Monday, May 19, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Discover 3 Key Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Nervous about starting your article marketing campaign? Don't be! Because technically, you have got nothing to lose in this technique. So long as you know how to produce quality articles or you have the resources to pay somebody to do it for you, you will surely rise above the rest. Here are the 3 key secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Do your research. What are the topics to write about? Well, the best topics for you are those that concern your potential clients and are relevant to the products or services you offer. Some of the best article marketers go to forums and they communicate to their potential buyers. Through this, marketers will get an idea about the pressing issues that their customers are facing. Then, they create articles based on the data they gathered and present their products as solution. This is a foolproof method in making sure that your articles are targeted to your chosen niche.

2. Consider some important elements when writing your articles. This is to make sure that your articles will be accepted by most publishing sites. Make sure that you don't use too many keywords or your articles will be rejected for keyword abuse. Also, make your articles at least 250 words and ensure that all links on your resource box are working. Lastly, never insert hyperlinks on the body of your articles. This is one of the common reasons why articles are rejected by publishing sites.

3. Write articles that are easy to understand. Your success in article marketing will largely depend on how well your readers can understand you. So make it a point that you make it easier for them to digest the information you are presenting. To do this, you can use various formats like questions and answer, how-tos, and numbered list when presenting your ideas.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Learn the Top 3 Website Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Traffic

90% of webmasters are not marketing their websites correctly. They lose 1000's of visitors each month due to this. There are 3 secrets every webmaster must know in order to learn website marketing correctly. Check 'em out:

Secret 1 - Be a Focused Website

Most website marketers are aiming far too broad with their campaigns or keyword focus.

If your website is not focused on particular keywords, you won't get ranked in the search results of Google, and you won't be getting any free traffic. Choose 3 keywords you want your website to be ranked under. Then make sure that there are a couple pages with each keyword found 7-9 times on them. If you take this approach you're much more likely to get free SEO traffic, rather than pay for it.

Secret 2 - Value

A site without anything useful won't get any real traffic flow. In order to get some serious traffic, you have to have something worth while on your website. Help out your website's viewers by giving them something useful, like a free resource. If you are in the skateboard niche for example, offer free trick tips or videos. If you are helping people out, they will spread the word for you and your website will grow. It all takes time, but if you have something awesome, people will find you.

Secret 3 -

More and more webmasters are turning to Myspace as a marketing tool for their websites. The logistics of it is simple. Myspace has millions of users, and they are all organized into specific niches called Myspace Groups. If you can learn to leverage this powerful resource into traffic for your website, you will never pay for advertising again. The amount of traffic some users get to their profile is ridiculous. The key to achieving this is having a huge network of friends. The more Myspace friends you have, the more people that could be going to your website. Include links and banners on your profile so people click on them, rather than just a text link. And really help people out in the Groups, it will go a long way.

If your website isn't getting over a thousand unique visitors a day, you are missing out on your traffic potential. To take your website to the next level and get some serious traffic flow, Sign up for the free e-course at It's totally free and has some serious info in there to take your website to the top of the search engines.

How Many Articles Should I Submit Every Month To Make Sales?

Do you want to make more money with article marketing? Let me show you some of the common mistakes made by newbies just starting with this form of advertising, then I will show your the exact steps to quickly becoming more profitable.

Deadly Article Marketing Mistakes

1. Submitting one article per week.

Actually, it's not really a sin, but you will not make a lot of profits except if nobody else write and submit articles in your niche.

One article will not make you a lot of profits.

2. Submitting to only one directory

If you only submit to a single directory, you will not get the exposure you deserve. Profit from leverage in every single thing you do.

3. Mass submission

I see that many newbies try to submit with articlemarketer or There is no need to do this.

Will this hurt your article marketing plan because of the threat of duplicate content?

No, I've submitted with those services as well and my articles still bring me traffic. Duplicate content is another issue that I will discuss with you later because it needs a more in depth analyze.

What are the exact steps for success?

You need to do the following:

* Write several articles a day. I suggest a minimum of two per day to start. If you can't or don't have the time, this tedious work can be outsourced.

* Submit to the top twenty directories. For obvious reasons, you need to outsource this part as well.

If you are on a budget, you need to do this yourself. I know it's not easy but it's how I started.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Private Practice Strategies: How to Develop Multiple Streams of Psychology Income

Mental health professionals have a wealth of valuable, even crucial, information and expertise in which many people are in need.

One-on-one therapy is only one way we can deliver this expertise and help.

There are a number of possible ways therapists can create revenue streams while sharing their talents, expertise and skills with people in need.

Some of these ways are traditional and common, but others are rather innovative ways therapists are beginning to put their abilities to good use. In doing so, they are creating revenue streams.

Traditional Services

Although its time for therapists to think out of the box and develop new services that creatively meet the felt needs of niche markets, there is a place for the traditional therapeutic services.

These include psychotherapy for the DSM diagnoses, psychological testing and evaluation, marriage and family therapy and behavioral health care.

And, yes, people will forgo managed-care reimbursement and pay out of pocket for services that are of higher value because they are higher quality, offer real privacy and are truly customized for the individual needs.

One of the frustrations I hear from mental health care service consumers is that they cant find a specialized therapist in their managed-care insurance network.

Its as if managed cares philosophy is, Well help you obtain access to psychotherapy, but we dont care whether the therapist we connect you with is a specialist. A generalist is fine.

Set yourself apart and demonstrate your true value in the marketplace through specialization. Many people in the market for therapy value specialization.

Getting Published

A book is a powerful way to affect lives. It is also a good way to establish credibility, highlight your practice and services and position yourself in your niche.

And, its easier than you think if you self-publish. It has become very affordable to do so, and it puts you in charge of the content, price and reprints.

It can actually be more profitable, too. You keep every dollar above your costs. If you went through a major publisher who sells a few thousand books, you would only receive the authors fee. You can make as much selling a few hundred copies of a self-published book yourself.

If your book is successful, you may even attract a large publisher to take over your book.

Writing a book opens doors to speaking engagements, media opportunities and a reputation in your niche market.

It also helps you to crystallize your thinking and enhances your effectiveness as a practitioner; its a great exercise in that sense. You will learn a lot both in breadth and depth.

Take the opportunity now to brainstorm ideas for a book thats inside you.

It doesnt have to be long. One hundred pages is plenty.


Teaching courses part-time at a local college or university can be an attractive stream of income.

I have been teaching as adjunct faculty in the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program at Widener University outside Philadelphia for several years and find it both rewarding and enjoyable.

Think about areas of special interest on which you could teach a course. Courses that adjunct faculty teach can be core curriculum in a graduate program, an undergraduate course or an elective.

I find that part-time professors who are practioners have a lot to offer because they are immersed in what they teach. Students seem to appreciate this as well.


E-books are another medium in which you can package and share specialized information.

And e-book is a written piece of information that is distributed via the internet electronically. It is offered free or for a cost (typically $10 to $30) on a web site.

You can also submit an e-book to web sites that list hundreds of e-books to make them available to the public.

Tens of thousands of e-books are downloaded each year, and are changing lives for the better.

Perhaps you can make yours one of them.

Do you have a solution to a specific problem or can you research the answers?

The best e-books share answers to a specific problem.

E-book topics I have heard of recently include: how to write a eulogy, how to cope with a hysterectomy and the topic of recovering from fibromyalgia.

These are e-books written by non-mental health professionals. Imagine what information psychotherapists can offer in this just-in-time format.

E-books cost very little to produce and nothing to distribute. You can attach the file for an e-book to an email or make it downloadable from a web site.

A great e-book is not long. Many of the best are 10 to 35 pages long.

E-books offer short answers to problems readers want to solve, and are available to people quickly.

Good e-books are specific and do not contain general information. The key to marketability is communicating your precise answer to a specific problem.


E-Courses are similar to e-books, but they may be lengthier and delivered to readers one segment at a time. As the name implies, these can be formatted as guided self-study programs.

E-courses allow for the content to be integrated over a specific period of time. Each lesson can be a simple article or more in-depth with guided self-study. Write between five and 10 lessons, and you have a good e-course.

Written by a professional, a good e-course can bridge the gap between a reader learning new information and the reader applying that information to his/her life and making a behavioral change.

Personal Coaching

In sports, coaching is important to help an athlete develop a winning strategy, develop skills and execute the plan. The coach knows how the athlete can progress and move forward. He/she urges the athlete to set high goals and provides motivation, support, focus and encouragement.

Over the past 10 years, the field of professional coaching in personal development and business arenas has grown tremendously.

What is coaching? Personal coaching is a one-on-one professional relationship in which a client is assisted in achieving a personal, business or career goal.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Although coaches sometimes assist people with challenges and problems of various kinds, they do not try to help people overcome problems related to diagnosable conditions as found in the DSM.

Rather, coaches assist well-functioning people to attain greater levels of achievement and satisfaction in their personal lives, businesses or careers.

While therapy is remedial and restorative, coaching is developmental and growth-oriented.

Therapy heals mental and emotional infirmities, while coaching helps healthy individuals achieve more or reach important goals.

Personal coaches work with clients on a wide range of issues, such as coping with a problem or crisis, focusing their efforts on achievement, making career transitions, living more fulfilled lives, achieving life goals and building better relationships.

Other coaches assist people with business development or managerial or leadership development. These coaches are called business coaches or executive coaches.

While coaching is not always based on psychology, it often is. And many of the skills a coach uses are the skills in which therapists are trained. So, there is considerable overlap between coaching and therapy.

This is why many psychologists, counselors and therapists have found coaching attractive and transitioned into coaching either entirely or as a part of their practice mix. I am one of them. In many ways, therapists have an ideal background to be coaches. But the differences between coaching and therapy are significant and important to keep in mind.

Therapists can make great coaches because of their insights into human motivation and behavior, their understanding of human development and life transitions, their communication and relationship skill and their sense of professional ethics, knowledge base and experience in helping people.

Live Workshops, Retreats, Trainings

Presenting live events such as seminars, workshops, retreats and training programs can be a very lucrative stream of income.

And, it can be a powerful way to affect peoples lives.

The group setting allows learners to engage with your material and benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the group.

Live programs can also be an introduction to your other services. Brief programs, such as a lunch and learn, can be delivered for free as a solid marketing vehicle for your practice.

As a therapist, if you have developed and packaged your message into a program as recommended earlier, you have the makings of a great seminar or workshop.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Promoting a workshop or retreat is promoting your practice at the same time and may be psychologically easier to do.

Consider adding a post-training element to your program. It could be a follow-up mini-workshop, a series of workshops or one-on-one work.

You can leverage the energy of a live event in many ways for additional revenue streams.

And, it is likely that some participants will choose to work with you after the event is over.

You will want to casually present your other offerings at the event. You may make it easier for them by having a sign-up sheet.


A teleseminar (also called a teleclass) is a seminar held over the telephone, like a conference call.

The advantage of a teleseminar is the convenience. No one has to commute and the consumers dial to a bridge line at the specified time. No physical accommodations need be arranged; you only need to rent a telephone bridgeline.

Teleseminars can include people from all over the country, even internationally, at the same time.

Classes are typically 60 minutes long, but can vary. Often teleseminars are offered in a multi-class series.

Teleseminars are another way to offer your packaged content and introduce people to your services. Teleseminars can be offered for free to attract prospective clients and let them sample your services.

See for examples of what various professionals are offering. Or, do a search on Google for teleseminars or teleclasses. There are hundreds to browse and attend.

To get a better feel for how to conduct a teleseminar, attend some yourself.


The goal of this book is to help mental health practitioners build thriving managed-care free private practices. One of the themes I hope I have conveyed is that psychology is not just for DSM diagnoses. While we have discussed ways to market traditional services, diversification is important, as it increases the chances we can generate sufficient income to operate outside of managed care. Multiple streams of psychotherapy income can be developed in ones practice.

When I decided to build a manage-care free practice, I gave considerable thought to how

I could provide private-pay services. I explored how I could use my skills in ways that people would readily pay.

Many psychologists and other mental health professionals are successful in consulting in the workplace for the benefit of employees and employers. Business consulting can be a very lucrative income stream.

Like many practitioners, I found my skills could be applied in the business arena. Today, through a business I started called Leadership Concepts, I offer services in the areas of business consulting, executive, business and career coaching and seminars and workshops for businesses. This has proven to be a solid and growing income stream for me, and it is work I really enjoy.

Other ways to diversify into consulting include behavioral medicine, forensics and sports psychology.

Consulting is a very broad and diverse area, so I wont scrape the surface of the possibilities here. But perhaps I can give you good directions for exploration.

If this area is new for you, you will be surprised to find out the many valuable ways our psychology and mental health expertise can be of benefit to people in the workplace. Our background makes us capable of assisting businesses with many different barriers to productivity.

To familiarize yourself with this terrain, I suggest you do a Google search using the keywords business, consulting and psychologist and browse the web sites that come up.

Forensic Consulting

Another specific type of consulting is worth considering separately.

Forensic consulting has to do with psychological or mental health service specifically related to the court system.

Often times, a court has to deal with issues that impinge on mental health issues.

Some of these include:

Criminal cases

  • Competency to stand trial
  • Mental status at time of offense
  • Mitigating factors in offenses
  • Risk assessments, violence

Civil cases

  • Emotional damages in personal injuries
  • Assessments for malingering

Family cases and other

  • Child custody evaluations
  • Court-ordered psychological evaluations

In addition, attorneys often need help sorting out the issues when questions of a psychological nature occur in their cases. They retain psychologists and other experts to review files and help them prepare for depositions or cross-examination of experts.

Psychologists and other professionals can inform the court on issues, perform assessments and testify as experts.

Consultants in this area testifying as experts typically receive $1,000 to $2,000 for their testimony.

I find that this niche is an attractive one for several reasons:

  • It is completely managed-care free
  • It is interesting work
  • It makes good use of our background
  • It is lucrative
  • It is a specialized area that many professionals find intimidating,

    which means less competition

If you find this an interesting prospect as a part of your practice, then I encourage you to begin taking some training workshops to familiarize yourself with the terrain.

Web sites

Revenue streams can be active or passive. Therapy sessions, therapy groups, workshops and consulting services are all active forms of revenue streams. You exchange your time and skills for a fee.

Passive revenue is revenue from streams that do not involve service delivery, but once set up, occur automatically 24/7. A common form of passive revenue is income from products sold on a web site.

Can you see the advantages of passive revenue? Can therapists develop passive revenue streams? You bet!

Therapists can productize their most useful expertise and offer information products to benefit others.

Some of these we already looked at, like books, e-books and e-courses. These can all be offered on a web site for web seekers to obtain and utilize to fill their needs.

There are other possibilities as well, such as licensing programs.

As an example of a passive revenue web site effectively offering information products to a specific niche, see

Passive income streams utilizing the internet via web sites are a burgeoning area for many service professionals, but few mental health professionals are taking advantage of the potential so far.

This will be changing soon.

Active income streams can also be marketed on the internet.

Web sites can also be effectively used as a marketing tool for your fee-for-service practice. More and more therapists are putting up web sites and for good reasons.

A web site is your practice brochure, available any time, day or night, to seekers on the internet. People you meet, people who hear you give a presentation and people referred to you by another professional, can be directed to view your web site, find out more about you and, hopefully, be stimulated to contact you.

A simple, attractive, intriguing postcard sent to a mailing list can direct your niche market to your web site. Or, your yellow page ad in the phone book can include your web address.

A web site is much more than a brochure. It is also a potentially powerful marketing vehicle, when combined with internet marketing strategies.

If you decide to have a web site for your practice, or for a particular niche service, make it full of resources (articles and free information) that will attract people to it and make them want to spread the word.

Although beyond the scope of this article, internet marketing strategies can be developed to drive people to your web site.

Increasingly, people are beginning their search for products and services on the internet.

The yellow pages are not the first choice for many.

Are you effectively represented on the Internet?

Licensing Programs

After you have developed effective structured programs for your niches, you can license the use of these programs to other professionals.

Other therapists have been doing this for years. Psychologist Dr. Daniel Dana, a conflict resolution specialist, certifies mediators and licenses his program at

Another example can be found at, as we mentioned previously. Howard Glasser, M.A. offers a parenting approach and program, as well as other materials, for ADHD children. His program involves a book, a training program for parents and a training and certification program for therapists.

His program is called Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach.

One of my coaching clients is certified in this program and speaks highly of it.

Howard Glassers web site actually models several streams of income, including a book, workshops, training other professionals, licensing or certification and internet marketing for all the above including his practice.

These programs in a box are typically complete turnkey therapy, counseling or consulting programs that therapists can purchase. They are usually complete, including the structured program itself, instructor materials, workbooks and also include marketing pieces you can use to generate business.

For those of you who want to do niche marketing but prefer not to do the creating part, you may want to find out whether someone has developed a program you can utilize to serve your niche.

Someone may have done the work for you.

If you can find a program suitable for your niche market, you could be a few days away from having a marketable service in your repertoire.

Training Other Professionals

When you have developed an effective program, you can leverage it by training others in your approach and methods.

Innovators in therapy have been training others for years. If you develop a specialization, program or niche service in a growing area, you may find many other therapists would like to learn from you.

Sometimes the innovation is mainly in how a service is packaged.

You can train other professionals via live workshops, self-study program packages and teleseminars.

Diversification by developing a number of streams of psychotherapy income increases the chances you can create sustainable income and can be rewarding in other ways too.

William D. Morgan is a psychologist, author, and private practice business coach. He coaches human service professionals and others who want to build thriving practices. For more helpful information and tips, visit This is an excerpt from his NEW BOOK Today's Private Practice: Strategies for Building a Thriving Managed-Care Free Psychotherapy Practice,

Easy Buying

Instead of business as usual (television, radio, print), companies must now adapt their advertising and marketing efforts to embrace a new breed of web-savvy consumers to secure such ripe online opportunities. This is due to the fact that traditional consumers have shifted the way they perceive, search and acquire information as a result of search engines, this known as Online Marketing.

Online marketing is defined as the selling of products on the Internet. Online marketing, (also known as web marketing, search engine marketing, SEO or internet marketing) is vital in today's internet savvy world.

Advantages of online marketing is taking place wherein it is globally accessible. This is the greatest advantage of online marketing using the website. Unlike traditional marketing, it requires you to select a medium such as: print; radio; television; mail shots etc. to advertise your product in regions or nationally. You can interpolate your offline and online campaigns, outsource e-commerce work to cheap and efficient third party resources and thereby lower your marketing budget, and battle test new creative ideas. Also, more consumers of every type, not just B2B buyers and corporate executives, now routinely use broadband service. This means that you can reach practically your full spectrum of customers.

The good news is that it's not too late to make up the ground. An intelligently pursued ad campaign that takes advantage of technologies, builds in a redundant infrastructure, and measures consumer responses can quickly outpaced even a well-established competitor online ad plan.

Many advantages are not yet disclosed but those few above are the major advantages that acquaints us of what online marketing could do to help and serve consumers for their wants and needs. Whether we call it as an Online Marketing, Web Marketing, SEO, or Internet Marketing, still it gives an easy way and a good avenue to market your product efficiently to those web-savvy customers.

Janette Rivera is writer of She's interested in writing articles to impart knowledge to others.

Free Internet Marketing Classes - How To Quickly Become an Internet Marketing Expert

Free Internet marketing classes I thought was a pipe dream, why would anyone share their knowledge with total strangers? So I bought e-books, I joined programs, I bought leads, I did what 99% of people before and after me have done, and unfortunately will continue to do, and which for the most part will be totally in vane. You know I keep hearing that up to 98% of what is offered as online income opportunities are scams, schemes and ripoffs and I must say, after almost 8 years at this I must agree. So how does the average person find a legitimate online business and discover how to become an Internet Marketing expert?

A few years back I was fortunate enough to meet a group of Internet marketing experts that were willing to share their knowledge and expertise with me. I started to realize you don't need to spend money on programs that require a monthly autoship to succeed online. These free Internet marketing classes that I attended taught me that most of the tools that are needed to learn how to become an Internet Marketing expert are free, you just have to know where to look for them.

I was so fortunate to have this knowledge because it started to open many doors of opportunity for me that I never thought I would have. I am and will remain forever grateful to those special individuals for their unselfish and giving attitudes, that are what has made me the success I am today. True success takes effort, commitment and a never give up attitude.

Roxanne Jenkins is an Internet Marketing Consultant. She writes on a wide variety of topics that interest her.
Discover How You Can Become An Internet Marketing Expert! - Register Today - Lessons Are 100% Free - Step By Step Instructions Provided

Feel free to use this article in your blogs, newsletters or websites but please leave the resource box and links in place.

Best Article Marketing - 3 Keys to Article Marketing

Article marketing is the best way to increase sales, visitors, and traffic over to a website. It is very important to acknowledge the fact that when in the internet, information offers many opportunities available to you. Here are 3 keys to article marketing:

1. The most important thing in an article is the content. The information written in the article must answer the questions that your viewers will possibly ask concerning a product that they are interested in. Most often, increase in sales and site promotions are contributed to well-made articles. Also, releasing your article about your product at the right time is a sound strategy. Example is release your winter-used product before the coming of winter.

2. One article is never enough to draw a crowd of prospective customers. It is advisable than when going into article marketing to promote your product or your site, it is always a good choice to make more than one article regarding a certain topic. You could also put some variety in your different articles by using an assortment of approach. An example is if one of your articles is purely informative, you can make another article that is more on promoting and sales.

3. When your articles are done, spread them around. You can scout around the internet for sites where you can place links to your articles, especially sites with more traffic and visitors. Also, subscribing to a search engine is the best way to make your articles reach as many readers as possible, giving you enough elbow room in gaining enough viewers to be interested in your own product through your articles. In addition, you can subscribe to sites which offer free postings for your articles like blogs and social networking sites. This way, you are opening different doors for your own business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Work From Home - Make Money Online - Lesson 1

Alright, the purpose of this article course is to show you how to start your own Internet Business from scratch and how to profit from it.

Often, I'm asked, "What do I have to do to make Money Online?"

Well, pay close attention to this and the following lessons where I will show you how this is possible.

First of all, you need to find a profitable market online.

Without a profitable market it's very hard to make any money.

The best way to find a profitable market is with a Keyword Research.

Keywords are the words people type in to the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & MSN) every time they make a search.

These keywords could be all all from money, cars, gardens, pets, books and much more. (Basically anything people are looking for).

For our part it's very important to know which words people are looking for.

By knowing the words people are looking for, we can also find out if the market is profitable or not. To our help we can use a Keyword Tool.

Keyword Tools

A Keyword Tool collects data from the search engines every month, and shows you the results by how many searches there has been made for every keyword specified.

In other words, A perfect way learn more about the market and it's competition!

Examples of Keyword Tools are SEOBook Keyword Tool, Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Good Keywords and Keyword Elite.

All these tools are very easy to use and accurate as well. All of them are free except from Keyword Elite which is a little bit more advanced.

So I would recommend you to do a Keyword Research before you start promoting or creating any products.

This way you'll know if there's any money to be made in the market.

Visit Internet Riches to learn:

* How to Make $10 000 in 4 Days Online
* How to Make Money Online with No Start-Up Money
* How to Find Profitabe Markets Online
* How to Create Your Own Best Selling Products
* How to Make Money from Others Products
* How to Get Tons of Traffic
* How to Keep 100% on Every Sale you Make
* Profitable Selling on Ebay
* Search Engine Optimization
* How to Reach Number #1 in Google
* Free Bonus Products to a Value of $451
* How to Become Your Own Boss

The author of this Article is an Internet Marketing and Professional SEO Consult.

Visit Internet Riches for more information & Step-by-Step Instructions to Online Profits.

Article Marketing - 6 Persuasive Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters who would like to augment their traffic does not have enough money to spend on advertising. That is why, most them are looking for cost-effective traffic-generating technique that is proven to work and will be able to help them to make money online. Fortunately, there is a great free way in drawing traffic to your website - article marketing. If you can write your own article, you don't need a single cent just to attract online visitors.

Here are the 6 persuasive methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Pick the best topics. The best topics would be those that are related to your products and those that interest your target readers. Make sure that you showcase your expertise through your articles by providing quality and useful content.

2. Make use of interesting titles. To increase your clickthrough rate, you need to give your articles compelling titles. Your titles must be keyword-rich, direct to the point, enticing, and brief.

3. Avoid blatant advertisements on your articles. To save your articles from getting rejected by publishing sites, make sure that they do not contain sales pitches or any type of advertising.

4. Create a killer resource box. In this area, tell your readers about yourself, your field of expertise, your website, and the reason why they should visit your website.

5. Submit your articles to major publishing sites. Distribute your articles to reputable article submission sites like,,, etc. These publishing sites have quicker review and posting time compare to other sites. They also have steady traffic and wide readership that can definitely help you augment the number of your visitors.

6. Monitor the performance of your articles. Determine how often your articles are being read online. It is a must that you ensure that your articles are getting the attention they need so you will succeed in this technique.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing Plan - A Step By Step Guide To Creating Your Highly Profitable Business! Part I

Internet marketing is simple. Many beginners can't make money online because they think there is secret formula. No folks. You can have all you need without spending a dome on the web.

But this is the real problem. There is too much information and you don't really know what is real. You don't know who you should follow or what dvd or home study course you need to buy. There are too many opportunities and that's why you can't make money.

Then come the well known "paralysis analysis" Internet marketing syndrome. You read everything and you end up doing nothing.

Let me give you a simple plan to make money on the Internet.

1. Find a Market

The first thing you need to do is finding a market that will make you money for years to come. I am sure you have a passion or a problem (everyone has a problem) that you solve in the past.

Write down all these things or save them in your hard drive. Don't think, just make a brain dump of everything you've done or would like to learn more about.

2. Find what people want

Now that you found your market, it's time to find out what those people really want. I am not saying what they need, but what they want.

It's important to make the difference because nobody buys what he wants actually.

3. Search for competitors

You need to find several competitors in your market. This is really important because if nobody takes the time to make money in this market, that means that there is not a lot of money to be made.

Today, with all the tools that enable you t spy on your competition, there is not what we use to call an "untapped market".

o learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Christmas Gift Articles - Write Marketing Concepts that Market Christmas Gifts

You know how to get traffic, but you'd like to have more seasonal traffic. So, what's up with that? Can't you think of anything to write?

Almost anything you write about Christmas can be a marketing article. You just have to use keywords (pssst, the keyword for Christmas is... you guessed it, Christmas!) and post them frequently throughout your article. Tell everyone about your topic and put in some information they may not ever have known before.

My favorite article so far is one I wrote about Christmas Gifts. I simply titled it Christmas Gifts and then added in numerous references to gifts I'd purchase for different family members, friends, and others on my Christmas list. How hard can that be?

The best part is, I got to advertise and market information about products I sold. That's what Article Marketing is all about. And when you're writing Christmas Articles for the purpose of capturing attention and drawing traffic to your website, you get all manners of attention by choosing the right keywords.

Are you ready to capture some attention and draw traffic to your website with Articles you write about Christmas, or some other topic?

You can learn the secret of Article Marketing and fine tune your best writing tools with a few Article Templates that bring your written concepts into focus. Article Marketing dynamics for holiday marketing are not much different than any other time of year. You simply use a basic template like the two free templates you get at and fill them up with keywords that relate to your topic, then post them to with a power packed resource box.

Jan Verhoeff is an article marketer who believes it's still possible! If you'd like to know what she believes, visit her website at and sign up for her ezine. You'll find out a whole lot about marketing online, and why she still believes.

How Does Your Article Performance Compare With The Averages

I am frequently asked how many URL clicks or how many page views can be expected with the average article. And, although I keep good records, Ive never done any research on that. In preparation for this article, I did a search on Google and found tons of research on website page views per visitor, but I found nothing on average page views for individual articles. So, in the interest of research, I compiled this information based on articles that I submitted to the largest submission site over the past three-months.

Keep in mind that I submit articles everyday. Therefore, some of the articles were submitted three months ago and some of the articles were submitted in the last week. Also, the information below represents the average performance, some articles did ten times better and some did one tenth as well.

Page Views

Page views are the lifeblood of your article business. The number of page views your article achieves determines all of the other performance figures that your article attains. Over this time period, my average article received 56 page views.

URL Clicks

The number of times that readers click on the links in your resource box is one of the main reasons that most of us write articles. On average, 3.7 readers have clicked on my links.

Some of my articles have had as many as 17% of the readers click on my links. This is an unusually high percentage. Using the average page views and URL clicks above, 6.6% of those who read my articles click on my links.

Ezines Published

My average article is published in 1.8 ezines.

Use the information posted above to compare the performance of your articles versus my three-month sample. Id be very interested in seeing how these numbers compare with others who write articles on a consistent basis.

Make Money! Build Your List! FREE!!!

List Buidling With Articles - 7 Reasons a Highly Responsive List is Gold to Your Internet Marketing

Article writing and marketing is one of the very best ways to build a highly responsive list. And a highly responsive list is like gold to your internet marketing.

Here are 7 reasons a highly responsive list is gold to your internet marketing.

1. Anyone can build a list - You do not have to be some great big internet marketing expert to build a list. It's truly an equal opportunity situation. It's an all skate. You just gotta do the work.

2. Highly responsive - A small highly responsive list is much better than a huge unresponsive list. They will answer your questions and buy your products and stay with you.

3. Loyal - A highly responsive list sticks around. They are not fly by night internet surfers who subscribe on day and unsubscribe the next. You can count on them.

4. Viral - A highly responsive list tells other people about you. And guess what? - they help you continue to grow your highly responsive list.

5. Market research - You can do great market research with a highly responsive list. Ask them what they want and they will tell you. Ask for feedback about a new product and they will give it to you.

6. Buy on command - Here is where your fortune can be made. Loyal responsive list members will buy from you over and over.

7. It's all in the list - Your list is your gold. It's all in the list. Take good care of your list.

Use these seven list building tips to build your list of gold with your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Article Marketing Templates - How To Write Dozens Of Articles Every Single Week Guaranteed!

Writing articles will tremendously increase your traffic, sales, profits and subscribers. The formula is simple. The more articles you write, the more exposure and the more money you will make in the long run.

Many people claim that article marketing doesn't work. Although this method of advertising is slowest than ppc, that doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that it's useless.

You need to understand how it works first like anything in life. One of the best way to increase your article volume on the Internet is to use templates.

How does this work?

There are several article templates that you can use to write faster than you ever imagined. Let's review some of them.

1. The problem - solution

Just state a problem in your introduction. Then, in the second paragraph, show to your reader that he also have this problem like hundreds of others, but you need to make him feel that it can become worst if he doesn't act fast

2. The tips template

This may be the easiest of all. All you need to do is writing a short introduction and then tell your readers that you are going to give him the 7 best tips on the subject.

3. The story

If you are an expert in your subject and you actually have stories to share, just write them. Stories are the most powerful way of communication you can come with, so be sure to use them in your overall writing strategy.

4. The deadly mistakes

This works like crazy. Everyone is afraid of doing mistakes and when you write in your headline: "The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Most People Will Never Know About Fly Fishing", this make people think... "What I am doing wrong?".

Use any of these templates to write your articles in less than 20 minutes and watch your traffic and sales explode.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Best Practices Keyword Research

There are a few simple actions that you should make your standard practices as you research your Small Business Website.

Don't feed your competitors.

Google records every click. And every positive result improves the Google rank. Don't click on your competitors links from Google. Instead, copy the address and paste it into the address bar of a blank window. Additionally, if you are a google toolbar (or gmail) user- don't paste those results into the same browser program. When researching keyword results, I use the Firefox browser to search- but I copy the addresses of competitors into an Internet Explorer window. And I don't use the google toolbar for Internet Explorer so they is no tracking.

Don't get banned.

The search engines' business purpose is to supply useful listings. They understand better than anyone how much junk is on the internet. They have procedures for removing junk sites from their results- and it is surprisingly easy to turn your website into junk. If you are using a consulting firm to help you with search placement, make sure that the following practices are NOT what you have purchased.

    Link Farming. Link farming refers to services that let you buy links back to your site. This is a junk technique and the Google algorithms don't take long to figure it out. Junk links to your site will result in removal from the results pages.

    Duplicate Content. Repetitive Pages or repetitive paragraphs are understood by the search engines to be junk. If your text is too repetitive- you'll be ignored.

    Keyword Density. It's possible to write many copies of your keywords into the invisible parts of your Website. If the ratio of actual written content compared to these word lists is too low- you'll be ignored.

Play Fair, but COMPETE!

The Best Practices for achieving quality search rankings need to be durable. It's not like you won't be in business next year. The best practice turns out to be honesty and a willingness to take good advice. This means the advice from the search engines. Well written and useful information is the clearest and most certain path to working with the search engines. Keep your focus on the things that your customers get- and this is usually the things that your small business does well. I've said on other pages here that one of the benefits for a business in developing their content is focus. You, your employees, your neighbors and your customers will understand your business best by you stating clearly what is true about your business.

Marketing, then Advertising, then Sales. Frequently, a small business begins with the intention of supplying to every possible kind of customer shopping for products in their general category. Smart advertising usually ignores the 'catch-all' methods and focuses instead on communicating things that you do well- that you do profitably- those things that keep customers coming back.

My name is Kevin Combs, a writer and consultant who helps VERY small business compete against larger competitors. I am a true believer in the small business person as the creator of the "American Dream." Please look for my writings on how to create small business advertising

Branding Your Own Name As An Internet Marketer

Many people get online with dreams of making vast sums of money only to hide behind an alias of some kind.

Lets explore the reasons why new people online do that and then I will give you a few reasons why I think you will be better off using your real identity.

Like many people when I first started playing with the idea of becoming an internet marketer, I joined a few internet marketing forums to learn more about the different ways people make profits online.

When I first joined forums I didn't have much confidence that the opinions I was expressing made sense. So I used a silly alias.

You know the type of silly nickname I mean "fast cat", "crazy butcher", "money maker" etc.

In hindsight all the posts that I made under an alias were a wasted opportunity, so let me give you three reasons you should always use your real name or your business name as you build your profile: -

The first reason is that most people in the community can pick a "newbie" from a mile away. So don't try and fake it because it will not be impressive. If you are real and honest about your level of experience other people in the forums will help you and your knowledge will grow quickly.

The second reason I would site as a good reason to use your real name is that two years down the track when you have your own products in the market place and you are an expert in a particular niche your footsteps online will look real and you can actually track and prove what you have learned.

The third and most important reason to be real is that the steps you take online are in cement not sand. In other words, everything you do online can be looked at with just a few searches.

The website that I feature at the bottom of this article is an example of how I brand my business name, you may wish to take a look at it.

Paul Ritchie Ingersole is the C.E.O of Paul Ritchie Advertising from Sydney Australia.

Paul like to give away great FREE software to people who join his list to learn about online wealth creation.

Press Releases - Grab 'Em Fast and Don't Let Go


For radio and TV: Approach producers as if they have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Get their attention fast. If your press release doesn't capture the producers' attention within the first ten seconds, you're dead; they'll be off on something else. They seldom read press releases, but when they do, they usually just scan the headlines and bullets. Producers' lives are blurs. Everything is an emergency or a make press releases for producers shorter than those you send to print journalists. Tips:

Headlines are critical. They should be one line only, take seconds to read and focus on value and benefit.

The media is obsessed with three topics that it thinks audiences crave: money, sex and health. So, whenever possible, tie your headlines to those topics.

Establish a "Who Gives a Damn" meter. Determine if anyone would care about the information presented. If so, identify specifically who would care. Then determine why they would care. Once done, write headlines and bullets targeted to those who would care.

For print: For the print media the first paragraph of your press release is vital. It should run no more than three or four sentences and set forth all of the main points covered in the release. Don't muddy your opening paragraph with too much detail...Use subsequent paragraphs to further explain your story, including background, more specific information, and even include quotes or endorsements. But keep the entire release to one page. After you've drafted the release, tie it together with a catchy headline...always include your contact information at both the top and bottom of the page. [And remember] that print media can publish a press release, or parts of it, with little or no change, and their job is done. ___

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "The Author 101 Newsletter" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter " Subscribe at and receive free by email my "Million Dollar Rolodex"

If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

Rick Frishman President Planned TV Arts

Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts, since 1982 is the driving force behind PTA's exceptional growth. In 1993 PTA merged with Ruder*Finn and Rick serves as an Executive Vice President at Ruder Finn. While supervising PTA's success, he has remained one of the most powerful and energetic publicists in the media industry.

Rick continues to work with many of the top editors, agents and publishers in America including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.Rick joined the company in 1976 after working as a producer at WOR-AM in New York City. He has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications.

Search Engine Optimisation Explained

Just what is Search Engine optimisation or SEO? Why does it appear so valuable to so many webmasters and others with internet commerce sites? The definition of this term is simple. It is the process of ranking a site high in the pages of search engine results in order to get more visitors. The concept behind Search Engine optimisation is if your site appears on the first page of a Google or Yahoo search query result then there is a high likelihood that you will have a greater number of visitors. More visitors usually results in more business.

The definition is simple but the process is much more involved. The entity that will do the ranking of your page is not a person but a software process known as a Searchbot that finds your site, classifies it, and determines how popular it is. If it determines that a site is very popular, it ranks it higher than the others. Companies hire Search Engine optimisation consultants to analyze your web site and implement methodologies so that searchbots will be able to easily find and rank your site.

One of the first steps implemented in Search Engine optimisation is finding popular keywords for your site and then making sure that keyword appears on the top or home page frequently allowing the searchbot to classify it. For example, if the products you sell from your site are related to snow skis then you want the words snow skis to appear at several places on especially the home page. The searchbot will traverse the web, find your site, analyze the text, and determine that your site is a one selling snow skis and related products.

Part of Search Engine optimisation is to make sure that the text on your site is actually text (like what you would type in Windows Notepad). In other words, a searchbot cannot read text in images. It can only read pure ASCII character text in order to extract the keywords. The way many sites put this text on their home page is with what are known as keyword articles. In our example of a snow ski site, the webmaster would put informative articles on the home page of the site about snow ski topics. In these articles you would find the words snow skis used quite often so that the searchbot will detect it.

The other popular methodology used in Search Engine optimisation is to have a link back to your site on some other popular site related to your product. This helps the searchbot determine that your site is popular enough to be listed on an already popular site and the result is a higher ranking. If a link to your site for snow skis appears on numerous popular ski resort sites then this is an indication of popularity and searchbots will rank your site higher.

There is a lot more to Search Engine optimisation than just the two concepts above. There are issues such as what not to do. Some are tempted to stuff their sites with hidden keywords that saturate the page but cannot be seen in the browser but will be found by the searchbot. Doing this will ban your site from ever getting classified so avoid it. There are also unrealistic claims made by so-called SEO consultants to get your site ranked quickly but the process actually takes time to adjust strategies and figure out what works and what does not work. A good SEO consultant will know this.

Thomas Sinfield is the founder of a marketing company based in Queensland, Australia that specialises in search engine optimisation, and internet marketing.

That's the Power of Writing Articles

The resource box in an article, which is located at the end, is your place to insert a link to your site. If you can create an effective, content-rich article, which maintains the readers interest you can gain loads of traffic due to a single article. This may all sound too good to be true, but look at it this way. Nothing is free in this world, right? The cost is time, your time in developing articles. The cost to the site owner is placing a direct-link to your site. Everyone gets something in return, you get traffic, and the site-owner gets good content to place on his or her site.

More Targeted Visitors

Articles provide content. Content is valuable and if it is presented correctly, the article will draw in members of your target market. Since articles are placed on their corresponding sites according to topic, those who read your articles are already on a site of interest to them. This not only provides you with a way to reach your target market, but also allows you to benefit from other site owners rankings. The visitors originating through this approach will be members of your target market and; therefore, be much more likely to purchase your products than the average visitor.

More Inbound Links

Your articles all carry a link to your site and every time one of your articles is placed on a site for content, another link to your site is generated. This means that you can gain direct links without having to beg for them from sites with higher rankings than your site. Additionally, you do not have to link back to the site which is placing your article on their pages.

Higher Page Rank and Search Results

Links from sites relevant to yours are considered highly relevant by Google. Having more relevant links increases your page rank. Not only that, but the links you gain by writing articles originate from sites with higher popularity in most cases. When this happens, their page rank can influence yours to increase. Page rank is a large factor when it comes to Googles ranking of your sites pages in their search results. Page Rank is not the only deciding factor, but it is definitely considered one of the primary criteria.

Become Recognized as an Expert

Credibility is key when it comes to making sales. You have to earn their trust, and what better of a way to do so than to solve some of their problems for free in an article. If you can accomplish this in your articles, then visitors will undoubtedly follow your resource boxs link. By demonstrating your expertise and knowledge, youll gain their trust and become an expert in their eyes.

Higher Conversion Rates

Since you are helping out your readers in your articles in order to gain their attention and interest, they are already interested in what your site is about before they even get there. Youve already warmed them up for a purchase before they even see your products and these visitors are much more likely to make a purchase than a visitor originating from a pay-per-click ad or a basic link. Use their interest in your site to make a call-to-action towards subscribing to your newsletter or making a purchase.

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Different Strategies in Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail is an advertising strategy that is very effective and easy to keep track of the success of the marketing campaign. Direct mailing campaigns are much more personal and more targeted as compared to a radio or television advertisement which covers a much more broad area but it is not a focused area. In other words, you might be advertising to a million people but penetrating only 1%. Direct mail postcards have the advantage when it comes to price as they are a lot less expensive but the amount of information that you can put on a postcard is limited so you have to be very selective in your wording and make each word count.

Many direct mail advertisements can be very effective if you follow the rules that have been proven to work such as keeping your message simple yet strong. One way to put a time restraint on your direct mailing is to offer the customer something but make sure that the offer includes an expiration date which forces them to make a move within a specific time frame. Free offers have a tendency to entice customers and make sure that the free offer is clearly visible. If you decide not to use a postcard and instead have chosen a direct mailing in the form of a letter enclosed in an envelope then the free offer should be stated on the outside of the envelope and clearly visible. In the letter itself you need to be sure that you take full advantage of the heading and the first line or two because odds are that is as far as they will read.

Try to use direct mailings in smaller sequences rather than one huge campaign. This way they are easier to keep track of and see your ROI. One thing is certain and that is regardless of which type of direct mailing you opt for you had better make sure that it is attractive and quite an eye catcher. Remember that direct mailing is not going to seal any deals but rather just a step in the right direction towards building the customer relationship, which is where the profit lies. So of course this type of advertising campaign is going to require stringent follow-up. It is very important to make sure before you start mailing anything that you are working from a good list that is updated and current. You can further reduce the costs of direct mailing strategies by merging in on incorporating your direct mail with three of four other businesses. It cuts costs but also reduces your visibility so keep that in mind before you attempt that strategy.

Other forms of direct mail marketing include catalogs, self mailers, poly bag packages, snap mailers, dimensional mailers, and intelligent mailers. These are all options that should be considered when you are planning your direct mail strategies in order to make it successful and prosperous. Weigh out the advantages against the very few disadvantages. The advantages include targeting, personalization, optimization, analysis, and accumulation. Disadvantages include cost, waste, and alienation.

MBI Direct Mail was founded in 1989 and is home of the industry-leading 24 hour turnaround time. They feature Direct Mail Printing services, Direct Marketing Mailing List services, and Mailing Management services. Check out the list of services on their homepage

Easy Marketing Strategies When You're Starting A Business

Starting a business can be a very rewarding venture, but you need to take the right steps to market and promote your business to ensure success for the long run. Your online or home based business will only survive the competition with a cohesive marketing strategy that you can implement effectively month after month.

Without the right plan, you can end up wasting money and losing out on some great opportunities to attract customers and make a profit. The beginning and launch stages of your online business are often the most critical to your growth, and you need an effective marketing strategy to make it through the startup challenges. Here are some easy marketing strategies to get your business going with a strong start:

Starting a Business with an Attractive Website

Building an attractive website is important because it will introduce your customers to your products and services. Making sure the website is easy to navigate and browse is essential; you'll need to develop quality content and use relevant images to encourage your visitors to stay and explore. Remember that the longer your visitors stay on the site, the higher the chances that they'll be interested in buying something.

Starting a Business with a Free Newsletter

Offering free information in the form of a newsletter, eBooks, or even a set of articles is a great way to attract and retain customers. People are always searching for unique and interesting content, and you can start building a subscriber list that will be invaluable as your home business grows. An online business is the perfect opportunity to create an active subscriber list, and you can use this e-mail newsletter to present and sell your own or affiliate products later on.

Starting a Business with Online Networking

Online networking has taken on a variety of forms with the growth of the internet, and you can develop a strong online presence with a variety of tools available. Take the time to share and distribute articles and content on your site so visitors can learn about your company and brand with ease. Online networking is important for generating traffic and finding out what your customers are interested in. You can start to build a community around your website or industry by launching a blog as well. This can attract traffic to your main site and encourage visitors to 'stay in touch' with your site for the long-term.

Starting a Business with Search Engine Optimization Tactics

Search engine optimization has become more important than ever, especially with the growth in sites that are so similar in scope and content. Earning the top rankings of the search engines will help you capture visitors as soon as they enter keywords in a search engine's search box; this works as completely free advertising for you, and will help you increase the chances of a sale when visitors can find you immediately.

Getting onto the first page of the major search engines is an important asset when you're starting a business online or offline, and can help you generate traffic with very little effort. The best way to do this is to optimize your site with relevant content, appropriate formatting, and make sure the design and overall presentation is search engine friendly.

Marketing is an important element of starting a business, and you can enjoy long-term success with the right approach. Take advantage of the different types of marketing strategies for the easiest way to get your business to the forefront of your industry.

Clinton Douglas IV, teaches people about Online Business Ideas. Get his FREE Special Report - "How To Make More Money In Only 30 Days Starting From Scratch" By Sending a Blank Email ==> Online Business Ideas