Thursday, June 5, 2008

Promote Your Own Products To Succeed In Internet Marketing

Have you ever in the past been searching the web and entered a site only to realize that you have in actual fact seen the information or products somewhere else? The likelihood of this great, as there are so many entrepreneurs believing that by them selling other people's items, will achieve success. However, in order to have true success with internet marketing, then it is time to start promoting your own information, services or products.

A prime example of websites copying each other is introduction products. Several information products exist that one person has created. That person then proceeds to make money by having hundreds of other individuals promoting their product. But how is promoting someone else's product beneficial to you?

Taking another persons work, that you had absolutely no say in, is a difficult task. The idea was not created by you. You are simply promoting something that someone else has taken the time of develop. While creating your own information product is not a simple thing to do, you will discover that it is in fact much more difficult to promote someone else's product.

The sales of e-books and articles are exactly the same. If success by selling these is what you are looking for, then it is advised to take your time and create your own. Internet marketing has become extremely competitive with literally hundreds of websites and entrepreneurs emerging on a daily basis. In simple terms, you are lowering yourself to the same level as thousands of your competitors by promoting someone else's e-book.

If creating an e-book is something that you can do yourself, then you will have had an idea that no one else has on the internet. The promotion of your personal ideas and tips to receiving success with the internet or whatever niche you choose, can be done proudly. You can completely separate yourself from competition by promoting something that you have created. Despite the obvious reasons for promoting your own products, it remains confusing as to why so few people do it.

All of the top internet marketers have the same thing in common, and that is that each and every one of them has created their own website, along with their own product, e-book, or whatever else they could think of in order to separate themselves from the competition.

There is no secret behind the fact that internet marketing will only make you successful because of you and what you put into it. While ideas can be received from others, or you can research the internet to see what the best did in order to achieve success with their products, it all returns back to what you can personally create. If fresh and enticing ideas can be created by yourself and you can promote them through information products or e-books, then you will certainly achieve success with internet marketing.

Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

Authors and Authorities - How Can the Reader Know?

In the online article authoring world there are many different types of folks who write articles and although most of them write in order to use informational marketing to attract customers on the Internet to partake in their goods or services, the total number of reasons that people write articles is truly astounding.

Indeed, I think that anyone who makes this connection is correct in considering that authors write on different subjects for different reason and their points about the author being an expert in one or more fields but not in others also makes sense. For instance for me, I have expertise in Franchising, Small Business, Marketing, Branding, Car Washing, Trucking, Aviation, Technology, Sports Competition, Winning, Philosophy, Humanities, Politics, Economics, Innovation and various related fields. But I write about all sorts of stuff and I would say that those areas I am not so good at, it is a challenge to write a strong article, I am happy with and thus I would not obviously be any kind of expert in those areas.

Many authors believe and I concur that an author can be an expert in some domains, but not all. But how would the reader know this? Should a panel be set up at the top online article submission sites to grade author status as experts? Well, if that is feasible considering the resources involved to look over the articles and considering the "primate politics of panels" then this would solve a problem.

On one of the top online article submission sites, I noticed that there are only 3 pages of authors who have over 100 articles, then starting with only those authors of over 100 articles, it could be done fairly easy. A panel could look at those authors to find out if they were truly experts in various subjects and when they submitted articles to those categories they might be accompanied by a star?

There is a company called "Topix" which has local panels rating news, all volunteers even, and it works fine. If there were only 300 authors to rate, this is easily feasible and eventually maybe it could be taken down to 75 or 50 articles and thus someone to get to the rating system level would have to pony up and write some articles, thus also stretching them to prove they could perform and "SHOW ME" type proof of expert status.

Also remember that the author could submit which categories they feel most qualified in and the group could choose these categories based on their accomplishments in the real world and then "+" their articles? I am a firm believer in real world experience and doing over merely someone who is a "great writer" and can spin a phrase.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Critical Steps To Online Success-Do You Need Help Building Your List?

Have you been trying to build your list, but it's just not happening?

Have you tried article writing but that didn't work either?

Are your articles getting opened, but you're not getting click thrus to your squeeze page?

There could be a number of reasons for this.

If your articles are getting opened then your title must be OK.

The next critical step is to have 2 or 3 short strong opening sentences or paragraphsI've covered how to do this in an earlier articleyou can probably find it if you search my name in the index.

If you've done both those things and you're still not getting many click thrus then you are losing them in the bodythe "information segment" of your article.

After the promise of the title and the opening paragraph you must continue to hold your readers' attention. You must now fulfill their expectations. Your information must be concise, informative and to the point. Give your reader information that will be useful to them; information that can be immediately put into action. Your purpose is wherever possible to provide information that will make a positive change in your reader's life.

But, whatever you writemake it count!

This is a performance you are stagingyour reader is your audience!

Have you ever been to a comedy show where the comic started to lose the audience? Often good manners will keep them in their seats for awhile but eventually if it gets bad enough they will leave.

You don't have the saving grace of good manners to keep your audience reading your article. If you're not delivering the goods in an interesting, informative and professional manner they will click away and look elsewhere.

If you think this might be an issue for you then perhaps you need to take some writing lessons?

Meantime, here are a few ideas that might help:

Create a plan for your article: opening, body, closing. A length of 300 to 500 words is a good size article.

Then set out 3 or 4 main points that you wish to cover in the body of your article, organize them into an order that lets the ideas flow, and devote a segment or paragraph to each.

Use numbered points if appropriate.

Break up your paragraphs-keep them short.

People don't like reading text in big blocks; it's hard to keep your place. So make sure there's lots of white space. I like to use semi-colons, dashes and 3 dots to allow me to make a series of short strong statements rather than a long run-on sentence.

Vary your sentence lengthsshort, medium and long.

Make statements and let them stand out as a single line.

Don't repeat words in close proximity to each other. And finally: "write in haste and correct at leisure". If the ideas are flowing just get them down fast. You can easily come back and clean it up later.

Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?

I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business".

You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"

You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

Computer Internet Marketing For Beginners

In order to make money on the internet you really need to have some sort of a personal web presence.

This does not necessarily mean that you need your own website. Depending upon which route you choose, many opportunities include a ready made website or page of your own.

Failing this, we can recommend Squidoo. Squidoo will create a website for you for free within 30 minutes and host it for free !!! The catch ? Well, they include Google Ads etc with your published site. However, they split the commission from any clickthroughs 50/50 with you, so there's no catch really.

You can use your Squidoo site as a "landing" page to re-direct traffic through to any affiliate programs you wish to be involved in.

Much information is available on the internet about affiliate marketing (in essence, selling other people's products).

For more details of affiliate marketing click on my link below.

Do not try and dive straight into pay-per-click etc. Like any other business, it's imperative that you learn as much as possible about it before risking your hard earned cash.

That said, there is so much information available that you can literally be guided every step of the way from resources found on the internet.

Don't forget...get rich quick (to all intents and purposes) does not exist.

Get rich slowly certainly does, and is without doubt the way to go. Take your time to learn all you can on the way and you will be increasingly likely to succeed.

Good luck



Ray Kent. I was born in 1956. Educated in London. Was responsible for ISO 9002 implementation for various Blue Chip UK Companies. Now a bum. Still own 100% of my fitness, sense of humour and mobility, 90% of my brain, 80% of my teeth, 70% of my hair and only 10% of my good looks....which is sad really because I started off ugly.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Outstanding Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered the ultimate marketing tool as it is proven effective in augmenting traffic, pulling up search engine ranking, improving sales potentials and profits, and positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche. What makes it even more popular is that it is easy to do and anyone can do it for free.

Here are the 4 outstanding secrets to impact your article marketing:

1. Potential readers. You need to keep your target market in mind every time you write your articles. You have to make sure that the information you present, your writing style, and your choice of words are all targeted to their needs, wants, and preferences. This is an effective way to please your readers as they are the ones who can ultimately make your marketing strategy a success.

2. Search engines. If you want to drive quality traffic to your website, you need to know how to please the search engines so they will connect you to your potential readers by showing your articles on relevant searches. Make it a habit to use targeted keywords on your content and follow the recommended keyword density to make your articles search engine-friendly.

3. Article submission sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted by popular publishing sites, you need to learn and follow their rules by heart. Keep your articles content-rich, informative, keyword-rich, timely, and accurate. Also, eliminate sales pitches or blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, and hyperlinks on your articles. These are the common reasons why articles are rejected online.

4. Your business. Remember, you are writing your articles to promote your business and your products to ultimately augment your sales potential. As such, you need to be careful in choosing your topics and you must stick with those that are relevant to your target niche and potential clients so you can drive targeted traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How Key Words Can Help You Make Money Advertising On The Internet

In order to make money advertising on the internet, you must learn how to use keywords in your ads. You want your keywords to directly relate to the product you are selling. Keywords Help to direct paying customers to your ads. For example: You don't want your ad for a weight loss supplement to show up when someone is looking for Heart worm medication for their dog.

What is a key word? A key word basically is a word a customer will type into a search engine in order to find a product, or information that they are looking for.

How do I use a keyword in my add? You want to put the key words that you have chosen in the title of your ad, and sprinkle them throughout the text of your ad. This way, your ad will show up in the search engines when your customers do their product search.

How do I find key words to put in my ad? The answer is Research Research Research. If you don't have hours to research keywords to put in your ads, there is a much easier and time effective way. There is some keyword research tools out there that will do the research for you. It basically cuts down the time it takes you to research the keywords that you will use in your ads, and gives you the most successful keywords to use, which gives you time to write more ads, sell more products, and more importantly to make more money.

Can I use keywords without using a keyword research tool? Yes you can use key words without a key word research tool, although the process is much more time consuming, and the results are sometimes hit or miss. The keyword research tool will give you alternate keywords that you can put into the text and title of your ad. This will help you to get your ad in a spot with less competition, which makes it easier to move your ad to the top of the list in the search engine, where your ad will be seen. The fact is, that if nobody sees your ad then nobody is going to buy your product. You must master the technique of using key words in your ads in order to make your internet business succeed.

SEO copywriting - Single Keyword Versus Keyword Phrase

As a rule of thumb, it's easier and more effective to target keyword phrases than single keywords in your SEO web copy. Why? Because:

  1. The more specific the keyword, the fewer websites there will be targeting it. This means you'll move up the rankings faster, and you'll find it easier to achieve a high ranking.
  2. The search results for the more generic keywords tend to be dominated by the big multinationals. E.g. Search for computers and youll see there are nearly 200 million results and the top rankings are dominated by the Apples and Dells.
  3. Internet users are learning that by searching for more specific strings, they find the information they want quicker (I read a report on this recently, with real statistics and everything! Can't seem to find it right now. If anyone can cite something useful in this regard, it'd be much appreciated).
  4. Customers tend to use generic keywords in early searches (e.g. during their initial research) and more specific keywords in later searches (e.g. when they know what they want to buy and they're looking for someone to buy it from). So by targeting a more specific keyword, you'll attract more qualified traffic.

Unless you dominate your domain and you have a global presence, you're better of going with a specific keyword phrase. For example, when it comes time to write your SEO web copy and meta tags:

  • target "cheap second hand computers" instead of "computers"
  • target "tax accountant Sydney" instead of "accountant"
  • target "thai restaurant delivery" instead of "restaurant"
  • target "small blue widgets" instead of "widgets"
  • target "direct response copywriter sydney" instead of "copywriter"

TIP: If you really want or need to target a generic keyword, start out targeting a very specific keyword phrase that includes the more generic hotly contested single keyword. For example, youll notice that the keyword phrase above, cheap second hand computers includes the single keyword computers. This way, youre really targeting both at once. As your sites importance (or PageRank) and search engine presence increases, youll start to rank for the single word as well. In time, youll start ranking well for computers even though youre only actively targeting cheap second hand computers.

* Glenn Murray is an SEO copywriter and article submission and article PR specialist. He is a director of article PR company, Article PR, and also of copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at Visit or for further details, more FREE articles, or to download his FREE SEO e-book.