Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SEO Tips For Beginners

The purpose of Search engine optimization is to bring your website up and most viewed. Its aim is to make your website more viewed and more promoted. But unfortunately there are many website makers who are unaware of the purpose and benefit of SEO. A website that doesn't appear to the level of SEO requirements is useless.

There are a few points that are to be considered related to SEO. First thing to be noticed is the keyword. A keyword is a term or phrase that relates the visitor to your website via the search engine. The keyword defines your website. Its purpose is to make your website appear before the visitor at his search. For example if you are a real estate agent, then you will place the word real estate agent in your website a couple of times.

This will make the visitor reach your website. You will make it more clearly by more keywords. For example if you are a real estate agent of London, you will place more words of real estate agent of London. Thus it is very important to place all of the keywords in your homepage so that the search engines would situate most of the visitors to your website. The value of keywords is highly important because it makes the search engine locate you every time and this benefices you to get most of the viewers.

It is a fact that many of the webmasters are unaware of the SEO importance. For the beginners it is very necessary to know that SEO is a term that is backbone for any website. A website has to be viewed by major of the search engines among them is most fabulous Google. The search engines like Google, Msn, Yahoo and Lycos have to be linked first. These are the search engines that are used throughout the world in major. It is a good point to be linked and observed by these search engines. It is possible by following their guidelines; these guidelines are refreshed and updated on a regular basis, so you must read and acknowledge your self with these guidelines on a regular basis.

The backward links is also a way to gain more and more attention of search engines. The SEO experts say that obtaining more and more links is the gateway to higher ranking in the prominent search engines. An easy way to come on eyes of search engine is the article marketing. You can get most of the backward links through article marketing.

The article marketing has proved to be a great source for backward links and it will continue to be great in future as well for the beginners. The beginners finally should observe to get more backward links to obtain more and more high ranks in the search engine for the purpose of promotion of their websites.

This article is submitted by Nasrullah A. Mardani. A SEO at Rankerz SEO

Google AdWords - Earn Money on the Internet From Your Campaign

Earning money on the internet often means advertising. When it comes to return on investment, pay per click advertising is one of the most effective methods to generate traffic to your website. Frequently, those who click on pay per click ads are in the buying rather than browsing category. There are numerous pay per click platforms out there, but Google AdWords is the most popular.

Why use pay per click? If your are not showing up for some important keywords or if your site is entirely commercial and offers little or no content then pay per click is an advertising model that you may want to consider.

Google AdWords enables advertisers to place their ads in the right hand column of search results, instead of offering placement in the organic search engine results. It allows work at home sellers to reach their target market in other networks (search networks) such as Ask.com, AOL, and Netscape.

While Google AdWords is a handy tool for marketers who want to increase their conversion rate, like all tools, it has to be used properly if it is to be effective. You need to manage your ad campaign carefully if you want success with Google AdWords. This means carefully paying attention to the following elements.

Keyword Selection: You want to choose relevant keywords that your buyer might use but they also have to accurately reflect your website's offer. As a general rule, it is recommended that you avoid using broad or vague keywords.

For instance, if you sell skiing equipment avoid the keyword "skiing." These types of keywords will not help you earn money on the internet or working online, because users who search with these types of keywords are in the browsing phase. You want to attract serious buyers. Thus, keyword phrases and keyword variations such as "red skiing outfit" or "red skiing outfits" will be more effective.

Proper keyword selection requires research. There are quite a few keyword research tools available. Most work from home marketers use nichebot.com which charges a monthly fee and Keyword Elite which only charges a one time fee.

Keyword bidding: Bidding can get out hand, when it comes to Google AdWords. You need to carefully consider your budget and your business goal. Believe it or not bidding on the top spot can hurt your campaign more than help it.

Studies show that internet users click the number one spot out of impulse not necessarily because they are interested in your offer. So while you may receive a great deal of visitors you're not receiving quality visitors that is-people who want to buy. The third, forth or even fifth position are more effective if you want to earn money on the internet or working online.

Writing ad copies for selected keywords: Your ad has to be compelling and clearly spell out the benefits of visiting your site. You only get a few seconds to convince someone to click on your ad so make sure your ad is concise, avoids repetition and identifies what is unique about your offer.

Google AdWords can greatly improve your conversion rate, if you take the time to research relevant keywords for your site and write an ad copy that entices the reader to click on your ad.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on earning money on the internet please visit his "Top Ranked" Earn Money On the Internet Directory which gives you all the information you need to Work From Home in the 21st century.

Article Marketing - One of the Very Best Ways to Market Your Articles

Article marketing is a largely misunderstood concept. Most article writers and marketers wrongly think that the only way to market your articles is to put them on the article directories.

While putting your articles on the article directories is a great way to market your articles, it is not the only way.

My goal in marketing my articles

My goal in marketing my articles and those of my students and mentees is to get my article in front of as many people as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

One of the best ways is to take your articles and create a multi-day ecourse. It is a universally understood tenet of marketing that you need to get your message or offer in front of someone anywhere between five to eight times in order for them to know, like and trust you and to buy from you.

So you can let potential customers read one of your articles one time, or you can let the read many of your articles or parts of one article over several days. Let's see - get one shot at your prospect or get many shots at your prospect. An easy call when you look at it in this way.

If you have written a seven tips article, all you have to do is make each tip one section of the multi-day ecourse. You can offer it for free and include links to various offers, or you can charge for your ecourse like my multiple streams of article income ecourse.

You can check out my multiple streams of article income ecourse at http://www.MultipleStreamsofArticleIncome.com

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Keyword Density Tools Why You Need To Use Keyword Density Tools

The first thing you need to consider when building your website or writing an article is to decide the keyword density you are targeting. This vital component is crucial for ranking well in the search engines, probably the best source of free website traffic. You will want to rank well in the search engines for the keywords you are targeting as it will cost you nothing but a little time and effort.

Keyword density tools are useful tools to use to see your keyword density. It is widely accepted that there is no secret keyword density percentage that will get you to the top of the search engines. Typically, a keyword density of 2% to 10% should be good enough. Dont go over 10%, as your site may be deemed to be keyword spamming by the search engines.

It is important to invest some time to decide which keywords you want to target. This will enable to use the keyword tool to see whether you are getting the results you want. Try to use keywords which do not have too much competition on the search engines. You do not waste all your time writing content only to find that your website will not rank well in the search engines after all!

Another important factor is not to choose too many keywords to target. This will make your content unreadable if it is loaded with too many words appearing too many times. Make your content easy to read for your reader.

So use keyword density tools, they really help save a lot of time. But the really important part may be choosing the right keywords.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - A Unique Concept Of Online Marketing

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. However, most of these methods would definitely cost hundreds of dollars. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. For generating more and more traffic for your web site, it is important that you understand the concept of marketing.

Many authors waste their time producing hundreds of articles which do not attract the desired traffic. It is not that those articles are inferior or that they are poorly written. It is just that those authors fail to understand the importance of marketing in the field of writing. This article will throw light on the concept of 'marketing of articles'. I am sure that with proper guidance, you can definitely make your articles salable.

The Internet has become one of the most visited places in the whole world. It has a enormous amount of information about almost anything and everything thank you can think of ! There are three different types of information that can be given over the internet, these there type are video, audio and text. Even tough many people do not read the whole text of all articles they do extract information that is relevant to their search.

Be aware, of course, that web sites which have attracted a better "page-rank" on a search engine will be able to bring in a great deal more casual traffic. The importance of programs such as Search Engine Optimization cannot be understated. "SEO" programs are vital for providing efficient article marketing, so long as your article features the correct keywords.

If you want your article to be popular, you must give it a great title. Do not use "search engine spam techniques." The concept of article marketing is an easy one to understand if you are ready to put in some time and effort.

The internet offers many opportunities to learn various skills for free including the techniques of article marketing. One such aspect of article marketing is the writing of unique articles that offer unique content. Plagiarism is totally taboo of course along with the habit of using obscure words unlikely to be understood by the average reader.

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. It is important that you understand the concept of marketing. There are many web sites, which teach you the concept of article marketing for free. Writing unique articles is also a smart technique. Make sure that every article you write is free of plagiarism or in other words, it has unique content. Do not use words, which are difficult to understand.

5 Simple Steps to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic in as Little as 30 Days For Free

Step 1: Write and distribute articles. Publishing articles online using a free service such as EzineArticles or Articlesbase will help boost your search engine ranking, making you more accessible to prospects who search terms related to your industry. Search engines love content-rich websites that are updated often.

In addition, the more you have other websites linking back to your website, the better chances you have for higher search engine placement. Article distribution services help this cause by making it easy for publishers to upload your writing for use in their newsletters or websites, meaning any links to your website reach an even larger audience.

Step 2: Use the link building and link exchange approach. As stressed in Step 1, the more text links you have directed to your website, the better chance you have of receiving higher search engine placement. So make it your objective to get your website listed on as many relevant websites as possible.

If you want to make this task really simple, there are companies such as Professional Link Building that will provide you with relevant links back to your website for free. As a bonus, your home page will be indexed on Google within 48-72 hours.

Step 3: Write and distribute press releases. Not only is a properly written press release a cost-effective and efficient means for getting your news to a large audience, it can help drive traffic to your website, especially when circulated online. A distribution service can help deliver your press release to a wide online audience.

Companies such as PRLeap will even distribute your release for free. Youll always want to include your websites URL in any press release. That way whenever its posted online, youll have another one-way link back to your website.

Step 4: Make use of social media. If you havent done so already, create a blog for posting articles, press releases and news about your business. There are multiple ways for creating your first blog one of the easiest options is Blogger. Best of all, its free. With Blogger, you can be online in less than five minutes. Once your blog is functional, be sure to visit Technorati to claim your blog. This will help with your search engine ranking and make it easier for online visitors to find your postings.

Also, why not create videos to help promote your company and demonstrate your knowledge? Todays technology has made creating and sharing videos easy and free. Check out YouTube or Google Video to post and help generate ideas for your next video. (While youre making a video, you may want to consider creating a podcast as well.)

Step 5: Post comments in forums. Do you frequently have an opinion for just about any topic? Use this trait to your advantage by seeking out forums with information similar to the topics covered on your website. Post your comments and include a link back to your website in your signature.

The increasing popularity of social media makes it as easy as ever to find articles, blog postings, videos and podcasts. Again, check out Technorati as well as websites such as Digg and ContentPop for information you can comment on that is relevant to the topics on your website.

* Due to link restrictions, URLs are not included with many of the suggested websites. A simple Google search for the websites mentioned in this article should reveal the URLs.

Tom Trush is a commercial copywriter based in Phoenix, Arizona. Receive writing tips, tricks and suggestions by signing up for his free newsletter at http://www.writewaysolutions.com

Matt Cutts On Article Marketing

Article marketing has just become an even more powerful form of web promotion. This well known, tried and tested web marketing tool, had, in some people's eyes, lost part of its value in recent years. Article marketing in now back in fashion however, as Google have started to clamp down on paid links and excessive reciprocal links. No longer are people able to just buy their way to the top, it is now the grafters, people like you and me, who are willing and happy to produce quality content for the web, that will once again rise to the top of those all important rankings - let the good times roll.

My name is Steve Hill; I have seen very positive results from this form of web marketing and often advise people that this is how, in my opinion, they should go about promoting their website/s. So often in the past these people have stated that they do not have the time to write and submit articles, or that why should they start to write when they can just purchase a pr7 backward link on ebay for three months to gain the same results? I always found it hard to answer that question, but Matt Cutts and his crew have now made it a whole lot easier.

Certain people will still take chances on purchasing backward links, perhaps they are lazy, perhaps they are stupid! Why take the risk? If you set yourself a goal to write say twenty articles per month, you will soon see your site moving up the rankings. Yes it is hard work, it is quite boring work at times, and yes it will take time to have an effect, but have an effect it will.

Some people argue that article marketing does not work due to duplicate content. This would be true if you were also including the same article that you have submitted to sites like ezinearticles, on your own website, but let's face it, that would be rather daft!

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

cheaper telephone calls
dvd replication

How To Get Free Targeted Traffic Through Your Resource Box

Throughout the years many people have learned the secrets of search engine optimization. More and more sites are getting massive results on getting free targeted traffic to their sites. Some people even had articles as their only source of Traffic.

But how do you get traffic from an article? The answer is simple. It is called a resource box. A resource box is something you put a link and then people can click it. Make sure the the site that you are wanting them to go to is relevant to the article that you make.

Like the article, a resource box must also be eye-catching and want the reader to click on the link. If you reader likes you article chances are they will click on the link to find out more about the certain topic you were writing on. This is where the resource box comes handy.

A good thing to put in your resource box is a key word. This, in return, will help you rank higher in the search engines as well as triggering the reader to click on your link. Another tip would be to not mislead your readers. You don't want to send them to a place they will click off of. Instead try sending them to a good looking website so they will stay longer and hopefully buy something.

This little resource box is one of the most important tools to have in getting traffic to your site. You should not take this lightly at all. Try to make the resource box as you have a great deal to offer. If you follow these steps they'll be no reason why someone would want on your website and you will get plenty of free targeted traffic day in and day out.

Get all the help you need to make money from home for free. Easy internet marketing tips and secrets from author and internet marketing instructor Max Whitson. To learn these secrets and more please visit http://www.makegreenfromhome.com

How to Streamline Your Article Marketing Process

I write a lot of articles - so I have developed a system that works really well for me, and allows me to write and submit as many as 20 articles on some days (I average about 7.5 articles per day, but that is usually days of 20-30 and days of zero, but the average for the month is currently about 7.5 articles per working day).

Here's how I do it:

1) I determine how many articles I am going to write today. For example, if it is 10, then I write a list (in a word processor) of ten topics. Then I transform each of the topics into a title. Generally, I do both of those steps at the same time - I just write the topic as a title. That takes about 5 minutes. (By the way, I have a list of about 100 keywords that I have previously researched, plus I have about 25 different categories in ezinearticles that I write articles for, so if I hit a roadblock on topics, I just consult one of those lists; I do not like to spend time on this step).

2) Then I just start writing - one sitting - all ten articles. This is my process for writing each article:

a) I write an introductory sentence that tells the reader something basic about my topic. Then I write a sentence or two either outlining the problem that exists for which I am writing the article to solve, or I will write a sentence explaining why it is so important that I am writing about this topic.

b) I write a series of steps to solve the problem, very similar to this list. Sometimes I use 1,2,3 or a,b,c, and sometimes I use a paragraph for each step.

c) I summarize the steps, or the reason for doing the steps.

d) I consider this step to be one of the most important. I indicate that one of the things that really helps me with this problem is one of the things that I am going to write about in one of the downloads I offer at the end of the article. This provides a transition to my call to action in my bio.

3) I submit one article to the list of directories, then the next article. With the short list of directories, you should get to where it takes no longer than 60 seconds to upload each article.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1487 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Responsive Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as the ultimate income-generator in the internet today. It has made a lot of marketers richer by just writing and submitting their articles online. If you want to be one of them, you need to make sure that your articles and your marketing techniques can create an impact online. Here's how:

1. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean making sure that all the ideas you present on your content are all related to your topic and are able to help your readers better understand your points. You can easily do this by preparing an outline before you write your content. List down all the ideas and information that you think will be useful to your readers and arrange them properly so you can present them in a logical manner. This will make your articles flow smoothly and sound highly organized.

2. Distribute your articles to submission sites. Submit your articles to leading publishing sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted, make sure that you follow all the guidelines set by publishers.

3. Proofread and solicit feedback. Check your articles for possible grammar and spelling errors. Also make sure that all the information you present on you articles are fact-based so you won't mislead your readers. It would also greatly help if you can show your articles to small group within you target market to make sure that your content is targeted to their needs.

4. Know how to create killer resource box. You main objective in writing your articles is to convert your readers to potential clients so you can augment your sales leads. That can only happen if your resource box is powerful enough to move your readers to take action. Keep it short, direct to the point, enticing, and appealing by communicating the benefits that awaits your online visitors or by offering freebies.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Amazing New Steps to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful forms of website promotion especially if you are on a tight budget. If you are decided to use this technique to make your website more popular, establish yourself as an expert on you chosen niche, increase your sales potential, pull up your search engine ranking, and augment your profits, these 4 amazing new steps can help you jumpstart your marketing efforts:

1. Avoid blatant advertisements. This is the common mistake of new marketers. They provide little information about their topics and they talk so much about the features and benefits of their products. This will not in any way help you boost your sales potentials. Why? Publishers do not want to publish articles that sound more like a sales letter because people find them annoying. Besides, your articles must be able to educate and impart knowledge to your potential clients so they will be read and republished by other online users.

2. Do not include links on your articles. If you want to increase your chances of publication, you must make sure that your articles are free from hyperlinks. Publishers will only allow you to insert URL or anchor texts on your resource box.

3. Avoid spelling and grammar errors. If you would like to create a good impression online, you must care to provide articles that are error-free. This will strengthen your credibility and your professionalism.

4. Avoid too much hype on your resource box. While you are allowed to insert URLs on this part, you must not make it sound like an advert. It should only contain your name, your expertise, and your URL. Keep it short, compelling, catchy, and intriguing so you can effectively drive readers to your website.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Remarkable Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best internet marketing techniques that is proven to augment a website's traffic. It's success largely depend on the quality and quantity of articles submitted to publishing sites. So, if you have the knack for writing and you have enough time to submit your articles, this technique is the best for you. Here are the 3 remarkable secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Use interesting, attention-grabbing titles. Your title is one of the elements in article marketing that plays a very crucial role. The quality of your titles can either make or break your marketing campaign. If your titles are lousy, there is a slim chance that your articles will be read by online users. Thus, it is very important that you know how to create titles that will pique the curiosity of your potential readers. Communicate the summary and benefits of your articles through your headline and make it brief, concise, and keyword-rich.

2. Specific vs. general topics. To make your articles more targeted, I suggest that you go with specific topics where your article can focus on one central theme. Discussing one broad topic in your article can cause confusion among your readers because of the amount of information they have to digest. Learn how to break down broad topics to more specific ones so you can get your message across easier.

3. Create your own template. If you have been using article marketing for quite sometime, you probably have an idea which of your articles that are generating interest. Make use of these articles when you draft a template. Take note of the elements that make them appealing to your potential clients and apply those on your template. This will make your writing easier and more effective.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - How To Write Conclusions And Resource Boxes That Pull In Clicks Like Crazy

Here's your chance to discover how to write hypnotizing conclusions and resource boxes for your articles that increase your clickthrough rates through the roof. In this article, we are going to look at these two important components of an Internet article and how to fully utilize them for maximum effectiveness.

Your conclusion can be comprised of one of two things: a summary of your article, or some additional insight that will end your article with a bang, so to speak. Your summary can simply be just a few sentences stating the important points of your main copy and what the reader should do next. Always provide a call-to-action at the end of your article by telling him to take action on the points you have discussed or by clicking through to your website to find out more. You should always get your reader to take action on the techniques discussed in your article. Otherwise the article is no good for anyone.

For your resource box, you want to do the same thing - get your readers to take action. Usually, this means clicking through to your website. You won't get many clickthroughs simply giving them a link to click on at the end of the article. You must get your readers to act by writing a compelling call-to-action.

For example, in the golf niche, I might write:

"Discover How A Golfing Newbie Embarrassed Experienced Pros In The Space Of A Year Using These Covert Golf Techniques!" Click Here To Receive Your Free Report In Your Email Inbox

You must write something out of the ordinary to get the interest and attention of your readers. However, don't lie about stuff. Keep it honest yet interesting and many people will click through to your link to see your offer.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Why I Use Article Marketing To Generate Avalanches Of Leads

If you are doing any kind of article marketing now, you might be doing one of the following:

- promoting affiliate products to make commissions

- promoting your own sales page to sell products

- promoting a so-called Made-For-Adsense blog

- posting articles on your own blog to generate content

And I'll probably get 'killed' for saying this, but your articles are getting wasted.

Very few, and I mean very few, use article marketing solely to build a list. And lots of money is being left on the table, I'm afraid to say.

I basically do all the steps in Bum Marketing (the term created by Travis Sago to describe article marketing) but the difference is I promote a squeeze page to collect leads. The only way anyone can get extra information from me is if they enter their name and email address. I figured, if someone is not willing to give me those details, what more actually paying me online? Let's face it: we are running a business here, not a charity.

The reason why this is effective is because someone who likes your article is 'warmed up', he will want to get more information from you, and an email newsletter is the perfect way to do that.

So go and build a list with your articles. Write and submit multiple articles daily to top directories, and you will see floods (and I mean floods) of traffic and leads. Your lead generation will practically receive an instant boost. Your business will be given a positive kick up the rear from the results you get.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

5 Killer SEO Article Tips For Home Internet Business Ideas

In this article I present 5 killer SEO article tips, which have worked effectively for my home internet business ideas.

1.Keyword Selection.

As a first SEO article action you have to select the keywords very carefully, which are related to the home internet business ideas. They are in the main role in this strategy. As you may know keywords are the words, which the searchers type into the Google search bar when they find home internet business ideas.

The best way is to use your home internet business ideas website keywords, because they are targeted and the pre-selling of your SEO article happens exactly about the right topic. I would prefer keywords with Overture demand around 1.000 per month to quarantee that your home internet business ideas SEO article will reach the first page position on the Google search results.

2.Research The Competition

You can type the main keyword of your home internet business ideas SEO article into the Google search bar and research whether there are any SEO articles on the first result page. If there is, it means in principally that also a SEO article can rank well with this keyword.. You can also analyze the keywords and their density and also the other SEO factors.

It is also important to analyze the onpage SEO factors of the first 5 sites of the results. If you will find errors in onpage SEO, the chances of your home internet business ideas SEO article will increase dramatically, when you will prepare the article along the decent SEO rules. If there are sub-pages among the top 5 sites, even better.

3.The SEO Rules

Write the selected keywords into the headline, teaser and the bio box of the SEO article plus of course into the body copy so that the keyword density will be around 6 % of all the total words of your home internet business ideas SEO article. You can also use H1 and H2 tags ( sub-headlines ) and write your most important keyword into the H1 tag and the second most important into H2 tag.

You can also write your major keyword once in bold, italic and underlined font. These are the candies for the search engines. If you use weaker keywords, cast them here and there into the body copy.

Because keywords of your home internet business ideas SEO article are normally keyphrases, one working strategy is to build a major keyphrases with 5 words of which you can build several supportive keyphrases and thus find more profitable markets, like: internet home income business opportunity, home income business opportunity, income business opportunity, business opportunity, internet home income business, etc.

Make a list of these keyphrases and use them each with the same density in your home internet business ideas SEO article. Your article has now much better chances to rank high in several search results.

4.The Same Content In The SEO Article, Blog And Webpage

A good idea is to use the same home internet business ideas content in several locations. Some article directories can however penalize you, if you do it in the wrong way. So publish your SEO article first in your blog and webpage, wait for 24 hours, then write around 30 % more and after this submit it to the directories. In this way your home internet business ideas SEO article will be in safe.

5.Use The Submission Software

The marketing of home internet business ideas is a numbers game and that is why the publishing has two targets. To bring targeted visitors and to reach a high search engine ranking. Of course you will get much more visitors, if you will use the submission software, which will publish your SEO article in hundreds or thousands of directories and websites with one click of the mouse.

Juhani Tontti,B.Sc., Over 20 Years In Marketing. Find all the tools and tips for your home internet business ideas

Effective Article Marketing - How To Create Your Online Publishing Empire That Grows Day After Day!

Every article writer has the ability to create an ebook in less than one day. Many people think they can't write a book. This is totally wrong. In fact, I am going to show you how you, too, can create your own Internet publishing empire.

In fact, with this method, you can quickly and easily create a physical book that you can sell at Amazon.com, or a simple ebook that you sell on the web.

I advise you to write both. First, start with your ebook, and then expand and publish this book to get even more leads into your marketing funnel.

How do you do it?

Whenever you write an article, put in mind that this is an article from your ebook. Once you have seven articles on a topic of your choice, you need to create a free report.

I like to create these short reports because you can use them as viral marketing tools are just send them to your subscribers as gift. This will enhance the relation with your subscribers because when you give a gift to someone, something magical happens.

As an example, I recently wrote: "7 Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes". If you are in the "speed reading" niche, you can write: "7 Deadly Speed Reading Mistakes". Nothing complicated.

Whenever I see a title like this, I am curious because I want to know if what I am doing is right. And many people will get your ebook, believe me.

So be sure to write your articles with the end in mind. Your fist article could be:

1. An introduction to speed reading.

Then the second would be:

2. The first blunder for beginners trying to speed read.

See how it's easy?

All you need to do is write those articles like you are already doing. With this simple twist, you will have be able to create several ebooks and free reports within months, plus an ebook ready to be published at Amazon.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

4 Important Article Marketing Tips

Article marketing has become one of the most important tools in today's internet home based business. Marketing with articles is very important to your success and to drive targeted traffic to your site. A good marketing strategy will be to include articles in your website, blog and submitting it to article directories. This article will bring you article marketing tips to help you drive more traffic to your website and increase your profits.

Articles are known as one of the most important and powerful tools of home based business. Article marketing will help you drive traffic to your website, rank higher with the search engines and as a result increase your profit.

Article marketing is not just about writing articles and posting them on websites and blogs. A good article is an article that has been read, an eye-catching headline, an interesting content and a regular group of loyal readers. If you write article just for the sake of writing, your readers will sense that and stop coming back to your site.

Here are some article marketing tips to help you in the process of writing your articles. I gathered 4 important tips that you must use in your articles, those tips will help you use your article for more targeted traffic and generating extra income.

Tip #1 - Use Keywords and Keyword Phrases

When writing your article, you must use targeted keywords and phrases, like targeting your website pages to the right keywords your article must be targeted to. Your readers are people who are looking for something specific, they usually type those words in the search engines and these are the words you want to target in your articles.

Keep your article and keywords related to your website. Stay on topic, if your website is about dogs and dogs training write about dogs, pets and training methods and don't write about your home business and vice versa.

Before writing your article, do a little research for the best keywords and use the right tools to help you find the keywords that suits your article and website the best.

Tip #2 - Check your Keywords Density

Keyword density is very important for the search engines to notice your article. After finding your keywords and phrases use them in your article, a good keyword density is about 10-15 %, if your word count is 700 words, then your keywords should appear 7 or 8 times.

Using your keywords too much in your article will look like spamming and your article content would not make any sense to your readers, using little keywords will end up unnoticed by the search engine, and this is not the result you are looking for.

Tip #3 - Writing Good Article Content

As I wrote in the last paragraph, content is very important, too many keywords will make no sense to your readers and you will lose their trust, write article with good content and make your articles interesting, doing that and your reader will come back for more.

Let your reader what they want, they came to your website because they were looking for information, writing an informative article will keep your readers on the page, gain their trust and increase your traffic and eventually your sales and profit.

Tip #4 - Use Your Article to Get More Links

My last article marketing tip is very important. Remember, you are using articles to market your business, always remember to include a link back to your website at the end of your article, if you are submitting your article to article directories a link back is the most important thing. Use a resource box to describe your website and add a link back to your website, if your article was written correctly and informative, most likely your readers will click on the link and end up in your website.

Marketing with articles can be a very powerful tool to help you drive traffic to your website and increase your sales and profits, follow those article marketing tips and you will see how your website traffic will increase.

Learn how to generate extra income online with 6 different online home businesses. Tanny Lahav is the owner of http://www.Learn2Earn2.com find your home business and start generating extra income.

Article Marketing The Slightly Harder (But Effective) Way

One of the most powerful ways to drive traffic to your site is by submitting articles to publishers. Most internet marketers fail to show great results when article marketing because they fail to follow a few simple rules to make their articles stand out from the clutter.

The first step is creating a powerful headline. You should spend a good portion of your time on the headline itself. Make it something compelling and interesting. It should make the user want to know more about what you are writing about. If you can't get people to stop and take a look at your article, who cares what's written in your article? Nobody. Again, spend some time on the headline, it's worth it.

Next, your article needs to informative and well written. The user should want to read the entire article. Put a unique slant on your topic. Throw a bit of your personality into your article. You aren't writing for a computer, you want humans to actually read it and finish it! Then check it for spelling and grammar errors. If it seems it's written by a 2nd grader, nobody is going to trust what you say! Now, you'll need to send out unique copies of the article to each publisher. The duplicate content penalty is real. The true name should be the omitted results penalty, but under any name it damages your chances of building links and generating traffic. Create at least 3 versions of your article and get a software tool to merge them into a unique readable whole to be sent out.

Finally send out your articles to as many publishers as possible. There are dozens of software packages and services available to submit your article, though only a handful while send out unique content automatically. You can find some though, including free ones. Once you have the software, spend at least a hour a week building up your list of websites, newsletters and other publishers. Don't stop until you have at least a list of 5,000.

Once you do these things you will find the search engines love you more, traffic will flow to you and you'll have more back links. All it takes is a little extra time, which most people aren't willing to put in. Hardly a cost at all. Stand out from the clutter by taking action today.

Steven Lohrenz has been marketing online for several years now. His most powerful traffic generator is article marketing. He offers a free tool to do unique article marketing. You can get it here: Unique Article Submission Software

Incredible Article Marketing Case Study - Brain Picking Secrets That I Have Learned

Article marketing is one of my favourite methods of traffic generation. The reason for this is that it generates the highest quality lead possible.

I have just noticed that I have written over 580 articles. These have created 58,000 page views, 4510 url clicks to my squeeze page and been published 2,500 times. These are really amazing statistics and I have just gotten going with my article marketing efforts.

In this article I would like to go through the lessons that I have learned from this. When I first started out I was not so sure what to expect from article marketing.

The one most valuable lesson that I have learned from all of this is that it takes time to develop skill. I remember when I started out I really was terrible at writing. As I continually did this I gradually improved. Over time you get better and better. However, when you first start out it will seem like a very big hurdle that you need to climb.

The biggest disappoint about this method of promoting your website is that after 100 articles you may not see that fantastic results yet. However, keep on going the results will be worth it over time. As you continue your results will get better and better. This is a long term strategy and if you are looking for quick results I do not suggest that you attempt this at all because you will totally get frustrated.

Now the most important part of marketing this way is that your leads are a lot more responsive and more likely to buy from you. One of the biggest problems with building a list is actually getting people to buy from you. It is not as easy as what people say. People only buy from other people that they like, know and trust.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.