Friday, May 9, 2008

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 3 Phenomenal Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is the best promotional and traffic-generating tool in the internet today. It can easily augment your website traffic, pull up your search engine ranking, position yourself as a key person in your industry, build that trust and great business relationship with your client base, increase your sales leads and ultimately, improve your online revenue.

Here are the 3 phenomenal methods to increase your article marketing:

1. Write more. If you really want to increase your article marketing, the first thing that you need to consider is to multiply the number of your output to easily increase the inbound links for your website. You can spend more time writing or pick topics that do not require extensive research. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$15 each depending on the topic, length, and your expected delivery date. Though this method will cost you, you will be able to get the credit for the articles as they will be posted under your name.

2. Submit your articles on a regular basis. To strengthen your online presence and your position as an expert on your chosen niche, make it a habit to submit your articles on a regular basis and avoid long absences so your readers will not forget about you. Publish your content not only on article submission sites but also on directories, social bookmarking sites, Squidoo, forums, blogs, and on your own website. You can also use them as content when you publish your ezine or when you create your ebook.

3. Your topics must be related to your offering. The goal in marketing your articles is to draw quality traffic to your website. The best way to do that is to write articles that are closely relevant to your products so you can attract online users who are most likely to buy from you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing - Latest 4 Ultimate Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing in popularizing your website and promoting your products but can't seem to augment your page views and your sales potential? I'd say, you have to energize your strategies to maximize the benefits you are getting from this amazing marketing tool. Here's how:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. Strive to increase the number of your output to obtain more quality inbound links for your website. You can either extend your writing hours or pick topics that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$12 each depending on your topic and required word count.

2. Create a compelling author's bio. If you want to easily build rapport with your potential clients, you need to find ways on how they can know more about you on a personal level. Create an author's bio on every article submission sites where you normally post your articles to. Make it interesting and personal by communicating your hobbies, interest, personal stories, and experiences. You can also post your most friendly-looking picture to give your readers an idea on how you look like.

3. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Download a free, reliable keyword suggestion tool online that can help you identify the most common searched keyword and key phrases within your target niche. Sprinkle these words and phrases all throughout your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Content. To increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished by webmasters and other online users, you must strive to make them content-rich, useful, informative, direct to the point, well-written, and highly relevant to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Maximize Every Article You Write By Thinking Outside Of The Box!

It pays to think outside of the box in business. If you utilize every resource you have to its maximum, it only means larger profits! This article will discuss several ways to advertise your articles for maximum exposure all over the World Wide Web.

1) Post your articles to article directories

This is the common one. But do not only post to one article directory like many article writers do. Find three popular directories and post all your articles to them. Thats right, all of them! You want to get as many visitors to your website as possible, dont you?

2) Post them to your blog

A blog needs content, and what better way to add content to it then by using your existing articles? Instead of spending time on the keyboard struggling to come up with new content, simply use the articles you have already written.

3) Post them on forums

Forums are a great way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche. You can start new threads that encourage discussion by using some of your more controversial articles. People will start to pay attention to you if you post interesting content.

4) Create e-reports

You can compile a set of related articles that you have written into an e-report. This is an awesome method to create an instant product! E-reports can be given away or sold and they are great for establishing credibility. In fact, if you have many articles, you can create dozens of these small reports.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Internet Marketing Tips - The Correct Way To Promote An Affiliate Product

I have no doubts that I am going to get a lot of slack for this article, but that's okay. I live in Jersey and I'm used to the heat. What I am about to share, as an opinion, is going to be met with many growls and snarls. If you want to know why, you'll understand as soon as you're finished reading. I make no apologies for my views on this subject.

Promoting an affiliate product means promoting a product that isn't yours. Somebody else created it. Now, think about this for a second. You're telling other people to go buy this product that you didn't create. You're essentially recommending it to these people. What do you base this on? If your answer is, "Because I got the product myself" then give yourself a cookie and a gold star. THAT is the correct answer.

I can hear all the affiliate marketers out there screaming at me right now. "Oh come on Steve, I can't possibly buy every product out there that I want to sell. I'll go broke."

Will you? Think about how stupid that statement really is. If you buy a product for $97 and you get 60% commission on it, all you have to do is sell two copies to make a profit. Are you telling me that you can't sell two copies of something that you have used, think is great, and rave about to others? If that's the case, then maybe you should be in another line of work.

The truth is, the most effective way to sell any product online is from the perspective of the buyer. Think about when you go and see a movie and you tell your best friend that you just saw this really great movie. How many times have you done that and your friend went to see the movie? Well, why not do the same thing and actually get paid for it?

However, if you're dead set against buying the product, try this. It does work. Contact the creator of the product and ask them if they would send you a copy to review because you want to promote the product for them. Many merchants will be happy to give you an advance copy if they know they can get a few sales. Ultimately, the same goal is have the product, know what it's about and can write about it intelligently.

All my affiliate marketing is done this way, which is why I am one of the top 20 affiliates for many of the products that I sell.

Nothing beats the personal approach.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 4 years I've been doing this.

Marketing an Internet Presence - Network is a Verb

I was speaking with the CEO of an executive career and job site recently. We were making another installment in our ongoing discussion about developing and marketing an on-line Internet presence by leveraging on-line networking platforms.

The CEO made a statement that reminded me of the national, multicultural, social marketing campaign coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

VERB It's what you do.

To network does - not - mean to simply join a networking platform, create a profile, and passively expect magic to happen. It requires action. It requires reaching out. That's right - it requires effort.

I've talked to many people over the years that complain about not getting anything out of their membership to a given networking platform. When I ask, "What exactly did you - do - after joining the networking platform?" The response (all too often) is, "Do?"

There are millions of - inactive - members of networking platforms. Unfortunately, that translates into million of people that are not realizing the benefit of on-line networking.

Network: It's what you - do - that counts.

There are obviously multitudes of ways one can take action and reach out. You can reach out directly to specific individuals through personal messages/emails or indirectly by posting blogs on topics of common interest, subject matter expertise, etc., or starting a club/forum around a common interest, subject matter expertise, etc. They all require action.

I belong to and I'm a heavy user of on-line networking platforms. All on-line networking platforms are not created equal. From my experience, without a doubt, out of all of the on-line networking platforms I've experimented with, I've found - the best - place to network and start investing in building an on-line Internet presence. It is amazing how fast you can do this.

As an example, do a Google search on the key words: do you exist

The first thing I want you to notice is that the result is a search return of approximately 412,000,000 hits. Now note that my blog post "Do you exist? - by Ron Bates" typically comes up as the 1st - 3rd hit on the first page out of 412 - million - hits. This capability is invaluable to someone desiring to build and market a personal or corporate Internet presence.

I believe so strongly in the power of building an Internet Presence by leveraging on-line networkin that I built a website just to discuss specifically how to do this.

Happy Networking!

Ron Bates is an expert in mission critical retained executive search. He is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. He has delivered personal executive coaching projects to former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, and WorldCom Exec's responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self guided job search oriented executive coaching process.

With +27,000 direct contacts on on-line professional networking platforms, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth". View Rons networking profile on Ecademy.

As a recognized expert in building an on-line personal Internet presence, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, and is a regular guest on Netshares Ask the Coach.

My new Website: Internet Presence Do you exist? can be found at

For more information on Conducting a Job Search Campaign go to

Do You Know About These Make Money Online Opportunities?

What are the top make money online opportunities available online? Obviously it would be very useful for anybody looking to start a business online to take a close look at what other people are doing successfully to earn a dollar on the World Wide Web.

Interestingly there are numerous different ways being used by home business entrepreneurs to generate revenue online.

Make Money Online Opportunities At Ebay

It has been proven time and again that the easiest way to start making money is to join Ebay and to find something to sell at the wildly popular trading site. Many of them start off looking for items in their homes to sell online. Although this usually runs out pretty quickly this initial experience is invaluable in helping the home business owner and Ebay seller to pick up the initial critical skills required.

Next you can graduate into getting brand new items on wholesale prices from multiple distributors and wholesalers and then re-selling them at Ebay. Tens of thousands of successful sellers at Ebay do exactly this.

Ebay is one of the leading sites that has made a big difference for online small business entrepreneurs many of whom have risen from zero income to pretty good regular revenue generation with the help of the world famous popular sellers and buyers web site.

Make Money Online Opportunities With Personal Blogs

Many specialists and experts make serious money online by exploring the opportunities that emerge from starting a personal blog. Apart from selling their expertise directly, many of these personal blogs make huge sums of money from popular affiliate programs like Google's Adsense and Kontera to name just two that pay affiliates every time somebody clicks on the ads on their sites.

Here there are plenty of other make money online opportunities from affiliate programs that are very closely related to the area of expertise that is covered by owner of the personal blog.

Profits From E-books

Yet another example of the many make money online opportunities available on the web is creating e-books based on your special knowledge and skills and then marketing and selling them online. This can be quite a lucrative undertaking, if executed properly. Millions of people log into the World Wide Web every day looking to solve their various pressing problems. All an alert home based online entrepreneur has to do is to position their e-book to solve some of these problems and the sales will surely follow. This is in fact one of the very solid make money online opportunities that has not been exploited enough.

At my website you will not only get opportunities but also ready made web sites to get you making money online pronto,