Friday, May 2, 2008

Information About Article Marketing - An Overview of a Process That Really Works!

Information about article marketing - If you're looking for any kind of information about Article Marketing today, you've probably had no luck finding a process that really works.

Well, the information about article marketing that I'm going to give you in this article really does work. And I'll spell it out for you, FREE!

Most information about article marketing consists of a plan that probably involves a variation of the process (information about article marketing ) that I use and recommend:

1) You find the niche market that you're going to target.

2) You do keyword research to evaluate your market to make certain it's viable and profitable.

3) You put together a basic website.

4) You start writing articles based around certain keyword phrases you've targeted in Step #2.

5) You add new pages to your website written around the different keyword phrase in Step #4.

6) You rewrite the article and then submit the new version of the article to a number of Article Directories where it will quickly draw Google's attention because, for whatever reason, Google loves these particular 7 Article Directories (hence the name "Big 7").


Quick Tip: Step #6 is essential to your plan of attack (the information about how to improve your article marketing). However, you'll find it takes a lot of time & effort to submit your articles to the "Big 7". That's one reason I developed my software "Your Article Marketing Assistant". It makes the tedious parts of the process as easy as possible. It turns a tedious (but necessary) process into a "Semi-Automatic" process that gives you the control that purely manual article submissions do along with some automated processes that make the process faster & easier! You'll get the best of both worlds!


7) After creating a number of articles and submitting them to the "Big 7", you then start submitting the website itself to a number of Website Directories that accept submissions.

Here's the theory behind all of this information about article marketing in a nutshell.

You want your website to show up in the Natural Search Engines Ranking Pages (SERPs) of the Big Three Search Engines (Google, Yahoo! And MSN).

Gaining Incoming Links will make your website more & more visible in the Natural SERPs which is what we are after. Incoming Links are one way links that are on other websites that point towards your Home Page. Links that you trade with other websites are called "Reciprocal Links" and while they're good, especially from other websites in your niche market, they're not considered to be as good as pure Incoming (one way) Links.

Steps #4 & #5 combine to do a number of things. The "Big 7" that I suggest submitting your articles to are recognized very strongly and quickly by all three of the major Search Engines. One of the things accomplished by Steps #4 & #5 is to gain Incoming Links from very well respected sources.

The entire point of Step #7 is to begin getting a massive amount of Incoming Links pointing towards the Home Page of your website. The more links you can get, the better - hence use of the term "Massive".


Quick Tip: You'll find Step #7 to be labor-intensive and boring. That's why I developed "Your Article Marketing Assistant" - to make the process faster & easier!

My software makes it quick & painless to submit your website to almost 500 Website Directories and it's not done in a way to make it seem like an automated submission (most Website Directories frown on automatic submissions.) Our package is a "Semi-Automatic" method that combines the attention to detail that you get with purely manual submissions while automating the task a bit to make it much, much faster and easier.


Article Marketing (done properly the way I've suggested) is one of the most powerful SEO techniques in use today, the end of February 2007.

When coupled with Website Submission to the directories I suggest (the 2nd prong of this powerful 2-Pronged Attack Plan, you have one of the most powerful strategies for quickly and easily getting a website indexed in the Natural SERPs being employed today!


John Mann, "The KeyWord Mann", has been doing Article Marketing for over 4 years.

Signup for his "Article Marketing Newsletter" and get a FR*EE 7-Part Mini-Course (Value $67.00 US) called
"How To Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Do Article Marketing" by visiting

Click Here to Learn More About Information About Article Marketing - Information About How To Make Article Marketing Work!


Article Marketing - Ideas For Using Article Marketing To Promote Your Website

This can be a very effective promotional method. The amount of traffic and backlinks that you can obtain from article marketing is only limited by your efforts. Here are some ideas.

Copy writing has the potential to increase your profits. Incorporating these four ideas into your promotional efforts is sure to inject your marketing plan with a new vitality and renewed success. If you do it correctly article marketing can become one of your most effective means of building page rank and direct traffic to your site.

You absolutely must have a detailed and in depth marketing plan for your articles. Your article marketing deserves as much attention as any other service or product being marketed anywhere. Not only must they be marketed, they must be sold. In order to accomplish this it is essential that you have and use a coordinated strategy. Just having the plan laid it is not good if it is not followed.

Now more than ever the field of copy writing and article marketing is a highly competitive. It is entirely appropriate to consult with and even obtain the services of a profession when creating your marketing plan. Professionals in this field have experience in helping create plans and keeping clients on track with their marketing efforts. A web site is one thing that every successful individual in article marketing agree upon. This is a definite must have as it allows you to showcase your articles and skills as a writer. This gives you a place to promote your skills and talent. Keep in mind that this web site must be appropriate to your work and goals as a writer.

Last but not least, you should consider forming strategic alliances with businesses and others. This can be online or off. Joining forces with others increases your exposure and expands your potential customer base. Work smarter not harder and watch your profits grow.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing

Article Marketing - Hook The Reader

Article marketing is an advertising technique. An engaging article is used to hook the reader, and provide basic information and education. The articles are succinct and quickly pull the reader in. By providing the reader with a start, they can help the reader to locate additional information and services of interest to them. Article marketing is a new but powerful approach to business.

By utilizing the tactical placement of words, the article that was written is flagging what is known as the internet spiders, all while the reader is being engaged. If these keywords are placed just right, the site will gain a high rank with the search engines but not seem overly wordy or riddled with keywords.

If you are able to write one of these articles a day, you will be a great asset to your company. Adding these articles each day will make your rating on various search engines go up. You do not have to do very much work to make your business look good and gain new visitors with article marketing.

The most important thing to remember when you are going to use article marketing for your website is that you must use unique articles each time you post something new. Copies of articles and anything that is not unique content will not help you gain a higher rating or customer base. Customers do not want to see the same old thing everywhere that they look.

To this end, it is important to create a new and fresh article each day. This will keep your old readers interested and will make your business look experienced to your new readers. The more people that are interested in your articles, the more likely you are to sell more products. In the end, you gain profit.

As a growing area of marketing nowadays, the use of articles is a highly successful approach to selling products or services. Be sure to publish fresh ideas which haven't been published elsewhere online. Doing this will enable you both to realize a profit and increase your rating in the popular search engines with a minimum of effort.

Article marketing is a new way of advertising. These articles are very interesting and designed to hook the reader. This is a new and very strong approach to the world of business. All articles written are very unique articles, you must make sure that the article are unique to keep readers interested. Another key factor is unique content, which is just as important to keep the readers hooked. You want to make sure that the articles are interesting and grab attention. They must also keep the readers attention so that customers keep coming back.

How To Promote With Article Marketing

Getting traffic to your website or blog is the only way to make it pay, but not everyone who launches a website or blog has the money to spend on promotion. Good news. There's a promotional method that really works for attracting site or blog traffic and it's free, free, free. It's called article marketing and it is a sure way of raising a site's profile.

Step 1: Find An Article Directory

To get started, find a suitable article directory. Article directories are sites that have hundreds and thousands of articles and there are new ones emerging every day. Some are all-purpose, covering everything from family issues to healthcare, while others have a niche, such as computer advice or art. All of them are hungry for content.

With so many to pick from, choosing an article directory can be a minefield. To make it easier, look at the directory to see:

  • how many authors there are - if only a handful, forget it and move on.
  • how many articles there are - ditto; come back when they've got some content
  • can the site be found on Google, Yahoo or MSN - if you can't find many links to the site, then no-one will find your articles either.
One of the best and most effective article directories I have used is EzineArticles is easy to use and articles published on the site appear in the search engines very quickly.

Step 2: Start Writing

Once you've decided on the right article directory or directories, write an article. Bloggers will find that blog posts are a good starting point for a web article. If you're not a writer, there are plenty of writers who will whip up an article for a few dollars. Some will even help you get it published. The article you write or commission can be about almost anything related to the site, blog or business you are promoting. The ideal article should be short (say 300-600 words) and error-free, so remember to proofread and spell check.

Many article directories vet articles before publishing. Stick to the guidelines that are published on every site and approval should be a formality. Most article directories prohibit self-promotion in the body of the article. Direct promotion of a site, blog or business is reserved for the resource box.

Step 3: Work That Resource Box

The resource box is where article writers can put all the self-promotional information. Readers who have found the article useful are likely to click on the links to see what else a site, blog or business has to offer. Article directories typically allow up to three links in the resource box. A good resource box has the name of the writer or the person being promoted, the name of the business and the keywords that the site or business owner would like to promote. See the resource box at the end of this article for an example. Other resource boxes may link to a sales letter page (with the product name highlighted) and include a short elevator pitch and call to action.

Step 4: Submit Like Crazy

Once the article has been submitted to the directories the site owner has chosen, it's time to move the strategy to the next level. Article submission services extend the potential reach of an article, giving another opportunity to boost traffic. Like many article directories, article submission services allow people to upload articles for approval. Once the articles are approved, these services send them out to article directories, article groups, ezine publishers and website owners to be considered for publication. Two options for article submission are Article Marketer, which has free and paid options and Isnare, which is a paid service. There are also free and commercial programs to automate article submission.

Pros And Cons Of Article Marketing

The big question, of course, is whether submitting articles to hundreds of directories counts as duplicate content. It's hard to tell. Some of them end up in the sandbox after a while; others don't. Staggering submissions is a good way to avoid this. However, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages. With article marketing, sites can receive hundreds of inbound links in only a few days or weeks and thousands of people will be visiting the site that's being promoted. That can't be bad, can it?

Sharon Hurley Hall is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor, who has seen article marketing work for her. Sharon is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor who writes on freelance writing skills and writer promotion for For more information or to contact Sharon, visit

Information About Article Marketing - An Overview of a Process That Really Works!

Information about article marketing - If you're looking for any kind of information about Article Marketing today, you've probably had no luck finding a process that really works.

Well, the information about article marketing that I'm going to give you in this article really does work. And I'll spell it out for you, FREE!

Most information about article marketing consists of a plan that probably involves a variation of the process (information about article marketing ) that I use and recommend:

1) You find the niche market that you're going to target.

2) You do keyword research to evaluate your market to make certain it's viable and profitable.

3) You put together a basic website.

4) You start writing articles based around certain keyword phrases you've targeted in Step #2.

5) You add new pages to your website written around the different keyword phrase in Step #4.

6) You rewrite the article and then submit the new version of the article to a number of Article Directories where it will quickly draw Google's attention because, for whatever reason, Google loves these particular 7 Article Directories (hence the name "Big 7").


Quick Tip: Step #6 is essential to your plan of attack (the information about how to improve your article marketing). However, you'll find it takes a lot of time & effort to submit your articles to the "Big 7". That's one reason I developed my software "Your Article Marketing Assistant". It makes the tedious parts of the process as easy as possible. It turns a tedious (but necessary) process into a "Semi-Automatic" process that gives you the control that purely manual article submissions do along with some automated processes that make the process faster & easier! You'll get the best of both worlds!


7) After creating a number of articles and submitting them to the "Big 7", you then start submitting the website itself to a number of Website Directories that accept submissions.

Here's the theory behind all of this information about article marketing in a nutshell.

You want your website to show up in the Natural Search Engines Ranking Pages (SERPs) of the Big Three Search Engines (Google, Yahoo! And MSN).

Gaining Incoming Links will make your website more & more visible in the Natural SERPs which is what we are after. Incoming Links are one way links that are on other websites that point towards your Home Page. Links that you trade with other websites are called "Reciprocal Links" and while they're good, especially from other websites in your niche market, they're not considered to be as good as pure Incoming (one way) Links.

Steps #4 & #5 combine to do a number of things. The "Big 7" that I suggest submitting your articles to are recognized very strongly and quickly by all three of the major Search Engines. One of the things accomplished by Steps #4 & #5 is to gain Incoming Links from very well respected sources.

The entire point of Step #7 is to begin getting a massive amount of Incoming Links pointing towards the Home Page of your website. The more links you can get, the better - hence use of the term "Massive".


Quick Tip: You'll find Step #7 to be labor-intensive and boring. That's why I developed "Your Article Marketing Assistant" - to make the process faster & easier!

My software makes it quick & painless to submit your website to almost 500 Website Directories and it's not done in a way to make it seem like an automated submission (most Website Directories frown on automatic submissions.) Our package is a "Semi-Automatic" method that combines the attention to detail that you get with purely manual submissions while automating the task a bit to make it much, much faster and easier.


Article Marketing (done properly the way I've suggested) is one of the most powerful SEO techniques in use today, the end of February 2007.

When coupled with Website Submission to the directories I suggest (the 2nd prong of this powerful 2-Pronged Attack Plan, you have one of the most powerful strategies for quickly and easily getting a website indexed in the Natural SERPs being employed today!


John Mann, "The KeyWord Mann", has been doing Article Marketing for over 4 years.

Signup for his "Article Marketing Newsletter" and get a FR*EE 7-Part Mini-Course (Value $67.00 US) called
"How To Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Do Article Marketing" by visiting

Click Here to Learn More About Information About Article Marketing - Information About How To Make Article Marketing Work!


Article Marketing - Ideas For Using Article Marketing To Promote Your Website

This can be a very effective promotional method. The amount of traffic and backlinks that you can obtain from article marketing is only limited by your efforts. Here are some ideas.

Copy writing has the potential to increase your profits. Incorporating these four ideas into your promotional efforts is sure to inject your marketing plan with a new vitality and renewed success. If you do it correctly article marketing can become one of your most effective means of building page rank and direct traffic to your site.

You absolutely must have a detailed and in depth marketing plan for your articles. Your article marketing deserves as much attention as any other service or product being marketed anywhere. Not only must they be marketed, they must be sold. In order to accomplish this it is essential that you have and use a coordinated strategy. Just having the plan laid it is not good if it is not followed.

Now more than ever the field of copy writing and article marketing is a highly competitive. It is entirely appropriate to consult with and even obtain the services of a profession when creating your marketing plan. Professionals in this field have experience in helping create plans and keeping clients on track with their marketing efforts. A web site is one thing that every successful individual in article marketing agree upon. This is a definite must have as it allows you to showcase your articles and skills as a writer. This gives you a place to promote your skills and talent. Keep in mind that this web site must be appropriate to your work and goals as a writer.

Last but not least, you should consider forming strategic alliances with businesses and others. This can be online or off. Joining forces with others increases your exposure and expands your potential customer base. Work smarter not harder and watch your profits grow.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing

How To "Earn Money Online" For The Long Haul With An Online Business

Many times entrepreneurs will set out to earn money online with dollar figures Article Tips there eyes for their first month. They plan for that initial commission Article Marketing Directory but they don't plan their online business structure to create longevity for them. You may be excited over Affiliant Marketing profit margins at the beginning. But having Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story business that is created for the long-term is Marketing to continue to pay Affiliant Marketing through the life of your business.

Don't fall prey to the figures Article Marketing Domination may have been promised when you started your online business. When you set out to earn money online it is not a marathon, rather you should set out to have a three month plan, six month plan and a one year plan. Starting your business off with long term goals will assist you in creating a long term business.

So you are ready to learn how to create plan to earn money online that will last. Here is 10 steps to make sure your business has the foundation to have a long term profit with your product or service.

1.) Smart Investing

When you start an online business you should really keep your capital to a minimum. You have already had to invest in your start up expenses. Now you will have to create an online marketing strategy.

Consider doing your own PR, and marketing instead of putting high dollars into advertising expenses. At the beginning your goal should be into earning money online, not over spending. Utilizing free PR, media, and search engine marketing is some great free resources.

2.) Reinvesting -

You have made your first sale! Congratulations. while some want to pay themselves back for there startup cost. Consider putting 10-20% back into some paid marketing strategies. Reinvest back into your business to increase your sales margins.

3.) Handling Diversities

We don't live in a world that has no problems or roadblocks. Understanding that your business will have some roadblocks to overcome is important to your overall mindset and business.

If business hits a snag, it does not mean your business is over, it simply means you are now a business owner, how you handle this could determine your overall success. Don't fall apart and halt your efforts to earn money online. Instead move forward learn from the roadblocks and conquer them. You are an entrepreneur and understanding there will be some problems to overcome will prepare you for when they do Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story You will be ready for them. You will be ready to handle and continue to profit from anything that stands in your way.

4.) Read books by successful people

Reading books on business and how successful people built there business Blogging be very important to your overall success. When you connect with authors that have built a long term business it gets you in the proper mindset. It is suggested to set apart twenty minutes a day to read book from others that are in the same field as you are.

5.) Management Skills

At the start of your business you are a secretary, accountant, PR manager, marketing executive. That may all go along with being a mom or dad, an employee.

Life is busy and building a business adds extra responsibilities. You are going to want to take some time and set a clear schedule. One where you can commit to your business and time when you need take time for your other responsibilities. At the beginning your business needs your time to help it grow and expand. Making sure you stick to your schedule will help to insure task get done.

6.) Burn out

Along with the extra time investment to your business, and the everyday responsibilities be careful of burn out. Taking some down time and time for yourself is important. Make sure that once a week you take some time away for you. If you are drained then productively building your business is not going to happen. If you are rested then you will be much more productive.

7.) The Necessities

Many times when entrepreneurs are trying to earn money online they waste time doing things that are not necessary. They don't take action in increasing their business statistics.

Especially if the amount of time you have for your online business is minimal. It is important to make sure you use that time to have your business make money. Make a list of things according to priority. Top is the Article Submission important and work down to least important. Stick to this list, don't go and try to clean your desk or dust off your keyboard. Take the time to work on what is necessary

8) Keep Good Statistics

When you are starting an online business, you will have some online marketing strategies that work very well You will have others that won't. Make sure you know where your best sales conversions are coming from, and where the worst are stemming from.

Having a good records on what works will allow you to go back to that marketing source. Obviously you won't want to invest in the ones that do not

9.) Delegate

You may not have the expenses to hire employees at this point. But you can still delegate task. A good business owner will know when to ask for help. Ask your family and Article Writing for help. Many times people are interested in what you are doing. They want to help. Take the time to ask.

10.) Opt - In list

If you are planning on building a business that last you want to have an opt- in list. This is a list that comes from people that have visited your Article On International Marketing Once the opt in you continue to send them correspondences about you opportunity. The more contacts you have will create a long term client list that you can refer back to

As much as you want to earn money online today, it is important to plan for the future. If you have an online business it should be managed and Uncategorized as a permanent position. As it is great to earn money online today, its even better when you can continue to profit in the years to come.

Megan Vaillancourt Creator and Founder of the highly acclaimed Mentoring Team Article Marketing 4 U. A online training group for Passport To Wealth. With 8 years experience in training entrepreneurs how to build successful home business, she has paved the way for creating the highest duplication records amongst her students

Mrs. Vaillancourt and Her business Well Rounded Consulting specializes in search engine Article Submission and professional website design. Compare the prices to other companies on the net. For a free consultation, and price quote please feel free to contact

Megan Vaillancourt 802-285-2006

Article Marketing Strategy - Submit Fresh Articles To Each Directory

There Xmlrpc no disputing that one of the best ways to market Xmlrpc 4uwebcash on the Internet is Style writing and submitting articles. Article marketing is every bit Sociable powerful as other forms of Internet marketing such as e-mail marketing, pay per click advertising, forum marketing and so on.

In Wlwmanifest article, I want to talk Go about the many benefits of developing an Blog marketing strategy to Atom you website visitors for many years to come.

You are probably familiar with the phrase content is king. This is true because search engines are constantly 4uwebcash for fresh content to provide for their searchers. One thing you can Javascript:; is write a keyword specific article.

You can find all kinds of free software to develop the keyword list to write about. Rss has an excellent keyword development website for their pay per click advertising program called Google Adwords. You can go to Overture to find one that people have been using for years now to get keywords to write about.

Writing articles will give your website many benefits that your competition will not have. Here are 4 of them!

1. Writing articles does not cost you anything. Writing articles does cost a little bit of your time. But this is one free form of promotion that really does work. It's not as hard as it would sound either. offers some excellent training on how to write articles. It in no time at all, if you can talk, you can write.

2. Writing articles is an excellent way to get your website noticed quickly. Major article directories are spidered several times every day by various search engines. By writing and submitting a quality article to these directories you can get your website spidered too. You do this by including your website address in the bio box at the bottom of each of your articles.

3. Submitting a quality article to a well-known directory serves two purposes. Number one, you can get your traffic from the people that are reading your articles. Number two your articles can serve a search engine bait to get the search engines coming to your website.

If a search engine sees 4moneyclicks they like on your site and you can begin to rank high for specific keywords that the article is written about. Doing this can bring you traffic to your website for years and years to come.

4. In marketing, we talk about the term branding. You can use article marketing to brand yourself as an expert on the theme of your website. As you begin to develop more and more in the marketplace your reputation will grow. This will give you more visitors, and ultimately create more sales.

In our opinion, the keys to the perfect article marketing strategy, is writing unique articles, and then submitting them to as many quality directories as possible.

If this is something you don't feel you can do you can hirer an article writer to do it for you. The key is that you get started using articles to build your business for long term free traffic as soon as possible.

Jeff Schuman is the creator of "Hands Off Article Feed a program designed to help internet busines owners who do not like to write. Now you can take your business to the next level using article marketing without Googiespell the work yourself. To learn more useful make money online ideas and article writing tips please visit his website here: