Sunday, May 25, 2008

Article Marketing - Search For Material for Writing Better Articles

It is important that you do a good amount of searching on the topic you would write. An article written after researching is a always a better article.

You must have come across half baked articles which seem as if author is not fully able to express himself. Such articles occupy unnecessary digital space and do not serve any purpose.

How to make sure your is not such an article?

The only answer is to gain a complete knowledge about the topic you write beforehand. If you do not know it from previous learning or experience, then you must search for the material you need to before you write.

There is ample material that you can use to enhance your subject knowledge. Not a long time back it was just books, newspapers, folklore, teachers, radio and TV.

Then came Internet.

Information arena was never same again.

At this time every information is available on internet. Apart from above listed resources you would also use this on a regular basis.

A novice might be daunted by the task that research on internet might appear. Because web is so large and interconnected, it is easy to loose the track and get astray.

Therefore it is prudent to know how and where to search for the relevant material.

Search engine would be the place where you would rush every time you need some information. They are free and they are good. Google, Yahoo and MSN are popular search engines that most of people use.

But it may be difficult to locate information sometime. Also, search engine would display only the pages it has indexed. Therefore you should also have list of other online resources. is an online encyclopedia where you would find information on almost anything. It is community driven non profit organization. You would find in depth information on this website.

Article directories are themselves good source of information.,,, are one of the good article directories where you may find the required info.

You can choose to subscribe to a newsletter on the topic you would like to learn. That way you can get the material in your inbox. But in this case you need to plan in advance.

Forums are great places to learn, find ideas and brainstorm. You would get forums in your niche by searching in a search engine. A beautiful thing about forums is that you can ask question and someone would definitely answer you within few minutes. It is kind if instant information.

Ebooks are source of learning and information. Both paid and free ebooks are available. If you do not want to search you can join our website where you would get plethora of ebooks.

It is a good habit to make record of the resource you visited and found useful. By and by you would create your own resource directory which would come handy when you need to search.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.

Almost Criminal Technique To Build Your List Using Free Advertising

For most people that are starting an internet business they are very limited with their advertising budget. There are free advertising sources that you can use.

I have tested these free advertising sources with varying results of success. The first one and probably the easiest is forum marketing. Based on my own personal testing I found that about fifty percent of people would remove themselves from my newsletter. The second was web 2 advertising like articles on Digg. However, I found it extremely difficult to get this traffic to actually convert. The only method that I found to convert leads into customers consistently was article marketing.

I promote my internet business using the following method of article marketing.

Choose a niche market to focus the articles that you are writing for. Create an attention grabbing headline first. Write the introduction and conclusion next. Brain storm ideas for the body encapsulating each idea in a bullet point. It is very important that you share a slice of your expertise. Make sure that you help your reader. If you do this correctly then they will want to subscribe to your newsletter and learn more.

In the resource box you can offer a free report for download from your squeeze page. When your reader actually clicks on the resource box they will go to your squeeze page. You need to ensure that the squeeze page submits the name and email details to your autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional service like Getresponse.

Finally, you will have a series of opt in emails that will follow up with your prospects, build a relationship and sell them products.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing and Traffic Building - 4 Practical Pointers on Increasing Your Customer Base

One way in which article marketing can serve your overall business interests on the Internet and World Wide Web is assisting you in traffic building your website. Towards this important goal, there are four practical pointers that you should bear in mind when it comes to increasing your traffic and customer base through article marketing.

First, with your well written, timely and topical articles you can include links back to your website. Provided you do prepare and create interesting and informative articles, you will find that an ever growing number of people will click over to your website after reading your articles.

Second, you can place your articles at article marketing websites or on ezines that bear some sort of more natural connection to your website and your business. This will be another technique through which you can increase traffic to your Internet website.

Third, you can utilize article marketing as a means to connect directly with potential customers. In this regard, you can send informative and useful articles to individuals that are on your opt-in email list. Time and time again this technique has proved effective at drawing people to your site with increasing regularity.

Fourth, article marketing can be used as a means of more generally promoting your business, website, products or services to a broad audience. This can be accomplished by making certain that you widely distribute a significant number of your articles on a regular basis.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Article Marketing May Significantly Increase Revenue

A new trend in the world of advertising is article marketing. Marketing of this kind uses published articles to help website owners generate new traffic. This additionally increases their search engine rating. These articles function as the primary source of marketing, seeking to bring in new customers. New customers are the sole source of profits.

Although you may indeed be capable of composing all the copy for your article marketing by yourself, you could also take advantage of the many firms that can do that job for you. Lots of authors are busy composing fresh copy for marketing services throughout the world. They have assorted perspectives and backgrounds and therefore can pen a wide variety of interesting articles.

As unique content is very important in article marketing, it is essential for you to have the ability of writing plenty of articles having the same topic in different ways. Mostly, you will not be able to get new ideas on a single topic after writing some articles only. This is a difficult job. So, the article services are very useful and valuable for your business.

Typically, article marketing services can give you an endless stream of articles on virtually any topic of your choice, no matter what field you may be in. Marketing through such a service can assist in bringing in web traffic, as well as in search engine optimization. The more articles you employ, the more keywords are added to your site, and the more likely it is that a new customer will be able to find your company's website online.

Having various contents on your site will not only gain the customers' attention, but it will convey to the customer that you are intelligent and know what you are talking about. Because these services can provide you with unique articles, you will have a plethora of information on your site that can engage a customer for a while and make them more likely to purchase your goods and services.

Services like these can make your job much easier. While you focus on other more important issues your customer base will grow and with it so will your revenues and profits. Article marketing is here to stay and these services really work. They can make a huge impact on your business.

Article marketing is a new and revolutionary type of business. It is simple and easy to do, this is right for anyone! When doing this type of business it is crucial to have unique articles. The article must hook the reader and keep them interested. You must have unique content to make sure that the reader is entertained through out reading the article. By making sure that the article has not been publish before or the topic of the article has not yet been discussed you will ensure a good business.

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible

Would you like to get your information in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible? Then article marketing is for you.

You need to think of how your article can be repurposed into a variety of consumable forms.

Your article as text

Write your article and then submit it to the article directories. First go deep on EzineArticles. Second go wide by submitting your articles to other popular article directories. Third submit your article to niche article directories. And finally submit your articles to your own article directories.

Your article as audio

Then you can repurpose your article content into audio. One way is to simply read and talk about your article, record it and create CDs. My favorite way though to repurpose my article content into audio content is with teleseminars. Conduct a teleseminar and record it and then you can turn that recording into audio CDs, podcasts, mp3, etc.

Then building out the other side you can have that recording transcribed and then repurpose the transcription into more text articles. In this way, as my colleague and friend Alex Mandossian says, you can "write with your mouth and not with your hands."

Your article as video

When you take your article content and repurpose it into video and then put that video on You Tube, you now have links coming back to your web site from the second highest ranked web site in the world. All you have to do is video yourself taking about your article, make and explain a few points, and there is your video.

And this is just a slice of how you can get your articles in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Amplify Your Article Marketing Efforts By Helping The Reader

Article marketing is a really great way to build an online business. If you have tried other methods like ppc or ezine advertising and still have not experienced any success I seriously suggest that you consider article marketing.

Let us first take a look at why this is such a great method of advertising your business. I think that the primary reason is that today with the increase in spam and advertising messages people are not as receptive to blatant advertising as before. Many years ago to be a top marketer all you needed to do was advertise your website using ppc. Today the ppc search engines are so competitive and it really is a lot more difficult to make a profit.

As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people buy from people that they like, know and trust. With article marketing people are most likely to have read several of your articles before they click through to your website. This means that by the time that they click through to your site they already like, know and trust you. Consequently they are ready to buy from you. With other forms of marketing you need to do the hard work first.

Now the best way to maximize these results is to write articles where you help the reader. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away. The more useful information that you give your reader the more likely that they will subscribe to your newsletter and become a paid customer. I find that 250 to 350 word articles work the best. This is so that they are short enough and do not get lost before they have an opportunity to click on my resource box.

Finally, make sure that you have your unique selling proposition in your resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch that will make the reader want to click through to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.