Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Reliable Methods to Advance with Article Marketing

If you have been using article marketing in promoting your products or website but can seem to generate the kind of interest and traffic that you were hoping for, let me help you increase the benefits you get - from increased page views, improved sales potential, and higher page ranking - by tenfold. Just follow these 5 reliable methods and you'll surely advance in this technique:

1. Anchor text vs. absolute URL. What are you using in your resource box? Based on studies and researches, the use of anchor text is more effective that using absolute URL. Aside from the fact that they look good on human eyes because they are based on keywords, they are also favored by search engines.

2. Make your articles scannable. Online users do have little time to spare when they search for information online. They appreciate articles that are scannable so they can easily skim through the information without spending so much time reading the whole article. Break your articles into short paragraphs and use bullet list to make your articles not only scannable but also easy on the eyes.

3. Maximize your resource box. Most article submission sites will allow you to use up to three hyperlinks on your author box. Take advantage of this to increase the chances of your website's URL being clicked.

4. Keep your resource box short. Remember, you are not writing another article. Keep it simple and direct to the point. Include your name, your expertise, and your "bait" - or the reason why readers should visit your website.

5. Give your articles compelling teasers. These will be shown, together with the titles of your articles, when an online user searched for your keywords. Tell your potential readers what is your article all about and how they can benefit from reading it.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Six Tips You Must Follow For Better Article Marketing

Marketing with articles is an easy and profitable endeavor, if done correctly.

Follow these 6 tips to dramatically improve your article writing marketing skills:

1. Not everyone writes well enough to convince readers to act. You should have someone evaluate your articles and give you honest feedback on their reaction. If the feedback is negative and you feel you can't write better, you can pay a ghostwriter to write your articles for you at a few dollars a pop. However, the more you write, the better you'll get. So, keep working at it.

2. Take the time to test your author's resource box. Write a few different versions and see which seems to draw in more visitors to your the site you are pointing your reader to. Allow enough trials to make sure it is your resource box content that is working and not just the article itself. Test it until you have around 500 views for each version before you change anything.

3. If people aren't visiting your website like you want, something isn't working within your articles. Try changing your resource box. Compare yours to other authors' articles that write about similar topics. Can you change something to make it work better? Use others as a reference.

4. Many article directories do not allow software submitters. Manually submit to the best sites and hire a submission company to submit to the rest. Don't use the software intended for this unless you feel it is completely necessary. Quality always outweighs quantity.

5. Schedule a designated amount of time to write and submit articles into your work schedule. It can be daily, every few days, weekly, etc. If you want a lot of links in a short period of time, try submitting an article every day for an entire month. After that month, it doesn't matter whether you submit one on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule. The important thing is that you take action and actually do write and submit on a regular basis. Do Something!

6. Spelling and grammar are more important than you may realize. Never submit an article until you have checked it at least twice for spelling errors and grammatically incorrect sentences. Don't allow these two things to be your downfall. Spelling errors are an article reviewers pet peeve and they will make you correct them before they accept it.

For more tips on better article marketing, download my free report titled Lazy Man's Guide To Writing Articles

Internet Marketing Advanced Strategies - There Are Only 3 Ways To Make More Money!

To make more money on the Internet, you only need to follow three simple steps. If you do this, you will make more money, there is no doubt about it.

I've read countless books and articles during my last two years on the Internet searching for a way to make more money, and the results of my research is the following.

In Internet marketing, the more you do doesn't necessarily mean the more money you will make. You need to use synergy to make more money.

Believe me, it's not obvious. It took me two full yeas to understand that simple thing.

Do you want to know what these three steps are?

1. Increase your market rich

This is the most simple way to make more money. All you need to do is finding more customers. You may want to add a new traffic generation method to your arsenal.

You need to find more potential customers. This is what everybody try to do first. And it also one of the first reason people fail online. I talk more about this in my advanced series.

2. Increase your lead conversion

This is a little bit harder to achieve. Once you found your potential clients, you need to convert more of them into customers. And this where people fail to make a full time income online.

You need to test and track everything.

3. Increase the lifetime value of your customers

You need to get your paying customers to buy more of your products. Many people make the mistake of selling only one product to their buyers. This is why less than 5% of the Internet marketing community make a living online.

It's amazing to see that most of the Internet marketers don't even know the meaning of lifetime value.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

How To Use Bum Marketing As Part Of Your Online Strategy

One of the most popular money making concepts on the internet today is Bum Marketing. When you first come across the term 'Bum Marketing' you are likely to be a little taken aback by the terminology. A quick Internet Search will let you in on the background and the concept behind this term - that it is a method of making money online so simple that the Author believes be can take a Bum off the street and have him earning money by the end of the week.

The 'Bum Method' really is that simple. You simply find a keyword that does not have a high level of competition, but attracts a reasonable number of searches. Write an article that is bound to appeal to the people searching for that term, and insert an affiliate link into the article before submitting it to article sites. Article sites are special content sites that accept submissions from many different authors and as a result of their high levels of updated content; they attract a huge amount of attention from the search engines. If someone clicks through your affiliate link and goes on to make a purchase, you get a commission for the sale. Even better, the article is out there for years after you complete it, meaning it could be earning you commissions well into the future!

To begin the process you need to find an affiliate program, and then find a word or key-phrase that is related to the product you are promoting. Selecting your keyword is important because you want to find one that people are searching for regularly, and that advertisers are using. Why look for one that advertisers are already using? The goal of a bum marketing article is to go straight to the top of the natural search engine results. The advertisers are paying money through Google Adwords to be listed at the top, so we know they are earning something back, but with a Bu marketing Article we can get on the first page for free! The lower the number of competing results, and the higher the number of ads the greater earning potential a BUM article has.

Once you have the keywords, it's time to write an article that will be noticed by the readers of ezine sites, and by the search engines. The key here is to have your article be rich in original content, and also provide value to those who read it. Tips tricks and insights are the most popular types of articles, and lead to a higher rate of click trough's. By making small changes to the way you do things you will strike on the formula that brings people back again and again for more sales.

Once your article is published on one of the more popular sites like ezinearticles.com or goarticles.com, you will find the amount of traffic to your website improves quickly. You may even find your article becomes syndicated, which will greatly increase the traffic through your back link.

Whether you use Bum Marketing as your only method of online marketing, whether you use it to test the waters in the online world, or whether you use it as a stepping stone to test your keywords before moving them to a pay-per-click campaign, Bum Marketing is a cheap and easy way to start your online earnings.

Well there you have it. A brief article, on bum marketing. How we use it to earn extra income. I trust you found something beneficial and/or informative to help you in your online ventures.

Walter Scheu Sr. Th. D. writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina. This article is about a affiliate marketing and how they did it, and he knows these tips work well! Hopefully you have found this article informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please follow this link: http://the-winning-affiliate-marketer.com

Million Dollar Resource Box

Writing articles can be a very profitable exercise if you focus on the details. One of the most important details of your article is the authors Resource Box. Many authors mistakenly use it to market themselves. They talk about their education, their background, and their accomplishments. Unless you are a famous individual, no one really cares where you went to school, where you grew up, or any of your fabulous accomplishments. Dont waste precious space in the Resource Box to brag. If you feel a need to tell people how great you are, write about it in an article and see how many page views you get. Ive researched over a thousand articles and the number one reason that many writers fail to make money with their articles is due to a flawed Resource Box.

In the ideal Resource Box, you should tout three things: your website, one of your own promotional items, and an affiliate program. Ive seen countless articles that did not even mention a website.

The article is written to benefit the public, the Resource Box is written to compensate the author. Many authors have one Bio that they use for every article they submit. This is a big mistake. When I finish writing an article, I dont step away from the computer until I complete two Resource Boxes. A plain text version for sites that do not accept html in their articles, and an html version for sites that accept the a href command. If a site says that they will allow html in their article, I will submit the html version. If the site does not specifically state that they will accept html, or if they say that they will strip it out, I submit the plain text version.

Your targeted Resource Box should contain just three or four sentences. None of them will contain information about you.

Sentence 1) If you have a domain with a catchy name, make sure you use it instead of an html (a href) link. This sentence will contain a link or URL pointing to the opt-in (or squeeze) page on your website. In order to entice the reader to click, you will offer them incentives such as free downloads, free ebooks, or a free report of some kind.

Sentence 2) If the site permits it, use hyper-linked text for this and the following sentences. In this sentence, include a link or URL offering one of your own money-making products.

Sentence 3) If you wish, you can say a few words about how great your website is and the benefits of using it.

Sentence 4) This is the last sentence; provide a link or URL to an affiliate program you are promoting.

By using this format for your Resource Box, you will be compensated quite nicely for your articles.

Download our FREE REPORT on making money writing articles and receive tons of free articles, reports, information, and downloads. Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.

Article Marketing - Discover 3 High Impact Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

With so many entrepreneurs going online, making a mark in the internet arena becomes more and more challenging. As a marketer, you need to find effective ways so people will notice you and consider purchasing from you.

One of the best ways to advertise your business these days is through writing and submitting your articles online. You can write about your chosen niche, the problems that are affecting your target market, your products, and your business to communicate your specialized knowledge. When people see you as someone who is a great source of information, they will surely click on your resource box and they will instantly become your potential clients.

Here are the 3 high impact ways to improve your article marketing:

1. Consider your readers. Keep your potential clients when writing your articles. What do they want to see on your content? What are the problems they are currently experiencing and what solutions can you offer? Are there questions that they need to be answered to better understand their current situation? How do they want the information to be presented? The more you know about your readers, the more effective you will become in writing content that is targeted to their needs and demands.

2. Be productive. One of the best ways to succeed in article marketing is to multiply the number of your articles. Why? Because the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. That would literally mean more traffic and improved sales potential for you.

3. Make your articles easy to understand. If you are presenting new concepts that can be quite difficult to understand, use metaphors, examples, analogies, or images so your readers can easily visualize your ideas.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - A New Marketing Resource that's the YouTube for Authors and Entrpreneurs

Remember how YouTube came along and just took over in a such short period of time?

Wouldn't it have been great to be on the ground floor of YouTube?

Now you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what I'm calling YouTube for article writers, authors and entrepreneurs. It's called Free IQ - The Marketplace for Ideas. I just found out about it a few weeks ago and already have several audios, articles e-books up, and will probably have more things up by the time you read this.

Advantages of Free IQ

Brad Fallon and crew have come up with a great idea over at Free IQ. There are several great advantages with Free IQ -

  • You can put up video, audio, and the written word in pdf form.
  • You can offer it for fr'ee AND you can charge for it!
  • And it's still in beta testing so you can get started before it is even launched!
The pdf converter I use is Adobe Acrobat. Now that is a fairly expensive piece of software. The last time I checked in the stores, it was over $300. When I bought mine 3 years ago, I got it on eBay for $82. This is a nice insider tip for you - when you want to buy a piece of software, check eBay first.

You can get a fr'ee pdf converter at pdf995.com

Think about it - you can use video, audio and text to market your services to the world.

I recommend that you check it out.

You can get your fre'e account at Free IQ by going to http://www.FreeiQ.com/articleguy

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy