Sunday, June 8, 2008

Online Marketing - Waiting To Be Explored

Powered by the web, marketing has taken a sudden turn and is heading at fast pace towards the digitization of all processes. There are numerous reports and findings that prove the growing dependence of marketers on web tools and carriers. The usage of these tools has made marketing strategies easier to be implemented and executed.

Starting from electronic correspondence or e-mails, the business has gone much further and today relies completely on digital tools and techniques. Whether it is spreading the awareness about a brand or provision of after sales service, web has contributed in a big way.

In the last few decades consumer behaviour has also changed for good. With secure connections and credibility maintained by large Internet companies, people have started to trust the medium and the deals online. Shopping online is no more a distant dream and the information on the Internet is more meaningful than on other media.

According to McKinsey Global Survey, the report being released on July 2007, "In 2010 just over half of all respondents expect their companies to be getting 10 per cent or more of their sales from online channels - twice as many companies as have hit that mark today. And 11 per cent expect to be spending a majority of their advertising budgets online by then."

The report further reveals the emerging vehicles, which have been put to practice by e-marketers or online marketers. Some popular ones are retail web sites, portals, blogs, wikis, podcasts, widgets, social networks, etc. With these tools and vehicles we have a whole new virtual marketplace before us waiting to be explored.

As service industry, online marketing provides an absolute package of web solutions. The various services covered in the umbrella term include search engine marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, etc. The service components keep on updating with the invention of new tools and techniques.

Once online marketing takes an upper hand, there would be heavy cuts in pricing. The marketing and advertising campaigns take a good share of the money. With low cost vehicles and platforms for marketing, the business might reconsider the pricing and lower it to benefit the audiences.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, web design services and search engine marketing over the globe.

Article Marketing-The Two Ways to Do Article Marketing

Article marketing is such a hot area online right now, and of course I like that, but I like even more the idea that it is basically fad proof. You see, the problem with most of the fads online, especially the ones that make people a lot of money, end up being automated and the cat is let out of the bag, and everybody and their uncle starts doing the fad, and after awhile it is burnt out and there is very little money left in the fad.

The thing about article marketing is that it is basically fad proof. The reason for this is that article writing cannot be automated by computers. Sure, content can be automated, but not real articles. And it is real articles that make article marketing happen. Well, at least the first half of the equation.

Real articles are the root to article generated traffic, traffic that comes directly from the article directories. People have to read the articles, and click through and if the article is some computer generated junk, then they arent going to click through. So that half is fad proof at least.

Now, the second way is that of generating backlinks by writing articles and submitting them to article directories.

Now, this has tendencies to becoming a fad, but the problem is, if the content is just computer generated, the search engines tend to eventually ban the content, so articles submitted to article directories that accept computer generated articles generally will not get indexed correctly for the article marketing purposes. This makes article marketing by sheer hard work very attractive for the person who is not chasing one get-rich-quick scheme after another, and wants to generate long term internet income.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

How To Get Quality Opt-Ins, And Lots Of Them!

I get asked this question a lot, and it's really very simple. But first before we dive into that I want to share some of my experiences and tricks that are going to help you understand the opt-in process in finer detail.

Do you think it's better to have 1000 opt-ins, or 100,000 opt-ins? What if I told you the numbers don't matter here. What if I told you that, if done correctly, you could make more sales off a list 1/10th the size of a major internet marketers list? Well let me tell you that it's incredibly easy. The bottom line is, you're looking for quality over quantity.

So how can I get more QUALITY opt-ins?

There are a few techniques that you can implement almost immediately to boost the quality of your list. First off, you want to filter out what I like to call "Freebies". These are the people who will enter in their email and name, just to get your free offer (if you're offering a free product to your prospects when they opt-in to your list) and you will never hear from them again. In fact, they may enter in a fake name and email, which really kills the quality of your list.

Tip #1 - Make sure you're list is DOUBLE opt-in!

I can't stress this enough. Most "freebies" won't take the time to confirm their subscription through an email link, so having your list double opt-in you're retaining more quality prospects that are actually interested in what you have to offer. A trick I learned from a marketing friend of mine, Brian Edmonson gave an example where he offered a free download, but you didn't have to opt-in to get it. By having the opt-in AFTER the free download, he retained more quality prospects because the only people signing up after the download we're either really interested in his product or service, or enjoyed the fact that they weren't forced into signing up and liked his genuine offer. Brian is famous for earning 15k in 7 days by promoting a new product launch to his list of only 1200 subscribers!

Tip #2 - Create curiosity through a landing page.

Your landing page is the portal to you're website. There is only 1 way though, by opting in! A landing page is key for getting lots of opt-ins. Yours should be short and mysterious in a sense by not giving the prospect too much information. You need to create a sense of urgency, a sense of 'I need to know what's on the other side of this site or my life is over!' type of urgency. I love to use video on my landing page, sometimes if the video is powerful enough, all I'll have on my landing page is a video and an opt in form! (check out my website for an example of a video landing page) The trick is to limit the number of things a user can do on a landing page. They're either going to watch the video and leave, or they're going to watch the video and opt in. There are no other choices for them to make. You can save all the information in the world for the next page, but your goal is to GET THOSE OPT-INS! THAT'S IT! Because once they're in your system, you and your autoresponder can take care of them. The more quality opt-ins you have, the more money you're going to make.

Tip #3 - Create a relationship between you and your list.

It may sound kind of cheesy, but don't ignore your list. This is your goldmine. Ignoring even a single opt-in could cost you thousands in the long run. If they don't hear from you for a month, and you all of a sudden send out an e-mail to your list promoting a product or service, first off they're going to be like 'who's this guy?' and then they'll most likely not take a look at your offer, and maybe even opt-out. Converse with them on a one-on-one basis, let them know how you're business is doing, ask them how their endeavors are going, let them know what you did on the weekend, anything to keep that bond alive. Because if they respect you, and you respect them, and treat them like people and not customers, then you're going to have a very active list. By active I mean they're going to listen to every word you say, and every offer you have to make.

Tip #4 - Promote relative products or services.

If your list consists of fellow internet marketers, don't send out an email offering them debt consolidation or Mary Kay products, you'll lose your entire audience. If you do find something that you find is useful and beneficial to the business you are in, then let your list know.

If you create a high quality, highly responsive double opt-in list, you're going to make more off each individual user than if you were to have a list 100x that of yours. Your going to have more repeat buyers if you don't try to SELL SELL SELL. Keep in touch with them, don't leave them hanging and always follow up. Everyone says the money is in the list...did you hear that? Let me repeat it. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!

Jay Milley

The 6 Figure Formula

WARNING - Reading this Article Can Result in Phenomenal Search Engine Positioning

Search engine positioning is imperative for gaining online visibility, credibility and website traffic. Call it common sense, ego gratification or simply human nature for individuals, businesses, or bloggers alike to aspire to carve their name into the #1 spot in the SERPs (search engine result pages) and firmly establish bragging rights in Google, Yahoo, MSN and countless secondary search engines.

Aside from the traffic and exposure, there is nothing quite like that top 10 feeling, even more so, if you're feeling lucky and play your cards right, you may in fact lay claim to multiple high ranking positions with tremendous daily search volume as a result of these website positioning tactics.

The sad truth about this is, working hard to achieve a competitive term can be short lived as you may celebrate your top 10 victory before going to sleep, only to wake and find your site punted to a less than satisfactory 12 positions into the nether regions of the 2nd page. Just be prepared, if you aren't defending your keep, all is fair in love and war, and as you know, the competition never sleeps.

Being at the top of the food chain has its advantages, whereas in this instance its the top of the organic listings in Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Ask, MSN and the other top tier search engines that is the prize sought by millions of proud online participants. The advantages are obvious, so without digressing into the reasons why it is important to be in the top 10 organic search results, lets take a brief look at the two types of search engine positioning that can either be (a) the greatest sense of elation you have ever felt in your adult life or (b) the reason why you lose sleep at night thinking about all the traffic you missed, from one slip off the rung.

The Two Types of Search Engine Optimization

In essence there are only two types of optimization, intentional optimization (the words and key phrases you aspire to attain) and the unintentional key phrases (otherwise known as long-tail) optimization. The first typically occurs through meticulous keyword research, building backlinks, link hunting (browsing through your competitors links and looking for patterns, similarities, tactics, etc.) as well as employing various website promotion strategies to catapult your site into the top 10.

The other type of optimization comes through semantic relationships of the keywords your pages are optimized for (or your competitors) triggering responses from search queries and giving the one with the most relevance (or backlinks with the keyword in question in the anchor text) the vote of higher search engine positioning.

One example of intentional optimization are when companies strategically purchase or use a URL with the keywords in the name. Although this is slightly off topic, it deserves a sentence or two to at least bring the tactic to light.

For the sake of elaboration, a website with a keyword in the URL typically has precedence over sites that do not have those keywords in the name (title or description). For this reason strategically it makes sense that if you wanted to rank for a term from the start, then you may wish to consider purchasing a domain with the keywords in the title. Owning the URL and not hosting your site there (just pointing at your current domain through domain forwarding) is not as effective as actually hosting your old site there and performing a 301 redirect at a new keyword-rich URL to give the new address a dose of link love and juice from your previous link building efforts. This is only one of many types of intentional optimization utilized for website positioning.

Another example of intentional optimization is through the use of deep links to give your internal pages more ranking potential from using the key phrases that comprise those internal pages as the anchor text (the text used in the link) for link building when you are developing backlinks from related or authority websites. This of course is nothing new, and when applicable you can control what is in the link instead of click here, depending on the website, if it's a directory, a press release or article. The ideal method of course is writing an article and using the author's resource box to add your leading keyword as a hyperlink to you site or in the instance that it's a blog post, you ultimately get to control the hyper link, the page it points to and the text used to link. For this reason, blogs are the hands down best choice for building links using a platform like word press which by default works wonderfully for optimization purposes if employed correctly.

In any case, this revolves around intentional optimization. The icing on the cake comes later when you realize that if you optimize enough terms that are less competitive, your site begins to move up the tail (the rungs of associated keyword combinations) so to speak and starts to rank for terms with higher relevance and traffic over time as the process gestates.

As a result, it is not uncommon to begin toppling associated key phrases, based on the strength of your content and optimization method. In laymans terms, if you are targeting a category for search engine positioning, the logical thing to do is use "exact match phrases" in the description and body copy when applicable. This creates an association with your site when those same queries are searched for online, much like a signal flare calling in the search and rescue team.

The glue between on page optimization and off page optimization is the volume and quality of the backlinks your pages receive from other websites. Controlling how your website is linked to can mean the difference between you ranking for "click here to visit" or "your main keywords", so if the links pointing at your pages happen to have those same "exact match phrases" your pages are geared toward, then guess who is going to rank higher (at least in some search engines, mainly Google based on personal experience) which is great, for intentional search engine positioning.

Another by-product is, since you know that this process is the underlying basis of ranking higher in search engines (at least for the time being, until other methods are in place to determine relevance). Then choosing the right words for link building are far more important than just making an assumption and using any old text for link development.

As an example, according to word tracker (a keyword research tool), the term search engine optimization for example has a daily search volume of 14,329 per day (which is an extremely high search volume). However if you add one word to it like search engine optimization company or search engine optimization services for example the daily search volume is 323 a day and 292 a day respectively, quite a decrease from the root phrase.

In addition to that, the competition for those terms is also proportionately less than the root phrase. So say for example that you wanted to get a piece of the action and optimize that keyword for your website, the last place you would want to start is at the top of the food chain. Its almost like a newborn hatchling trying to take on the king of the jungle, at very best its amusing and typically results in a frustrating exercise in optimization.

However, on the other hand, if you start at the bottom of the chain and work your way up, chances are you will amass numerous top 10 positions, grow your traffic organically within the realm of that keyword and unintentionally optimize several keyword combinations as a result of covering the pivotal terms (through exact match, anchor text link building) which would later be used in unison during long-tail or more specific queries from prospects performing searches.

So, ideally one should always try to start small and work your way up the chain but also try not to overuse the secondary lesser terms too much otherwise you may only be able to rank for them specifically in that exact order. One remedy is (a) use the root phrase in the descriptions and on page (b) build links with the secondary terms to cover your bases. This becomes apparent later if you try to optimize the less popular terms first and then attempt to go for the main meat and potatoes which is in my opinion more difficult.

By keeping your descriptions and titles lofty with the supreme goal in mind, when you do hit the appropriate digital density to topple the equation in your favor, your pages are already-ready-already as you grow your site into those proverbial key phrases / shoes.

So, remember, dont think like a hatchling, trying to take on a lion at this point is futile, grow your keyword list and strategically acquire rankings (one key phrase at a time) and eventually you will attain the top ranking keywords in your niche.

In the meantime, aside from discouraging others trying to figure out just how you climbed that ladder, your job is to stay ahead of the pack and keep abreast of the next emerging high search volume keywords that can rank all the way to the bank. Catch the wave in time, and you can ride it all the way to the shore and have just enough time to capitalize on it before it spirals down the chain.

Jeffrey L. Smith is an seasoned search engine optimization strategist and founder of Seo Design Solutions Seo Web Design Company in Chicago. Jeffrey has been involved in developing Internet Marketing Solutions since 1995 and brings unique optimization methods and search engine strategies for businesses seeking organic search engine positioning.

Search Engine Ranking Improvement - What You Need To Know!

Search engine ranking improvement is always a hot topic that you see being discussed on many forums and blogs through out the internet! There are some fundamental concepts associated with search engine ranking improvement. Probably the most common one is having enough quality back links to your site's pages that will help them achieve the improvement you are looking for within your content pages.

You hear a lot of "this & that" when it comes to improved rankings from people on forums claiming that there method works. You just need to be careful and always on the look out from people who "Claim that they know it all when it comes to SEO. In this article, I will explain some of the concepts you need to know for search engine ranking improvement.

As we mentioned above, in the world of search engine optimization, links are a valuable asset to your website. However, not all links are created equal! Some links carry heavier weight than others. In fact some links are almost worthless from an SEO standpoint. Its important that the pages you link to from your web pages have a high page rank from google. The difference between a high ranking web page and a low ranking web page is like this -

- A high page rank page carry's more "voting power" that is then passed onto your page once you link to it.

- A low page rank page you link to doesn't have the "same voting power" as the high page rank page does! So linking to a high page ranking site is of more benefit to your page.

Using an anchor text link is beneficial to your site too. An anchor text link includes a few descriptive words which, if click will take you to a page the words are describing. So basically in order to "bum up" a page on your site, you would simply use an anchor text link on a page and use the main keyword of the page you want to "bum up" within the anchor text. When you click the link, it will bring you to the page you are try to bum up in the search engines.

Using these strategies will help your site get good search engine ranking improvement. All you need to do it take action and you will start to see improvement over the coming weeks.

Would you like to use an SEO software tool that helps you become a better SEO and really makes a difference to your website rankings no matter what business you are in? This software is affordable, easy to use and will get you massive amounts of traffic to your site. please click on the link below to find out more.

If you would like to learn more about SEO elite, please visit

Explode Traffic with Article Marketing Campaigns that Compel Click Through

Are you searching for quick, effective, marketing strategies for your article marketing campaign? These five tips set you hard on the path to success with specific ideas and concepts created to promote your business effectively.

1. Articles on Marketing Strategies

When your articles are a direct reflection of your marketing objections, relevant content and business follows. Targeted traffic results from well written information that promotes your business. Marketing strategies promote and develop marketing position.

2. Competitive Strategies Advantage

Competitive marketing regulates your business for sales advantage by incorporating consumer strategies that promote consistent business development. Competitive marketing over a long time frame increases overall business with consistent marketing techniques.

3. Targeted marketing concepts

Seek to target your specific market with brand marketing that identifies your particular product to the consumer. This instant recognition will motivate the buyer to purchase your product above others, because it becomes their friend, giving you a constant competitive edge. This type of brand targeting is readily identifiable in many products currently available: Coca Cola, Nike, and McDonalds come to mind.

4. Public Relations Marketing

Communications strategies bring your product to the market with a diversity and recognition that out performs branding strategies lacking a public presence. Inserting a public relations campaign into your marketing strategy will maximize the consistent performance and income of your product.

5. Executive Marketing Concepts

Occasionally a business will concentrate all efforts on the products and leave the business lagging behind in recognition. If you recognize all Nike shirts as being sports shirts, but didnt realize Nike also made running shoes, you might not seek your favorite brand. But when your efforts promote Business inclusive marketing all your products become visible in the marketplace and your Business is recognized.

Heavy duty trend strategies in sales and marketing often incorporate Products into Business marketing, but ALWAYS pull the business to the product in a well targeted marketing campaign.

Are you ready to brand your business, promote your products, and bring targeted traffic to your website?

Article Marketing Strategies is available at Claim your copy today in our special offer!

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Linking to Sites

Outbound links connect your site to others in a one way fashion. After reviewing your content, visitors will appreciate the benefit of being recommended to other sites with relevant content. Using outbound links can help your web pages obtain better page rank in the search engines. When creating outbound links, you should include your keywords and give some form of description. Using a click here phrase is not going to help gain a higher rank with your web pages and will not help people know where you are attempting to direct them. To get the most benefit from outbound links, you should be linking pages that contain content you have written or created.

Reciprocal links

Reciprocal links are when you exchange your website link with someone else who has a website. The exchange of links will help to drive traffic to each other's site. Using reciprocal links is an extremely effective way to promote your website. Reciprocal links help to drive traffic to your site and improve your search engine ranking. It is imperative to accept only quality links that will potentially benefit your visitors. Look for sites that have similar interests and content with yours and that you would like to trade with. Your main focus is to try and exchange links with other popular and quality web sites. When contacting another site's webmaster, inform them that your site has a similar topic and you would like to exchange links. You should also give them a description about your site so when they provide a link, this description can be included with the link. Do your homework when looking for reciprocal links. Find the right site to do a reciprocal link exchange with. There is an abundance websites available on the internet that you can potentially get links to and from. Potential sites have content that appeals to the same visitors as your site does. Your goal should be to exchange as many quality links, without going overboard, as you can. While you are looking for links, be sure to see how much traffic the reciprocal site gets and what their page rank is. After agreeing to exchange links, check the sites that say they contain links to you. If your link is not on the site, then contact them and ask why. If there is no response, delete their link and carry on. Search engines are more receptive to text links as opposed to graphics, but you have the choice to use either one or both. Another good idea is to look at the links on the reciprocal partner's site. There is a good chance that you can link with them as well.

Pat L. started out creating a few niche sites and during that process gained huge amounts of knowledge in the website development process. You can visit for more information about developing and creating a website.