Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Want to maximize your ROI (return on investment) from article marketing? Then it only makes sense to know about the top ways you can make a profit from articles.

Here are the top 3 ways to make consistent cash online from article marketing:

1. Affiliate Programs

What many people are now doing is to promote affiliate products with articles. This is an effective method to generate an online income and it's easy to get started with as the products are already ready-made and the sales letters are already written. This method is now popularly called Bum Marketing and it can be highly profitable if done with consistency and with promotion of the right products.

2. Promote Your Own Products

If you're selling your own products online, you can also promote them via article marketing! This can be a more profitable method than affiliate marketing since you're actually getting all of the profits. You don't have to split profits with the merchant since you're the merchant!

3. Ezines

Here's a totally under-used method to leveraging article marketing - writing for popular ezines. Offer to provide content to ezines for free by writing exclusive articles for them, if they would include your resource box with the article. This is a great way to get tons of free traffic for very little effort, especially if the ezine is a highly-read ezine with lots of readers.

So there you have it...The top 3 ways to making cash from your articles as quickly as possible. These methods do work, so go and act on the method you prefer.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Devising correct marketing strategies are important for expansion of all the businesses. Only those products that are marketed well sell in the market. They sell because their promoter has done his groundwork well. He has found out answers to the basic questions that determine the success of any business. He has found out who he is, what is he doing, which is his market, who are the potential customers, and when does he want do product launch and how does he trap customers.

The marketing plan document developed by the promoter will have answers to all these queries and lay the foundation of the business success or failure, depending on how cautiously it has been planned. A marketing strategy must be written and communicated in a very simple way.

Listed below are the tips that would enable small business owners to plan their marketing strategies well so that they rock the market, eliminating the need to outsource such work, which is costlier.

Remain Focused: You must identify your revenue source and then see the client who is giving you maximum business. Find out what is unique about that client and why does he do business with you. You can also try and delve into some of their personal details such as why they are doing what they are doing and what do they want from life. You will be able to strengthen you relationship with the client and find out whether other clients are like that particular client of yours. If yes, they are likely to do business with you, if no say no for transactions with them.

Place you Business: Find out what you would like to do i.e. think about what services to offer and what product packages to provide. Then, target a market where your product is most likely to sell. The simplest way to do this kind of a survey is to ask some of your clients about why they purchase from you.

Give Right Messages: All the businessmen, small or large, must understand that the customers do not buy what they sell; instead, they buy the benefits that your products offer. Therefore, see to it that your products offer the attributes the customers are looking out for and make sure that you communicate all the benefits of the products in the right manner.

Use Marketing Materials: Update your marketing mediums such as website, so that the customers are aware of the new things you added to your kitty. You can also encourage blogging among the customers to give them a platform for discussing your product. This will help you to upgrade the products regularly.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Do you know the benefits of article writing and what they can do for you? Why is article writing even needed? Articles are one of the best ways to bring in a vast group of new targeted visitors to your site within days. Its an inexpensive technique to effectively market and promote your site and build on-way links.

Article writing can benefit you personally as well as financially. You can really advance and profit by writing articles. Having the honor of being an expert or high status writer on websites similar to EzineArticles and others, you can increase your profits greatly.

There are seven major ways to really benefit and advance from writing articles:

The first one is to make your name popular by consistently using the same or similar name. It is also called name branding or a calling card. Readers will know who you are and if your work is of quality they will come back on consistent basis. Part of improving your profits is improving your readership and name branding assists in doing just that.

The second way you can advance and profit with article writing is to build quality one way links which can also draw ranking and traffic to your work. Your ranking and importance in search engines will increase as search engines give good weights to quality one way links. Article directories are the best way to get top quality one way links.

The third way is if you write keywords rich articles, which will give you a great chance to get top positions for your targeted keywords. If you target high search volume keywords in your article, you can bring many quality visitors to your site by submitting your article to article directories, online magazines and related business sites etc.

The fourth way you can advance and profit with article writing is to produce very interesting articles that your readers want to read. Think about what is current and hip. You should strive for the latest cutting edge topics that are sure to interest readers. What do people what to know? Or what is there not enough information on? Looking at search engines most popular searches and keywords suggestion tools are great ways to find out what people are buzzing about. Stay current and in the know about celebrity gossip and be aware of what other people are inquiring about.

Articles that intrigue and keep visitors coming for new information. Getting your article published on sites and various newsletters that all ready have an enormous amount of traffic will really help you advance and profit.

The fifth way is by building a reputation. Building a great reputation will give you the consistent traffic that you need to really profit from article writing. If you keep at it its possible to get to the point where people look for your name to find out the latest information on the internet. Your name will be trusted and associated with top-notch article writing and abundant information.

The sixth way you can advance with article writing and profit is by the advertising blitz that it brings you for practically free. You sneak in your promotion and place ads at the same time youre posting an article. Advertising is one of the best ways to not only make a name for you but to also make extra money. Many ads bring traffic and we all know that traffic makes you money. The more traffic, the more clicks, and the more your profits will increase. You will have the quality article needed to advance and profit.

The seventh way you can advance with article writing is to help pre-selling of your products and services. Mostly visitors do not want to make a sale straight away. Then want to get detailed information about your services and products before making a final decision. If you write an article about your services and products that will put visitor to make a informed decision. Also you get an edge over those who do not offer detailed info about their services or products.

The article is written by SEO Consultant and Specialist Abdul Hayi Mansoor. For further reading and tips please visit SEO Articles

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are a lot of marketing strategies that work, but which one is the best? This question is impossible to answer because it all depends on your goal. Since most of the people that will read an article online will be looking for something for free we are going to discuss the most effective free marketing strategy.

So, which marketing strategy is the most effective for free? Article marketing is the most effective online marketing strategy. Basically it is a way to give surfers something for free online while getting them to click through to your website where you might sell something or have them sign up for a newsletter or list.

Article marketing is a way of targeting your traffic. You already know that if someone is willing to read an entire article about something, then they have interest in the subject so they will most likely want more information about the subject. This is also the best traffic for purchasing from you as well.

Marketing with articles is not a hard thing to do. Basically you need to pick keywords to target your articles around, write the articles, and submit them to article directories all over the web. There are tons of article directories out there and you can submit your article to as many as you can find.

The basic strategy is to get your articles listed on Google and other search engines so that you can get free targeted traffic like crazy. Article Marketing is the most effective free online marketing strategy and it has become very popular. There is a lot of free information that can help you get started with article marketing.

Get started with article marketing and start getting Free Targeted Traffic to your Website. Get more info here:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Wordpress is one of the most seo friendly publishing systems today, but to get the best results you still need to tinker with it a little bit!

So let's see what steps you need to take to modify Wordpress so it will turn into a true seo CMS:

1. Permalinks structure: the default structure is no good at all - although search engines have no problem in indexing pages that have urls with variables, it's very clear that they prefer clean urls.

The best results I have seen are when permalinks structure is set to "%postname%", and only that. This is something to keep in mind for any site you build, Wordpress or any other CMS.

2. Related posts plugin ( ): this is good for both your visitors and the search engines. It automatically finds related posts and displays them in a list - very useful when visitors arrive on a page looking for something and they get more info on the same subject.

3. Metatags plugin ( ): you simply can't let the search engines handle the text your visitors see in the search engine result pages. You can influence your click-through rate very much just by handling this one aspect of your copy.

As for the search engine optimization aspect - the description metatag can move you up a spot or two when you are in the first 5 with small to medium competition. And it only takes a minute!

4. Sitemap Generator Plugin ( ): for a small site this wouldn't be a problem, but when your page count goes over 50 indexing and maintaining a sitemap the old fashioned way just isn't viable.

This plugin is actually more valuable because it creates both an XML sitemap (like those used by Google) and a normal, HTML sitemap for your visitors.

Some of its features include: support for multi-level categories and pages, category/page exclusion, permalink support, what order to list items in and many other options.

5. List of ping sites ( ): put this great list in the Options -> Writing -> Update Services box and every time you write a new post 56 sites will link to you. This is a great way to ensure a quick indexing of every post on your site and, given enough time, get quite a few backlinks with the text anchor you choose.

Some optimizers say that blog and ping doesn't work anymore, but I do this everyday - it takes next to no time and the benefits are visible.

6. Technorati ( ) is another easy way to make your Wordpress blog known, especially to other bloggers. Still, its biggest benefit is categorizing and indexing your content.

Create an account, claim your blog and then fill in the details in the blog settings page: write up a good description and then in the "tags" section fill in the keywords that represent your blog. Try to fill all the boxes but don't spam. If you grabbed the list from no. 5 you'll have all your posts listed in Technorati, and you're going to see the benefits really soon.

Apply these tips and soon you'll be on your way to more traffic and better ranking!

Florin Costache is a Romanian webmaster that writes on search engine optimization (optimizare). He also provides Romanian site owners with top notch seo services (optimizare site)!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the most powerful aspects of Search Engine Optimization is link building. Proper link building for the purpose of rankings uses Targeting Links. Targeting Links are one of the most effective approaches, as the links pass PageRank, and are already proven to rank your competitors. The Old School terminology for this approach is called Stealing your competitors rankings.

Top SEO Companies use this method when developing top-tier marketing strategies for their clients and even their own websites. It is also the most time consuming approach to link building, but it is one of the most powerful methods of producing results.

Define your keyword targets:
Each and every link you build needs to have a keyword target when using this approach. Target a single keyword first. See whos ranking in the top ten on your favorite Search Engine (SE) for this keyword or keyword phrase. All of those sites contain your link targets. The sites that link to them, their backlinks, are more powerful than any link that is built for the sole purpose of link popularity. These are targeted links and have much more power to rank websites. Now the keyword that these sites rank for is the Anchor Text that you want to use on your link on these targeted websites.

Now that we have your keyword target, we need to consider whether the link is really a quality link, or a spam site. Determining this is harder for the layman than the experienced marketer as some sites that show in the backlinks are obvious spammers or websites that are trying to make a buck from Pay Per Click advertising. As a general rule these have low or no PageRank (PageRank 0/10), and always have a ton of ads first. Ignore these links, as they will be temporary or detrimental to this process. Finding the quality websites in your competitors backlinks is very important. You need to weed out the garbage.

Choose the websites that have some PageRank and appear to be quality sites, if you find some sites in common when checking backlinks on multiple competitors, then those are the important links, and you should do whatever you have to do to get a link from it. Consider a reciprocal if all else fails.

Now the hard part, how do you get your link on their page next to your competitor? How can you get the link to you without returning it? Since everyone is so link popularity aware, you need to present a quality proposal to the webmaster to gain a link. You need to be a quality addition for the webmaster to want to add the link. Nowadays, its rare that any site will give a link without returning one. In 1999 before the Link Popularity Search Engines, this was not the case, webmasters linked to whoever they wanted to and paid no attention to reciprocal link exchanges. So how can we get a link without returning one?

Heres a smart approach. For any link that you are targeting, you really need to try and attempt to offer the webmaster a real reason on why he should add the link. Proving that your website is a valuable resource and one-of-a-kind, is a possible way to still get a free link, and a free targeted link is a powerful link. One-way links are important for any site as it is the model of the Authority Domains. These sites have hundreds to thousands of one-way links, and very few if any reciprocal links. So you should try through whatever methods of one-way link building that you want to use, to get these targeted links without reciprocating. But a reciprocal link is better than no link.

Combine this method with blind link building (random reciprocals links), press releases and even article writing (like this one) and your site will achieve better rankings, better traffic and if your site is truly effectiveit will prosper.

About the Author: Alan Rabinowitz is the CEO of a prominent NYC SEO Company, SEO Image. Visit SEO Image for more information on Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing and Link Building.