Thursday, May 15, 2008

Marketing An Internet Business - Use These Methods

Your internet business just opened and you're wondering why no visitors yet. You can sit their and wait forever or you follow this simple techniques on marketing an internet business to start getting your share of the hundreds of millions of web visitors looking for websites like yours. Marketing an internet business requires a plan of attack, patience and also perseverance. The most vital weapon you can immediately deploy in your desire to start getting your share of online visitors is article writing and article promotion. As soon as you realize, that all online visitors are seeking information about something, the quicker your creative juices will flow to profitably service this growing demand. Providing valuable information on what you know best can be very profitable. In order to start marketing an internet business please get a pad and a pen ready for some basic tips. First I will go over article writing methods and then article promotion strategies.

Article writing: Step one- Create a title for your article. You can get the title for your article writing by going to The green lines shows the competition for that keyword and the other green line shows the search volume. Pick the smallest green line to start with.

Article writing: Step two- Create your introduction. In article writing your introduction should tell the reader what your article is about. The introduction should also point out benefits to be derived by the reader should they decide to read the rest of the article. Your introduction is for "bullet" points also known as teasers to arouse the readers interest to read the rest of the article.

Article writing: Step three- Create the body of the article. This is the section to go into detail about the main topic of the article. Be creative and have a flow that can easily be followed. By now you have the reader's attention and your goal is to keep going to the conclusion and your resource box which is your final call to action is located.

Article writing: Step four- Your conclusion must summarize the benefits in the body of your article into one short paragraph. Your conclusion must be good enough to make the reader want to find out more information your website by clicking on the link in your resource box. The resource box is simply the section that let the reader know your brief background and skills and your website URL.

Marketing an internet business by writing an article will not be complete without an effective article promotion strategy. Your unique article now needs to be submitted to article distribution directories. The key is to get your article into thousands of websites that needs content. The websites that use your article also agree to display your resource box with your website URL. Now when the search engines see your website URL on so many other websites based on a certain keyword your internet business will start getting a share of visitors seeking information about that specific keyword. The top article distribution directories from my experience are,,, and After submitting to these four directories, you can also submit to other lesser known directories. In about a week or two types in the title of your article in Google or yahoo and see how many websites are displaying your article to the World Wide Web.

Article writing and article promotion can be an effective strategy to use in marketing an internet business. Be concise and give the reader what information they seek and a large percentage will visit your website giving you the opportunity to sell them your products or you can make money when they click on the Google ads displayed on your site. The key is to get visitors to your site and what happens after that is full of limitless possibilities.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Free Articles Submission

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Fresh Methods to Make Money through Article Marketing

Article marketing is the process of writing and distributing your articles online. It is also one of the most effective ways to make money through the World Wide Web. How? Here are the 4 fresh methods on how you cash in from this marketing strategy:

1. Promote your website. Write articles that talk about your website topic, your products, and the problems that you solve. People who find your articles interesting and useful will be entice to visit your website that can easily lead to increased traffic. As you know, online traffic can easily be converted to money as it can dramatically improve your sales potential.

2. Promote your products. You can also use this technique to promote your products online. Write about your products' features and benefits to entice your potential clients to make a purchase. The key here is to make your content interesting and packed with useful information so online users will trust you and be willing to do business with you.

3. Promote affiliate products. If you are into affiliate marketing and currently looking for ways on how you can better sell your products online, article marketing can be your strongest promotional tool. Write about the topics that are highly relevant to your target niche and promote your affiliate products as solutions to their pressing issues.

4. Expand your email marketing list. Building your email list is one of the best things you can do to grow your online business. Article marketing can help you do that. Just communicate your expertise through your article content so you can build rapport and trust among your target market. If online users see that you are a great source of information, they will most like to subscribe with you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

A lot of people have successfully grown their ebusiness by just using article marketing. This powerful marketing tool allows you to offer online users what they are exactly looking for whenever they go online - information.

Here are the 5 amazing methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Solve a problem. Identify the issues that are affecting your target market and present solutions through your content. If you are writing for people who are combating unwanted weight gain, you can write about different exercises to tone their bodies, effective diet pills, and tried-and-tested diet programs.

2. Bank on your titles. The first step to succeed in article marketing is to get people to notice your articles so they will be opened and read. You can easily do this by using titles that are intriguing, striking, attention-grabbing, and direct to the point. It would also greatly help if you can communicate the readers' benefits on your headlines to further compel online users to check on your content.

3. Empathize. Let your readers know that you understand where they are coming from and that you have sound solutions to their problems. This can help you easily establish rapport and trust among your potential clients.

4. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Increase the chances of your articles being found online by sprinkling relevant keywords on your content and on your titles. Observe proper keyword density to avoid being tagged as keyword abuser.

5. Know your target market. To make your articles highly targeted and focused to the needs of your readers, you need to get to know the people to whom you are writing for before writing your content. Identify their gender, their hobbies, occupation, social status, educational background, etc. The more you know about your audience, the better you will become in creating content that they will find useful and relevant to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Keyword Optimization - What It Means

At this day and age of computers and the World Wide Web, it is only sensible to make an effort to be at par with the rest of the competition. There are, in fact, a lot of tools from which you can choose if you intend to boost the traffic on your website. Appropriate usage and optimization of these tools is the recipe to success on the World Wide Web.

One of the most commonly used tools is keyword optimization. But before you can actually grasp how it works and how it helps boost website traffic, it is necessary for you to know what it really means.

What is Keyword Optimization?

Keyword Optimization is considered to be the art of picking out the right keywords. It is, almost certainly, one of the most valuable things associated with search engine optimization. Unfortunately, it is also one of the tools that people tend to use up too little time and effort on. They are likely to come up with only a few keywords in just a short period of time, do a bit of page optimization, and then present them to the search engines. The usual results: poor rankings under keywords that are feebly related to the website in question.

Before you begin work on optimizing your website and preparing it for the search engines, you need to spend an ample amount of time figuring out the exact keywords or key phrases you should aim for. Since search engines are excellent sources of website traffic, you have to exert a lot of effort in order to take advantage of them.

How To Optimize Keywords?

Keep in mind that an ample amount of time and effort are needed in choosing the correct keywords or key phrases. So don't even attempt to rush things; unless, of course, if you're not that interested in utilizing search engines to their full potential.

Start by sitting down. Next, open up your website in one window and your preferred text editor in another. Scan through your web site's first page. After you have read it, take a break and think. Analyze what the entire page is all about. In addition to that, ask yourself these questions: Which of the words in the document accurately describe the contents of the page? What phrase or words would a person use if he wants to find documents similar to this one?

After you have found the answers to the following questions, jot down the words or phrases you have thought up. It doesn't really matter if your list would go on and on since you can always do away with some of the words afterward.

From the list you have come up with, pick one or two averagely popular keywords or key phrases for each page. Next, try to insert a few not-so-common keywords or key phrases into the body text with the hopes that they will eventually help the page turn up on some ambiguous multiple-word searches. Do the same process for all the other pages on your website. The list of keywords for every page should be different and should not contend with each other; instead each one of the lists should cover distinct areas.

Around this time, you're more or less ready to proceed with the succeeding steps of the whole keyword optimization process. Just bear in mind that the preparation stage is very crucial. Rushing to Step 2 without giving Step 1 that much of a thought is like throwing away your chances for a better and heavier website traffic.

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company - SEO.xon

SEO, What?

SEO, to many people these three letters sound like a secret code. But, to Internet marketers these three little letters are priceless. SEO stands for search engine optimization. The process is one that is absolutely necessary for anyone trying to market their website and gain traffic.

SEO helps to make a site and its content highly relevant for search engines and searchers. It aids the searcher in finding your site by putting out specific keywords and phrases for your site into the search engines so that they can be found. Successful search engine optimization can help a site to gain high rankings in the search engines, allowing it to be found more easily.

Here are a few ways to easily search engine optimize your website:

1. Make sure the first 100 words of your website are full of keywords that you want people to be able to search and find your site using.

2. Be sure to use your top keywords in any links back to your site. Have those who link to your site use those top words when linking to you.

3. Target one keyword per page. You can't expect to try to cram every keyword on every page. It is much more useful to do one per page where once visitors are at your site they can more easily find the info that they need.

4. Use your top keyword in your header. Either as your title of your site or as a tag line works well.

5. Use top keywords in both the top and bottom sections of your web copy with a few keywords sprinkled in the middle as well. Keyword rich copy is very valuable for search engine optimization.

6. It is important also that when you do obtain links back to your site, try to only have sites which link back to you with the same information on their site that you are trying to target. It does not help to have a site about baby food with a link back to your site about how to sell computers.

7. Continue to have unique content by adding fresh pages to your site on a regular basis. Search engines love fresh content not "Duplicate Content"! This will increase your chances of having people find your site on a consistent basis.

These are just a few tips which should help to properly search engine optimize your website. Search engine optimization sounds scary at first but is really not so difficult once you get started and learn the terms and how to use them and put them into place on your website.

Elizabeth Ashe is an Professional internet marketer and owner of To learn more about internet marketing and to receive a free gift visit

How Article Marketing Can Sell Your Affiliate Product

In today's competitive business market, having a real edge over all the rest is a must have aspect of increasing sales and driving customers to your website. Article marketing via the web has evolved into one of the most effective sales techniques for the ever-growing technological world of today.

Here's how you can easily use articles that will grab the reader's attention and greatly increase the sales of your affiliate products.

Be Irresistible

You yourself don't actually have to worry so much about being irresistible to potential clients or customers, but your article must be in order to set it apart from all the rest. How can you draw people to your website, entice them so they'll want more information, and also lure them in with the prospect of getting an incredible deal of some sort?

That's where the critical aspect of article marketing comes into play: tossing out the bait and waiting for the results to come reeling in.

Offer Useful Enticements

If you're selling an affiliate product, you know that someone else is, as well, so you're now faced with the task of coming up with an angle that not only offers people something useful to drive them to your website, but something that will also leave them wanting more, inevitably increasing sales.

Here are a few examples of "useful enticements" that will help those reading your article make the important decision of continuing on to visit your site.

- Free Sneak Peeks: Offer free chapters or sneak peeks of the product you're marketing to leave people with a taste of what you're all about, and also wanting to learn more. With so much information at your fingertips, the internet can be a daunting place where one has to be on guard to be sure they're getting what they pay for. A free preview shows people you're reliable, serious, and will be able to give them their money's worth. It also doesn't necessarily have to be some type of article, report, or eBook, but could be anything from free trial software to free DVDs or CDs.

- Offer Free Services: Yes, you read correctly, offer your services for free, to a certain degree, of course. If your product is some type of consulting service, offer to give new customers a free 15-minute session or free consultation via email so they can be comfortable before actually buying. The fear of the unknown is often what keeps people from continuing on and trusting a new product or company they've never heard of before. Also, beware of those perpetual freebie-seekers who have no intention of continuing on with your services, otherwise you'll quickly find yourself not making any real profit.

- Questionnaires and Quizzes: People are naturally curious creatures in general, usually showing a great interesting taking both quizzes and questionnaires to find out more about either themselves or something more specific. Quizzes with yes or no answers are the quickest to complete, and also the easiest to compose. Back up the findings of the quiz results with factual and statistical information that proves you to be an expert that can be trusted.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing Tips - What To Do If You Can't Write A Single Word Today

It's not always easy to come up with new and interesting ideas for your articles, especially when you write several articles every single day. If your content isn't good, your income will suffer. You absolutely need to find a way to get a constant stream of new ideas.

Many article marketers own several websites, blogs and other squidoo lenses. Updating all this little real estate empire can quickly become a really daunting task. What to do when you are in front of your computer and can't write a single word?

Sometimes, this happens. It's weird, but there is nothing you can do. Let me tell you what to do when you faced this problem.

1. Go away from your computer

Just do something else. Sometimes, you don't realize it, but you are exhausted and your body need to rest. You may just sleep and take a day off as well. This helps a lot. When you come back, you will find out that you are way more productive.

2. Browse a forum

If you are not in the state above and you are completely relaxed, this is only a sign of the common writers block. To get some ideas and get started, you can browse a forum about the topic and I'm almost sure you will quickly get some ideas.

3. Read a book

If you can go to your local book store and read a book on the subject, this will help you a lot.

4. Search engines

You can also perform a search on Google and see what people are talking about on the top 10 websites in your niche. Do any of these, and you should quickly get new ideas that will help you take your article marketing efforts to the next level.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing Expensive Mistakes and How to Solve Them

You may be writing and submitting articles and not feeling it's successful. Take it from a pro who has walked this talk for six years successfully. When you look at simple mistakes you are making, you can also solve them with just a little tweaking. Remember, article marketing is still the best way to get a lot of targeted traffic to your web site, and increase clients and product sales to match.

Pay attention to these mistakes and their solutions.

1. You don't submit enough articles to get big profits..

Just one or two or 10 articles won't do the trick. Dabbling won't get the results you want. You need to market with articles consistently--one every week to many directories and top rated web sites. It takes only an hour to write a good article and two hours a week to submit them. My return on $200 monthly expenses is 8-20 times as much Online income.

2. You don't pay attention to Google and other internet changes.

At one time we submitted five articles at a time to all the article directories on the same day, thinking we were streamlining our submissions. But Internet rules and games change often and today search engines like the drip system of submitting articles instead of the mass approach. That means write one article a week and submit that one to the top rated web sites and about 70-100 others once a week. Six years ago we submitted to yahoo group ezines, but find the rules make it too much work to succeed, so we turned to hand-submitting only to high-traffic web sites and article directories who accepted all we gave them.

They even confirm your published article by email.

3. You don't know the value of article marketing.

You may have tried Search Engine Optimization (SEO). From my experience, the cost was high even with a techie friend's discount. And not one sale! Like me, you aren't a techie and you're not a key word specialist.That means stick to what you know--your subject!

Your service or books educate others on the value of a particular skill or tool or other needed information. It's easy to take what you already know and put it into shorter bites for your hungry Online audience that wants free information. Your free articles are the Law of Attraction in action. They attract the right audience to your web site where your sales letters do the job of selling you.

4. You resist article marketing because you don't think you can write well enough.

One stress management consultant client claimed she couldn't get 400-800 words written. "How about 100?" She replied, "OK." Her mind resisted, she took a nap and finally got an article out. Her thoughts could be yours. "I write much better than I thought." It was easy to write 400 words using a client's problem and my solution. I had it in my files already." "I leveraged the one audience of speakers to other businesses and got four articles from just one."

5. You believe you can't get enough ideas for articles.

Say you wrote six and wonder where more can come from.

Light up your muse with other peoples' articles. Copy and paste into your "articles to edit" folder with a date. Then take a few key words and use them to kick start your muse. It's far easier to start with some words on a page to add to than face a blank page. Another way to expand one article is to change your audience it's aimed at. Then, if it's seven points, make one article a # one tip, another, 3 points an another 5 or 10 how to's.

Visit your competitors' web site and get ideas from them.

6. You don't play all the opportunities.

Submit your article to other's ezine in your field. Keep some of your articles on your web site to attract new visitors. They love free content and do the search engines. Get a book author to include a few of your articles to further get the word out.

7. Your article quality is poor. Without a pro edit and information on the correct format and style, you articles won't be picked up by other web sites. Check for fluff. Don't' waste time redoing them; do them right the first time. Get a writing coach specializing in articles and hand submitting article marketing for feedback to make your skills grow.

8. Your article is commercial. The rule is no touting your book or your web site. Article directories want useful, original information, so save the pitch for your web site sales letters for each product or service.

9. Your resource box is too long. Know that most article directories want this under 300 characters. Once we changed the resource box to 300 characters, added a free gift for coming to the Web site, and put only one live link in it, our numbers of links back to our site exploded. This is one mistake often overlooked by new article marketers because they want to pitch all of their things. . 10. You get discouraged and quit. Like all good things, you need a bit of solid information first to get you there. Read short eBooks on advanced article marketing. Take a teleseminar from an experienced article marketer. It's not like the millionaire Internet marketing programs that give lots of general information, but not enough on articles. That's because they only want to sell, not educate.

You can now get your web site in the first 10 pages and get the web site sales you've dreamed of. Just take a little time, get educated, submit regularly, and let your articles show you off as the savvy expert in your field. Article marketing is still # 1 in internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins helps non-techies get big web traffic, expand your business clients, and sell your products. Check out her AdvancedArticleMarketing 3-Book Special with free reports at

Article Marketing to Drive Highly Qualified Traffic to Your Web Site or Blog

Article marketing is a great way to drive highly qualified traffic to your website. Here are the 3 steps:

Step One - Write lots of great quality articles - The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers are going to be. This includes highly qualified visitors to your web site. Write articles that are good enough to represent you well on the internet, give the reader good information, encourage the reader to know, like and trust you, and leave them wanting more from you. Write about the what, the why, and just enough of the how to give the reader something to do and something to take action on. Which leads to

Step Two - Craft a prospect pulling resource box - Your resource box is not the place to try to convince the reader that you are an expert in your niche. If you have not convinced the reader that you are an expert in your article, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box. And they are probably not even reading your resource box anyway. The resource box is not about you, it's all about the reader. This is where you invite the reader back to your web site or blog to sign up for more great information.

Step Three - Powerful landing pages - Alright, so you have created a great article and a prospect pulling resource box, now what? Make sure you have good information and either a way for the reader to further engage you or spend money with you, or both, on your landing pages. You want to take really good care of the readers who come to visit your world.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Instant Article Writing Templates so you can write more great articles in less time than you ever thought possible. You can download them by going to

And you can discover some great landing page tips on a free webinar I did at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

Amazing Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Efficient Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Building traffic for your website can be relatively easy these days. You don't need to learn complicated programming skills and you don't even need to launch linking campaigns just to make your website popular online. All you need to do is bank on your writing skills and impart your knowledge by writing and marketing your articles over the World Wide Web. This will allow you to showcase your expertise to online users while you increase the quality backlinks for your website.

Here are the 4 efficient methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make your articles content-rich. People read articles because they want to be informed. They want to find solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. Fill your articles with valuable information that your readers will find useful and relevant to their lives. When you do, you are increasing your chances of convincing them to check on your website and become your potential clients.

2. Make use of anchor texts. If you are posting your articles to your blog, website, or social bookmarking sites, link your other articles through the use of anchor texts. Use the most appropriate keywords that appeal to your readers to increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Commit. The key to success in article marketing is consistency. You can't just post 100 articles and wait for the traffic to build up to your website. Instead, you need to strengthen your online visibility and your expertise by consistently writing and submitting articles on a regular basis. By doing so, you will effectively address the needs of your readers for information every time they search online.

4. Resource box. To increase your conversation rate, spend more time in writing your resource box and make sure that it has the ability to drive readers to your website. Make it compelling, keyword-rich, and attention-grabbing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Stay-At-Home Mom Gets 100,000 Article Views From Just One Article Directory

Just when you are ready to give up article marketing forever... you find out that if you do just a little more, you can blow the roof off the top of your online business.

Let me guess, you have heard all about article marketing, and you have even submitted a few articles. Sure, five years ago that might have been a great way to drive traffic to your website, but it just doesn't work like that anymore. I mean, look at the 5 articles I have submitted, I have just passed 100 views, and only three people clicked through to my website.

That was a lot of work writing those articles, and it sure was not worth having only 3 people click through to my website. I am just going to go back to pay per click, at least I know I am getting some regular viewers to my site, and it only took me 15 minutes to set it up.

Does this sound familiar? It should, it represent 90 percent of the people who post articles on article directories. Let me share a little secret with you that might change your mind. You have to post more than 10 articles. One of the top article directories has said that 90 percent of all authors who publish in their directory never publish more than 9 articles.

I have to admit, I have published more than 50 articles, and there are days when I feel a little discouraged. Then I noticed this interesting statistic on another authors *Extended Author Bio.* shows how many articles an author has posted and then it shows how many views they have gotten to date. Here is the first one I looked at: 465 Active articles, resulting in 50,335 views.

When I first read this, I thought it had to be a misprint. I mean, my best article today only has just over 90 views. Even if all of my articles finally ended up with 90 views, that would only be 4500. Then I thought that he has probably been publishing for 10 years. Nope, all of his articles had been published within the last three years. What? How can that be? Even if you multiply 4500 X 3, you only get 13,500. I thought that 13,000 was the absolute best I could ever hope for: boy was I wrong!

I decided to look into it further to see if there was some kind of mistake. I will admit, I had read that at some point when writing articles, you hit what they call, *critical mass.* They say that it is somewhere between 100 and 250 articles. Anyway, here are a few of the stats that I found with very little research:

1,130 Active articles, resulting in 670,296 views, Member since April 27, 2005

58 Active articles, resulting in 27,164 views, Member since March 24, 2005

45 Active articles, resulting in 13,449 views, Member since July 19, 2006

74 Active articles, resulting in 194,018 views, Member since October 27, 2004

After I found these, I decided to focus on authors that had around 200 articles, since that is around where they say you hit critical mass. Here is what I found just around the 200 articles published mark:

238 Active articles, resulting in 339,172 views, Member since June 28, 2005

233 Active articles, resulting in 30,740 views, Member since October 25, 2007

232 Active articles, resulting in 184,233 views, Member since November 01, 2005

231 Active articles, resulting in 57,886 views, Member since July 14, 2006

236 Active articles, resulting in 63,417 views, Member since December 06, 2005

At 200 articles, if you received 90 views each, which I thought was impossible until today, which comes out to 18,000 views per year. The longest time any of the authors over 200 has been publishing is 2.5 years. That means they should have, in a perfect world, 46,250 views max. Only one author has not blown that number out of the water, and he or she has only been publishing less than a year.

Now I have to admit, I had no idea that there was anywhere near this kind of potential. I pride myself on answering questions that you just can't seem to find the answers to anywhere else. This is one of those questions I have had for a while. Just give it to me straight, what can I expect? Well, here it is.

I didn't use any of the author's names, because this is not allowed on many directories. And remember, to see these numbers you do have to look at the extended author bios. If the author has not posted their picture and information about themselves, the directory doesn't setup an extended author page. This means you can't see these numbers on everyone.

I can tell you this, after looking at these findings, I am so motivated that I am taking the rest of the day off from my job to write articles. Looks like the first one to 200 articles wins see you there.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Does Team Building Offer A Good Return On Investment?

When it boils down to it, return on investment is what you are looking for when investing in this area. How much does it cost, what will you get on the day and most importantly what return will you get from the activities after the day of the event?

To ensure that you get a good return on your investment, it's important to choose carefully. A lot of money spent on the wrong type of team event will be a waste and equally not enough money spent may also prove pointless.

So how do you go about deciding which is the right form for your company? Firstly decide what your objectives are. Ultimately your objectives will normally include increased profitability for your company and the link between bottom line profit margins and team building may seem initially a little vague but there is a strong link between the two.

The second question has to be what is stopping you from achieving increased profitability? It could be that everyone seems happy enough, that there is no immediate issue that you can pinpoint. It may be that you have a high turnover of staff, poor communication or low morale. This is when a tangible link between increased profitability and team building can be seen.

By selecting the right team building activity to address the issue that is stopping you from achieving increased profitability, you can see a direct return on investment. It may not be instantly obvious to you which type of team activity will address your issues, 's when talking to a professional and experienced team building company is essential.

It's then that you can outline your teams backgrounds, your objectives and what budget you have to work towards. It's then that the team building company can suggest effective and productive team building solutions for your company.

Effective team building doesn't have to be all about building a raft and getting across water, of course it can be if you'd like but as our business environment has become more sophisticated then so has team building solutions.

You have to capture their imagination, you have to engage them, to entertain them and to motivate them, make them feel that the event you have organised is worth them missing office time for and to do that you have to offer them an experience with a difference.

Team activities with a difference can span a huge range from cost effective options to top end, money's no object budgets. To the majority of clients, a budget has to be stuck to, so you need to have an activity that is tailored towards your team, a little company personalisation will go a long way into reinforcing your group that you have arranged this event for them, they will feel valued and part of a caring team.

It's also vital that you include everyone, you are always going to get people on holiday or simply can't make it but do your research and pick an optimum time to suit everyone. It should go without saying but a good team is lead from the top and so therefore it makes sense to have your key members of management present.

All too often senior managers will be busy working rather than concentrating on their most important asset - their team!

So does team building offer a good return on investment? If you follow our advice, this could give you the best return on investment that you've ever seen!

Shaun Parker has been at the forefront of the corporate events industry bringing the latest in team building and conference events to the public. For more information visit

Article Marketing For Massive Traffic - 3 Of My Biggest Secrets!

Article marketing is not as profitable as before. That's what 'gurus' tend to say to get you afraid. The truth is, although there are more article writers right now, the amount of people surfing the Internet has also increased. So it comes down to the same amount of traffic.

Here are my 3 biggest secrets for getting massive traffic from your article marketing:

1. Always Build A List With Your Opt-In Page

This is what I do - I always build a list by sending traffic from my articles to a opt-in page. I don't send them to a sales page - that just turns most people off. But a squeeze page offering free information is better received. List building is one of the key activities you must be concentrating on online, so direct your traffic to build your list!

2. Submit Only To The Top Directories

Although you can make submitting articles to hundreds of directories quicker with an article submitter, it's still terribly difficult. You have to register at all the directories, and most article directories are different from each other, so that makes article submitting with submitters a slow process still. My advice: submit only to the top 5 directories. Spend more time writing articles.

3. Write In A Conversational Style

Let's face it, as human beings we are emotional beings. We respond better to conversational writing (that's why blogs are so popular!) than boring, technical writing. Unless your subject calls for it, I'd advice writing in a conversational style (like what I'm doing here!) as this will generate windfall results.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Link Building Part 1 - Internet Currency

Google loves links! Ever since Google placed a value on the quality and number of links into your web pages, links have become the currency of the internet. You can buy links, sell links, exchange links, or if you're really lucky have people climbing over themselves to link to your site without any interaction on your part whatsoever.

The way Google looks at it is if you have a link pointing to one of your pages then it is seen as a 'vote of confidence' for that particular page. The more incoming links you have, the more votes. It's a simple as that - or is it?

Well not entirely. Google's claim is to "search more sites more quickly, delivering the most relevant results." To this end they have an algorithm (or algorithms?) which they use to rank web pages in their SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This algorithm is made up of a multitude of mathematical formulas, each one taken into account when analysing the code and content of a page. The make-up of this algorithm is a strictly guarded secret and remains so to anybody outside of Google HQ (so be wary of any SEO company claiming to be privy to this classified information) and one has to assume that those select few in the know have put their hallowed signature to some sort of confidentiality clause.

A known factor pertaining to this algorithm is that not all links are equal. For instance, ten links from ten quality websites that bare relevance to your own content will far outweigh one hundred links from one hundred low-grade and completely unrelated sites.

Value comes from trusted sources!

Google reward web pages they regard as being trustworthy with Pagerank (PR). In the simplest of terms this is a value between zero and ten that appears in the Google toolbar. Pagerank, in turn, is worked out from a number of factors. These include the age of the site, the length of time the domain has been registered, and - once again - the number of inbound links. You will see sites touting themselves as a PR 5, or a PR 6, etc. in order to sell links or appear attractive for the purposes of reciprocal linking.

But once more this isn't as simple as it sounds. In all actuality the little green bar of Pagerank that appears in the Google toolbar has never been a reliable representation of a page's actual PR. Except for when Google are looking to make an example it only gets updated every three to four months and it is not unusual for a site with a low toolbar PR to rank higher in the SERPs than one whose toolbar PR is higher.

Actual Pagerank is known only by Google and as with everything else that spills forth from deep within the ubersanctum that is Googleplex, Mountain View, California, they're in no hurry to divulge its mysteries to us mere mortals.

Nick James is a search engine optimiser from the UK. You can find out more about keywords, copywriting, and the SEO services that Essence SEO UK offer here.

Managing An SEO Project

All projects start with one common theme: a vision of where the project will end. Whether you're building a skyscraper, designing a piece of software, or creating a new web site you've got to identify the scope that the project will fulfill. The second thing that all projects have in common is their desire to accomplish one of two business fundamentals: increase revenue or reduce costs. Let's talk about increasing revenue through one of the most prevalent channels to your organization: your website.

Which project comes first: Updating your old, stale website with a new look, fresh content and a stronger call to action? Or...planning search engine optimization with a focus on keywords research, earning inbound links and attracting Google's attention?

The answer depends on several factors:

* How old is the website's domain (URL)?

* When is the last time the site was updated with fresh content?

* Have you implemented any search engine optimization (SEO) techniques?

* Is your website ranked high in Google and other search engines?

* What is your overall goal - a better looking website or more traffic from being found in search engines?

Search engine optimization is the process of improving traffic to your website thru better search engine rankings in Google, Yahoo and other search engines. This would include keyword selection and use throughout the website; writing strong page titles and other meta tag codes; development of and implementing a link building program...just to name a few.

What you are doing is creating an initial project scope statement. The project scope is all of the work - and only the required work - to meet the vision you have for your project. Essentially you're framing the project to consider what's of most value and what should be dismissed for this current project. Most projects fail because their project scope is so loosely defined it's difficult to identify what's really needed versus what are some dreamy extras that don't contribute. Defining the project scope isn't easy; if it were, so many projects wouldn't fail.

As you enter the website/SEO project's planning phase you'll want to consider these false assumptions that can interfere with your scope planning:

* A new website will not get Google's attention. In fact, if you purchase a new domain name and start over, some search engines aren't going to be eager to crawl your website. Maintain your current domain.

* While a new website design and updated content might impress visitors to your website, pretty pictures and cool buttons may not increase sales. Make sure you have a strong call to action (sign up for a newsletter; complete a form for more information, etc.).

* Fresh content will not get you ranked higher in Google and other search engines. You need keyword-rich content focusing on your company's products and services.

* Submitting your website to 1,000 search engines will not work either. Actually, there are only 55 legitimate search engines, with Google, Yahoo and MSN dominating the search engine market.

Most projects fail at the beginning, not the end. A failure to adequately plan the project scope will only corrupt your project execution. It's paramount to first plan what the website is to accomplish before hopping into the project execution. For example, you do not want to write new content for your website before you conduct keyword research just as you wouldn't start building a new home without your blueprints.

Of all the project management activities planning is the most important. Planning is an iterative process and happens throughout the life of the project. The project scope is defined initially when you initiate the project, but more fully when you're in the first stages of planning. When you're creating a plan to boost your website's presence the focus should always be on fulfilling the project scope. Activities and deliverables that don't contribute to the scope are not value-added activities. Basically, you and your team should ask does this deliverable help my website's presence or not? If it does incorporate it into the project scope, if it doesn't log the issue, addition, or feature and address it outside of your current project. By keeping your execution activities focused on completing the project scope you'll get more done faster and better than considering and pondering every possibility for your website.

The basic "brick and mortar" plan of any search engine optimization project would include the follow elements:

* Research for the best possible keywords.

* Research your competition. What keywords are they pursuing?

* Write fresh content utilizing the targeted keywords.

* If you are designing a new website, determine if the design with drive the content, or if the content will drive the site design. Make sure you have selected your keywords before you write the content.

* Link building. Earn one-way links from directories and other websites pointing to your website and web pages.

Once you've created your project plan it's time to execute the plan. This is the real work of the project that'll create the deliverables and benefits outlined in the project scope and the project's work breakdown structure. In tandem with executing the project plan, you'll control the project to ensure the work, project team, and deliverables are consistently in alignment with the project's vision. At some point you'll get to the happiest day: closing the project.

True search engine optimization is not "one and done." You'll need to plan for the long-haul: keywords may change as products and services change; content and blogs will need to be written and updated and link building never ends. Build your SEO plan in stages and keep moving forward.

Joseph Phillips is the author of five books on project management and is a PMI Project Management Professional, a CompTIA certified Project Professional, and a Certified Technical Trainer. For more information about Project Management Training, please visit Project Seminars.

Keyword Elite - Keyword Research Software

Today I'm going to give you my opinion on Brad Callens Keyword Elite software. I was asked to express my judgmental opinion on it so others can feel either comfortable purchasing or simply frightened away. So let's begin.

Let's start out with a little introduction as to what exactly is Keyword Elite. KE is a keyword research tool that helps webmasters determine profitable keywords for whichever niche they intend to market or use an arbitrage method. Yeah I know there are a lot of you reading this post that are thinking to themselves well why would I buy something that I can get for free. And by free I'm referring to google's keyword sandbox, and overture's keyword selector. Stuff like that.

Well here's my conservative opinion. You can spend hours going through google sandbox and overture trying to find profitable niche markets and still not come up with anything that will produce a profit. I know this from experience.

I myself am an owner of KE since last year when I decided I was tired of killing myself. Yeah know like most of your reading this I was working a full-time job only to come home and work on my internet job. Yeah I got tired of the rat race also.

So KE works like this. You'll enter a broad term like "Money Online" and select some search criteria options like number of competitors, number of clicks a month, traffic volume, etc.. and it will produce a list of keywords anywhere from 1000 - infinite. It will even allow you to see what you're likely to pay for PPC campaigns for those keywords. Again you can limit your selection and filter it based on a number of operators.

After your list is generated you have endless possibilities of what you can do with it. You can take that and use it in your adwords campaign, narrow some keywords down for adsense profits, or research arbitrage keywords. The potential is left in your hands.

Every person that is successful online has their own keyword research software, it's simply the way to grow. I myself cannot do justice in a simple review that KE's video example can. Go check out the video for yourself.

Click here To Download Brad Callen's Free E-book on How to Use Adwords with KE
This article comes from

The Harsh Reality - It's Top 30 or Nothing

If, as a Internet marketer, you expect to survive and be found , you need to learn how to: 1) place your pages in the high-traffic core, and 2) achieve a high ranking in the major search engines. Otherwise, your sites will be like little islands in the sea: remote, inaccessible, and forgotten.

This means you are solely relying on people typing in your URL in the command lines of their browsers, and this only works if your site is well-known. The days of serendipitous surfers and "accidental traffic" stumbling onto your site are over. On this "new" Internet made up of billions of Web pages, site owners must use every tool available to them to attract visitors. And even then, you face stiff competition.

I only consider a ranking to be a listing within the top 30, because studies have shown that must searchers do not keep clicking through past the third page. In fact, most searchers do not even click-through to the second page. Therefore, a #10 ranking is much more valuable than #27, and #64 is pretty much worthless.

Now, many other search engines do display more than 10 results per page. So, in this case, should you be happy if you are within the top 120? No, because most users still don't appear to click below #30, no matter how many listings are on a page.

For example, if a user performs a query in Google for "cheese" and your site is not listed, then no matter how many types of cheese you sell, or how great your cheesy recipes are, that user will not and cannot arrive at your site. For a search engine to deliver a visitor to your site, the visitor must first click on a search result for your site. Often, owners of large sites that have been on the Web for a while will discover that they have a very large number of search engine referrals. This is because they actually have rankings even before they begin optimizing pages. However, many of these "accidental" rankings will most likely be on keywords that are rarely sought by users. This is due to the fact that the most highly queried keywords are also the most competitive. In other words, it is highly unlikely that you would find accidental rankings for "MP3." The difference between "accidental" ranking and SEO is that SEO is the deliberate optimization of search results in the pursuit of traffic.

The whole point of SEO is to increase traffic to a site. But not just traffic. You want qualified users who are seeking content, product or service that your site can provide. Therefore, it is important to remember what a ranking actually is. Many times SEO professionals will be overjoyed with a top 10 ranking that a site has achieved, and the site owner (rightfully) says, "So, what? I still don't have any sales!" A ranking doesn't directly equal traffic, and traffic doesn't directly equal sales.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

A Couple Of Ways To Increase Website Traffic

New Websites always struggle with one fact at all times - How to increase website traffic to their website. Once webmasters get hit by this thought, they end up spending endless nights on how to do the same. In doing so they forget that the simplest way of doing so would be in link building and getting backlinks from other websites. Ask any webmaster on the secrets of having his site popular within no time and he would tell you that he focused heavily on Link Building and getting backlinks.

Link Building and Back Linking

Link Building is one of the easiest and fastest ways for a new website to get popularity. Please note that links are classified on the basis of their popularity ratings. For starters, know that PR1 would be the least popular of the links and PR5 would be the best in popularity ratings. Also note that any new website would at the most start from being PR1 and their build their way up to PR5.

Back Linking is a concept by which you would get links back to your website from another website. Back Linking typically happens when a visitor likes something about your product and clicks on your links to know more about you. Hence, it is important for you to focus on Back linking to get enough links as well.

Why is quality important for Link Building and Back Linking?

Please note that if you build links with a website that does not provide services in your domain, your links are not high quality links. This ideally happens with new webmasters who go ballistic in establishing links with other websites. For example, if a new website talks about services in Sourcing and it establishes links with websites who do content writing, it is a clear case of bad quality links.

Link Building and Back Links do not take away the importance of your website being perfect. Remember, most existing websites would want to see your website before you could link to them. At the end of the day, their credibility is at stake and they would not want to link with anyone who is not credible.

There is no refusing of the fact that Link Building and Back Links are two best ways how you could increase website traffic to your website. That said, it does not take away the essence that your website must be qualitatively designed. It is only a combination of these two factors that will win the day for you.

Link Exchange and Website promotion on Link Partner Express Website

Directory and Article Submissions for Link Building

Those webmasters searching to gain an edge on their competition are looking for ways to rank in search engines. A couple of the more popular ways of increasing your search results are by submitting your website for inclusion in Quality Directories and writing and submitting articles related to you niche. Here are a few rules for submitting your content.

The main benefits you receive when submitting your website to Quality Directories for review are traffic from the directory and a back link that will help your website rank higher in relevant search results. The general rule is that the more quality and relevant links you have, the higher you will climb in search engine results for relevant searches.

The first thing that you need to do prior to submitting your website for review in Quality Directories is to create the submission information. That means anchor text, keywords and site description.

The anchor text that you choose should contain varied keywords that you are targeting to increase search engine rankings with. Come up with many variations of anchor text to be used for different submissions. The text should be relevant to the site and not be too long or it may be considered keyword stuffing and be declined or altered by the Directory.

Your site description should be anywhere from 150 - 450 characters long. Do not use hype or make it sound like an advertisement. Just make it a nice description of your site. Make sure that you use proper grammar when writing it.

For keywords take five of the most important keywords you are targeting and place them here separated by a comma. Some directories may not provide a space for this and whether they do or not is really not all that important.

Article directories can also benefit your directory with link building. Some article directories will allow up to3 hyper links back to your site from the resource box from every article you submit. Often they will also allow for deep linking to pages within your site. The article itself will create content for the back link that is relevant to your website.

There are a few guidelines that you should follow when submitting articles to article directories. First just make sure your article is not already published there. Then make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your article. Fill out all the fields for the article submission when you submit it and select the most relevant category for your articles content.

By using these tips for submission you should be able to use these methods successfully for your link building campaign. They can guide you in the process to increase your acceptance rate with directory and article submissions. As your submissions to quality directories and article websites are accepted, indexed and your link count rises you will see that your search engine results are going to rise proportionally.

Link building is not a quick process, but a prolonged and ongoing process. By staying on task you will be able to attain your goals with a consistent, hard approach.

Gain an online presence for your Website by getting listed on The Authority Web Directory. Then make sure to read up at with our Latest Articles page.

Maximizing Clicks In Your Resource Box

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

Start your own affiliate program!
Let others make money for you!

Free Downloads! FREE Ebooks!

Paid Links Are Out, Article Marketing Is In

How will you promote your website in 2008? Will you be buying links in 2008? Are you aware of the benefits of article marketing? As the title of this article suggests, writing articles as a way of promoting a website is suddenly back in fashion.

As recently as the beginning of last year, webmasters were able to basically buy their way to the top of the search engine rankings but Google have now put a stop to this via their war on paid links campaign. People are now running scared of even exchanging web links and so article marketing yet again has come back into the limelight. This is one form of web promotion that not only works but is here to say.

If you would like to see your website obtain higher rankings for its keywords and ultimately gain more traffic, then I would seriously advise you to commence writing articles.

You can write about any subject however content that is related to your website would be preferable. The article should be at least two hundred and fifty words in length, in truth the majority of article directories would rather them have between four and five hundred words. The article needs to be your own work; unique and fresh content is very much sought after at the moment.

You can then submit the article to one or more of the main article directories/websites. My favourite is EzineArticles, others include goarticles, searchwarp, articledashboard and ideamarketers.

Submitting two or three articles will not have too much impact however submitting three hundred will.

I wish you all the best with your web promotion in 2008, happy writing.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
Stuttering information
Manual article submission service
Debt specialist

Are Meta Tags Dead?

People say that the use of meta tags are dead, a useless addition to your web site, but are they wrong? Meta tags still serve a useful purpose in every web site. Even though not all search engines utilize these tags they still hold extremely important information about your web site and it's content.

Not only do meta tags tell a search engine spider about your web site, it also provides instructions telling the spider what you would like it to do and not do.

First let's look at what meta tags tell us about your web site:

The first tag in your meta tags should be your title tag, in my opinion this is the most important tag you can control. This tag should state your company and no more then 3 key words that pertain to that page. An example of this is

<TITLE>SEO ONE, inc. Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, SEO.</TITLE>

Keyword tag should be the next in line of importance. This tag is fairly straight forward however there are rules on how many keywords you should have. The rule of thumb is around 10 but I recommend no more then 3 keywords. The reason for this is the more keywords you have the more difficult it is to keep the weighted average where it needs to be above 54%. It also becomes difficult to match the keywords in the site to the keyword meta tags. An example of this meta tag is

<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, SEO.">

The 3rd in succession should be your description tag, in this tag we want to describe the web page we are on, and again we have another opportunity to list our 3 key words for this page. This is important do not over look this. It is also critical to keep the order the keywords appear. An example of this tag is

<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="SEO ONE, Inc has mastered the search engine optimization code. Search engine optimization SEO is the art of preparing, analyzing, and promoting your web site so that it is extremely visible and highly ranked. Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, SEO.">

Now we are onto the part of the tags that tell the search engine what you would like for it to do with your web site. These tags are also critical as we can in some cases direct the spider through your web pages.


This tag tells the search engine you would like it to visit your home page, follow all linked pages, and cashes all pages it passes through. This is important because it allows the engine to store your site in it's data base.

<META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="7 days">

In this tag we tell the spider to come back to our web site every 7 days to search for more content. As a web page changes the content needs to be re indexed in order for it to be relevant. This tag can help us with this point.

There are many more tags, and more detailed information about the tags above, however I only wanted to give a general overview as to the importance of the above tags.

Dan Stalfire is the president of SEO ONE, inc. and Internet Marketing Images, Inc. Dan has over 10 years SEO experience, and is one of the leading SEM's in Dallas, TX. Mr. Stalfire has helped many companies achieve first page results, and has implement and directed hundreds of marketing campaigns.

We have been proudly serving our clients since 1997. With over 10 years of web marketing experience we have gained valuable knowledge, to maximize your success.

SEO ONE, Inc.'s mission is to offer the highest quality web marketing and search engine optimization to you, our valued client. Our goal is to foster a relationship based on trust and results.

SEO ONE, Inc, is a complete Search Engine Optimization and web design company. We bring your company to life in many new and unexplored ways.

Founded in 1997, SEO ONE, Inc. has designed and promoted hundreds of web sites, from Fortune 500 companies to small companies eager to expand their businesses.

For questions or for more information please visit us at or call us at 972-755-4592