Monday, April 28, 2008

Lucrative Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Latest Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is your ticket to online success. Whether you are running your own ebusiness or engaged in affiliate marketing, this amazing product and website promotional tool can help you reach your goals. All you need to do is write and distribute quality articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients and watch the traffic and online revenue going your way.

Here are the 3 latest secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Consider the publishing sites. As an article marketer, you will most likely to spend more time working with publishers in your attempt to convince them to publish your articles online. To minimize or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected, I suggest that you read and understand the terms of service of each article submission site. Though most of them have different rules and regulations, there are universal guidelines that they would like you to follow and these are: Your articles must run at least 300 words, they must be free from blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and too much keywords. In addition, they must also be well-written and content-rich.

2. Write more. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to augment your traffic and improve your search engine ranking, you must be willing to multiply the number of your output.

3. Use striking headlines. Increase your clickthrough rate by using attention-grabbing titles that can easily pique the curiosity of online users. Keep your titles short but intriguing. Direct to the point yet compelling. It would also help to make them keyword-rich so your articles will fare well on relevant searches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing And Its Benefits

The internet stores a massive amount of information and much of that is in text. To find quality content to return for search queries the search engines look for sites with test content and the more the better.

If you have ever wondered why your website is not receiving any traffic, you are probably looking for a way to increase it. Most webmasters on the internet are because they realize that traffic is what will make their site a success.

You should consider taking a two pronged approach to building links. The first method for building links is through submissions of your site to quality webs directories. Every link you get to your site is not only a vote in popularity, but also a doorway for traffic. Every quality link you can get through directory submissions will bring more relevance to your site.

How you can use article marketing.

The first way you can use article marketing is by going to article directories. If you can't write your own unique content (which is preferred) for your site, you can use the content from article directories to place on your site for content as long as you retain the authors resource box. You need the content there for the search engines to spider when they visit through all the linking pathways you created when submitting your site to quality web directories.

As we covered the internet contains a massive amount of information and people search for it every day. The more links you have pointing to your site and the more content you have on it relevant to your sites niche, the better you will rank for search engine queries.

Another way to use article marketing is by writing your own unique articles on topics related to your websites niche and submit them for publication to the best article directories. These articles will create some links to your website to increase its popularity and with each link comes another doorway for traffic to find you.

When you write and publish these articles, you are also letting the public know you have expertise and knowledge on the subject. To get the reader's attention, give them a quality, well written article filled with information.

Build links through quality directory submissions to increase your sites popularity and create doorways to traffic and search engines. Then use article marketing to provide quality on site content for the search engines to spider when they arrive. The more quality web directories you submit your site to, the more articles content you provide on your site and the more articles you submit for publication on article directories, the more search engines will love your site.

These are some of the key elements to creating traffic and building a successful website. You can have the best website on the internet, but without proper promotion your visitors will never find you. If they do not find you, they cannot use the services that you provide.

Now it is time to get started.

Gain an online presence for your Website by getting listed on The Authority Website Directory. Then make sure to read our latest article Explaining the Hybrid Vehicle.

Almost Criminal Article Marketing Secrets That Will Produce Astounding Results

There are many different ways that you can market a product. Article marketing is one of my favourite ways and in this article I am going to explain why.

One of the biggest hurdles to succeeding online is generating trust. Usually this will be about seventy percent of the reason that somebody will buy from you.

As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only buy from other people that they like, know and trust. So many people online make this very important mistake. They put up a sales page and think that people will immediately flock to them and buy. However, many of the successful internet marketers today spent years building their name and credibility up.

So your number one goal to be successful online is get people to think of you as an expert. This will dramatically boost your conversion rate.

Now this is what makes article marketing such a powerful method of site promotion. It allows you to build trust with people and people who like your articles will read them consistently. In normal marketing like ppc and classified adverts you do not get the opportunity to build this trust.

So with article marketing before the reader has even visited your sales page they will have a significant amount of trust. This ultimately means that your conversion could be ten times better than advertising in other sources.

Finally, by writing good quality articles and submitting them frequently to article directories you will build a loyal following many of who will automatically purchase products.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - The Ugly Truth About Getting Thousands Of Visitors To Your Website!

Are you just starting your online marketing adventure? If yes, you are going to discover the best way to write killer articles that earn you a nice and steady income all during the year.

Do you want to find out a simple and effective method to build a list of thousands of subscribers, drive hordes of traffic to your website and make sales in the front and backend?

It's easy, just write short articles and give them away. That's it.

Writing articles and giving them away for free is the best thing you can do for your business. It's a short and long term strategy.

1. Short term strategy

Whenever you submit your articles to the top directories such as ezine articles, article dashboard and buzzle, you will get instant traffic. Once your articles are approved, you will receive visitors and many of them will click on the link that you put in your bio box.

What is a bio box?

It's the "about the author" byline. If you have a website about forex, you could write a bio box like this:

"John Doe is the owner of the powerful Forex trading software. To discover how you can earn thousands of dollars trading currency exchange, download his free report - How to generate 180 pips every single day on complete autopilot - today!"

Anyone reading your article and interested in the forex market will want to click to learn more.

2. Long term strategy

After a while, your article will only get a few visitors a month from the directory itself, but here come the good news. Your traffic will come from the search engines like Google, Yahoo and msn.

Plus the publishers who added your articles to their web pages will also drive traffic to your site for years to come.

Do you see how powerful it is? And even better, this traffic generation method is ultra cheap. You don't even need to pay a cent.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

4 Reasons Why You Need Testimonials to Sell More

The other day I was writing a sales brochure for a West Coast manufacturer. As I got to what Ill call the proof section of the brochure, I was rummaging around for testimonials. The company already had a full-blown Web site and a solid PowerPoint presentation. So I was hopeful that Id find some ready made testimonials or at least some material I could use to create some.

As it turned out, they had one case study with a couple of customer quotes. I pieced together the material to create one measly testimonial. It was less than adequate.

Well, maybe its no big deal. After all, I wrote strong copy. Why even bother with testimonials? Ill give you four good reasons.

1. Credibility

Testimonials give your company, product, or service credibility. Everyone is bombarded with advertising messages every day. Its a brutal marketplace. If you want to sell something to somebody, you stand a much better chance if you can convince them that youre credible. Testimonials are like references on a resume. Theyre the people who vouch for you.

2. Identification

Your prospects identify with your customers who are providing the testimonials. They have similar concerns, problems, hopes and desires. They commiserate. This is good. You want this in your marketing. (Sorry, but your prospects dont identify with you. Not really. Youre trying to sell them something!)

3. Proof

Proof, alone, is reason enough to gather and use testimonials. This is where your customers say, in effect, Theyre right, Mr. or Ms. Prospect. They can save you 50% ... or make you feel 18 again ... or make you enough money to retire at 50. They did it for me and Im thrilled! Testimonials notarize your marketing speak.

4. Closure

Testimonials help close the sale. Sure, they can be used throughout a marketing piece. But they definitely come in handy toward the end. Youve introduced the problem or need, your product or service, the features and benefits, and more. Then you line up your testimonials, all the customers whose heads are nodding and saying, Yep, it worked for me. Soon after, you ask for the order.

For many reasons, testimonials give your prospects the confidence they need to buy from you for the first time. And once your prospects turn into new customers, the door to repeat sales swings wide open.

(c) 2005 Neil Sagebiel

Neil Sagebiel is a former senior copywriter for a Seattle B2B ad agency and publisher of a monthly ezine, Headlines from Floyd.

How to Make Money Writing Online Articles

If you've ever wondered how you can make money on the Internet, I'm going to show you a way not many people realize is making those inclined a very substantial living.

If you're a budding writer then hopefully this article will point you in the right direction with some ideas that may excite you into action!

Writing articles would have to be one of the easiest ways to earn a sizable amount of cash on autopilot. There are many ways you can be paid for doing this. The first way that comes to mind is free-lancing. The demand is high for good writers out there today and you can earn a lot by simply writing content for others.

Secondly, (and this is my favorite) is writing for yourself. You can promote almost anything! Your website, affiliate products, or a preference of mine opportunities. As soon as you have found something you are passionate about, you can use your writing skills to promote it. Just start writing short articles. Write reviews of your company's products, even product comparisons. Give helpful advice on using the products or supply information about the industry that is being targeted.

The idea is to target that market with your articles, all the while directing them to your website or through an affiliate link. So create the article content on something that you are passionate about! Submit those articles to popular article directories around the Net and you are good to go!

I hope this article has given you a game plan on how to write article and earn money. One of the easiest ways to generate an income is getting paid to write. You can do it from just about anywhere in the world.

All you need is a computer and motivation!

Discover how a lazy surf bum cracked the 50k a month code with the Reverse Funnel System today. Also, check out the Reverse Funnel System Blog

Article Marketing - The Shocking Truth

Do you know the truth about article marketing? Article Marketing is one of the most powerful ways of creating a flow of traffic to your website, but you should know the whole truth.

If you are looking for a shot in your wallet over night then you are going to be disappointed. Article marketing is not designed to create this kind of income.

The major benefit of article marketing is longevity. The articles that you write today will serve you long into the future. In time you will find that the traffic visiting your website this month may have been generated by an article you wrote 3 months, 6 months, or more than a year ago. It is said that the older a fine wine is the better it gets. Article marketing works in much the same way. The longer you have been writing articles the more traffic will generated.

No, article marketing will not cause your bank account to grow by a number of zeros over night. You will see the zeros but they will come over time.

Think of article marketing kind of like a $1 membership site. The first month you get 100 subscribers. I know $100 per month does not sound like much but think of the growth over a six month period. The second month another 250 members join. Then 500 the third month, another 500 the fourth, 750 the fifth, and on the sixth month another 1000 join your membership site. You have grown from a mere $100 the first month to $3100 in the sixth month. This type of site has a cumulative effect. So does Article Marketing.

I know from experience that article marketing can be a bit frustrating in the beginning. Sometimes it seems like you are working so hard and seeing nothing in return. To be honest I hated it and almost quit on more than one occasion. When you are using article marketing as your entire source of advertising there is a virtue that you either must have or must develop and that is patience.

I set a goal for myself by deciding that I wanted 1000 articles published in one years time. Then I divided that number by 260 (52 weeks divided by 5 work days per week) and came up with a total of 4. Therefore I need to write a minimum of 4 articles per day.

Writing is the hardest but most important part. Decide how many articles you need per day and make sure you write them. Be consistent. Be diligent. Be disciplined. Be successful.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can please visit

Affiliate Marketing Without A System Is Like Playing Golf Without The Clubs

Its never been a better time to be an affiliate marketer, with the combination of millions of new people coming online every year and the new found trust in purchasing online, the opportunities are limitless! Yes, there's competition, but all you need to be, is a little better than the next affiliate marketer and 90% of affiliates don't make anything.

Affiliate internet marketing is creating new millionaires every year! How would you like to be an online millionaire working from home in your pj's? Affiliate marketing is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to make huge cash online, for several reasons.

1. Easy and fast start up, with little or NO cost.

2. You do no need your own product

3. You do not need to be a super geek!

4. You don't need an office, just use your bedroom, you're also allowed to wear your PJ's while at the office!

5. No employees

6. No overheads

7. The products you promote will all have their own sales system, built to sell, sell, sell, all you need to do is drive traffic to the offer.

8. No dealing with customers (you may have the best product in the world, but there will still be unhappy customers)

9. The product owner deals with refunds so you can just get on with the job of promoting the product.

10. Eventually you will have product owners begging you to promote their products and offering you unbelievable commissions to do so.

An affiliate marketing system is essential, once you have your system, repeat, repeat and repeat, most affiliates fail because they start promoting with a system, get no sales in the first week, then quit, Doh! Relentless determination is what you need, put that ingredient with a great system and success is guaranteed.

People attempt affiliate marketing and at the same time try and reinvent the wheel! You really don't need to. There are super affiliate marketers who have made all the mistakes and have systems in place that work. Once you have a system that works, you are set for a very exciting time online.

There are people making millions in affiliate marketing commissions, with niche affiliate marketing. The two things they have in common are determination and an incredible affiliate marketing system.

Once you have a successful system, you can start repeating the process again and again, pretty soon you will find product owners searching you out and offering you obscene amounts of cash to promote and sell their products.

The next stage from here is when you create your own product and you move on from the super affiliate status to the super affiliate guru status! A super affiliate guru is someone who all affiliate marketers turn to for advice and guidance. The reasons are many, but the main one being, the super affiliate guru will have an amazing affiliate marketing system.

If you are considering affiliate marketing or are already marketing as an affiliate, you're in the right business. Good luck.

Linden Huckle is the owner of Let Linden show you how to launch 6 automated affiliate income streams, that all provide monthly residual income: