Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Using Keyword Research To Come Up With Site Strategies

Keyword research is the path to profits when done correctly. Many people, however, make the mistake of not following the path the research leads them on.

Pride can be a dangerous thing when trying to make money online. There is a tendency to think you know it all. This can be particularly deadly when doing keyword research. Why? Well, you can miss the forest for the trees as the old clich goes.

So, what do I mean by this? Well, it is first important to remember what the phrases are that you are seeing in your research. After a while, they look like anonymous blobs. They are not. They are the terms being used by people who potentially want to give you money to provide them with what they are looking for. This means you should pay close attention to what they are asking for!

Let's assume you have a site offering some type of product or service within a particular niche. This is a fairly common site. Now, you do keyword research and what do you find? The usual stuff, but also a lot of phrases including the term "reviews." This can be particularly common for big ticket items or hard to understand products such as software. People want to know what others thought before they buy.

Most product sites blow by these "review" keywords without a second thought. This is a huge mistake. These phrases are being typed by people who want to buy whatever the product or service is. Put in more direct terms, they are ready to part with their hard earned cash. They are simply trying to determine which is best.

You can take advantage of this by building out review pages for the products on your site. No, you don't have to make up reviews. Hire someone to do it or seek out general content available on the web. The reviews can be good or bad. If a product stinks, say as much. If you don't, the customer is going to have a bad impression of what you are offering.

Regardless of this example, keyword research is something you should do for any site. It gives you a glimpse of what your potential customers are seeking. That information is worth its weight in gold if you build out appropriate pages on your site giving them what they want.

Sam Alucard is with AlucardSEOServices.com - providers of SEO Services.

Getting Relevant, Effective Links!

Once upon a time a website owner looked for and secured links from other sites simply to get traffic from that site and send some traffic back for the privilege.

There was no Google, Yahoo, or MSN setting rules about reciprocal links which have now somehow become "the law."

Links were for traffic...targeted traffic.

Since, to this day, nothing does your site more good than a good, visible, relevant link from a site which caters to your perfect market base, I propose a test you can run in your marketing for a couple of months.

Get links from sites based upon factors that matter most:

1. Good content
2. Strong reader base
3. Willingness to link from a prominent place

Let the engines worry about their silly algorithms for a couple months. Pretend they are not there. I think you will be surprised when you come back and see that they actually like you more than before!

Google "banned" reciprocal linking because it was being abused and they set about to detect the abuse and rectify their rankings by giving you no love (PR) for the links you got (if you used automation and got a lot of senseless links).

The solution for you? Don't go grabbing links from link directories and non relevant sites, no matter how high their rankings or PR.

The rule is: less links, higher value, less time spent getting them.

Choosing the right sites...

Good Content

A site that does a great job on real content (not just sales material and pitches) is a great link partner.

People flock to content and appreciate it. Get your links in front of people who appreciate the content they are reading. They will be in a good mood when they hit your link.

Strong Reader Base

Does the site have an obvious following? If it's a blog, are there a lot of comments and conversations going on? Are they from today or last year?

Willingness to Link from an Obvious Place

Links need to come from pages on other sites that actually see human visitors in as high number as possible. And the owner must be willing. It shouldn't be hard to convince someone or you should move on.

Easy Ways to Get Links (Reciprocal and Non Reciprocal)

*Be a part of something. If you are in a halfway decent niche, there is a wider discussion going on around you. Are you listening, commenting on blogs, doing trackbacks, and participating in forums?

*Do content exchange rather than link exchange. Write original content for someone in your niche and host their content on your site.

*Write exclusive content for another site in your niche just for the link. If someone wrote killer content for my blog that was perfect for my visitors I'd have a hard time turning it down!

There's no better place to be than in the posts of another popular blog!

Links make the web work. Now that there is a difference between good and bad links, just focus on what would be best for your site and your readers when acquiring links. That's all Google wants after all.

Jack Humphrey is the editor of The Friday Traffic Report. For more linking and website promotion tips, head over to the Friday Traffic Report and get some free targeted traffic.

Amazing Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Authentic Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

Starting a business online is such a big task, but making people know that you and your business exist is much bigger. These days, millions of new businessmen are going online on a weekly basis, making it very challenging for everyone to get the attention of online users.

Good thing, there are several marketing and product promotional tools like article marketing that you can use in order to advertise your business, draw your potential clients to your website, and effectively convince them to do business with you.

Here are the 4 authentic methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Perform a keyword analysis. To make your articles search engine-friendly and to effectively address the needs of your potential clients for specific information, identify the most searched keywords within you target niche by using a reliable keyword suggestion tool. List down all the top performing keywords and create interesting topics around them. Don't forget to sprinkle generous amount of keywords on your titles and on your content so you articles will show up on search result page whenever relevant searches are being made by online users.

2. Deliver quality and timely information. Strive to give your readers with something new every time you submit articles online. Be always on the look out for new issues that are affecting your target niche and be sure to be the first one to write about them. By doing so, online users will surely give you credit for delivering fresh information and you can easily generate more attention online.

3. Check your resource box. This is to make sure that all the links in your resource box are working and will take your readers to the correct landing page. Too many times, publishers have to reject articles because of broken links. This can be a waste of time as you will need to edit your articles, resubmit them, and wait for another 24-48 hour review and posting time.

4. Obtain more inbound links for your website. There are actually two ways on how you can do this. First, multiply the number of your articles and submissions (each submission will guarantee you one inbound link) and second, make your articles content-rich, informative, well-written, useful, and valuable to the lives of your potential clients. By doing so, you will increase their chances of being read and republished that can bring you more inbound links.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.