Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Authentic Ways to Increase Your Article Marketing

It is no doubt that article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tool these days. It is not only cost-efficient but it is also proven effective in augmenting the number of online visitors plus establishing a webmaster's expertise on his chosen niche.

If you have been using this technique and you would like to increase your marketing effort so you can better improve the benefits you are getting from it, these 6 authentic ways will help you succeed further in this method:

1. Provide your readers with quality content. Your articles should contain information that are not only interesting to read but most importantly, useful to your potential readers. Your content should also be timely and relevant to your target niche.

2. Your articles must be well-written. Your ideas must flow naturally and must be presented in a logical manner so your readers will be able to easily understand your points.

3. Be familiar with SEO. Learning how to optimize your articles can be your greatest weapon so you can succeed in article marketing. By knowing how to insert relevant keywords to your copies, you do not only make your articles search engine friendly, but you also make them searchable online.

4. Frequently search the internet for new publishing sites. The more publishing sites you post your articles to, the more back links you can obtain for your website.

5. Write topics that are directly relevant to your website's topic. This is to make sure that you will have an opportunity to showcase your expertise while promoting your website at the same time.

6. Call to action and promote your website. Move your readers to act by writing a powerful and attention-grabbing resource box. This should contain your name, your expertise, what you offer, and why readers should click on your website's URL.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing 5 Steps to Easy Article Marketing

Article marketing might seem hard when you first think about it, but once you have written and submitted a number of articles, it does get easier. Follow these simple steps to help you get started, quickly and easily.

1) Narrow down your web site topics and perhaps make a list of them. When you are trying to write articles, sometimes it is easy to feel like you do not have anything to write about. One easy way to counteract that is to write a list of 10-20 things that you can write about main topics. Then, write a list of questions that can be asked about your topic. Once you have those lists, you now have a large number of mini-topics you can use to write articles about. Just answer each one of the topics in an article you should never run out of fresh ideas using this method!

2) Write the article. Use a structure similar to this one for your first few articles. Just write out a few main points that can answer the article questions. Then for your introductory paragraph, write an introductory sentence and then summarize the main points. For your conclusion, the same idea holds just summarize everything, and perhaps give an action point something your reader can do that will be helpful to him.

3) Add your link to your web page to the end of the article. Offer an incentive, such as a free ebook, to get them to visit your web site.

4) Go to a search engine and find a list of article directories that are accepting submissions.

5) Submit your articles to the article directories.

Although that list is quite brief and short, if you literally do each of the things in those steps, you are well on the road to article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 6 Easy Steps

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

How To Stay Motivated To Write Articles Everyday

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to article marketing is to stay motivated to write articles everyday. When I first got into article marketing I wrote one article and was very disappointed with the results. To succeed with article marketing you need to write consistently everyday.

The main reasons for this is that you are not sure which of your articles are going to do it for you. I have had one article that had more than a thirty percent click through rate. I think that this is very unusual. Usually my articles average about a three percent click through. So if you write two bad articles that do not really produce any results then your third may produce some good results and you will get a few subscribers to your newsletter. So if you only wrote the first article you would be under the impression that article marketing does not work.

When you write everyday it becomes very easy to procrastinate and put off writing the next article. So when I think of a good article I immediately sit at my personal computer and type it out before I forget about the idea.

I always think of the bigger picture. More articles translates into more subscribers to my newsletter and more customers. So when I get lazy and am not in the mood to write any articles I will always try to think of the big picture.

One of the other obstacles that you will also face is that at some stage you will experience writer's block. This is when you run out of creative ideas. This is when I visit the main categories of article directories to give me some ideas of what topics I can write on.

Hopefully these tips will help you to see the big picture and stay motivated to write articles everyday.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Make Money

These ways to make money from article marketing are, in fact, not the only ways to make money off of article marketing. These are just some simple and most popular ways to get some cash from article marketing.

3 ways to make money online from article marketing.

  1. Bum Marketing - One of the most popular ways to make some cash from article marketing. The best part about this way of getting paid is that you can earn residual income through your article marketing efforts. You can earn about $600 dollars a week from articles that you made months ago. It's simple to do. All you need is an article writing account and to be signed up with an affiliate program. They're both free to sign up for and they can pay you huge sums of money. Clickbank is one of the best affiliate program search engines.

  2. Ebooks - You can turn your articles into cash easily. Just take the articles that you wrote that are relevant to each other and put them together into an ebook with reseller rights. This can be a fast way to make some money. People love to buy ebooks with reseller rights because it's like they're buying their own business for only five bucks. Make an ebook with your articles and sell them in your own ecommerce shopping cart or the all powerful ebay or amazon.

  3. Selling Your Articles - There are millions of lazy people out there. I mean millions. They are so lazy that they would love to pay you to write an article for them. People can pay from $10 - $100 on every 10 articles depending on how good you are. In this money making machine, make sure to only write articles on what you know about. Don't take on challenges that you don't know anything about. This can lead to a bad reputation or bad feedback ratings.

These are just simple ways in which you can make money with articles. Try them out and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

Christmas Gift Articles - Write Marketing Concepts that Market Christmas Gifts

You know how to get traffic, but you'd like to have more seasonal traffic. So, what's up with that? Can't you think of anything to write?

Almost anything you write about Christmas can be a marketing article. You just have to use keywords (pssst, the keyword for Christmas is... you guessed it, Christmas!) and post them frequently throughout your article. Tell everyone about your topic and put in some information they may not ever have known before.

My favorite article so far is one I wrote about Christmas Gifts. I simply titled it Christmas Gifts and then added in numerous references to gifts I'd purchase for different family members, friends, and others on my Christmas list. How hard can that be?

The best part is, I got to advertise and market information about products I sold. That's what Article Marketing is all about. And when you're writing Christmas Articles for the purpose of capturing attention and drawing traffic to your website, you get all manners of attention by choosing the right keywords.

Are you ready to capture some attention and draw traffic to your website with Articles you write about Christmas, or some other topic?

You can learn the secret of Article Marketing and fine tune your best writing tools with a few Article Templates that bring your written concepts into focus. Article Marketing dynamics for holiday marketing are not much different than any other time of year. You simply use a basic template like the two free templates you get at and fill them up with keywords that relate to your topic, then post them to with a power packed resource box.

Jan Verhoeff is an article marketer who believes it's still possible! If you'd like to know what she believes, visit her website at and sign up for her ezine. You'll find out a whole lot about marketing online, and why she still believes.

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Outstanding and Effective Methods to an Efficient Article Marketing

Article marketing remains to be one of the most effective and most reliable Internet marketing tools to date. Even with the rapid mushrooming of various other marketing tools on the net, article marketing has maintained its status as one of the most dependable and reliable advertising technique. And as the Internet grows and ages, so is the concept of internet marketing. Now, to stand very competitive, you have to be abreast on the latest article marketing methods used by the pioneering marketing specialists. Below are some of them:

1. Content. With your article as the forefront, you have to make sure that you have a very competitive and highly reliable information on it. Make sure that these pieces of information are under the impression of relevance, pertinence, and necessity.

2. Research very well the information that you may need to put onto your article material. There is no way to be half assured about the quality of your information than having these properly researched.

3. Seek some help from the experts in the field when you are very unsure about what to write on your article material. It is important that the information that you place on your copies are something that can be vouched by another expert to make it safer for you.

4. Check your article material for any discrepancy and error. It is not a wise move to leave your whole work unchecked. Even when you are so sure and confident about what you have written, double checking it is still advised.

5. Take a final look before the actual release of your article on the net. You need to make sure that all things are properly and appropriately placed on your article. No amount of resentment can equal the damage of negligence. So, be cautious always.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Web Development and Article Marketing - How to Use Both

Web development has emerged as an industry in the last decade. In the field of web development, a company or a person develops web sites to be placed on the World Wide Web. Web development is the field of today. The number of web sites on the web are increasing at a very fast pace. The web developers and web designers make a good amount of money while constructing these web sites. There is a lot of innovation and technological advancement going on in this field. Keeping this in view it is important that the web developers know the current trend and latest techniques which should be used in building a new web site. Web development is a field which can pay you a lot if you are interested in taking it seriously. At present the number of web sites on the web is in millions. The ebusiness industry is growing at a very fact pace. Thus web development can be used as a tool to make money online these days.

Once a web site has been made and it is there on the web, it needs promotion. There are many ways of promoting a web site. Some of the ways of promoting a web site are more effective than the others. Article marketing is one such manner. You can have lots and lots of people visiting your web site if you try to market your web based business through article marketing. Article marketing can be used as a tool to help flourish your business. No business in the online world can survive without getting quality traffic. Article marketing is a tool which can be used to generate web traffic.

Article Marketing

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.