to sacrifice quantity for quality. There are a few excellent Article Submission services like Article Marketer that can help you overcome this to a point, but by choosing to write your own articles, you most likely won't win a record for publishing the most articles.

As with most things in life, there is usually a trade-off between quality and quantity. While the two can exist together, the reality is that they rarely do. In writing your articles, make a decision as to what's the most important factors for you in your writings; quantity or quality?

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in E-Commerce and Internet Marketing. His current website is..Learn How to Generate Thousands of Dollars Monthly With Secret Affiliate Marketing System

7 SEO Key Performance Indicators

Now that Google seems to be artificially adjusting the PageRank of certain sites, we have one more reason to ignore it as a useful SEO key performance indicator. So what should we use to measure the success of our SEO projects? Below, I've listed the 7 SEO KPI's that I track for my sites.

1. Unique keywords: By tracking the number of unique keywords your site is found for, you'll see a global, birds eye view of how well your site is doing with the long tails. Sure, you want to be found for the important, high volume terms as well, but a healthy site will rank organically for a great diversity of keywords.

2. Organic Visits Per Page: Every page on your site should target a few keywords and draw in traffic for those terms. In other words, what percent of your total unique pages are doing a good job of bringing traffic? If you have 1000 pages, and only 200 unique keyword visits, you've got some issues that need to be addressed.

3. Conversion Rate Per Keyword: It's extremely important to know which keywords outperform others. As a search marketer, your time is very limited. Therefore, you must focus on the terms which return decent ROI.

4. Pages Indexed: The number of pages your site indexed has indexed by Google and Yahoo can give you a rough metric of your site's crawl-ability. If you find that the number of actual pages you have is much greater than the number of indexed pages, you may have issues with navigation or duplicate content. To view your indexed pages, simply use the "site:" command on Google or Yahoo (e.g.

5. Yahoo Backlinks: Unlike Google, Yahoo actually shows you the approximate number of back links pointing to your site by using the link: command.

6. Google Backlinks: Unfortunately, the Google link: command is worthless. In order to see an approximate, although likely outdated count of your external links, login to your Google Webmaster Central account.

7. SERP Rankings for High Volume Keywords: Because web users are becoming more sophisticated and less predictable in their searching habits, I would caution about worrying too much about high volume keywords. However, it's still important to monitor these keyword positions. SEO software such as WebCEO or WebPositionGold are great timesaver tools.

There are many other on-site SEO metrics, such as keyword density, that might be helpful if you are targeting Yahoo or MSN. However, with the dominance of Google and the relative emphasis they place on on-page factors, I rarely consider these.

Justin Palmer is the founder of Palmer Web Marketing, which offers SEO evaluations and Do It Your Self SEO guides. Justin is also the director of internet marketing for, which sells Teen Christian Gifts.

Article Marketing - How I Discovered a Gold Mine

Article Marketing for me is like a gold mine. A gold mine because when I write articles and submit them to the right article directory, I make money. Very predictable, and consistent.

Here is how I did it:

When I first got started online, I read something about writing and submitting articles to multiple article directories for the purpose of generating backlinks to my web site.

But through some form of beginners luck or something, I had the good fortune of tracking my links and I found that the bulk of my traffic was coming from the articles that I submitted to the big three article directories. Wow, I thought what if I just submit to the big three and I can focus on writing instead of submitting everywhere? And so that is what I did and my traffic from articles is pretty awesome. And the traffic is direct, from the article directories, rather than from the search engines.

I think the real key for me was realizing that the way to go was with the few article directories that get the most hits, and just work on getting the hits, rather than the search engine rankings. And it has worked out quite nicely for me. I continually rake in thousands of hits per month, directly from the article directories.

Heres what to do:

1) Write keyword optimized articles.

2) Write a good bio, including your link

3) Submit these articles to the top 1-3 article directories online, based on traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Crack The Code To Increasing Your Link Popularity And Dominating The Search Engines

One of the biggest keys to achieving good rankings is being able to get very high quality one way links to your website. The way that search engines work is that the more quality websites that you have linking to you the better your rankings will be.

These days it is becoming a lot more difficult to acquire very good one way links. The primary reason for this is that most search engines have a very sophisticated algorithm that they use to determine the value of the ones that you get. It is becoming a lot more difficult to cheat the system. I remember when I first started on the internet it was really easy to get reciprocal links and dominate the search engines.

The best way to do this is to build a good quality website that people want to link to. If you look at a site like YouTube many people will automatically link to it because it provides very good content. You can submit to the popular directories. However, many of them charge a fee so be prepared to cover this initial cost.

Another popular way is to use websites like Prleap and Prweb to do frequent press releases. Your website may also be picked up by other sites that are interested in the newsworthy event that you are promoting.

Another way is to do link baiting. This would typically be writing controversial articles and submitting them to web 2 sites like Digg. If you do this correctly many of the people will vote for your site.

Finally, my favourite method is article marketing. Write good quality articles and submit them to the major directories. Include your site in the resource box.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Using Article Marketing To Dominate Your Keyword!

Article marketing is used to dominate a keyword. But aspiring article marketers don't tend to know how to do it. Are you ready to learn? Here it is.

You have to write countless amounts of articles. That's right. Writing is your key to success as an article marketer. You have to write hundreds of articles about your topic and just flood out the market with your information. When you do this, you will absolutely dominate the keyword your using. You can easily dominate any keyword if you write enough articles. Just keep writing.

The more that you write, the more Google thinks of you as a reliable resource, so Google will increase your page rankings. This is the greatest marketing tactic you will ever receive! Google loves articles! So don't be surprised if your article just dominates your competition and gets you landed on the first page of Google. This is completely normal! Many have beaten out their competition with articles and it's easy to do.

You just have to do what I told you, write and write and write. You can easily make more than 30 articles a week. Just put about 1 hour a day into your article marketing and by the end of the month you'll have more than 100 articles working for you. Every article you have is an opportunity to make a sale. You just have to work hard enough, and soon, the profits will come your way.

You don't have to write Shakespeare. In fact, you shouldn't. Writing Shakespeare will just take way to long and too hard. You have to flood the market as fast and as much as you can. This is the key to article marketing.

Looking for new marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Quality Links Equals Higher Conversion Rate

Articles about getting Quality Links have been posted throughout the Web but do you really understand Quality when linking is involved?

Find Out Your Niche

Every business has its own niche and its own market. Unless you are a universal globalized business, you should be able to good use of linking strategies to convert curious visitors into potential buyers. Knowing your niche is your first path to success.

Where They Visit

Now that you know who and where is your market, get ready to do some serious in depth studies. Find out which are the websites that your potential customers normally visit and generate a whole long list of them. By knowing where your potential customers might visit, you can easily target your advertisements.

Shortlisting The Candidates

Now that you got a long list of all the possible websites, it is time to choose which are the ones that are more related to your business and group them into a smaller list. Rank these possible websites accordingly to their Alexa traffic ranks, retain the top 200 websites.

Advertising Or Exchange Links?

Whether you are going to advertise or make links exchange will depend on which type of websites they belong to. Free services, business-orientated, articles, directories or etc.. Naturally, exchanging links and creating some sort of a partnership would eventually be the cheapest and the easiest way out. Alternatively, you can also consider exchanging advertising space with those business-orientated websites which can benefits both parties. Whichever way you decide, getting links from these shortlisted websites are known as quality links.

Rif Chia is the Founder & Private SEO Consultant of with more than 5 years experiences in SEO Web Design Consultancy and Search Engine Marketing

Does Article Marketing Really Work?

If you have a new to the world of online business, you may not be familiar with article marketing. Many people ask, 'Does article marketing really work?' In a word, the answer is 'yes.' Writing articles can provide a number of benefits to both you, your website, and your online business.

First and foremost, article marketing can improve your bank account. This is something that everyone is interested in. With each article that you submit, include a resource box that contains several links to money making programs that you endorse. Your links and the products that you are recommending should be related to the content of your article. Some of the people that read your article will click on the links in your resource box. And on average, about 1 percent of the people that click on these links will make a purchase. Each time someone makes a purchase, you make a little money.

The second benefit to article marketing is in traffic generation. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. Without traffic, you have no business. Be sure to include a link to your website in the resource box of every article that you submit. This is vitally important to your future online success. Articles will continue to bring you traffic as long as the article is available online. In many cases, this can be a very long time. This gives you a significant advantage over placing ads. When an ad is done running, you will stop getting traffic. But your articles will keep bringing you traffic day after day, month after month, and sometimes, year after year.

Submit your articles to the largest 25 to 50 directory sites. These sites get a great deal of traffic. Much of the traffic on these sites are webmasters who are looking for free content. Frequently, your articles (along with the links that you have included) will be used by webmasters as content on their sites. This provides with a large number of one-way back links to your site. The search engines rank the importance of your site by using these back links. The more back links that are pointing to your site, the better your ranking from the search engines.

And this brings me to my final point. Another huge advantage; article marketing is free! As far as I'm concerned, article marketing is the best way to make money online and improve your bank account, generate tons of traffic to your site, and improve your site's ranking. And, again, you get all that for free. It is a marketing program that not only works, it works over-time for you!

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Optimization #01 - Call To Action Button

How are you testing and optimizing your web channel?
Are you optimizing at a on-going effort?
Or are you even testing and optimizing at all?
Testing and optimizing your web channel or web site should never be a one-time process or effort, instead it should be a continuous process. Keep up the good work if you're testing and optimizing your web on an on-going effort. If you're don't know where or how to start, starting from this post and forthcoming posts, I'll be sharing some of my humble optimization hacks in helping you optimize your website.

Optimization #01: Call to action button

* What is the message on your call to action button?

1. Are your visitors or audience even clicking it at all?

2. Even if they are, do they ultimately convert into dollars and cents?

3. How are you enticing your visitors towards the desired outcome?

* What does the call to action button meant to them:

1. Why should we(visitors) click on it?

2. What's IN for us(visitors)?

How to optimize it?

Instead of having those overused messages or words like "Click here", "Find out more", "Click here to read" or "Read more here".

* Build your call to action button that persuades them in taking action, which contains the "Why should we click on it" and the "What's IN for us" instead of those overused words which don't convert. Ultimately, you will never know which message or copy on the call to action button works or doesn't, until you test it out.

* Take action now!

How To Succeed In Internet Marketing

There are three main difficulties facing anyone who is aiming to earn a living from internet marketing: isolation and lack of support, constant bombardment with new products and opportunities and the temptation to hitch their wagon to every new star on the internet. How then, is it even possible to become successful with internet marketing?


Online or offline, if you want to be successful in your own business, you must be self disciplined. You have to create your own workable routine because there are no strong external influences telling you when to start work and evaluating your productivity. It's easy to procrastinate when you are working at home. Talking on the phone, coffee with a friend or even a favorite television show can all keep you from getting down to the business of making money.

You need to be proactive, organized and determined to succeed. How you spend your time is entirely up to you. Do you have the self discipline to give your business the time and energy it requires if you are to succeed?

Emails can also be significant time wasters. Do you have the self discipline to organize your email reading and responses to a specific time frame? Do you need to opt out of mailing lists that are causing your inbox to fill with unnecessary emails?

This is not to say you can't sign up for emails, but limit your subscriptions to only a few sources that provide information that can genuinely help you. Easier still, you can subscribe to their RSS feeds.

You don't just need self discipline to regularly do the things necessary for success, you also need self discipline to refrain from doing things. In particular, it may be very tempting to buy products that promise great profits or ways to make your life easier. It is easy for money to go out than is coming in. If the product will not directly benefit an aspect of your business that you have decided to improve or build, then (at least for now) don't spend the money.

However, products that reduce the amount of work you would normally do, streamline your operation and perhaps even assist with outsourcing or delegating of work so you can spend more time earning income, may well be worth considering.

A training product that focuses on an area that you do not currently need, should be ignored. There may be a time for it in the future, but not at the moment.

Stay on Focus

To be successful in internet marketing, you need to stay focused. The internet provides a volatile online work environment that makes it easy to get distracted and caught up in each new opportunity that comes your way. To avoid this mistake, you need to have a business plan and stick to it.

However, you need to be flexible. If your plan is not working the way you thought it would be willing to make necessary adjustments to get the results you actually want. Don't change your plan just because you feel like a change, though.

You certainly need to be passionate about your vision and goals, however times of boredom should not be mistaken for signs you need to change a business plan. Persistence pays off and sometimes you have to persist through boredom. If you need to, take some time off and rekindle your passion and excitement for your business. Only change a business plan if it is not working.

Long term success comes from focusing on a single business plan, adjusting when necessary but overall moving forward and achieving established goals. Chopping and changing leads to a pattern of failure.

By taking a self disciplined and focused approach to your internet marketing business, you will give yourself the best opportunity of achieving long term success.

Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

5 Things About eBook Internet Marketing Strategies

Beginners are often stuck with not knowing what ebooks to buy. If you want to buy an ebook internet marketing strategy you need a few keys, to know it's legit. This is crucial for both yours and the vendors success... vendors with "less of these 5 keys sell less" and you get less for your money. This article covers 5 things I do to increase profitablility in my internet marketing strategy.

I'll dig right into the tips for you...

Tip Number 1: Expertise

You want to have a professional, or someone who knows what he or she is doing. In internet marketing, income, proof and experience beats everything. So when you want to buy an e-book and not just collect free digital dust anymore, you'll want to seek professional tips and tricks.

Tip 2 out of 5: Proof

In todays internet marketing game proof has become on of the biggest conversion factors. Without proof the site is dead and I think that it's almost impossible for anyone to buy from sites without solid proof. Newbies have trouble knowing the difference between real proof and "made up proof" and often fall victim to online scams. This is because it's an "emotional trigger" to push high numbers in front of the customers eyes. If you see $100,000 in 10 days leave, but if you see $100-$500 and sometimes $1000/day, it's safe to stay and read, because these are all numbers anyone can achieve.

Tip 3 out of 5: Credibility

Who is this person? Can you google him/her and find multiple sites? Can you find hundreds or thousands of articles written by the same author? Does he or she have multiple websites with similar proof, products? Are they running a blog or newsletter? This is usually a good indication that the person is serious in the biz and it increases credibility.

Another part of credibility is testimonials. Does the website you are visiting have solid testimonials from solid resources? Are they credible? Do they show Images? Audio? Or even video testimonials? If at least one or two of these are "true" then it is good indicator of a proven product, backed by a proven crowd.

Tip 4 out of 5: Overall Design

Landing on a site with a professional looking header graphic, well placed and formated text, with images of people, products and covers it's almost always a legit product. People who spend money or time creating these things are more likely to make sales and therefore they spend money to make money. If the website feels like it's designed by your kid at the age of 4 then it's probably NOT a site you want to commit to.

Tip 5 out of 5: Other people are recommending the product.

If you go to Google and type "product name review" or "product name testimonial" you'll find multiple people who have reviewed the product as affiliates. If this comes up and there are review you'll instantly know it's a legit business owner who has gone great lengths to accumulate both affiliate marketers and Joint Venture partners to their team.

Before buying online ebooks, make sure you check Chris Stigson's excellent free report on Google Adwords Called Free Make Money Tips, and his information marketing techniques.

Aggressive Article Marketing Strategies That Will Automatically Create A 6-Figure Income

Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can build a six figure income. I am sure if you have just read that previous statement you will want to read it again.

You may have written a few articles and gotten some results, but not realized how powerful this method of marketing actually is. However, it is a numbers game and the more articles that you have out there the higher your number of subscribers and sales.

So let us look at how you generate money from article marketing in forensic detail. You need to write articles focusing on your niche market and submit them to all the article directories. Here you will get free search engine traffic because these directories have a very high page rank. You will include a link to your squeeze page in your resource box. When somebody reads your article and likes what you have to say they will click through to your website and subscribe to your newsletter. Using your autoresponder you can follow up and convert them from a subscriber into a paid customer.

Now one of the biggest problems with article marketing is that you need thousands of articles to generate a six figure income. Also writing and submitting them to directories takes a very long time as this is extremely time intensive. So for most people they simply do not do the volume that is required to achieve a six figure income.

Now the expert article marketers outsource everything. They may have started doing everything themselves to get everything going and generate a profit, but once they start earning a decent income they hire people to write the articles and submit them to the different directories. Using sites like Elance you can easily find people to do all of this and I know of one article marketer who pays a dollar for every article that gets written.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Outdated Network Marketing Strategies - Can It Be Done Today?

For anyone who is involved in Network Marketing, you've probably noticed that promoting your business using the traditional methods that you're being taught presents quite a challenge in today's fast-paced world. Also, if you're not currently involved and you are under the assumption that the Network Marketing Industry is dead, you are sadly mistaken. With there being more direct selling opportunities and companies out there than ever before, there is big money to be made.

It is true: the Network Marketing Industry is very much alive and provides a huge advantage to anyone who is willing to learn and apply Web 2.0 marketing methods. The best methods can turn your opportunity into what it's supposed to be - an Online Home Based Business. However, that does not mean that it is easy money. You must constantly work to build your business and invest in yourself (staying on top of new marketing strategies) if you hope to stay competitive. With changes in technology being a constant, you must be ready to embrace new opportunities and methods/techniques as they come up. Gone are the days of leaving business cards behind at laundromats and cold-calling or in-home parties, or trying to get the person to let you do a telephone business presentation.

Internet technology makes it much easier to reach the masses. If you learn how to use the right marketing methods to reach people who already have their hands raised, because they are looking for solutions that could help fix their problems, you'll find that you don't have to deal with rejection at all, if ever. Unfortunately, 95% of people involved in the industry are not taking advantage of these powerful tools, because they are not being properly trained on how to utilize the benefits of the Internet. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the network marketing business is good business. They report that in 2003, sales produced by the direct selling industry totaled more than $29 billion! So, how do you get a piece of that pie? Not by using out-of-date network marketing methods, that's for sure. A good example of the way Internet technology can help in growing your network marketing business is social (Web 2.0) networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, and Squidoo. You can create a profile and let people know who you are and what you do. You can use these networking sites to post blogs about what you do and how you do it. What works, and what doesn't. Potential sales that you may have, new websites that you launch or opportunities for friends to join you in your business venture. As you post on your friends sites, their friends will see what you have to say; one can see how easy it is for word to spread like wildfire. When you started your network marketing business, you likely went to conferences and seminars or called into a weekly team building call and listen to people speak about how to grow your business. With the new and improved network marketing field, you are likely now listening and watching webinars for training purposes.

Now, take a minute and think about how many people, all over the world, are watching that very same webinar and can access it 24 / 7; you can use the same idea to build your sales and your team of business partners. If you continue to try to gather people at an informational meeting to let them know what you and your business are about, your business will come to a slow and grinding halt. Not because people don't want to listen, but because no one has time anymore to make it to a meeting. With a webinar, they can watch it on their own time. Are you still handing out brochures and sticking leaflets on car windows, telling people about your business? Now there's nothing "wrong" with that specifically, but there are some great "rejection free" methods, and if you'll ask, I'll give you just one of many that are currently working for me. Try educating people on how to be successful online by selling ebooks and give away a few extra for bonuses, there's nothing wrong with over delivering. Not only will people appreciate the terrific deal they just got and the effective training you provided them through the ebooks. They also learned how they can make extra money online the correct way; they'll be excited to tell their friends about it too. Nothing but a win - win for you and your business. Now you're building online relationships from helping people around the world, and creating extra streams of income with the ebooks, while you're recruiting new business partners to your online business. Much of our behavior is shaped by the need for instant gratification; by your business being able to have a high ranking through the use of social marketing sites you could increase visits to your website dramatically. Make your website friendly and pleasing to the eye; you will be surprised to find how many people spend some time checking out not just you, but the opportunity that your business presents. So what if there were a way that you could earn money while you learn the right marketing methods to effectively conduct business online? What if potential partners came to you because they were already interested in what you had to offer? Wouldn't that make doing business online less stressful and more enjoyable? I will say that the answer is a lot closer than you think.

It can be done, by you!

Here's to YOUR success

Generate Leads for Your MLM Business

About the Author; James Shaver is a professional Network Marketer who specializes in coaching others on how to be successful within the network marketing industry in this fast paced age in which we live.

J Michael is, James Shaver, I have been in and out of Network Marketing since the 80's, seen things come and go. Any way I can be helpful let me know. I am part of a great team of people helping other people become successful in this great business. Attraction Marketing is about people helping other people succeed! You can do it, we can help!

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 6 Ultimate Methods to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the few marketing and product promotional tools that can virtually do it all without burning your pockets. It can easily increase your page views, pull you your search engine ranking, boost your sales, and position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so you can easily earn the trust of your potential clients.

Here are the 6 ultimate methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Bank on the quality of your articles. This is the most crucial element of article marketing that can either make or break your strategies. If you want your articles to be read, picked up, and widely republished, you must make sure that they are all well-written, informative, and content-rich.

2. Use simple terms. Writing articles for the web means serving online users who come from different geographic locations and have different background and nationalities. That means, some of them might not even be using English as their first language. To get your message across to as many online users as possible, make your articles easy to understand by using simple terms all throughout your content.

3. Optimize your content. Use keywords on your titles and all throughout your content so your articles will become highly searchable online. Make sure that all the keywords you use are the ones that are usually being utilized by your potential clients when they are searching for information in the internet so you can drive quality traffic to your website.

4. Produce and submit original articles. Both search engines and article submission sites cannot be stricter when it comes to content duplication. So, make sure that you offer your readers with only fresh and original content. Strive to communicate your thoughts using your own words and run your articles against anti-plagiarism website like copyscape dot com before you make them available online.

5. Be direct to the point. As you are serving audience who have short attention span, you must avoid beating around the bush at all cost so you will not waste their time. Instead, offer your information upfront and steer clear from using fancy words and fillers.

6. Never insert hyperlinks on your articles. One of the most common reasons why publishers reject articles is because of hyperlinks in the article body. To save your time and effort, save your hyperlinks for your resource box and focus on giving your readers useful content on your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Workable Google Page Rank Booster

Search Engine Optimization includes two kinds of activity which labeled as On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization. Nowadays, a lot of webmasters thought that if they have already optimized their site (optimize meta tags, keywords and contents - On-Page Optimization); they just can wait for the Free Traffic coming from the Search Engine. That is wrong at this Information Age! There is still another activity they must do which is Off-Page Optimization or better known as "Link Popularity" (How popular is your website in the view of other websites).

In order to get a "Link Popularity", your site must HAVE what we called as Back Link. There are two kinds of Back Link:

1. One-way Back Link

It is possible for your site to get One-Way Back Link if your website content is good in the view of other webmasters. So, they link to us, but we don't link back to them.

2. Two-way Back Link (Link Exchange)

In order to find a good Back Link, follow this rule of thumbs:

1. Your website content must have a qualify content

2. Find site which has the same topic or keyword with your website content

3. Find a link partner which has a high Google PageRank and the site that they kept your link do not contain more than 50 (fifty) links.

4. Get Back Link from different IP address

By using this kind of a good Back Link, it can help to boost your Google PageRank also. Remember, SEO method usually takes time, so please allow some time to pass when you want to implement the Google PageRank Booster method that I am going to describe in here, but as you get accustomed with it, you will find it easy to implement every time you find a niche market.

How to boost your Google PageRank?

1. Create a lot of articles within your niche market with the correct keywords and correct phrases to describe what your website is all about. I suggest that your website at least must contain around 50-100 pages. If you do not have time in creating article, you can use the PLR (Private Label Articles) that are sold, but remember not to copy directly the PLR content as your website content. It is always a good idea to modify it.

2. Create an internal links in between your website content. I recommend you to create at least 30-50 internal links.

3. Update your content often and on a consistent schedule. Search Engine love freshly updated content.

4. Create Back Link to your website from others blogs, forums, directories, Web 2.0, etc.

You need to generate at least 10,000 links so that you can get Google PageRank of 5. Don't be dazed with the 10,000 links. When you website reached 150 pages of content with forty or more links to other pages, Google's spiders will count these insider links as 6,000 links on condition that your website's content is alike. Please allow some time for this method to work.

Hery Yansen is an SEO buzz on SEO tips and owner of SEO Quick and Easy website. His website provides an informative content in e-book for those who are new online on discovering how to get top rankings by using free traffic.

Internet Marketing and List Building - Squeezing Traffic

Do you have a great looking squeeze page? Is your headline killer? Do your bullet points rock? And what about that opt-in box? Did you spend some time giving it a custom facelift? Sounds pretty cool.

"But nobody's coming to see it," you say.

Well, I have a few easy solutions to make your squeeze page much more popular:

1. Ezine Advertising (Paid, not free): Find ezines in your Internet marketing niche by searching Google for a main keyword. See if the top listed sites have ezines, and place spot ads in them. You can also sign up for an ezine directory that gives you a lot of the information, like which ezines exist and an idea about their circulation. If they don't have thousands of readers, chances are you won't get much traffic.

2. Article Marketing: When you write an article that solves a problem for people in your niche, something they're eager to know, it will give you some great status. Because people found your information so exciting or helpful, they're more inclined to click on the link to your squeeze page, which you've put into your author's resource box.

3. Viral Video: Make a short video about your Internet marketing niche. If you give some great information or can be funny, you'll see people putting your videos all over the Web. Be sure to include the URL to your list building page in every frame so that people will type it into their browser windows to see more about you.

4. Pay-per-Click Ads: Google AdWords is the most popular pay-per-click service, mainly because Google gets the bulk of searches. But there are other services as well, such as Yahoo's Overture or AdBright. Come up with a great keyword-heavy spot ad and you'll see traffic.

5. Blogging: Write what you know about your niche. When you give great information, people will go to your squeeze page to learn more about you, if you display the link prominently. Plus, you can put an opt-in box at the top of your sidebar and have people joining your list from there, too.

Using these 5 ways of traffic generation will surely get the traffic you want coming to your squeeze page, but there are many other ways you can try, as well. The idea is that you have to get out there and do something. Traffic won't just come to you in the Internet marketing world. You have to go out and get it.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of Overcome Everything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman's new List Building Club will help you to get your own list started quickly and easily. Get your Free list building CD, a Free one-hour consultation with a list building expert, and a Free month's membership when you visit

Could Some Types Of Links Be Damaging Your Website?

Usually when you set up a website you want the best possible linking for it. Normally you don't have the luxury of being able to experiment, to compare what would happen if you tried something different. If you do try something different how can you see what the changes will be and are you willing to risk reducing its popularity?

For this reason I set up a some test blogs a couple of months ago. I was looking to see if the target="_blank" tag within the link had any effect. So for the first blog I linked to it from a few sites without the target command. For the second I used the target command and linked to it from exactly the same pages.

Then I started posting. For the first couple of weeks I thought that there weren't any differences. Maybe even at times the second site showed some advantages. I almost gave up and was about to use the blogs to test for something else. But after about a month there were big differences.

The first site is cached weekly. The second has less posts cached and only a few of the posts are cahced in any one week - some haven't been cached for 4 weeks or more.

So if the second blog isn't been cached as often, and apparently just because the link includes target="_blank", what does this mean?

For a start, it means that search engines aren't picking up changes as well. They therefore are showing less interest in the site. Less interest means less popularity. Just because of a small piece of code, a piece of code that seems completely harmless, Google would appear to be far less interested in the site than in a very similar site in which the link would open in the main window.

So does this affect you? Take a look at how many of your recent link exchanges use this 'harmless' piece of code. I would expect that most of your links out do.

To be honest, why do we open links in a new window? If someone is browsing our link exchanges and wants to visit a site they can easily decide to open the link in a new window. It's a sign of a lack of faith in the site we are linking to. And maybe this is something the search engines have picked up on.

So let's stop including target="_blank" when it's not needed. It could help improve our search engine rankings. My sites certainly seems to be more popular when links in don't include it.

Keith Lunt runs several successful internet marketing sites. You can contact him through or read his daily blog to follow the latest experiments.

Too Many "Internet Marketing" Experts!

Do you follow any type of sport?

Even if you dont, you may or may not know that all great athletes and teams have a coach.

If it is an individual they usually have a single coach, if a team they have a coach and an assistant coach.

So what has this got to do with building a business?

How many marketing experts are their online? How many books do you have by a whole stack of different authors? On top of that how many articles by different writers can you ad to this list?

If a football or soccer team had five to ten coaches do you think they would be very successful? The poor players would be so confused by all the different opinions, varying tactics on playing the game and exactly how to win that they would probably never win one single game!

Are you starting to see my point?

Every expert online uses there own individual techniques, systems and types of websites to make profit. One expert might use one web traffic method one way while another uses it completely different.

This then is where the problem lies. If you keep jumping from one piece of advice to the next, to the next and then once again to the next, how successful do you think your online business will be?

So decide on one or two experts and follow their advice to the letter. This will save you a lot of time and money, I can assure you.

The marketers I personally like and follow are (apart from myself ;-))

Michael Campbell SEO and affiliate marketing.

Michael Green Ebook production and marketing.

Jay Abraham Online & off business marketing, business development & creation.

As you can see, Ive separated authors into different categories or fields depending the project Im working on at the time, I will follow the advice from just one.

Now if these people or even my own advice is not you cup of tea so to speak, the advice still stands. Find a marketer that has material that you like or writes in such a way that you can relate to and follow their advice to the letter. Dont stray form their advice, dont finish implementing techniques half way through the course and be consistent in your approach.

Chris Taylor CEO Catdynamics, author, marketing & SEO Specialist
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